Directories | |
electron | |
muon | |
Files | |
LitAddMaterial.h | |
Functions for calculation of the material effects. | |
LitDetectorLayout.h | |
Detector layout class. | |
LitEnums.h | |
Enumerations used in the parallel track reconstruction. | |
LitExtrapolation.h | |
Functions for track parameters extrapolation. | |
LitFieldGrid.h | |
Class stores a grid of magnetic field values in XY slice at Z position. | |
LitFieldRegion.h | |
LitFieldSlice.h | |
Approximated magnetic field slice in XY plane perpendicular to Z. | |
LitFieldValue.h | |
Magnetic field value at a certain point in the space. | |
LitFiltration.h | |
LitHitData.h | |
Class for accessing hits in track reconstruction. | |
LitMaterialGrid.h | |
Class stores a grid of material thickness in silicon equivalent. | |
LitMath.h | |
Useful math functions. | |
LitPixelHit.h | |
Base class for pixel hits. | |
LitScalPixelHit.h | |
Base class for scalar pixel hits. | |
LitScalStripHit.h | |
Base class for scalar strip hits. | |
LitScalTrack.h | |
Scalar track data class. | |
LitStation.h | |
LitStripHit.h | |
Base class for strip hits. | |
LitTrack.h | |
Track data class. | |
LitTrackFinderNN.cxx | |
LitTrackFinderNN.h | |
Parallel implementation of the nearest neighbor tracking algorithm. | |
LitTrackFitter.h | |
Kalman filter based track fit. | |
LitTrackParam.h | |
Track parameters data class. | |
LitTrackSelection.h | |
Implementation of the track selection algorithms. | |
LitTypes.h | |
Header files for SSE operations. | |
LitUtils.h | |
Useful classes and functions. | |
LitVecPack.h | |
Functions to pack and unpack vector data classes. | |
LitVirtualStation.h | |