29 unsigned int iStaR,
unsigned char Level,
unsigned int firstNeighbour,
char nNeighbours,
fscal Chi2,
44 ,
fSta((iStaL << 4) + ((iStaM - iStaL - 1) << 2) + (iStaR - iStaL - 2))
83 std::string
int indentLevel = 0)
A generic hit for the CA tracker (header)
Triplet class represents a short 3-hits track segment called a "triplet".
unsigned short fSta
packed station numbers: staL (12b), staM-1-staL (2b), staR-2-staL (2b)
bool IsMomentumFitted() const
int fNneighbours
n of neighbouring triplets
ca::HitIndex_t fHitM
middle hit index (16b)
std::string ToString(int indentLevel=0) const
ca::HitIndex_t fHitR
right hit index (16b)
unsigned char GetLevel() const
Triplet(ca::HitIndex_t iHitL, ca::HitIndex_t iHitM, ca::HitIndex_t iHitR, unsigned int iStaL, unsigned int iStaM, unsigned int iStaR, unsigned char Level, unsigned int firstNeighbour, char nNeighbours, fscal Chi2, fscal Qp, fscal Cqp, fscal tx, fscal Ctx, fscal ty, fscal Cty, bool isMomentumFitted)
ca::HitIndex_t GetRHit() const
ca::HitIndex_t fHitL
left hit index (16b) in vHits array
ca::HitIndex_t GetMHit() const
bool fIsMomentumFitted
if the triplet momentum is fitted
unsigned int fFirstNeighbour
ID of the first neighbouring triplet.
void SetFNeighbour(unsigned int n)
fscal fTy
ty at the left hit
void SetLevel(unsigned char Level)
Setters and getters.
ca::HitIndex_t GetLHit() const
unsigned int GetFNeighbour() const
int GetNNeighbours() const
void SetIsMomentumFitted(bool val)
fscal fTx
tx at the left hit
Default constructor.
void SetNNeighbours(int n)
TODO: SZh 8.11.2022: add selection of parameterisation.
unsigned int HitIndex_t
Index of ca::Hit.