21#ifndef CbmTrdRawToDigiLookUpCorrR_H
22#define CbmTrdRawToDigiLookUpCorrR_H
27#include <RtypesCore.h>
91 bool Init(std::string infile =
Base class for extracting of information from raw signals to digi level.
UInt_t fNrOfPresamples
Number of presamples before the signal starts (SPADIC default 2)
CbmTrdRawToDigiLookUpCorrR(std::string infile="", eLookUpModes mode=eLookUpModes::kTwoSamplesFileInput)
Construct a new CbmTrdRawToDigiLookUpCorrR.
UInt_t GetSecondSamplePos()
Get the Second Sample Pos.
ClassDef(CbmTrdRawToDigiLookUpCorrR, 2)
CbmTrdRawToDigiLookUpCorrR(const CbmTrdRawToDigiLookUpCorrR &)=delete
Copy constructor - not implemented!
UInt_t GetFirstSamplePos()
Get the First Sample Pos.
std::string fLookUpFilename
File name where the look up histos are stored.
UInt_t fFirstLookUpSamplePos
Position of the first sample used in the look up tables Default corresponds to the value used in the ...
eLookUpModes fLookUpMode
Used look up mode.
void CreateDebugHistoFile()
Create the Debug Histo File If called, the debug histos are written to a file which is written to dis...
bool Init(std::string infile="")
Initialise the method after all settings have been passed.
ULong64_t GetBinTimeShift(const std::vector< std::int16_t > *samples)
Get the Bin Time Shift value.
CbmTrdRawToDigiLookUpCorrR operator=(const CbmTrdRawToDigiLookUpCorrR &)
Assignment operator - not implemented!
Float_t GetMaxAdcValue(const std::vector< std::int16_t > *samples)
Get the MaxAdc value.
virtual ~CbmTrdRawToDigiLookUpCorrR()
void loadLookUpTables(std::string infile)
Load the look up tables from the given file.
void SetLookUpMode(eLookUpModes value, std::string infile="")
Set the Look Up Mode.
Int_t fcorrFirstSample
Baseline corrected sample value of the first used sample.
void SetFirstSamplePos(UInt_t value)
Set the position of the first look up sample.
std::map< Int_t, std::map< Int_t, Float_t > > fMaxAdcLookUpMap
Look up map for the max adc values for Keys correspond to charge[fCurrentTimeshift],...
std::map< UInt_t, std::map< UInt_t, ULong64_t > > fTimeshiftLookUpMap
Look up map for the bin time shift value Keys correspond to charge[fFirstLookUpSamplePos],...
UInt_t fSecondLookUpSamplePos
Position of the second sample used in the look up tables Default corresponds to the value used in the...
eLookUpModes GetLookUpMode()
Get the defined Look Up Mode.
virtual void SetNrOfPresamples(UInt_t value)
Set the Nr Of Presamples also resets the look up sample positions.
Int_t fcorrSecondSample
Baseline corrected sample value of the second used sample.
void prepareLookUpTables(std::string infile)
Prepare the look up tables for the used look up mode.
void createAnalyticLookUpTables()
Create a Analytical Look Up Tables.
void SetSecondSamplePos(UInt_t value)
Set the position of the second look up sample.
@ kTwoSamplesFileInput
Look up mode based on two samples and statistical filling. Look up mode based on two samples with map...
@ kTwoSamplesDynamicAnalytic
Look up mode based on two samples and analytical on the fly filling. Look up mode based on two sample...