12#ifndef CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch_H
13#define CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch_H
58 Bool_t ProcessMs(
const fles::Timeslice& ts,
size_t uMsCompIdx,
size_t uMsIdx);
98 std::vector<std::vector<Bool_t>>
109 std::vector<std::vector<bool>>
136 std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point
140 std::vector<stsxyter::FinalHit>
147 std::vector<std::vector<UShort_t>>
149 std::vector<std::vector<UShort_t>>
151 std::vector<std::vector<UShort_t>>
168 const UInt_t& uMsIdx);
std::map< UInt_t, UInt_t > fDpbIdIndexMap
Total number of STS DPBs in system.
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch operator=(const CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch &)
ULong64_t fulCurrentTsIdx
std::vector< std::vector< UShort_t > > fvvusLastTsChan
Limit how many different TS_MSB are checked for same duplicate hit => set to 1 uS.
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point ftStartTimeUnix
CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi * CreateMuchDigi(stsxyter::FinalHit *)
void ProcessTsMsbInfo(const stsxyter::Message &mess, UInt_t uMessIdx=0, UInt_t uMsIdx=0)
CbmMcbm2018MuchPar * fUnpackPar
Switch to smx2.0/smx2.1 data-> fiFlag = 0 for 2.0 and fiFlag = 1 for 2.1.
Int_t fiBinSizeDatePlots
Start of run time since "epoch" in s, for the plots with date as X axis.
Bool_t fbBinningFw
=> Quick and dirty hack for binning FW!!!
void SetBinningFwFlag(Bool_t bEnable=kTRUE)
=> Quick and dirty hack for binning FW!!!
Bool_t fbMonitorMode
Control flags.
void MaskNoisyChannel(UInt_t uFeb, UInt_t uChan, Bool_t bMasked=kTRUE)
Bool_t ProcessMs(const fles::Timeslice &ts, size_t uMsCompIdx, size_t uMsIdx)
std::vector< Bool_t > fvbMaskedComponents
Switch ON the filling of a additional set of histograms.
UInt_t fuNbFebs
Array to hold the active flag for all CROBs, [ NbDpb ][ NbCrobPerDpb ].
Bool_t ReInitContainers()
std::vector< std::vector< UShort_t > > fvvusLastTsMsbChan
ADC of last hit message for each channel, [ AsicIdx ][ Chan ].
Double_t fdTimeOffsetNs
Number of StsXyter ASICs.
std::vector< std::vector< UShort_t > > fvvusLastTsMsbCycleChan
TS MSB of last hit message for each channel, [ AsicIdx ][ Chan ].
Bool_t CreateHistograms()
UInt_t fuCurrDpbId
Current equipment ID, tells from which DPB the current MS is originating.
UInt_t fuCurrentEquipmentId
Double_t fdCapacityIncFactor
static const Int_t kiMaxNbFlibLinks
void SetTimeOffsetNs(Double_t dOffsetIn=0.0)
void SetTimeOffsetNsAsic(UInt_t uAsicIdx, Double_t dOffsetIn=0.0)
std::vector< UInt_t > fvuCurrentTsMsbCycle
Current TS MSB for each DPB.
UInt_t fuNbStsXyters
Number of FEBs with StsXyter ASICs.
std::vector< std::vector< Bool_t > > fvbCrobActiveFlag
Map of DPB Identifier to DPB index.
void EnableAsicType(Int_t flag=0)
std::vector< std::vector< bool > > fvvbMaskedChannels
Bool_t fbDebugMonitorMode
Switch ON the filling of a minimal set of histograms.
Bool_t ProcessTs(const fles::Timeslice &ts)
std::vector< Double_t > fvdTimeOffsetNsAsics
void SetVectCapInc(Double_t dIncFact)
std::vector< stsxyter::FinalHit > fvmHitsInMs
Hits time-sorting.
std::map< stsxyter::MessType, UInt_t > fmMsgCounter
Int_t fiRunStartDateTimeSec
Index of the DPB from which the MS currently unpacked is coming.
void AddMsComponentToList(size_t component, UShort_t usDetectorId)
void SetAdcCut(UInt_t uAdc)
void ProcessStatusInfo(const stsxyter::Message &mess, const UInt_t &uAsicIdx)
UInt_t fdAdcCut
Vector of channel masks, [ NbFeb ][ NbCHanInFeb ], used only if fbUseChannelMask is true.
Bool_t ProcessTs(const fles::Timeslice &ts, size_t)
TH1 * fhDigisTimeInRun
TS MSB cycle of last hit message for each channel, [ AsicIdx ][ Chan ].
std::vector< std::vector< UShort_t > > fvvusLastAdcChan
TS of last hit message for each channel, [ AsicIdx ][ Chan ].
CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch(const CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch &)
void ProcessHitInfo(const stsxyter::Message &mess, const UShort_t &usElinkIdx, const UInt_t &uAsicIdx, const UInt_t &uMsIdx)
void ProcessEpochInfo(const stsxyter::Message &mess)
static const UInt_t kuMaxTsMsbDiffDuplicates
All hits (time in bins, ADC in bins, asic, channel) in last MS, sorted with "<" operator.
UInt_t fuMsIndex
Start Time in ns of current MS from its index field in header.
UInt_t fuCurrDpbIdx
Temp holder until Current equipment ID is properly filled in MS.
Double_t fdMsTime
End Time in ns of current TS Core from the index of the first MS first component.
void SetMonitorMode(Bool_t bFlagIn=kTRUE)
Double_t fdTsStopTimeCore
Time in ns of current TS from the index of the first MS first component.
std::vector< ULong64_t > fvulCurrentTsMsb
ULong64_t fulCurrentMsIdx