No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1/* Copyright (C) 2022-2023 GSI Helmholtzzentrum fuer Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
2 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
3 Authors: Sergei Zharko [committer] */
10#include "CaConfigReader.h"
12#include "CaDefs.h"
13#include "CaInitManager.h"
15#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
17#include <iostream>
18#include <numeric>
19#include <sstream>
20#include <unordered_map>
22#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
30// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32ConfigReader::ConfigReader(InitManager* pInitManager, int verbose) : fpInitManager(pInitManager), fVerbose(verbose) {}
34// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36// TODO: switch to the Yaml library by Felix
37YAML::Node ConfigReader::GetNode(std::function<YAML::Node(YAML::Node)> fn, bool optional) const
39 auto node = YAML::Node(YAML::NodeType::Undefined);
40 if (fUserConfigNode) {
41 node = fn(fUserConfigNode);
42 }
43 if (!node) {
44 node = fn(fMainConfigNode);
45 }
46 if (!node && !optional) {
47 std::stringstream msg;
48 msg << "requested node was not found ";
49 if (fUserConfigNode) {
50 msg << "either in user config (path: " << fsUserConfigPath << ") or ";
51 }
52 msg << "in main config (path: " << fsMainConfigPath << ")";
53 throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
54 }
55 return node;
58// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
60std::vector<std::string> ConfigReader::GetNodeKeys(const YAML::Node& node) const
62 std::vector<std::string> res;
63 res.reserve(node.size());
64 try {
65 for (const auto& item : node) {
66 res.push_back(item.first.as<std::string>());
67 }
68 }
69 catch (const YAML::InvalidNode& exc) {
70 LOG(warn)
71 << "L1 config: attempt to call ConfigReader::GetNodeKeys for node, keys of which could not be represented "
72 << "with strings. An empty vector will be returned";
73 std::vector<std::string>().swap(res);
74 }
75 return res;
78// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
82 // TODO: Remove fbGeometryLock as soon as the legacy geometry variables are removed from the ca::Parameters class
83 if (!fbGeometryLock) { // Unset inactive tracking stations
84 if (fVerbose >= 1) {
85 LOG(info) << "- disabling inactive tracking stations";
86 }
87 auto inactiveMap = this->ReadInactiveStationMap();
89 if (std::any_of(inactiveMap.begin(), inactiveMap.end(), [](const auto& s) { return (s.size() != 0); })) {
90 for (auto& station : fpInitManager->GetStationInfo()) {
91 int iDet = static_cast<int>(station.GetDetectorID());
92 int iStLoc = station.GetStationID();
93 if (inactiveMap[iDet].find(iStLoc) != inactiveMap[iDet].end()) {
94 station.SetTrackingStatus(false);
95 }
96 }
97 // Since we disabled some stations, we have to rerun the layout initialization again, thus the station scheme is
98 // kept consistent
100 }
101 }
103 { // Init CA iterations in L1InitManager
104 if (fVerbose >= 1) {
105 LOG(info) << "- reading track finder iterations";
106 }
107 auto iters = this->ReadCAIterationVector();
108 assert(iters.size());
111 std::for_each(iters.begin(), iters.end(), [&](auto& iter) { fpInitManager->PushBackCAIteration(iter); });
112 }
115 // Init parameters, independnent from the tracking iteration
117 if (fVerbose >= 1) {
118 LOG(info) << "- reading miscellaneous parameters";
119 }
122 GetNode([](YAML::Node n) { return n["core"]["common"]["random_seed"]; }).as<unsigned int>());
124 GetNode([](YAML::Node n) { return n["core"]["track_finder"]["is_ghost_suppression"]; }).as<bool>());
126 GetNode([](YAML::Node n) { return n["core"]["track_finder"]["max_doublets_per_singlet"]; }).as<unsigned int>());
128 GetNode([](YAML::Node n) { return n["core"]["track_finder"]["max_triplets_per_doublet"]; }).as<unsigned int>());
132 if (fVerbose >= 1) {
133 LOG(info) << "- reading developement parameters";
134 }
135 // Dev flags
137 GetNode([](YAML::Node n) { return n["core"]["dev"]["ignore_hit_search_areas"]; }).as<bool>());
139 GetNode([](YAML::Node n) { return n["core"]["dev"]["use_of_original_field"]; }).as<bool>());
141 GetNode([](YAML::Node n) { return n["core"]["dev"]["match_doublets_via_mc"]; }).as<bool>());
143 GetNode([](YAML::Node n) { return n["core"]["dev"]["match_triplets_via_mc"]; }).as<bool>());
145 GetNode([](YAML::Node n) { return n["core"]["dev"]["extend_tracks_via_mc"]; }).as<bool>());
147 GetNode([](YAML::Node n) { return n["core"]["dev"]["suppress_overlap_hits_via_mc"]; }).as<bool>());
150// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
154 std::vector<Iteration> res;
156 // Read iterations store
157 std::unordered_map<std::string, Iteration> mPossibleIterations;
158 {
159 auto currentNode = fMainConfigNode["possible_iterations"];
160 assert(currentNode);
161 for (const auto& iterNode : currentNode) {
162 std::string thisIterName = iterNode["name"].as<std::string>("");
163 std::string baseIterName = iterNode["base_iteration"].as<std::string>("");
165 if (baseIterName.size()) { // Create iteration from previously defined one
166 if (mPossibleIterations.find(baseIterName) == mPossibleIterations.end()) {
167 std::stringstream msg;
168 msg << "A CA iteration \"" << thisIterName << "\" requires a base iteration with name \"" << baseIterName
169 << "\", which was not registered yet. Please, place an entry with the requested base iteration above "
170 << "in the possible_iterations node";
171 throw std::runtime_error(std::move(msg.str()));
172 }
173 mPossibleIterations[thisIterName] = ReadSingleCAIteration(iterNode, mPossibleIterations.at(baseIterName));
174 }
175 else {
176 mPossibleIterations[thisIterName] = ReadSingleCAIteration(iterNode, Iteration());
177 }
178 }
179 }
181 // Read actual iteration sequence
182 //
183 if (fUserConfigNode) {
184 if (fVerbose >= 1) {
185 LOG(info) << "- Reading user iterations ";
186 }
188 auto currentNode = fUserConfigNode["core"]["track_finder"]["iterations"];
189 if (currentNode) {
190 for (const auto& iterNode : currentNode) {
191 std::string thisIterName = iterNode["name"].as<std::string>("");
192 std::string baseIterName = iterNode["base_iteration"].as<std::string>("");
193 if (fVerbose >= 2) {
194 LOG(info) << "- Reading user iteration " << thisIterName << "(" << baseIterName << ")";
195 }
196 if (mPossibleIterations.find(thisIterName) != mPossibleIterations.end()) {
197 // This is an update of existing possible iteration
198 if (fVerbose >= 2) {
199 LOG(info) << "- Select A";
200 }
201 res.push_back(ReadSingleCAIteration(iterNode, mPossibleIterations.at(thisIterName)));
202 }
203 else if (mPossibleIterations.find(baseIterName) != mPossibleIterations.end()) {
204 // This is a user iteration based on the existing possible iteration
205 if (fVerbose >= 2) {
206 LOG(info) << "- Select B";
207 }
208 res.push_back(ReadSingleCAIteration(iterNode, mPossibleIterations.at(baseIterName)));
209 }
210 else {
211 // Try to find a base iteration from user-defined
212 auto itFound = std::find_if(res.begin(), res.end(), [&](auto& i) { return i.GetName() == baseIterName; });
213 if (itFound != res.end()) {
214 if (fVerbose >= 2) {
215 LOG(info) << "- Select C";
216 }
217 res.push_back(ReadSingleCAIteration(iterNode, *itFound));
218 }
219 else {
220 if (fVerbose >= 2) {
221 LOG(info) << "- Select D";
222 }
223 res.push_back(ReadSingleCAIteration(iterNode, Iteration()));
224 }
225 }
226 }
227 }
228 }
230 if (res.size() == 0) {
231 auto currentNode = fMainConfigNode["core"]["track_finder"]["iteration_sequence"];
232 assert(currentNode);
233 assert(currentNode.size());
234 for (const auto& iterNode : currentNode) {
235 std::string thisIterName = iterNode.as<std::string>();
236 if (mPossibleIterations.find(thisIterName) == mPossibleIterations.end()) {
237 std::stringstream msg;
238 msg << "Unknow iteration in the iteration sequence, defined in main config file: " << thisIterName;
239 throw std::runtime_error(std::move(msg.str()));
240 }
241 res.push_back(mPossibleIterations.at(thisIterName));
242 }
243 }
245 return res;
248// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
250std::vector<std::set<int>> ConfigReader::ReadInactiveStationMap()
252 // Check, if the "skip_stations" branch exists either in the user config or in the main config
253 std::string sNodePath = "ca/core/common/inactive_stations";
254 auto node = GetNode([](YAML::Node n) { return n["core"]["common"]["inactive_stations"]; }, true);
255 if (!node) {
256 return std::vector<std::set<int>>{};
257 }
259 // Fill map of inactive stations
260 std::vector<std::set<int>> vGeoIdToTrackingStatus(constants::size::MaxNdetectors);
262 if (node && node.size()) {
263 std::unordered_map<std::string, int> mDetNameToID;
264 for (int iDet = 0; iDet < constants::size::MaxNdetectors; ++iDet) {
265 auto detName = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(fpInitManager->GetDetectorName(static_cast<EDetectorID>(iDet)));
266 if (!detName.size()) {
267 continue;
268 }
269 mDetNameToID[detName] = iDet;
270 }
271 for (const auto& item : node) {
272 std::string stName = item.as<std::string>();
273 if (!stName.size()) {
274 continue;
275 }
276 //
277 // Check name for spaces
278 if (std::any_of(stName.begin(), stName.end(), [](auto c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n'; })) {
279 std::stringstream msg;
280 msg << "Illegal station name in the configuration branch \"" << sNodePath << "\": \"" << stName
281 << "\" contains illegal characters";
282 throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
283 }
284 //
285 // Split stName into a detector name and a station number
286 std::vector<std::string> vNames;
287 boost::algorithm::split(vNames, stName, boost::is_any_of(":"));
288 if (vNames.size() > 2) {
289 std::stringstream msg;
290 msg << "Illegal station name in the configuration branch \"" << sNodePath << "\": \"" << stName
291 << "\" contains more then one colon character";
292 throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
293 }
294 //
295 // Parse detector name
296 const auto& detName = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(vNames.front());
297 auto it = mDetNameToID.find(detName);
298 if (it == mDetNameToID.end()) {
299 std::stringstream msg;
300 msg << "ConfigReader: legal but undefined name of the detector \"" << detName << "\" (originally \"" << stName
301 << "\") was passed to the " << sNodePath << " config "
302 << "branch";
303 throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
304 }
306 int nStations = fpInitManager->GetNstationsGeometry(static_cast<EDetectorID>(it->second));
307 if (vNames.size() == 2) { // Disable one particular station
308 try {
309 int iStLoc = std::stoi(vNames.back());
310 if (iStLoc < 0 || iStLoc >= nStations) {
311 throw std::runtime_error("illegal local station index");
312 }
313 vGeoIdToTrackingStatus[it->second].insert(iStLoc);
314 }
315 catch (const std::exception&) {
316 std::stringstream msg;
317 msg << "Illegal station name in the configuration branch \"" << sNodePath << "\": \"" << stName
318 << "\" contains expression after the colon symbol, which cannot be translated "
319 << "to a local number of station";
320 throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
321 }
322 }
323 else { // Disable all stations for this detector
324 for (int iStLoc = 0; iStLoc < nStations; ++iStLoc) {
325 vGeoIdToTrackingStatus[it->second].insert(iStLoc);
326 }
327 }
328 }
330 std::stringstream msg;
331 msg << "\033[1;31m ConfigReader: the next tracking stations will be disabled from the configuration file:\n";
332 for (int iDet = 0; iDet < static_cast<int>(mDetNameToID.size()); ++iDet) {
333 const auto& detName = fpInitManager->GetDetectorName(static_cast<EDetectorID>(iDet));
334 int nStations = fpInitManager->GetNstationsGeometry(static_cast<EDetectorID>(iDet));
335 for (int iStLoc = 0; iStLoc < nStations; ++iStLoc) {
336 if (vGeoIdToTrackingStatus[iDet].find(iStLoc) != vGeoIdToTrackingStatus[iDet].end()) {
337 msg << "\t- " << detName << iStLoc << '\n';
338 }
339 }
340 }
341 msg << "\033[0m";
342 LOG(warn) << msg.str();
343 }
345 return vGeoIdToTrackingStatus;
348// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
352 // Check, if the "misalignment_tolerance" branch exists either in the user config or in the main config
354 std::string sNodePath = "ca/core/common/misalignment_tolerance";
356 YAML::Node node(YAML::NodeType::Undefined);
358 try {
359 node = this->GetNode([](YAML::Node n) { return n["core"]["common"]["misalignment_tolerance"]; });
360 }
361 catch (const std::exception&) {
362 }
364 if (!node) {
365 std::stringstream msg;
366 msg << "Ca ConfigReader: misalignment_tolerance node was not found\n ";
367 if (fUserConfigNode) {
368 msg << " either in the user config (path: " << fsUserConfigPath;
369 msg << " or ";
370 }
371 else {
372 msg << " ";
373 }
375 msg << "in the main config (path: " << fsMainConfigPath << ")";
376 LOG(info) << msg.str();
377 LOG(info) << "Ca ConfigReader: run with zero misalignment tolerance";
378 return;
379 }
382 std::unordered_map<std::string, int> mDetNameToID;
383 for (int iDet = 0; iDet < constants::size::MaxNdetectors; ++iDet) {
384 auto detName = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(fpInitManager->GetDetectorName(static_cast<EDetectorID>(iDet)));
385 if (!detName.empty()) {
386 mDetNameToID[detName] = iDet;
387 }
388 }
390 for (const auto& item : node) {
391 std::string stName = boost::algorithm::to_lower_copy(item.first.as<std::string>());
393 auto it = mDetNameToID.find(stName);
394 if (it == mDetNameToID.end()) {
395 std::stringstream msg;
396 msg << "Illegal station name in the configuration branch \"" << sNodePath << "\": \"" << stName << "\"";
397 throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
398 }
399 int iDetSystem = it->second;
400 auto v = item.second.as<std::vector<double>>();
401 if (v.size() != 3) {
402 std::stringstream msg;
403 msg << "Illegal number of misalignbment tolerances in configuration branch \"" << sNodePath << "\": \"" << stName
404 << "\": " << v.size() << " values were passed, while 3 values are expected";
405 throw std::runtime_error(msg.str());
406 }
407 fpInitManager->SetMisalignmentTolerance(static_cast<EDetectorID>(iDetSystem), v[0], v[1], v[2]);
408 }
411// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
413Iteration ConfigReader::ReadSingleCAIteration(const YAML::Node& node, const Iteration& defaultIter) const
415 auto iter = Iteration();
416 try {
417 iter.SetName(node["name"].as<std::string>());
418 iter.SetTrackChi2Cut(node["track_chi2_cut"].as<float>(defaultIter.GetTrackChi2Cut()));
419 iter.SetTripletChi2Cut(node["triplet_chi2_cut"].as<float>(defaultIter.GetTripletChi2Cut()));
420 iter.SetTripletFinalChi2Cut(node["triplet_final_chi2_cut"].as<float>(defaultIter.GetTripletFinalChi2Cut()));
421 iter.SetDoubletChi2Cut(node["doublet_chi2_cut"].as<float>(defaultIter.GetDoubletChi2Cut()));
422 iter.SetPickGather(node["pick_gather"].as<float>(defaultIter.GetPickGather()));
423 iter.SetTripletLinkChi2(node["triplet_link_chi2"].as<float>(defaultIter.GetTripletLinkChi2()));
424 iter.SetMaxQp(node["max_qp"].as<float>(defaultIter.GetMaxQp()));
425 iter.SetMaxSlopePV(node["max_slope_pv"].as<float>(defaultIter.GetMaxSlopePV()));
426 iter.SetMaxSlope(node["max_slope"].as<float>(defaultIter.GetMaxSlope()));
427 iter.SetMaxDZ(node["max_dz"].as<float>(defaultIter.GetMaxDZ()));
428 iter.SetTargetPosSigmaXY(node["target_pos_sigma_x"].as<float>(defaultIter.GetTargetPosSigmaX()),
429 node["target_pos_sigma_y"].as<float>(defaultIter.GetTargetPosSigmaY()));
430 iter.SetFirstStationIndex(node["first_station_index"].as<int>(defaultIter.GetFirstStationIndex()));
431 iter.SetPrimaryFlag(node["is_primary"].as<bool>(defaultIter.GetPrimaryFlag()));
432 iter.SetElectronFlag(node["is_electron"].as<bool>(defaultIter.GetElectronFlag()));
433 iter.SetTrackFromTripletsFlag(node["is_track_from_triplets"].as<bool>(defaultIter.GetTrackFromTripletsFlag()));
434 iter.SetExtendTracksFlag(node["is_extend_tracks"].as<bool>(defaultIter.GetExtendTracksFlag()));
435 iter.SetMaxStationGap(node["max_station_gap"].as<int>(defaultIter.GetMaxStationGap()));
436 iter.SetMinNhits(node["min_n_hits"].as<int>(defaultIter.GetMinNhits()));
437 iter.SetMinNhitsStation0(node["min_n_hits_station_0"].as<int>(defaultIter.GetMinNhitsStation0()));
438 }
439 catch (const YAML::InvalidNode& exc) {
440 const auto nodeKeys = this->GetNodeKeys(node);
441 const auto nodeKeysStr =
442 std::accumulate(nodeKeys.cbegin(), nodeKeys.cend(), std::string(""),
443 [](std::string lhs, std::string rhs) { return std::move(lhs) + "\n\t" + std::move(rhs); });
444 LOG(fatal) << "L1 config: attempt to access key which does not exist in the configuration file (message from "
445 << "YAML exception: " << exc.what() << "). Defined keys: " << nodeKeysStr;
446 }
447 return iter;
450// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
452void ConfigReader::SetMainConfigPath(const std::string& path)
454 if (path.size()) {
455 try {
456 fsMainConfigPath = path;
457 fMainConfigNode = YAML::LoadFile(fsMainConfigPath)["ca"];
458 if (fVerbose >= 1) {
459 LOG(info) << "ConfigReader: Registering main configuraiton file: \"\033[1;32m" << path << "\033[0m\"";
460 }
461 }
462 catch (const std::exception& err) {
463 LOG(error) << "ERROR: " << err.what();
464 }
465 }
468// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
470void ConfigReader::SetUserConfigPath(const std::string& path)
472 if (path.size()) {
473 try {
474 fsUserConfigPath = path;
475 fUserConfigNode = YAML::LoadFile(fsUserConfigPath)["ca"];
476 if (fVerbose >= 1) {
477 LOG(info) << "ConfigReader: Registering user configuraiton file: \"\033[1;32m" << path << "\033[0m\"";
478 }
479 }
480 catch (const std::exception& err) {
481 LOG(error) << "ERROR: " << err.what();
482 }
483 }
Configuration parameter file reader for the CA tracking algorithm (header)
Compile-time constants definition for the CA tracking algorithm.
Input data management class for the CA tracking algorithm (header)
fscal v[fmask::Size]
Definition KfSimdPseudo.h:4
A reader for the CA parameters from the YAML configuration files.
YAML::Node fUserConfigNode
User configuration node.
std::vector< Iteration > ReadCAIterationVector()
Reads CA track finder iterations from YAML node.
int fVerbose
Verbosity level.
void SetUserConfigPath(const std::string &path)
Sets user config file.
Iteration ReadSingleCAIteration(const YAML::Node &node, const Iteration &defaultIter) const
Reads iteration from config file.
YAML::Node fMainConfigNode
Main configuration node.
bool fbGeometryLock
Geometry initialization locked.
void ReadMisalignmentTolerance()
Reads the misalignment tolerance.
YAML::Node GetNode(std::function< YAML::Node(YAML::Node)> fn, bool optional=false) const
Accesses a node either from user config or from main config.
std::vector< std::set< int > > ReadInactiveStationMap()
Reads inactive tracking station map.
std::string fsUserConfigPath
Path to the user config file (optional)
InitManager * fpInitManager
Pointer to the L1InitManager instance.
void Read()
Reads configuration from files.
std::vector< std::string > GetNodeKeys(const YAML::Node &node) const
Gets parameters content of the node.
std::string fsMainConfigPath
Path to the main config file (mandatory)
ConfigReader(InitManager *pInitManager, int verbose=1)
void SetMainConfigPath(const std::string &path)
Sets main config file.
A CA Parameters object initialization class.
std::vector< StationInitializer > & GetStationInfo()
Gets a reference to the stations array.
void SetCAIterationsNumberCrosscheck(int nIterations)
Sets a number of CA track finder iterations to provide initialization cross-check.
int GetNstationsGeometry() const
Gets total number of stations, provided by setup geometry.
void ClearCAIterations()
Clears vector of CA track finder iterations.
void DevSetIsExtendTracksViaMc(bool value=true)
Flag to match triplets using Mc information.
void InitStationLayout()
Initializes station layout.
void SetMaxDoubletsPerSinglet(unsigned int value)
Sets upper-bound cut on max number of doublets per one singlet.
void SetGhostSuppression(int ghostSuppression)
Sets the flag to enable/disable the ghost suppression routine.
void DevSetIsMatchTripletsViaMc(bool value=true)
Flag to match triplets using Mc information.
void SetRandomSeed(unsigned int seed)
Sets pseudo-random numbers generator seed.
void DevSetUseOfOriginalField(bool value=true)
Force use of the original field (not approximated)
void DevSetIsMatchDoubletsViaMc(bool value=true)
Flag to match doublets using MC information.
void DevSetIgnoreHitSearchAreas(bool value=true)
Ignore hit search areas.
const std::string & GetDetectorName(EDetectorID detId) const
Gets name of the detector.
void SetMisalignmentTolerance(EDetectorID detectorId, double x, double y, double t)
Sets misalignment parameters in X direction.
void DevSetIsSuppressOverlapHitsViaMc(bool value=true)
Flag to match triplets using Mc information.
void SetMaxTripletPerDoublets(unsigned int value)
Sets upper-bound cut on max number of triplets per one doublet.
A set of parameters for the CA Track finder iteration.
int GetMinNhits() const
Gets min n hits.
Definition CaIteration.h:88
float GetTripletChi2Cut() const
Gets triplet chi2 upper cut.
float GetMaxSlope() const
Gets max slope (tx\ty) in 3D hit position of a triplet.
Definition CaIteration.h:82
float GetPickGather() const
Gets size of region [TODO: units??] to attach new hits to the created track.
Definition CaIteration.h:97
float GetTrackChi2Cut() const
Gets track chi2 upper cut.
bool GetElectronFlag() const
flag check: electrons/positrons - true, heavy charged - false
Definition CaIteration.h:64
float GetDoubletChi2Cut() const
Gets doublet chi2 upper cut.
Definition CaIteration.h:61
float GetTripletFinalChi2Cut() const
Gets triplet chi2 upper cut.
int GetMaxStationGap() const
Gets flag: true - triplets are also built with skipping <= GetMaxStationGap stations.
Definition CaIteration.h:73
int GetMinNhitsStation0() const
Gets min n hits for tracks that start on station 0.
Definition CaIteration.h:91
float GetTargetPosSigmaX() const
Gets sigma target position in X direction [cm].
bool GetTrackFromTripletsFlag() const
float GetTripletLinkChi2() const
Gets min value of dp/dp_error, for which two tiplets are neighbours.
float GetMaxQp() const
Gets max considered q/p for tracks.
Definition CaIteration.h:79
float GetMaxDZ() const
Gets correction for accounting overlaping and iff z.
Definition CaIteration.h:76
bool GetPrimaryFlag() const
Checks flag: true - only primary tracks are searched, false - [all or only secondary?...
float GetTargetPosSigmaY() const
Gets sigma target position in Y direction [cm].
int GetFirstStationIndex() const
Gets station index of the first station used in tracking.
Definition CaIteration.h:70
bool GetExtendTracksFlag() const
Sets flag: true - extends track candidates with unused hits.
Definition CaIteration.h:67
float GetMaxSlopePV() const
Gets max slope (tx\ty) in primary vertex.
Definition CaIteration.h:85
constexpr int MaxNdetectors
Max number of tracking detectors.
Definition CaDefs.h:43
Enumeration for the tracking detector subsystems in CBM-CA.
Definition CbmDefs.h:176