18#include <RtypesCore.h>
21#include <TGComboBox.h>
22#include <TGDoubleSlider.h>
25#include <TGNumberEntry.h>
129 TGCompositeFrame*
fTab =
GUI elements to add animation and screenshot controls to CbmTimesliceManagerEditor....
TGTextButton * fStartButton
virtual ~CbmTsEveAnimationControl()
Double_t GetAnimFrameSec()
Bool_t GetScreenshotEna()
Bool_t GetRunContinuous()
void SetDisplayMcbm(bool bEna)
Tune list of allowed screenshot types depending on available CBM/mCBM views.
eScreenshotType GetScreenshotType() const
CbmTsEveAnimationControl(TGedFrame *frame, TGCompositeFrame *tab, TString functionName, TString name="", Int_t width=170)
PAL 01/06/2023: heavily based on FairEveAnimationControl from FairRoot v18.6.7, for usage with CbmTim...
void UpdateEnaDisButtons()
Update GUI elements to enforce options/limits. RESERVED FOR GUI CALLS!
TGCheckButton * fBtnClearBuffer
TGNumberEntry * fAnimFrameSec
eAnimationType GetAnimationType() const
void SetTsNb(uint32_t uTsNb)
void UpdateEventLimits()
Update GUI elements to enforce options/limits. RESERVED FOR GUI CALLS!
void UpdateEnaScreenshots()
Update GUI elements to enforce options/limits. RESERVED FOR GUI CALLS!
void SetFunctionName(TString name)
TGCheckButton * fBtnScreenshotEna
TGCheckButton * fBtnRunContinuous
void UpdateTsLimits()
Update GUI elements to enforce options/limits. RESERVED FOR GUI CALLS!
void SetEvtNb(uint32_t uNbEvt)