34 void Init(TVirtualMC*);
void CheckValueInRange(const T &value, const T &low, const T &high, std::string functionName)
User interface class to define the Geant3 simulation settings.
Int_t fProcessRayleighScattering
void SetProcessCherenkovProduction(Int_t val)
Control the process of cherenkov production.
void SetCrossSectionTableLimits(Double_t minekin, Double_t maxekin, Int_t bins)
Control the calculation of the cross section tables.
CbmGeant3Settings & operator=(const CbmGeant3Settings &)=delete
void SetParticleStoppingMethod(Int_t val)
Control if particles should be stopped.
Double_t fCrossSectionMaxEnergy
ClassDef(CbmGeant3Settings, 1)
void SetProcessEneryLossStraggling(Int_t val)
Control the process of energy loss in thin materials.
CbmGeant3Settings(const CbmGeant3Settings &)=delete
void SetProcessRayleighScattering(Int_t val)
Control the rayleigh scattering process.
Double_t fCrossSectionBins
void SetAutomaticTrackingMediumParameters(Int_t val)
Control the automatic calculation of tracking medium parameters.
void SetDebugOutput(Bool_t val=kTRUE, Int_t minevent=0, Int_t maxevent=100)
Control the debug output.
void Init(TVirtualMC *)
Set all parameters defined in this class.
Double_t fCrossSectionMinEnergy
Int_t fTrackingOptimizationMethod
Int_t fProcessEnergyLossStraggling
Int_t fAutomaticTrackingMediumParameters
void SetTrackingOptimizationMethod(Int_t val)
Control the tracking optimization performed via the GSORD routine.
User interface class to define the transport simulation settings which are common for both used trans...