48 std::string_view name =
92 Output_t
Run(Input_t recoResults);
112 template<ca::EDetectorID DetID>
124 std::shared_ptr<TrackingSetup>
fpSetup =
Input-output data manager for L1 tracking algorithm.
A QA module for CA tracking (header)
source file for the ca::Track class
Monitor specialization for the tracking algorithm.
Reconstruct the full time slice or event-by-event.
static vector< vector< QAHit > > hits
A structure for reconstructed results: digi-events, hits and tracks.
A configuration reader for the TrackingChain class.
Definitions for tracking in the online reconstruction.
A detector setup interface used for tracking input data initialization (source)
Output_t Run(Input_t recoResults)
Provides action for a given time-slice.
std::shared_ptr< TrackingSetup > fpSetup
setup interface
ca::Framework fCaFramework
CA framework instance.
void RegisterSetup(std::shared_ptr< TrackingSetup > pSetup)
Registers tracking setup.
void ReadHits(PartitionedSpan< const ca::HitTypes_t::at< DetID > > hits)
Reads from different detector subsystems.
TrackingChain(ECbmRecoMode recoMode, const std::unique_ptr< cbm::algo::qa::Manager > &qaManager=nullptr, std::string_view name="")
Constructor from parameters.
Output_t PrepareOutput()
Prepares output data.
ca::TrackingMonitorData fCaMonitorData
CA monitor data object.
void PrepareInput(Input_t recoResults)
Prepares input data.
void Init()
Provides action in the initialization of the run.
ca::DataManager fCaDataManager
CA data manager.
const ca::TrackingMonitor & GetCaMonitor() const
Gets internal monitor.
ca::Vector< std::tuple< ca::EDetectorID, uint32_t, uint32_t > > faHitExternalIndices
External indices of used hits.
TrackingChainConfig fConfig
Tracking config.
ECbmRecoMode fRecoMode
Reconstruction mode.
static constexpr bool kDEBUG
Debug mode.
ca::HitKeyIndex_t fNofHitKeys
Current number of hit keys (aux)
ca::TrackingMonitor fCaMonitor
CA internal monitor (debug purposes)
void Finalize()
Provides action in the end of the run.
ca::DetIdArray_t< bool > fbDetUsed
Flags of detector subsystems used in tracking.
A manager for the input-output data of the CA tracking algorithm.
Class of arrays, which can be accessed by an enum class entry as an index.
A monitor specialization for cbm::algo::ca::Framework class.
unsigned int HitKeyIndex_t
Index of the hit key (e.g. front / back cluster id for STS)
Configuration reader for the TrackingChain class.
Output from the TrackingChain.
ca::Vector< ca::Track > tracks
Reconstructed tracks.
ca::TrackingMonitorData monitorData
Monitor data.
ca::Vector< std::vector< std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > > > trdHitIndices
TRD hit indices.
ca::Vector< std::vector< std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > > > tofHitIndices
TOF hit indices.
ca::Vector< std::vector< std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > > > stsHitIndices
STS hit indices.
std::tuple_element_t< static_cast< std::size_t >(DetID), std::tuple< Types... > > at