►Nboost | |
►Nhistogram | |
CRootStyleProfileAccumulator | A ROOT-style accumulator for the Boost-histogram profiles |
►Ncbm | |
►Nalgo | |
►Nalgo_traits | |
►Ndetail | |
CResultOf | |
CResultOf< Algo > | |
CResultOf< R(Algo::*)(Args...) const > | |
CResultOf< R(Algo::*)(Args...)> | |
►Nbmon | |
CReadoutConfig | |
►CReadoutSetup | Readout setup / Hardware cabling for BMon Used to create the hardware mapping for the BMon unpacker |
CUnpack | Unpack algorithm for STS |
CUnpackAuxData | |
CUnpackElinkPar | Bmon Unpacking parameters for one eLink / ASIC |
CUnpackMonitorData | |
►CUnpackMS | |
CTimeSpec | |
CUnpackPar | Parameters required for the BMON unpacking (specific to one component) |
►Nca | TODO: SZh 8.11.2022: add selection of parameterisation |
CBranch | |
CCaHitTimeInfo | |
CCloneMerger | |
CConfigReader | A reader for the CA parameters from the YAML configuration files |
CDataManager | A manager for the input-output data of the CA tracking algorithm |
CDetIdTypeArr_t | Array of types, indexed by EDetectorID |
CEnumArray | Class of arrays, which can be accessed by an enum class entry as an index |
CFramework | |
CGrid | Class for storing 2d objects in a grid |
CGridArea | Class for accessing objects in the 2D area that are stored in ca::Grid |
CGridEntry | A class to store hit information on the ca::Grid |
CHit | Ca::Hit class describes a generic hit for the CA tracker |
CInitManager | A CA Parameters object initialization class |
CInputData | |
CIteration | A set of parameters for the CA Track finder iteration |
CMonitor | Monitor class for the CA tracking |
CMonitorData | Monitor data block |
CObjectInitController | |
CParameters | A container for all external parameters of the CA tracking algorithm |
CQa | |
CRandom | A class, providing ROOT-free access to randomly generated variables |
CSearchWindow | Class L1SearchWindow defines a parameterisation of hits search window for CA tracking algorithm TODO: SZh 8.11.2022: add description |
CStation | |
CStationInitializer | A base class which provides interface to L1Algo station geometry |
CTimer | A timer class for the monitor |
CTimesliceHeader | Structure for keeping the current information on the timeslice |
CTrack | Class representing an output track in the CA tracking algorithm |
CTrackExtender | |
CTrackFinder | |
CTrackFinderWindow | |
CTrackFitter | |
CTrackingMonitor | A monitor specialization for cbm::algo::ca::Framework class |
CTriplet | Triplet class represents a short 3-hits track segment called a "triplet" |
CTripletConstructor | |
CVector | |
CVector< bool > | |
CWindowData | Container for internal data, processed on a single time window |
►Ndetail | |
CEnumHasDict | |
CException | Base class for exceptions |
CMSData | Collection of MS data to unpack |
CUnpackMonitorBase | |
►Nevbuild | |
CConfig | Configuration of digi event building |
CDigiEventQa | QA for CbmDigiEvent objects |
CDigiEventQaConfig | Configuration data for the QA of CbmDigiEvents |
CDigiEventQaData | QA results for CbmDigiEvent objects |
CDigiEventQaDetConfig | Configuration data for the QA of CbmDigiEvents for a given detector |
CDigiEventSelector | Algorithm to select CbmDigiEvents based on the number of digis and the number of activated layers in each detector system |
CDigiEventSelectorConfig | Configuration of the DigiEventSelector class |
CDigiEventSelectorParams | |
CDigiTriggerConfig | Configuration of the digi trigger class (TimeClusterTrigger) |
CEventbuildChain | Steering class for event building from digi timeslices |
CEventbuildChainMonitorData | |
CEventBuilder | Constructs CbmDigiEvents out of CbmDigiTimeslices |
CEventBuilderConfig | Configuration of the EventBuilder class |
CEventBuilderDetectorMonitorData | Monitoring data for event building for one detector |
CEventBuilderMonitorData | Monitoring data for event building |
CHitMultTrigger | Trigger class for finding time clusters of hit data |
CTimeClusterTrigger | Finds clusters in time-series data |
CTimeClusterTriggerMonitorData | Monitoring data for time cluster trigger algorithm |
CV0Trigger | Trigger class for secondary two-track vertices in mCBM |
CV0TriggerConfig | Configuration of the V0 trigger class (trigger on displaced vertices) |
CV0TriggerMoniData | Monitoring information for the algorithm V0Trigger |
►Nkf | |
►Ndetail | |
CFieldBase | Data members of the Field class (primary template) |
CFieldBase< T, EFieldMode::Intrpl > | Data members of the Field class with the interpolation of the magnetic field |
CFieldBase< T, EFieldMode::Orig > | |
CFieldRegionBase | Base class of the FieldRegion class (primary template) |
CFieldRegionBase< T, EFieldMode::Intrpl > | |
CFieldRegionBase< T, EFieldMode::Orig > | Data members and specific methods of the FieldRegion with the original magnetic field |
►Nutils | |
CEnumClassHash | Hash for unordered_map with enum class keys |
CVecCopy | Copies all/one SIMD entries from one class to the other class |
CVecCopySpec | |
CVecCopySpec< TdataA, TdataB, false, false > | |
CVecCopySpec< TdataA, TdataB, false, true > | |
CVecCopySpec< TdataA, TdataB, true, false > | |
CVecCopySpec< TdataA, TdataB, true, true > | |
CField | Magnetic field manager class |
►CFieldFactory | A helper class to instantiate a Field object |
CSliceRef | A helper structure for field slices initialization |
CFieldRegion | Magnetic field region, corresponding to a hit triplet |
CFieldSlice | A magnetic field approximation on the two-dimensional plane |
CFieldValue | Magnetic flux density vector |
Cfmask | |
CFramework | Main class of the KfCore library |
Cfvec | |
CGeoLayer | A helper structure to store geometrical information of the layers |
CGlobalField | Handler for the global magnetic field related functions |
CIMaterialMapFactory | Interface to the material map creator |
CLiteral | Replaces the type T with the Literal::type to handle the constant expressions for different constants |
CLiteral< fvec > | |
CMaterialMap | A map of station thickness in units of radiation length (X0) to the specific point in XY plane |
CMaterialMonitor | A class to collect statistics for a material budget map of the KF-framework |
CMeasurementTime | The class describes a time measurement |
CMeasurementU | The class describes a 1D - measurement U in XY coordinate system |
CMeasurementXy | The class describes a 2D - measurement (x, y) in XY coordinate system |
CModuleIndexMap | Maps local detector and station indices to the material maps and field slices |
►CModuleIndexMapFactory | Creates a valid module mapper |
CComponent | Structure to keep information on layers |
CParticlePDG | Properties of a tracked particle |
CSetup | KF-framework representation of the detector setup |
CSetupBuilder | Creates a valid initialized Setup instance |
CTarget | A geometry layer in the target region |
CTrackKalmanFilter | |
CTrackParam | TrackParam classes of different types |
CTrackParam< fvec > | |
CTrackParamBase | It is a technical base class of kf::TrackParam |
CTrackParamBaseScalar | |
CVector | A std::vector with additional debugging utility set |
►Nmuch | |
CReadoutConfig | |
CUnpack | |
CUnpackAuxData | |
CUnpackElinkPar | STS Unpacking parameters for one eLink / ASIC |
CUnpackMonitorData | |
►CUnpackMS | Unpack algorithm for STS |
CTimeSpec | |
CUnpackPar | Parameters required for the STS unpacking (specific to one component) |
►Nqa | |
CCanvasConfig | A canvas configuration for the histogram server |
CData | Class to handle QA-objects in the online reconstruction |
CH1D | 1D-histogram |
CH2D | 2D-histogram |
CHistogram | Interface to a histogram/profile |
CHistogramContainer | Structure to keep the histograms for sending them on the histogram server |
CHistogramMetadata | Metadata of the histogram |
CPadConfig | A pad configuration for the histogram server |
CProf1D | |
CProf2D | |
CRecoGeneralQa | |
CTotalSums1D | Storage for total sums of weights, squared weights, weights over x, weights over squared x |
CTotalSums2D | TotalSums1D including storage for total sums of w*x*y, w*y, w*y*y products |
►Nrich | |
CMicrosliceReader | |
CReadoutConfig | Provides the hardware-to-software address mapping for the CBM-RICH |
CTdcTimeData | |
CUnpack | |
CUnpackAuxData | |
CUnpackElinkPar | RICH Unpacking parameters for one eLink / ASIC |
CUnpackMonitorData | Monitoring data for RICH unpacking |
►CUnpackMS | |
CMSContext | |
CUnpackPar | Parameters required for the RICH unpacking (specific to one component) |
►Nsts | |
►CChannelMaskSet | |
CMaskedChannels | |
CChannelOffsets | |
CCluster | |
CClusterCalculationProperties | |
CClusterIdx | |
CCreateClusters | |
CCreateDigiConnections | |
CDigiConnector | |
CDigiQa | QA module for STS raw digis |
CFindClusters | |
CFindHits | |
CHit | |
CHitfinder | |
CHitfinderCache | |
►CHitfinderChain | |
CDigiMap | |
CResult | |
CHitfinderChainPars | |
CHitfinderMon | |
CHitfinderMonDevice | |
►CHitfinderPars | |
CAsic | |
CModule | |
CModuleTransform | |
CLandauTable | |
CModule | STS Module parameters |
CQaBase | QA module for STS raw digis |
CQaDigi | Extended digi which contains auxiliary QA information |
►CReadoutConfig | Provides the hardware-to-software address mapping for the CBM-STS |
CEntry | |
►CReadoutSetup | Readout setup / Hardware cabling for STS Used to create the hardware mapping for the STS unpacker |
CComponent | |
CElink | |
CModule | |
CSensorPar | |
CSortClusters | |
CSortDigis | |
CTheHitfinder | |
CTrackingInterface | |
►CUnpack | |
CConfig | |
CUnpackAuxData | |
CUnpackElinkPar | |
CUnpackMonitorData | |
►CUnpackMS | Unpack algorithm for STS |
CTimeSpec | Structure to hold the current time information for the current microslice |
CUnpackPar | |
►CWalkMap | |
CAdcMap | |
►Ntof | |
CCalibrate | Algo class for calibration |
CCalibrateMonitorData | Monitoring data for calibration |
►CCalibrateSetup | TOF calibration setup |
CChannel | |
CRpc | |
CCell | |
CCluster | |
CClusterizer | |
CClusterizerChanPar | |
CClusterizerRpcPar | |
CHit | |
CHitfind | Algo class for hitfinding |
CHitFinder | |
CHitFinderChanPar | |
CHitFinderRpcPar | |
CHitfindMonitorData | Monitoring data for hitfinding |
►CHitfindSetup | Hitfind setup / Hardware cabling for TOF Used to create the hardware mapping for the TOF hitfinder |
CCell | |
CChannel | |
CRpc | |
CReadoutConfig | |
►CReadoutSetup | Readout setup / Hardware cabling for TOF Used to create the hardware mapping for the TOF unpacker |
CTofCell | |
CTrackingInterface | |
CUnpack | |
CUnpackAuxData | |
CUnpackElinkPar | TOF Unpacking parameters for one eLink / ASIC |
CUnpackMonitorData | |
►CUnpackMS | Unpack algorithm for STS |
CTimeSpec | |
CUnpackPar | Parameters required for the STS unpacking (specific to one component) |
►Ntrd | |
CCluster | Data container for TRD clusters |
CCluster2D | Data Container for TRD clusters |
CClusterizer | Algo class for TRD cluster building |
CClusterizer2D | Algo class for TRD2D cluster building |
CDigiRec | |
CHit | A light-weight TRD hit class for online reconstruction, based on CbmTrdHit. |
►CHitFactory2D | |
Csignal | |
CHitfind | Algo class for hitfinding |
►CHitfind2DSetup | Hitfind setup / Hardware cabling for TRD2D Used to create the hardware mapping for the TRD2D hitfinder |
CMod | |
CPad | |
CRow | |
CHitFinder | Rectangular pad module; Cluster finding and hit reconstruction algorithms |
CHitFinder2D | Cluster finding and hit reconstruction algorithms for the TRD(2D) module |
CHitFinder2DModPar | |
CHitFinder2DPadPar | |
CHitFinder2DRowPar | |
CHitFinderModPar | |
CHitFinderPadPar | |
CHitFinderRowPar | |
CHitfindMonitorData | Monitoring data for hitfinding |
►CHitfindSetup | Hitfind setup / Hardware cabling for TRD Used to create the hardware mapping for the TRD hitfinder |
CMod | |
CPad | |
CRow | |
CHitMerger | Rectangular pad module; Hit merging |
CHitMerger2D | Cluster finding and hit reconstruction algorithms for the TRD(2D) module |
CReadoutConfig | Provides the hardware-to-software address mapping for the CBM-TRD |
CTrackingInterface | |
CUnpack | Unpack algorithm for TRD |
CUnpackAuxData | |
CUnpackCrobPar | TRD Unpacking parameters for one CROB |
CUnpackElinkPar | TRD Unpacking parameters for one eLink |
CUnpackMonitorData | Monitoring data for TRD unpacking |
►CUnpackMS | |
CMsContext | |
CUnpackPar | Parameters required for the TRD unpacking (specific to one component) |
►Ntrd2d | |
CFaspMessage | Data structure for unpacking the FASP word |
►CReadoutConfig | Provides the hardware-to-software address mapping for the CBM-TRD2D |
CChanMapping | |
CCompMapping | |
CUnpack | |
CUnpackAsicPar | TRD2D Unpacking parameters for one Asic |
CUnpackAuxData | |
CUnpackChannelPar | TRD2D Unpacking parameters for one Asic channel |
CUnpackMonitorData | |
►CUnpackMS | Unpack algorithm for TRD2D |
CMsContext | |
►CUnpackMS< uint8_t(eMessageVersion::kMess24)> | |
CMsContext | |
CUnpackPar | Parameters required for the TRD2D unpacking (specific to one component) |
►Nyaml | |
CDump | |
CGetFmtTag | |
CGetFmtTag< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::FormatAs)> > | |
Chas_type | |
Chas_type< T, std::tuple< Us... > > | |
Cis_std_array | |
Cis_std_array< std::array< T, N > > | |
Cis_std_map | |
Cis_std_map< std::map< K, V, C, A > > | |
Cis_std_set | |
Cis_std_set< std::set< K, C, A > > | |
Cis_std_unordered_set | |
Cis_std_unordered_set< std::unordered_set< K, H, E, A > > | |
Cis_std_vector | |
Cis_std_vector< std::vector< T, A > > | |
CProperty | |
CShouldMergeProperty | |
CShouldMergeProperty< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::MergeProperty)> > | |
CAuxDigiData | Collection of auxiliary digi objects from different module unpackers |
CChainContext | |
CCommonUnpacker | |
CDigiData | Collection of digis from all detector systems |
CDigiEvent | Event data with event number and trigger time |
CFatalError | Indicates an unrecoverable error. Should tear down the process |
CGPUReco | |
CHisto1D | |
CHistogramSender | |
CMainConfig | Configuration of online data processing |
CMemoryLogger | Track the memory usage of the process and write it to the log |
COptions | |
CPaddedValue | A class that represents a value with padding to a certain size |
CParams | |
CParFiles | Class to hold the paths to the parameter files for the different detectors |
CPartitionedSpan | |
CPartitionedVector | A vector that is partitioned into multiple subvectors |
CPODAllocator | Allocator for plain old data types |
CProcessingError | |
CProcessingExtraMonitor | Monitor for additional processing steps |
CProcessingMonitor | |
CReco | |
►CRecoParams | RecoParams contains all parameters to configure reconstruction |
►CSTS | |
CMemory | |
CRecoResults | |
CStorableRecoResults | |
CSubChain | |
CTimingsFormat | |
►CTrackingChain | A chain for tracking algorithm |
CInput_t | Input to the TrackingChain |
COutput_t | Output from the TrackingChain |
CTrackingChainConfig | Configuration reader for the TrackingChain class |
CTrackingSetup | A detector setup interface class for tracking input data initialization |
CUnpackAux | |
CUnpackKey | |
CUnpackMonitor | |
CUnpackMSBase | |
►Natconverter | |
CApplication | |
CConfig | |
CProgramOptions | |
CRun | |
CTaskFactory | Factory class for the instantiation of CBM analysis tree converter tasks |
►Nca | |
►Ntools | |
CDebugger | |
CHitRecord | A helper structure to store hits information from different detectors in a uniform manner |
CLinkKey | |
CMCData | This class represents a package for tracking-related data |
CMCPoint | Class describes a unified MC-point, used in CA tracking QA analysis |
CMCTrack | |
CWFExpression | |
CWindowFinder | TODO: ... write an instruction .. |
CCaUvConverter | A class to convert XY coordinates to UV coordinates |
CDetIdTypeArr_t | List of |
CHitQaData | Contains necessary data to calculate hit residuals and pulls |
CIdealHitProducer | Ideal hit producer task for CA tracking |
►CIdealHitProducerDet | Ideal hit producer class |
CHitParameters | A structure to keep hit adjustment/creation settings for each station |
CInputQaSetup | A QA task to analyze hit and MC point occupancy distributions in different tracking stations |
CMCModule | Class CbmCaPerformance is an interface to communicate between |
►COutputQa | QA-task for CA tracking output results |
CDrawAtt | Structure to keep drawing attributes of histograms |
CParametersHandler | Handles an shared pointer of CA parameters |
CTimeSliceReader | A reader of time slice for CA tracker |
CTrackFitQa | Set of histograms to monitor track parameters |
CTrackTypeQa | Unified QA for a group of tracks |
►Ncore | |
CEnumArray | |
►Nexplore | |
CApplication | |
CFolder | |
CHisto | |
CHistoData | |
CHistogramCollection | |
CHistograms | |
COptions | |
►CServer | |
CSettings | |
►Nkf | |
COriginalField | Thread-safe representation of the magnetic field in CBM |
CTarget | CBM target accessor and property handler |
CTrackingSetupBuilder | Encapsulation of the kf::Setup initialization routines for CBM |
CZeroField | |
►Nkfp | |
CV0FinderQa | A simple QA for the V0 finder |
►CV0FinderTask | A class to find V0 candidates in mCBM |
CDcaVector | A vector representation of DCA to target |
CQpAndBeta | Qp and beta container |
►Nmcbm | |
CToForceLibLoad | Class needed to trigger loading of the library as no fct dict in ROOT6 and CLING |
►Nqa | |
►Nchecker | |
CCore | Core class for CBM QA checker framework (declaration) |
CFileHandler | Handler for single files, created from different QA versions |
CHist1DHandler | Handler for 1D-histograms |
CHist2DHandler | Specification of the handler for TProfile class |
CObjectDB | A data base class for processed objects |
CObjectHandler | Base abstract class for object handler |
CProfile1DHandler | Specification of the handler for TProfile class |
►Nreport | |
CBeamerEngine | Plain LaTeX document engine |
CBuilder | Report builder |
CCollapsibleElement | Interface to the element, which can contain daughter elements |
CElement | Interface for the report element |
CEngine | A base abstract class to provide an interface for element body (a visitor in the Visitor pattern) |
►CFigure | Figure in the report |
CPlot | A structure to handle the plot details |
CHeader | Header of the report |
CHtmlEngine | HTML document engine |
CLatexEngine | Plain LaTeX document engine |
CLatexFormat | |
CSection | Section of the report |
CTable | Table element in the report |
CTail | Tail of the report |
COnlineInterface | A collection of tools for online QA object conversions |
CRootHistogramAccessor | Helper class to access protected fields of TH1, TH2, TProfile and TProfile2D |
►Nreco | |
►Noffline | |
CApplication | |
CConfig | |
CProgramOptions | |
CRun | |
CTaskFactory | Factory class for the instantiation of CBM reconstruction tasks |
►Nservices | |
►Nhistserv | |
CAppConfig | Application configuarion |
CApplication | |
CProgramOptions | |
CUiCmdActor | |
►Nhistserv_tester | |
CApplication | |
CProgramOptions | |
►Nrun_info | |
CApplication | Main class for the run_info service |
►Nsim | |
►Ndigitization | |
CApplication | |
CConfig | |
CProgramOptions | |
CRun | |
►Ntrd | |
►Ngeo | |
►CChamberBuilder | Generic Chamber builder |
CBackPanel | Inner class describing the back panel of composed of |
CComponent | Generic sub-component |
CFEB | Inner class describing the geometry of the TRD Front End Electronics (FEE): |
CRadiator | |
CVolume | Inner class describing a : |
CWindow | |
Cinfo_t | Information to be storred in the geoManager path. Based on legacy class CbmTrdGeoHandler |
►CSetup | Setup meta info for the TRD system to supplement the geometry |
CAsic | Meta info for one TRD ASIC |
CModule | Meta info for one TRD module |
CSetupManager | Generate setup meta info for the TRD system |
CFEB | |
►Ncritof001 | |
CFullMessage | |
CMessage | |
►Ngdpbv100 | |
CFullMessage | |
CMessage | |
►Nkf | |
►Ntools | |
CMaterialMapFactory | An utility class to create a material budget map from the TGeo |
CRootUtils | |
►Nlit | |
►Nparallel | |
CDeleteObject | Functor class for convenient memory release |
CLitAbsorber | Absorber in muon detector layout |
CLitDetectorLayout | Represents detector layout |
CLitDetectorLayoutMuon | Muon detector layout |
CLitFieldGrid | Class stores a grid of magnetic field values in XY slice at Z position |
CLitFieldRegion | Storage for field approximation along Z |
CLitFieldSlice | Approximated magnetic field slice in XY plane perpendicular to Z |
CLitFieldValue | Magnetic field value at a certain point in the space |
CLitHitData | Class for accessing hits in track reconstruction |
CLitHitDataMuon | |
CLitMaterialGrid | Class stores a grid of material thickness in silicon equivalent |
CLitPixelHit | Base class for pixel hits |
CLitScalPixelHit | Base class for scalar pixel hits |
CLitScalTrack | Scalar track data class |
CLitStation | Detector station |
CLitStationGroupMuon | |
CLitStationMuon | Station in muon detector layout |
CLitSubstationMuon | Substation in muon detector layout |
CLitTrack | Base track data class |
CLitTrackFinderNN | |
CLitTrackFinderNNVecElectron | Parallel SIMDized implementation of TRD tracking |
CLitTrackFinderNNVecMuon | |
CLitTrackParam | Track parameters data class |
CLitVirtualStation | Virtual detector station which stores information needed for track propagation |
CCbmLitDefaultSettings | |
►NPsdDataV000 | |
CPsdEventHeaderAB | |
CPsdEventHeaderAC | |
CPsdGbtReader | |
CPsdHitData | |
CPsdHitHeader | |
►NPsdDataV100 | |
CPsdGbtReader | |
CPsdHitData | |
CPsdHitHeader | |
CPsdMsHeader | |
CPsdMsTrailer | |
CPsdPackHeader | |
►NPsdSignalFitting | |
CPronyFitter | |
►NSpadic | |
CFexWord | |
CFexWord< 0x10 > | |
CNByteContainer | |
►Nstd | Hash for CbmL1LinkKey |
Ccommon_type< boost::histogram::RootStyleProfileAccumulator< T >, boost::histogram::RootStyleProfileAccumulator< U > > | Specialization for boost::histogram::accumulators::weighted_mean |
Chash< cbm::algo::ca::EDetectorID > | Hash function definition for EDetectorID |
Chash< cbm::ca::tools::LinkKey > | A hash specialization for ca::tools::LinkKey objects |
Chash< CbmL1LinkKey > | |
►Nstsxyter | |
Cenable_bitmask_operators | |
CFinalHit | |
CMessage | |
CMessField | |
C_TestCbmDetectorListBase | |
C_TestCbmTrdAddressBase | |
CAccStatusTs | |
CAccTimingEvent | |
CAnalysisCuts | |
CAnalysisFilter | |
CAnalysisTaskMultiPairAnalysis | |
CAnaTreeMcIds | |
CAnaTreeRecoIds | |
CApplication | Main class of the "cbmreco_fairrun" application |
CATKFParticleFinder | |
CCanvasConfig | |
CCbmAddress | Base class for interfaces to the unique address |
CCbmAlgo | |
CCbmAlgoBuildRawEvents | |
CCbmAnaConversion | |
CCbmAnaConversionCutSettings | |
CCbmAnaConversionGlobalFunctions | |
CCbmAnaConversionKF | |
CCbmAnaConversionKinematicParams | |
CCbmAnaConversionPhotons | |
CCbmAnaConversionPhotons2 | |
CCbmAnaConversionReco | |
CCbmAnaConversionRecoFull | |
CCbmAnaConversionRich | |
CCbmAnaConversionTest | |
CCbmAnaConversionTest2 | |
CCbmAnaConversionTomography | |
CCbmAnaDielectronReports | Main class wrapper for report generation |
CCbmAnaDielectronStudyReportAll | Creates study report for LMVM analysis |
CCbmAnaDimuonAnalysis | |
CCbmAnaJpsiCandidate | |
CCbmAnaJpsiCuts | |
CCbmAnaJpsiHist | |
CCbmAnaJpsiKinematicParams | |
CCbmAnaJpsiReport | |
CCbmAnaJpsiSuperEvent | |
CCbmAnaJpsiSuperEventReport | |
CCbmAnaJpsiTask | |
CCbmAnaJpsiUtils | |
CCbmAnaLmvmDrawStudy | |
CCbmAnaMuonCandidate | |
CCbmAnaTreeMcSourceContainer | |
CCbmAnaTreeObjectTrack | |
CCbmAnaTreeRecoSourceContainer | |
CCbmAnaTreeSource | |
►CCbmBbaAlignmentTask | |
CAlignmentBody | |
CSensor | |
CTrackContainer | |
CCbmBeam | |
CCbmBeamGenerator | |
CCbmBeamProfile | |
CCbmBmon | |
CCbmBmonDigi | Data class for a signal in the t-zero detector |
CCbmBmonDigiData | Container class for CbmBmonDigi objects |
CCbmBmonDigitize | Task class for simulating the detector response of the t-zero detector |
CCbmBmonUnpackAlgo | |
CCbmBmonUnpackConfig | |
CCbmBsField | |
CCbmBuildEventMCTrack | |
CCbmBuildEventsFromTracksIdeal | Task class for associating digis to events |
►CCbmBuildEventsFromTracksReal | |
CSortTracks | |
CCbmBuildEventsIdeal | |
CCbmBuildEventsIdealNew | |
CCbmBuildEventsQA | Simple QA task for associating digis to events |
CCbmBuildEventsQa | |
CCbmBuildEventsSimple | |
►CCbmCaInputQaBase | A QA-task class, which provides assurance of MuCh hits and geometry |
►CConfig | Specific configuration for the CA input QA task |
CMcTrackCuts | |
CResidualFitResult | Stores fit residuals result |
CCbmCaInputQaMuch | |
CCbmCaInputQaMvd | |
CCbmCaInputQaSts | A QA-task class, which provides assurance of MuCh hits and geometry |
CCbmCaInputQaTof | |
CCbmCaInputQaTrd | |
CCbmCave | |
CCbmCheckDataFormatGdpb2018 | |
CCbmCheckDigisNbCorr | |
CCbmCheckEvents | |
CCbmCheckTiming | |
CCbmCluster | Base class for cluster objects |
►CCbmClusteringA1 | |
CCluster | |
►CCbmClusteringGeometry | |
CPadInformation | |
►CCbmClusteringSL | |
CCluster | |
►CCbmClusteringWard | |
CCluster | |
CClusterBlock | |
CCbmConfigBase | |
CCbmConverterManager | |
CCbmConverterTask | |
CCbmCosy2018MonitorPulser | |
CCbmCosy2019ContFact | |
CCbmCosy2019HodoPar | |
CCbmCosy2019MonitorAlgoHodo | |
CCbmCosy2019MonitorTaskHodo | |
CCbmCosy2019UnpackerAlgoHodo | |
CCbmCosy2019UnpackerTaskHodo | |
CCbmCriGet4RawPrint | |
CCbmDaq | CBM task class for filling digis into time slices |
CCbmDefEventSink | MQ device class to write CbmDigiEvents to a ROOT file |
CCbmDetectorListParamTest | |
CCbmDetectorListTest | |
CCbmDevBuildEvents | |
CCbmDevEventSink | |
CCbmDeviceBmonMonitor | |
CCbmDeviceBuildDigiEvents | |
CCbmDeviceBuildRawEvents | |
CCbmDeviceDigiEventSink | |
CCbmDeviceEventBuilderEtofStar2019 | |
CCbmDeviceHitBuilderTof | |
CCbmDeviceMcbmEventBuilderWin | |
CCbmDeviceMcbmEventSink | |
CCbmDeviceMcbmMonitorPulser | |
CCbmDeviceMcbmUnpack | |
CCbmDeviceMonitorBmon | |
CCbmDeviceMonitorPsd | |
CCbmDeviceMonitorReqBmon | |
CCbmDeviceMonitorReqTof | |
CCbmDeviceMonitorTof | |
CCbmDeviceStsHitProducerIdeal | |
CCbmDeviceStsLocalReco | |
CCbmDeviceTriggerHandlerEtof | |
CCbmDeviceUnpack | |
CCbmDeviceUnpackTofCri | |
CCbmDeviceUnpackTofMcbm2018 | |
CCbmDeviceUnpackTofStar2018 | |
CCbmDevNullSink | |
CCbmDevTrigger | |
CCbmDevUnpack | |
CCbmDigiBranch | Class template for CBM digi branches |
CCbmDigiBranchBase | Abstract base class for CBM digi branches |
CCbmDigiContainer | Abstract container for digis in CBM |
CCbmDigiData | Collection of digis from all detector systems |
CCbmDigiEvent | Collection of digis from all detector systems within one event |
CCbmDigiManager | CbmDigiManager |
CCbmDigiTimeslice | Collection of digis from all detector systems within one timeslice |
CCbmDigitization | |
CCbmDigitizationConfig | |
CCbmDigitizationSource | Source class for the input to digitization in CBM |
CCbmDigitize | Base class template for CBM digitisation tasks |
CCbmDigitizeBase | Abstract base class for CBM digitisation tasks |
CCbmDigitizeInfo | Auxiliary class for CbmDigitize |
CCbmDigiVector | Std::vector implementation of CbmDigiContainer |
CCbmDrawingOptions | Default options for drawing |
CCbmEbEventEfficiencies | |
CCbmEbEventMatch | |
CCbmEbMCEvent | |
CCbmEcalTrackingMuch | |
CCbmErrorMessage | CbmRoot (+externals) headers |
CCbmEvBuildSource | |
CCbmEvDisTracks | |
CCbmEvent | Class characterising one event by a collection of links (indices) to data objects, |
►CCbmEventBuilderQa | |
CSortEvents | |
CCbmEventGenerator | CbmEventGenerator |
CCbmEventStore | Storable event class for CBM |
CCbmEventTimeslice | |
CCbmEventTriggers | Class to store different triggers for a given event |
CCbmFastDecayer | |
CCbmFastSim | |
CCbmFieldConst | |
CCbmFieldContFact | |
CCbmFieldCreator | |
CCbmFieldMap | |
CCbmFieldMapCreator | |
CCbmFieldMapData | |
CCbmFieldMapDistorted | |
CCbmFieldMapSym1 | |
CCbmFieldMapSym2 | |
CCbmFieldMapSym3 | |
CCbmFieldPar | |
CCbmFindGlobalTracks | |
CCbmFindPrimaryVertex | |
CCbmFindPrimaryVertexEvents | Task class for PV finding |
CCbmFitGlobalTracks | |
CCbmFitGlobalTracksQa | |
CCbmFsdContFact | |
CCbmFsdDigi | Data class for FSD digital information |
CCbmFsdDigiData | Container class for CbmFsdDigi objects |
CCbmFsdDigiPar | |
CCbmFsdDigitize | Class for the digitization of the CBM-FSD |
CCbmFsdGeoHandler | |
CCbmFsdHit | |
CCbmFsdHitProducer | |
CCbmFsdHitsConverter | |
CCbmFsdMC | Class for the MC transport of the CBM-FSD |
CCbmFsdModulesConverter | |
CCbmFsdModuleSpecs | |
CCbmFsdPoint | Interception of MC track with the plane representing the FSD |
CCbmFsdUnitSpecs | |
CCbmGeant3Settings | User interface class to define the Geant3 simulation settings |
CCbmGeant4Settings | User interface class to define the Geant4 simulation settings |
►CCbmGenerateMaterialMaps | Steer class for executing the material budget maps generator independently from tracking |
CConfig | |
CMaterialSlice | Input parameters for the material map generation |
CCbmGeoBmon | |
CCbmGeoCave | |
CCbmGeoMuch | |
CCbmGeoMuchPar | |
CCbmGeoPassivePar | |
CCbmGeoPlatform | |
CCbmGeoSetup | Data transfer object to represent the CBM Detector setup |
CCbmGeoSetupDbProvider | Setup provider with database functionality |
CCbmGeoSetupField | |
CCbmGeoSetupMedia | |
CCbmGeoSetupModule | |
CCbmGeoSetupProvider | Abstract interface class for providing the CBM detector setup description, module list, magnetic field, material descriptions etc |
CCbmGeoSetupRepoProvider | Setup provider with local (svn) repository functionality |
CCbmGlobalFindTracksEvents | Task class for finding Global, STS, MUCH, TRD and TOF tracks in an event |
CCbmGlobalTrack | |
CCbmGlobalTrackFitter | |
CCbmGlobalTrackFitterIdeal | |
CCbmHaddBase | |
CCbmHadron | |
CCbmHadronAnalysis | |
CCbmHelix | |
CCbmHistManager | Histogram manager |
CCbmHistoServer | |
CCbmHit | |
CCbmHtmlReportElement | Implementation of CbmReportElement for text output |
CCbmKF | |
CCbmKFBox | |
CCbmKFCone | |
CCbmKFFieldMath | |
CCbmKfFitTracksTask | Task class for refitting global or sts tracks |
CCbmKFHit | |
CCbmKFMaterial | |
CCbmKFMath | |
CCbmKFPartEfficiencies | |
CCbmKFParticleFinder | |
►CCbmKFParticleFinderPID | |
CCuts | |
CCbmKFParticleFinderQa | |
CCbmKFParticleInterface | |
CCbmKFPixelMeasurement | |
CCbmKFPrimaryVertexFinder | |
CCbmKFStsHit | |
CCbmKFTrack | |
CCbmKFTrackFitQa | |
►CCbmKfTrackFitter | |
CLinearizationAtNode | |
CTrajectory | A trajectory to be fitted |
CTrajectoryNode | |
CCbmKFTrackInterface | |
CCbmKFTrackQa | |
CCbmKFTrErrMCPoints | |
CCbmKFTube | |
CCbmKFVertex | |
CCbmKFVertexInterface | |
CCbmKFWall | |
CCbmKresConversionBG | |
CCbmKresConversionCorrectedPhotons | |
CCbmKresConversionGeneral | |
CCbmKresConversionKF | |
CCbmKresConversionMain | |
CCbmKresConversionManual | |
CCbmKresConversionManualmbias1 | |
CCbmKresConversionManualmbias2 | |
CCbmKresConversionManualmbias3 | |
CCbmKresConversionManualmbias4 | |
CCbmKresConversionPhotons | |
CCbmKresConversionReconstruction | |
CCbmKresEta | |
CCbmKresEtaMCAnalysis | |
CCbmKresFunctions | |
CCbmKresGammaCorrection | |
CCbmKresSelectAnn | |
CCbmKresSelectAnnPhotons | |
CCbmKresSelectGoodEvents | |
CCbmKresTemperature | |
CCbmKresTrainAnn | |
CCbmKresTrainAnnDirectPhotons | |
►CCbmL1 | |
CTH1FParameters | |
CCbmL1GlobalFindTracksEvents | Task class for finding Global, STS, MUCH, TRD and TOF tracks in an event |
CCbmL1GlobalTrackFinder | |
CCbmL1HitDebugInfo | |
CCbmL1HitId | |
CCbmL1LinkKey | Internal structure to handle link keys |
CCbmL1MCPoint | |
CCbmL1MCTrack | |
►CCbmL1PFFitter | |
CPFFieldRegion | |
CCbmL1RichENNRingFinder | |
►CCbmL1RichENNRingFinderParallel | |
CENNHit | |
CENNHitV | |
CENNRing | |
CENNRingHit | |
CENNRingHitV | |
CENNRingV | |
CENNSearchHitV | |
►CCbmL1RichRingQa | |
CMCRing | |
CPerfHit | |
CCbmL1StsTrackFinder | |
CCbmL1Track | |
CCbmL1Vtx | |
CCbmLatexReportElement | Implementation of CbmLitReportElement for Latex output |
CCbmLink | |
CCbmLitAcceptanceFunction | |
CCbmLitAllHitsTofMerger | |
CCbmLitCheckBrem | |
CCbmLitCheckEnergyLossMuons | |
CCbmLitCleverTrackExtrapolator | |
CCbmLitClusteringQa | |
CCbmLitClusteringQaReport | Simulation report for clustering QA |
CCbmLitClusteringQaStudyReport | Study summary report for clustering QA |
CCbmLitConverter | |
CCbmLitConverterFairTrackParam | |
CCbmLitConverterParallel | |
CCbmLitCreateStandaloneData | |
CCbmLitDetectorSetup | Helper class to access detector presence |
CCbmLitField | Interface for accessing the magnetic field |
CCbmLitFieldApproximationQa | Field map approximation QA |
CCbmLitFieldApproximationQaReport | Creates field QA report |
CCbmLitFieldFitter | Implementation of the polynomial field approximation |
CCbmLitFieldGridCreator | |
CCbmLitFieldQa | Field map QA |
CCbmLitFieldQaReport | Creates field QA report |
CCbmLitFindGlobalTracks | |
CCbmLitFindGlobalTracksIdeal | FairTask for ideal global track reconstruction |
CCbmLitFindGlobalTracksParallel | |
CCbmLitFindMvdTracks | |
CCbmLitFitNode | Data class for storage of fitted track parameters, transport matrix and chi-square on each detector station |
CCbmLitFitQa | Track fit QA for track reconstruction |
CCbmLitFitQaReport | Create report for fit QA |
CCbmLitFitQaStudyReport | Creates study report for fit QA |
CCbmLitFitTracks | |
CCbmLitFitTracksParallel | |
CCbmLitGeoNavigator | Interface for geometry navigation algorithm |
CCbmLitGlobalElectronId | |
CCbmLitHit | Base data class for hits |
CCbmLitHitData | |
CCbmLitHitToTrackMerger | Interface for hit-to-track merging algorithm |
CCbmLitKalmanFilter | |
CCbmLitKalmanSmoother | Implementation of Kalman smoother algorithm |
CCbmLitLineTrackExtrapolator | |
CCbmLitMapField | |
CCbmLitMaterialEffects | Interface for material effects calculation algorithm |
CCbmLitMaterialEffectsImp | Calculation of multiple scattering and energy loss |
CCbmLitMaterialInfo | |
CCbmLitMCPoint | Monte-Carlo point |
CCbmLitMCTrack | Monte-Carlo track |
CCbmLitMCTrackCreator | Creates CbmLitMCTrack objects |
CCbmLitNearestHitTofMerger | |
CCbmLitPixelHit | Base data class for pixel hits |
CCbmLitPolarizedGenerator | |
CCbmLitPolynom | Abstract class for polynomial function |
CCbmLitPolynom0 | 0 degree polynomial with 1 coefficient |
CCbmLitPolynom1 | 1st degree polynomial with 3 coefficients |
CCbmLitPolynom10 | 10th degree polynomial with 66 coefficients |
CCbmLitPolynom2 | 2nd degree polynomial with 6 coefficients |
CCbmLitPolynom3 | 3rd degree polynomial with 10 coefficients |
CCbmLitPolynom4 | 4th degree polynomial with 15 coefficients |
CCbmLitPolynom5 | 5th degree polynomial with 21 coefficients |
CCbmLitPolynom6 | 6th degree polynomial with 28 coefficients |
CCbmLitPolynom7 | 7th degree polynomial with 36 coefficients |
CCbmLitPolynom8 | 8th degree polynomial with 45 coefficients |
CCbmLitPolynom9 | 9th degree polynomial with 55 coefficients |
CCbmLitQualitySort | |
CCbmLitRadLengthGenerator | |
CCbmLitRadLengthQa | |
CCbmLitRadLengthQaReport | Create report for radiation length QA |
CCbmLitResultChecker | Automatic checker of QA results |
CCbmLitRK4TrackExtrapolator | |
CCbmLitSimpleMaterial | |
CCbmLitStripHit | Base data class for strip hits |
CCbmLitTestMatrixMath | |
CCbmLitTGeoNavigator | |
CCbmLitTGeoTrackPropagator | |
CCbmLitTofQa | Task for TOF QA |
CCbmLitTofQaReport | Create report for TOF QA |
CCbmLitTofTrack | |
CCbmLitToolFactory | |
CCbmLitTrack | Base data class for track |
CCbmLitTrackExtrapolator | Interface for track extrapolation algorithm |
CCbmLitTrackFinder | CbmLitTrackFinder.h |
CCbmLitTrackFinderBranch | |
CCbmLitTrackFinderNN | |
CCbmLitTrackFitter | Interface for track fitter algorithm |
CCbmLitTrackFitterImp | Implementation of Kalman Filter track fit |
CCbmLitTrackFitterIter | |
CCbmLitTrackingGeometryConstructor | |
CCbmLitTrackingQa | |
CCbmLitTrackingQaReport | Create report for tracking QA |
CCbmLitTrackingQaStudyReport | Creates study report for tracking QA |
CCbmLitTrackletParam | Data class for track parameters |
CCbmLitTrackParam | Data class for track parameters |
CCbmLitTrackPropagator | CbmLitTrackPropagator.h |
CCbmLitTrackSelection | Interface for track selection algorithm |
CCbmLitTrackSelectionCuts | |
CCbmLitTrackSelectionEmpty | |
CCbmLitTrackSelectionMuch | |
CCbmLitTrackSelectionSharedHits | |
CCbmLitTrackSelectionTrd | |
CCbmLitTrackUpdate | Interface for track update algorithm |
CCbmMagnet | |
CCbmMatch | |
►CCbmMatchEvents | |
CEventId | |
CCbmMatchRecoToMC | |
CCbmMcbm2018BmonPar | |
CCbmMcbm2018EventBuilder | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoBmon | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoPsd | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoTof | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoTofPulser | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorDataRates | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorMcbmPulser | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorMcbmRate | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorMcbmSync | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorMuch | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorMuchLite | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorSts | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorStsSync | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorTaskBmon | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorTaskMuchLite | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorTaskPsd | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorTaskTof | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorTaskTofPulser | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorTof | |
CCbmMcbm2018MonitorTofPulser | |
CCbmMcbm2018MsCrcCheck | |
CCbmMcbm2018MuchPar | |
CCbmMcbm2018PsdPar | |
CCbmMcbm2018RawConverterGdpb | |
CCbmMcbm2018RawConverterSdpb | |
CCbmMcbm2018RichMicrosliceReader | |
CCbmMcbm2018RichPar | |
CCbmMcbm2018RichTdcTimeData | |
CCbmMcbm2018RichTdcWordReader | |
CCbmMcbm2018Source | |
CCbmMcbm2018StsPar | |
CCbmMcbm2018TofFeeThr | |
CCbmMcbm2018TofPar | |
CCbmMcbm2018TofTestFee | |
CCbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch | |
CCbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoPsd | |
CCbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoRich | |
CCbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoRich2020 | |
CCbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoSts | |
CCbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoTof | |
CCbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoTrdR | Timeslice unpacker algorithm for Spadic v.2.2 |
CCbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskMuch | |
CCbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskPsd | |
CCbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskRich | |
CCbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskRich2020 | |
CCbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskSts | |
CCbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskTof | |
CCbmMcbm2018UnpackerTaskTrdR | Timeslice unpacker FairTask for Spadic v.2.2 |
CCbmMcbm2019CheckDigisMuch | |
CCbmMcbm2019CheckDigisSts | |
CCbmMcbm2019CheckDtInDet | |
CCbmMcbm2019CheckPulser | |
CCbmMcbm2019CheckTimingPairs | |
CCbmMcbm2019TimeWinEventBuilderAlgo | |
CCbmMcbm2019TimeWinEventBuilderTask | |
CCbmMcbm2020TrdTshiftPar | |
CCbmMcbm2024CheckBmonScvd | Create and fills plots of time differences to trigger in DigiEvents |
CCbmMcbm2024CheckEventsDt | Create and fills plots of time differences to trigger in DigiEvents |
CCbmMcbmCheckTimingAlgo | |
CCbmMcbmCheckTimingTask | |
CCbmMcbmRichEdge | |
CCbmMcbmSpillFindAlgo | |
CCbmMcbmSpillFindTask | |
CCbmMcbmUnpack | |
CCbmMCDataArray | Access to a MC data branch for time-based analysis |
CCbmMCDataManager | Task class creating and managing CbmMCDataArray objects |
CCbmMCDataObject | Access to a MC data branch for time-based analysis |
CCbmMCEvent | |
CCbmMCEventFilter | Class deciding whether to store an MC event |
CCbmMCEventInfo | Allows to access an MC event in the source file |
CCbmMCEventList | Container class for MC events with number, file and start time |
CCbmMCInput | An MC (transport) input to digitisation in CBM |
CCbmMCInputSet | A MC transport input to digitisation in CBM |
CCbmMCPointSource | |
CCbmMCTrack | |
CCbmMediaList | CbmMediaList |
CCbmModuleList | Manages module Ids and names |
CCbmMQChannels | |
CCbmMqHistoServer | |
CCbmMQTMessage | |
CCbmMqTMessage | |
CCbmMQTsaInfo | |
CCbmMQTsaMultiSampler | |
CCbmMQTsaMultiSamplerTof | |
CCbmMQTsaSampler | |
CCbmMQTsaSamplerTof | |
CCbmMQTsSamplerRepReq | |
CCbmMuch | |
CCbmMuchAddress | Interface class to unique address for the MUCH |
CCbmMuchBeamTimeDigi | |
CCbmMuchCluster | Data container for MUCH clusters |
CCbmMuchClustering | |
CCbmMuchContFact | |
CCbmMuchDigi | |
CCbmMuchDigiData | Container class for CbmMuchDigi objects |
CCbmMuchDigiMatch | |
CCbmMuchDigitizeGem | |
CCbmMuchDigitizerQa | |
CCbmMuchFindHitsGem | |
CCbmMuchFindTracks | |
CCbmMuchGeoScheme | |
CCbmMuchHitFinderQa | |
CCbmMuchHitProducerIdeal | |
CCbmMuchLayer | |
CCbmMuchLayerSide | |
CCbmMuchMatchTracks | |
CCbmMuchModule | |
CCbmMuchModuleGem | |
CCbmMuchModuleGemRadial | |
CCbmMuchModuleGemRectangular | |
CCbmMuchPad | |
CCbmMuchPadRadial | |
CCbmMuchPadRectangular | |
CCbmMuchPixelHit | |
CCbmMuchPoint | |
CCbmMuchPointInfo | |
CCbmMuchReadoutBuffer | |
CCbmMuchSector | |
CCbmMuchSectorRadial | |
CCbmMuchSectorRectangular | |
CCbmMuchSegmentAuto | |
CCbmMuchSegmentManual | |
CCbmMuchSegmentSector | |
CCbmMuchSignal | Data class for an analog signal in the MUCH Simple data class used in the digitisation process of the MUCH. It describes an analog charge distribution produced in the MUCH GEM Detector and arriving at the readout. It contains time and charge information corresponding to the MUCH Pad. In the most general case, a signal can be produced by more than one MCPoint; that is why the MC reference is of type CbmMatch and not CbmLink |
CCbmMuchStation | |
►CCbmMuchTest | |
CCluster | |
CM_Point | |
CCbmMuchTrack | |
CCbmMuchTrackFinder | |
CCbmMuchTrackFinderIdeal | |
CCbmMuchTrackingInterface | A CbmL1 subtask, which provides necessary methods for L1 tracker to access the geometry and dataflow settings |
CCbmMuchTransportQa | |
CCbmMuchUnpackAlgo | |
►CCbmMuchUnpackConfig | |
CFebChanMaskReco | |
CCbmMuchUnpackMonitor | |
CCbmMuchUnpackPar | |
CCbmMvd | |
CCbmMvdCluster | |
CCbmMvdClusterAna | |
CCbmMvdClusterfinder | |
CCbmMvdClusterfinderTB | |
CCbmMvdDetector | |
CCbmMvdDetectorId | |
CCbmMvdDigi | |
CCbmMvdDigitizer | |
CCbmMvdDigitizerTB | |
CCbmMvdDigiToHit | |
CCbmMvdDigiToHitTB | |
CCbmMvdGeoHandler | |
CCbmMvdHit | |
CCbmMvdHitfinder | |
CCbmMvdHitfinderTB | |
CCbmMvdHitMatch | |
CCbmMvdMimosa26AHR | |
CCbmMvdMimosa34 | |
CCbmMvdMimosis | |
CCbmMvdPileupManager | |
CCbmMvdPixelCharge | |
CCbmMvdPoint | |
CCbmMvdQa | |
CCbmMvdReadout | |
CCbmMvdReadoutCluster | |
CCbmMvdReadoutSimple | |
CCbmMvdSensor | |
CCbmMvdSensorBuffer | |
CCbmMvdSensorClusterfinderTask | |
CCbmMvdSensorDataSheet | |
►CCbmMvdSensorDigitizerTask | |
CSignalPoint | |
►CCbmMvdSensorDigitizerTBTask | |
CSignalPoint | |
CCbmMvdSensorDigiToHitTask | |
CCbmMvdSensorFindHitTask | |
CCbmMvdSensorFrameBuffer | |
CCbmMvdSensorHitfinderTask | |
CCbmMvdSensorPlugin | |
CCbmMvdSensorReadoutTask | |
CCbmMvdSensorTask | |
CCbmMvdSensorTrackingBuffer | |
CCbmMvdStationPar | |
CCbmMvdTrackingInterface | CbmMvdTrackingInterface |
CCbmOffsetDigiTime | CbmRoot (+externals) headers |
CCbmOffsetDigiTimeMuch | |
CCbmOffsetDigiTimeSts | CbmRoot (+externals) headers |
CCbmOffsetDigiTimeTester | |
CCbmOffsetDigiTimeTof | |
►CCbmOnlineParWrite | This class is responsible for writing the online parameters to configuration files |
CConfig | |
CCbmPassiveContFact | |
CCbmPhsdGenerator | |
CCbmPipe | |
CCbmPixelHit | |
CCbmPixelHitSetDraw | |
CCbmPlatform | |
CCbmPlutoGenerator | |
CCbmPointSetArray | |
CCbmPointSetArrayDraw | |
CCbmPointSetArrayEditor | |
CCbmPrimaryVertexFinder | |
CCbmPsdAddress | CBM PSD interface class to the unique address |
CCbmPsdContFact | |
CCbmPsdDigi | Data class for PSD digital information |
CCbmPsdDigiData | Container class for CbmPsdDigi objects |
CCbmPsdDsp | Data class for PSD digital signal processing (DSP) |
CCbmPsdHit | |
CCbmPsdHitProducer | |
CCbmPsdIdealDigitizer | |
CCbmPsdMC | Class for the MC transport of the CBM-PSD |
CCbmPsdMCbmHit | Data class for hit information in PSD |
CCbmPsdMCbmHitProducer | |
CCbmPsdMCbmQaReal | |
CCbmPsdModulesConverter | |
CCbmPsdPoint | |
CCbmPsdSimpleDigitizer | |
CCbmPsdUnpackAlgo | |
CCbmPsdUnpackConfig | |
CCbmPVFinderIdeal | |
CCbmPVFinderKF | Implementation of the primary vertex finder using KF utility |
CCbmPVFinderKFGlobal | Implementation of the primary vertex finder using KF utility |
CCbmQaCanvas | |
CCbmQaCmpDrawer | Class to draw a comparison of objects on the provided canvas or pad |
►CCbmQaCompare | Class to compare histograms of the QA task with default ones |
CResult | |
CCbmQACoreManager | |
CCbmQaEff | |
CCbmQaHist | |
CCbmQaIO | ROOT object IO interface for QA |
CCbmQaManager | |
CCbmQaPie | |
CCbmQaPieSlice | |
CCbmQaTable | TODO: SZh, 30.01.2023: Override THistPainter::PaintText() to add zeroes in tables |
►CCbmQaTask | |
CCheckFlags | Contains a check result and its activeness status of the check-list entry |
CObjectComparisonConfig | Contains configuration to compare two root objects (histograms) |
CCbmRadDamage | Tool class to calculate the non-ionising radiation damage |
CCbmReadoutBuffer | |
CCbmRecEventHeaderConverter | |
►CCbmReco | Main steering class of reconstruction in CBM |
CConfig | |
CCbmRecoQa | |
►CCbmRecoQaTask | |
►CDetector | |
CData | |
CEventFilter | |
CTrackFilter | |
CView | |
CCbmRecoSts | Task class for local reconstruction in the STS |
CCbmRecoStsPixel | Task class for local reconstruction in the STS Pixel detector |
CCbmRecoT0 | Task class for reconstruction of the event t0 |
CCbmRecoT0MoniData | Monitor data for Bmon reconstruction |
CCbmRecoTracks | |
CCbmRecoUnpack | Main steering class for unpacking in cbmroot |
CCbmReport | Base class for reports |
CCbmReportElement | Abstract class for basic report elements (headers, tables, images etc.) |
CCbmRich | Defines the active detector RICH. Constructs the geometry and creates MCPoints |
CCbmRichAlignment | |
CCbmRichContFact | |
CCbmRichConverter | Convert internal data classes to cbmroot common data classes |
CCbmRichCorrection | |
CCbmRichCorrectionVector | |
CCbmRichDigi | |
CCbmRichDigiData | Container class for CbmRichDigi objects |
CCbmRichDigiMapManager | |
CCbmRichDigiQa | Class for pixel deadtime and crosstalk Qa |
CCbmRichDigitizer | Class for producing RICH digis from from MCPoints |
CCbmRichDraw | |
CCbmRichElectronIdAnn | Implementation of the electron identification algorithm in the RICH detector using Artificial Neural Network(ANN) |
CCbmRichEventDisplay | Event display for the RICH detector |
CCbmRichGeoManager | |
CCbmRichGeoOpt | Optimization of the RICH geometry |
CCbmRichGeoTest | RICH geometry checking and testing |
CCbmRichGeoTestOpt | |
CCbmRichGeoTestStudyReport | Creates study report for RICH geometry testing |
CCbmRichHit | |
CCbmRichHitLight | |
CCbmRichHitProducer | Class for producing RICH hits directly from MCPoints |
CCbmRichHoughHit | Implementation of RICH hit for ring finder algorithm |
CCbmRichHoughHitVec | |
CCbmRichMatchRings | Task class for matching a reconstructed CbmRichRings with a simulated CbmMCTrack. The matching criterion is a maximal number of common hits/points. The task fills the data class CbmRichRingMatch for each CbmRichRing |
CCbmRichMCbmAerogelAna | |
CCbmRichMCbmDenoiseQa | QA for MCbm mRICH noise removal |
CCbmRichMCbmDigiMapManager | |
CCbmRichMCbmHitProducer | |
CCbmRichMCbmMappingData | |
CCbmRichMCbmQa | |
CCbmRichMCbmQaReal | |
CCbmRichMCbmQaRichOnly | |
CCbmRichMCbmSEDisplay | |
CCbmRichMCbmToTShifter | |
CCbmRichMerger | |
CCbmRichMirror | |
CCbmRichMirrorMisalignmentCorrectionUtils | Class checks correction parameter file containing mirror misalignment information |
CCbmRichMirrorSortingAlignment | |
CCbmRichMirrorSortingCorrection | |
CCbmRichNavigationUtil | |
CCbmRichNavigationUtil2 | |
CCbmRichParallelQa | |
CCbmRichPixelData | |
CCbmRichPmt | |
CCbmRichPmtData | |
CCbmRichPMTMapping | |
CCbmRichPmtPlaneMinMax | This class is used to store pmt_pixel min and max positions |
CCbmRichPmtQEData | |
CCbmRichPoint | |
CCbmRichProjectionProducer2 | |
CCbmRichProjectionProducerAnalytical | Project track by straight line from imaginary plane to the mirror and reflect it to the photodetector plane |
CCbmRichProjectionProducerBase | Base class for STS track projections onto the photodetector plane |
CCbmRichProjectionProducerTGeo | Project track by straight line from imaginary plane to the mirror and reflect it to the photodetector plane |
CCbmRichRadiusCorrection | |
CCbmRichRecGeoPar | PMT parameters for the RICH geometry |
CCbmRichRecGeoParPmt | |
CCbmRichReconstruction | Main class for running event reconstruction in the RICH detector |
CCbmRichRecoQa | |
CCbmRichRecoTbQa | |
CCbmRichRing | |
CCbmRichRingFinder | |
CCbmRichRingFinderHough | Main class for ring finder based on Hough Transform implementation |
CCbmRichRingFinderHoughImpl | Ring finder implementation based on Hough Transform method |
CCbmRichRingFinderHoughSimd | SIMDized ring finder based on Hough Transform method |
CCbmRichRingFinderIdeal | |
CCbmRichRingFitterBase | Abstract base class for concrete Rich Ring fitting algorithms. Each derived class must implement the method DoFit |
CCbmRichRingFitterCircle | Implementation of a ring fitting algorithm with equation of a circle. Algorithm from F77 subroutine of S.Sadovsky |
CCbmRichRingFitterCOP | Here the ring is fitted with the COP algorithm from A. Ayriyan/G. Ososkov |
CCbmRichRingFitterEllipseBase | Base class for concrete ellipse fitting algorithms. Each derived class must implement the method DoFit |
CCbmRichRingFitterEllipseMinuit | This is the implementation of ellipse fitting using MINUIT |
CCbmRichRingFitterEllipseTau | Here the ring is fitted with Taubin algorithm from A. Ayriyan, G. Ososkov, N. Chernov |
CCbmRichRingFitterQa | Test ellipse and circle fitting on toy model |
CCbmRichRingFitterRobustCOP | Here the ring is fitted with the RobustCOP algorithm from A. Ayriyan/G. Ososkov |
CCbmRichRingFitterTAU | Here the ring is fitted with the TAU algorithm from A. Ayriyan/ G. Ososkov |
CCbmRichRingLight | |
CCbmRichRingsConverter | |
CCbmRichRingSelectAnn | Implementation for concrete RICH ring selection algorithm: reject rings using a trained neural net (input file with weights needed!) store resulting value (0-1) in "SelectionNN": 0 = good rings 1 = rings to be rejected --> choose a value in between depending on required purity/ efficiency |
CCbmRichRingSelectImpl | |
CCbmRichRingTrackAssignBase | Base class for RICH rings - STS tracks matching algorithms |
CCbmRichRingTrackAssignClosestD | Ring-Track Assignment according to the closest distance criterion |
CCbmRichRingTrackAssignIdeal | Ideal Ring-Track Assignment. CbmRichRingMatch must be run prior to this procedure |
CCbmRichRonchiAna | |
CCbmRichRonchiIntersectionData | |
CCbmRichRonchiLineData | |
CCbmRichTrackExtrapolation | |
CCbmRichTrackExtrapolationBase | |
CCbmRichTrackExtrapolationIdeal | "TrackExtrapolation" from MC points. It reads the PointArray with ImPlanePoints from MC and selects those to be projected to the Rich Photodetector |
CCbmRichTrackExtrapolationKF | "TrackExtrapolation" from STS tracks (Kalman Fitter) It reads the track array form STS and extrapolates those to be projected to the Rich Photodetector to some z-Plane in RICH |
CCbmRichTrackExtrapolationLittrack | "TrackExtrapolation" from STS tracks based on Littrack. It reads the track array form STS and extrapolates those to be projected to the Rich Photodetector to some z-Plane in RICH |
CCbmRichTrackExtrapolationMirrorIdeal | This is the implementation of the TrackExtrapolation from MC points - operating on points in the RICH mirror! It reads the STS track array, gets the corresponding MC MirrorPoint and selects those to be projected to the Rich Photodetector points will be stored on mirror surface again. WARNING!!!: ProjectionProducer needs to be run with zflag==2!!! |
CCbmRichTrainAnnElectrons | Train ANN for electron identification in RICH |
CCbmRichTrainAnnSelect | Train ANN for fake rejection |
CCbmRichTrbDigi | |
CCbmRichUnpackAlgo | |
CCbmRichUnpackAlgo2022 | |
CCbmRichUnpackAlgoBase | |
CCbmRichUnpackAlgoMicrosliceReader | |
CCbmRichUnpackAlgoTdcTimeData | |
CCbmRichUnpackAlgoTdcWordReader | |
CCbmRichUnpackConfig | |
CCbmRichUnpackMonitor | |
CCbmRichUrqmdTest | |
CCbmRichUtil | |
CCbmRunAna | |
CCbmSeedFinderQa | |
CCbmSeedFinderSlidingWindow | |
CCbmSetup | |
CCbmSetupStorable | |
CCbmShieldGenerator | |
CCbmSimEventHeaderConverter | |
CCbmSimTracksConverter | |
CCbmSimulationReport | Base class for simulation reports |
CCbmSinkDummy | A dummy sink class, which is to be passed to a FairRunAna, if no output is required |
CCbmSourceDigiEvents | Source class for reading from files resulting from online processing (containing DigiEvents) |
CCbmSourceDigiTimeslice | Source class for reading from files resulting from online processing (containing raw Digis) |
CCbmSourceDummy | Dummy input FAIR source. Doesn't create any branches or data |
CCbmSourceTs | Source class for reading from archived time slice data |
CCbmSourceTsArchive | Source class for reading from archived time slice data |
CCbmStack | |
CCbmStackFilter | Class for filtering the stack before writing |
CCbmStar2019Algo | |
CCbmStar2019ContFact | |
CCbmStar2019EventBuilderEtof | |
CCbmStar2019EventBuilderEtofAlgo | |
CCbmStar2019MonitorAlgo | |
CCbmStar2019MonitorPulserAlgo | |
CCbmStar2019MonitorPulserTask | |
CCbmStar2019MonitorTask | |
CCbmStar2019MonitorTof | |
CCbmStar2019TofFeeThr | |
CCbmStar2019TofPar | |
CCbmStripHit | |
CCbmStsAlgoAnaCluster | Determination of cluster parameters |
CCbmStsAlgoFindClusters | Algorithm for cluster finding in a linear array of channels |
CCbmStsAlgoFindHits | Algorithm for hit finding in the sensors of the CBM-STS |
CCbmStsAlgoFindHitsOrtho | Algorithm for hit finding in sensors with orthogonal strips |
CCbmStsBuildEventsIdeal | Task class for associating digis to events |
CCbmStsBuildEventsIdealNew | Task class for associating digis to events |
CCbmStsBuildEventsSimple | Task class for associating digis to events using STS digis dynamics in time |
CCbmStsCluster | Data class for STS clusters |
CCbmStsCoincHodo | |
CCbmStsContFact | Factory class for STS parameter container |
CCbmStsDigi | Data class for a single-channel message in the STS |
CCbmStsDigiData | Container class for CbmStsDigi objects |
CCbmStsDigiSource | |
CCbmStsDigitize | Task class for simulating the detector response of the STS |
CCbmStsDigitizePixel | Task class for simulating the detector response of the experimental STS Pixel setup |
CCbmStsDigitizeQa | |
CCbmStsDigitizeQaReport | |
CCbmStsElement | Class representing an element of the STS setup |
CCbmStsFindTracks | |
CCbmStsFindTracksEvents | Task class for finding STS tracks in an event |
►CCbmStsFindTracksQa | |
CMcTrackInfo | |
CCbmStsHit | Data class for a reconstructed 3-d hit in the STS |
CCbmStsHitProducerIdealAlgo | |
CCbmStsHitProducerIdealWrapper | |
CCbmStsHitProducerTaskIdeal | |
CCbmStsKFTrackFitter | |
CCbmStsMC | Class for the MC transport of the CBM-STS |
CCbmStsModule | Class representing an instance of a readout unit in the CBM-STS |
CCbmStsParAsic | Parameters of the STS readout ASIC |
CCbmStsParModule | Parameters for one STS module |
CCbmStsParSensor | Constructional parameters of a STS sensor |
CCbmStsParSensorCond | Parameters for operating conditions of a STS sensor |
CCbmStsParSetModule | Parameters container for CbmStsParModule |
CCbmStsParSetSensor | Parameters container for CbmStsParSensor |
CCbmStsParSetSensorCond | Parameters container for CbmStsParSensorCond |
CCbmStsParSim | Settings for STS simulation (digitizer) |
CCbmStsPhysics | Auxiliary class for physics processes in Silicon |
CCbmStsPoint | |
►CCbmStsRecoModule | Class for reconstruction in one STS module |
CTimings | |
CCbmStsSensor | Class representing an instance of a sensor in the CBM-STS |
CCbmStsSensorPoint | Container class for a local point in a STS sensor |
CCbmStsSetup | Class representing the top level of the STS setup |
►CCbmStsSignal | Data class for an analog signal in the STS |
CBefore | |
CCbmStsSimModule | Class for the simulation of a readout unit in the CBM-STS |
CCbmStsSimSensor | Class for the simulation of a sensor in the CBM-STS |
CCbmStsSimSensorDssd | Abstract class for the simulation of double-sided silicon strip sensors |
CCbmStsSimSensorDssdOrtho | Detector response for DSSD sensors with orthogonal strips |
CCbmStsSimSensorDssdStereo | Detector response for DSSD sensors with stereo angles and cross-connection by double metal layers |
CCbmStsSimSensorFactory | |
CCbmStsStation | Class representing a station of the StsSystem |
CCbmStsTrack | |
CCbmStsTrackFinder | |
CCbmStsTrackFinderIdeal | MC-based track finding in the STS |
CCbmStsTrackFitter | |
CCbmStsTrackingInterface | A CbmL1 subtask, which provides necessary methods for CA tracker to access the geometry and dataflow settings |
CCbmStsTracksConverter | |
CCbmStsTrackStatus | Stores status of track during transport. Auxiliary for CbmSts |
CCbmStsUnpackAlgo | |
CCbmStsUnpackAlgoBase | |
CCbmStsUnpackAlgoLegacy | |
►CCbmStsUnpackConfig | |
CFebChanMaskReco | |
CCbmStsUnpackMonitor | |
CCbmStsWkn | |
CCbmStudyReport | Base class for study reports |
CCbmTarget | Class for constructing the geometry of the CBM target |
CCbmTaskBuildEvents | Task class for associating digis to events |
CCbmTaskBuildRawEvents | |
CCbmTaskDigiEventQa | QA task class for digi events produced by the event builder |
CCbmTaskEventsCloneInToOut | Task class for clone CbmEvent objects from the Input to the output to allow their update, e.g. due to new reconstruction steps |
CCbmTaskInspectDigiEvents | Demonstrator class to look at digi events in the ROOT tree |
CCbmTaskInspectDigiTimeslice | Demonstrator class to save online unpacked digis in an output ROOT tree |
CCbmTaskMakeRecoEvents | Task class for interfacing storable raw events in the CbmDigiEvent format to the current offline reconstruction chain |
CCbmTaskStsHitFinderParWrite | |
CCbmTaskTofClusterizer | |
CCbmTaskTofClusterizerParWrite | |
CCbmTaskTofHitFinder | Simple Cluster building and hit producing for CBM ToF using Digis as input |
CCbmTaskTrdHitFinder | |
CCbmTaskTrdHitFinderParWrite | |
►CCbmTaskTrdUnpackParWrite | |
CPars | |
CCbmTaskTriggerDigi | Task class for minimum-bias event trigger from time-distribution of digi data |
►CCbmTaskUnpack | Task class for associating digis to events |
CConfig | |
CMonitor | |
CCbmTbDaqBuffer | Singleton buffer class for CBM raw data |
CCbmTemplateAlgo | |
CCbmTestDigi | |
CCbmTestHit | |
CCbmTextReportElement | Implementation of CbmLitReportElement for text output |
CCbmTimeSlice | Bookkeeping of time-slice content |
CCbmTimesliceManager | TBrowser Event display for Timeslices as Tree entry with CbmEvents in container. Function as unique Instance |
CCbmTimesliceManagerEditor | GUI elements for CbmTimesliceManager. Automatically loaded by TBrowser. Cannot be used standalone! |
CCbmTimeslicePixelHitSetDraw | |
CCbmTimesliceRecoTracks | Interface class to add Cbm Hits drawing (derived from PixelHit) to CbmTimesliceManager. Cannot be used alone! |
CCbmTof | |
CCbmTofAddress | CBM ToF interface class to the unique address |
CCbmTofAnaTestbeam | |
CCbmTofBuildDigiEvents | .. |
CCbmTofCalibrator | Filling and updating of calibration histos |
CCbmTofCell | |
CCbmTofContFact | |
CCbmTofCosmicClusterizer | |
CCbmTofCreateDigiPar | |
CCbmTofDetectorId | |
CCbmTofDetectorId_v07a | |
CCbmTofDetectorId_v12b | |
CCbmTofDetectorId_v14a | |
CCbmTofDetectorId_v21a | |
CCbmTofDetectorInfo | |
CCbmTofDigi | Data class for expanded digital TOF information |
CCbmTofDigiBdfPar | Parameters class for the CBM ToF digitizer using beam data distributions |
CCbmTofDigiData | Container class for CbmTofDigi objects |
CCbmTofDigiPar | |
CCbmTofDigitize | CBM ToF digitizer using beam data distributions as hit/cluster models |
CCbmTofEventClusterizer | |
CCbmTofExtendTracks | |
CCbmTofFindTracks | |
CCbmTofGeoHandler | |
CCbmTofGeometryQa | QA class for the TOF event based Hit finder tasks (clusterizers, ...) |
CCbmTofHit | |
CCbmTofHitFinderQa | QA class for the TOF event based Hit finder tasks (clusterizers, ...) |
CCbmTofHitFinderTBQa | |
CCbmTofHitMaker | |
CCbmTofHitsConverter | |
CCbmTofInteraction | |
CCbmTofMergeMcPoints | |
CCbmTofMerger | |
CCbmTofPoint | Geometric intersection of a MC track with a TOFb detector |
CCbmTofSimpClusterizer | Simple Cluster building and hit producing for CBM ToF using Digis as input |
CCbmTofStarSubevent2019 | |
CCbmTofStarTrigger2019 | |
►CCbmTofTBClusterizer | |
►CChannelDigis | |
CDigiDesc | |
CDigiPair | |
CCbmTofTestBeamClusterizer | |
CCbmTofTests | |
CCbmTofTrack | |
CCbmTofTrackFinder | |
CCbmTofTrackFinderNN | |
CCbmTofTrackingInterface | |
CCbmTofTracklet | Provides information on attaching a TofHit to a TofTrack |
CCbmTofTrackletParam | |
CCbmTofTrackletTools | Fits and resolution functions |
CCbmTofUnpackAlgo | |
CCbmTofUnpackConfig | |
CCbmTofUnpackMonitor | |
CCbmTrack | |
►CCbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceBase | Abstract class, which should be inherited by every detecting subsystem tracking interface class |
CVolumeInfo | Structure to store geometry information of each station |
CCbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceInit | |
►CCbmTrackingTrdQa | |
CMcTrackInfo | |
CCbmTrackMatch | |
CCbmTrackMatchNew | |
CCbmTrackMerger | |
CCbmTrackMergerIdeal | |
CCbmTrackParam | |
CCbmTransport | User interface class for transport simulation |
CCbmTransportConfig | |
CCbmTrd | Defines the active detector TRD. Constructs the geometry and registers MCPoints |
CCbmTrdAddress | |
CCbmTrdAddressParamTest | |
CCbmTrdAddressTest | |
CCbmTrdCalibTracker | |
CCbmTrdCheckUtil | |
CCbmTrdCluster | Data Container for TRD clusters |
CCbmTrdClusterFinder | |
CCbmTrdClusterizerFastQa | |
CCbmTrdContFact | |
CCbmTrddEdxUtils | |
CCbmTrdDetectorIdParamTest | |
CCbmTrdDetectorIdTest | |
CCbmTrdDigi | |
CCbmTrdDigiData | Container class for CbmTrdDigi objects |
CCbmTrdDigiDraw | |
CCbmTrdDigiRec | Extend the TRD(2D) digi class to incorporate FEE calibration |
CCbmTrdDigitizer | |
CCbmTrdDigitizerPRFQa | |
CCbmTrdElectronsTrainAnn | |
CCbmTrdFASP | FASP channel simulator |
CCbmTrdGas | |
CCbmTrdGeoHandler | |
CCbmTrdHardwareSetupR | |
CCbmTrdHit | Data class for a reconstructed Energy-4D measurement in the TRD |
CCbmTrdHitDensityQa | |
CCbmTrdHitMC | TRD hit to MC point correlation class |
CCbmTrdHitProducer | |
CCbmTrdHitProducerClusterQa | |
CCbmTrdHitProducerQa | |
CCbmTrdHitRateFastQa | |
CCbmTrdHitRateQa | |
CCbmTrdMCQa | |
CCbmTrdModuleAbstract | Abstract class for the TRD module It provides access to the basic properties of the chamber as follows : |
CCbmTrdModuleRec | Abstract class for module wise cluster finding and hit reconstruction |
CCbmTrdModuleRec2D | Cluster finding and hit reconstruction algorithms for the TRD(2D) module |
CCbmTrdModuleRecR | Rectangular pad module; Cluster finding and hit reconstruction algorithms |
CCbmTrdModuleSim | Abstract class for module wise digitization and raw format producing |
CCbmTrdModuleSim2D | Simulation module implementation for TRD-2D physics and FEE |
CCbmTrdModuleSimR | Simulation module implementation for rectangular pad geometry |
CCbmTrdOccupancyQa | |
CCbmTrdParAsic | Definition of ASIC parameters |
CCbmTrdParFasp | Definition of FASP parameters |
CCbmTrdParFaspChannel | Definition of FASP channel calibration container |
CCbmTrdParManager | Manipulate calibration parameters for the TRD detectors |
CCbmTrdParMod | Definition of generic parameters for one TRD module |
CCbmTrdParModAsic | Describe TRD module ASIC settings (electronic gain, delays, etc) |
CCbmTrdParModDigi | Definition of chamber gain conversion for one TRD module |
CCbmTrdParModGain | Definition of gain parameters for one TRD module |
CCbmTrdParModGas | Definition of gas parameters for one TRD module |
CCbmTrdParModGeo | Definition of geometry for one TRD module |
CCbmTrdParSet | |
CCbmTrdParSetAsic | Describe TRD module ASIC settings (electronic gain, delays, etc) |
CCbmTrdParSetDigi | |
CCbmTrdParSetGain | |
CCbmTrdParSetGas | Describe TRD module working settings (HV, etc) |
CCbmTrdParSetGeo | |
CCbmTrdParSpadic | Definition of SPADIC parameters |
CCbmTrdPoint | |
CCbmTrdQa | |
►CCbmTrdRadiator | |
CCbmTrdEntranceWindow | |
CCbmTrdRawMessageSpadic | Base class for storing raw information which comes from the Spadic v2.2 trough flib or from a tsa file |
CCbmTrdRawToDigiBaseR | |
CCbmTrdRawToDigiFitR | |
CCbmTrdRawToDigiLookUpCorrR | |
CCbmTrdRawToDigiMaxAdcR | |
CCbmTrdRawToDigiR | |
CCbmTrdRecoQa | |
CCbmTrdSetTracksPidANN | |
CCbmTrdSetTracksPidLike | |
CCbmTrdSetTracksPidModWkn | |
CCbmTrdSetTracksPidWkn | |
CCbmTrdSpadic | |
CCbmTrdTrack | |
CCbmTrdTrackFinder | |
CCbmTrdTrackFinderIdeal | |
CCbmTrdTrackingInterface | A CbmL1 subtask, which provides necessary methods for CA tracker to access the geometry and dataflow s ettings |
CCbmTrdTracksConverter | |
CCbmTrdTracksPidQa | |
CCbmTrdTrianglePRF | Utility for converting energy to signal over the triangular pad geometry (Bucharest prototype) |
CCbmTrdUnpackAlgoBaseR | |
CCbmTrdUnpackAlgoLegacy2020R | |
CCbmTrdUnpackAlgoR | |
CCbmTrdUnpackConfig | |
►CCbmTrdUnpackFaspAlgo | |
CCbmTrdFaspMessage | Data structure for unpacking the FASP word |
CCbmTrdFaspMessage24 | |
CCbmTrdUnpackFaspConfig | |
CCbmTrdUnpackFaspMonitor | |
CCbmTrdUnpackMonitor | |
CCbmTrdUtils | |
CCbmTsaComponentSink | |
CCbmTsConsumerReqDevExample | |
CCbmTsDisTofTracklets | |
CCbmTsEveAnimationControl | GUI elements to add animation and screenshot controls to CbmTimesliceManagerEditor. Cannot be used alone! |
CCbmTsEventHeader | |
CCbmTsEveTransparencyControl | GUI elements to add global transparency control to CbmTimesliceManagerEditor. Cannot be used alone! |
CCbmTsPointSetArrayDraw | |
CCbmUnigenGenerator | Generates input to transport simulation from files in Unigen format |
CCbmUnigenSource | |
CCbmUnpack | |
CCbmUnpackedTimeslice | |
CCbmUnpackTask | CbmRoot (+externals) headers |
CCbmUnpackTaskBase | CbmRoot (+externals) headers |
CCbmVertex | |
CCbmVMCSettings | User interface class to define the transport simulation settings which are common for both used transport engines |
CCheckTimingDetector | |
Ccmp_str | |
CCompareTNamedMore | |
CCompTimesExp | |
CCudaTest | |
CCutsContainer | |
CdefaultCbmEvent | |
CDeleteObject | |
CDigiRec | Extend the TRD(2D) digi class to incorporate FEE calibration |
Cevent_data_struct | |
CEventBuilderDetector | |
CExtraction | |
CFCNEllipse2 | |
CFCNPolynom | Implements FCNBase which is used for MINUIT minimization |
CFebChanMask | |
CFebChanMaskSts | |
CFieldBase< T, Orig > | FieldBase implementation for the original field |
CFieldRegionBase< T, Intrpl > | Data members and specific mehtods of the FieldRegion class with the interpolated magnetic field |
CFinderTaskQa | |
CFoo | |
Ch | Generates beam ions for transport simulation |
Ch | MVD tracking based on littrack package |
Ch | FairTask for tracking performance calculation |
Ch | Data class with information on a STS local track |
Ch | Data class with information on a TOF local track |
Ch | Storage for field approximation along Z |
Ch | Class for accessing hits in the track reconstruction |
Ch | Parallel implementation of MUCH tracking |
CHadron | |
CHalCbmAnalysisManager | |
CHalCbmATIOManager | |
CHalCbmBasicFemtoPairCut | |
CHalCbmBasicTrackCuts | |
CHalCbmCompressionTask | |
CHalCbmDeltaPhiDeltaThetaCut | |
CHalCbmDeltaPhiDeltaThetaStarCut | |
CHalCbmDeltaPhiDeltaThetaStarCutLayers | |
CHalCbmDeltaPhiDeltaThetaStarMinCut | |
CHalCbmEvent | |
CHalCbmEventInterface | |
CHalCbmField | |
CHalCbmFullEvent | |
CHalCbmHbtEvent | |
CHalCbmHbtFullEvent | |
CHalCbmHbtTrack | |
CHalCbmMCEvent | |
CHalCbmMCEventInterface | |
CHalCbmMCTrack | |
CHalCbmMCTrackInterface | |
CHalCbmNHitsCut | |
CHalCbmPairCut | |
CHalCbmPairSeparationCut2D | |
CHalCbmSource | |
CHalCbmStsEntranceSepCut | |
CHalCbmStsExitSepCut | |
CHalCbmStsSeparationCutLayers | |
CHalCbmTaskManager | |
CHalCbmTofCut | |
CHalCbmTofM2PolyCut | |
CHalCbmTrack | |
CHalCbmTrackInterface | |
CHalCbmUnigenEvent | |
CHalCbmUnigenEventInterface | |
CHalCbmUnigenTrack | |
CHalCbmUnigenTrackInterface | |
CHitRateGeoPara | |
CHitRateGeoPara2 | |
CInitTaskError | CBM headers |
CInOutStructure | |
CKFFieldVector | |
CKFMatchParticles | |
CKFParticleMatch | |
CKfRootUtils | A structure to keep all the utilities together |
CLitCudaAbsorber | |
CLitCudaDetectorLayout | |
CLitCudaMaterialInfo | |
CLitCudaPixelHit | |
CLitCudaStation | |
CLitCudaStationGroup | |
CLitCudaStripHit | |
CLitCudaSubstation | |
CLitCudaTest | |
CLitCudaTrack | |
CLitCudaTrackParam | |
CLitScalStripHit | Base class for scalar strip hits |
CLitStation | Detector station |
CLitStripHit | Base class for strip hits |
CLitVirtualStation | Virtual detector station which stores information needed for track propagation |
CLKFMinuit | |
CLmvmCand | |
CLmvmCuts | |
CLmvmDataAngMomInd | |
CLmvmDataXYInd | |
CLmvmDraw | |
CLmvmDrawAll | |
CLmvmDrawMinvData | |
CLmvmHist | |
CLmvmKinePar | |
CLmvmLegend | |
CLmvmSBgResultData | |
CLmvmSimParam | |
CLmvmTask | |
CLmvmUtils | |
CMcTrackCut | MC track selection criteria |
CMuchFebChanMask | |
COccupancyModule | |
CPad | |
CPairAnalysis | |
CPairAnalysisCutCombi | |
CPairAnalysisCutGroup | |
CPairAnalysisCutQa | |
CPairAnalysisEvent | |
CPairAnalysisFunction | |
CPairAnalysisHF | |
CPairAnalysisHn | |
CPairAnalysisMC | |
CPairAnalysisMetaData | |
CPairAnalysisMixedEvent | |
CPairAnalysisMixingHandler | |
CPairAnalysisObjectCuts | |
CPairAnalysisPair | |
CPairAnalysisPairKF | |
CPairAnalysisPairLegCuts | |
CPairAnalysisPairLV | |
CPairAnalysisSignalExt | |
CPairAnalysisSignalFit | |
CPairAnalysisSignalMC | |
CPairAnalysisTrack | |
CPairAnalysisTrackRotator | |
CPairAnalysisVarCuts | |
CPairAnalysisVarManager | |
CParameterMQServer | |
CPartitionedSpanTest | |
CPartitionedVectorTest | |
CPDataBase | |
CPMesh | |
CPmt_HV | |
CPParticle | |
CProgramOptions | Program options class for the "cbmreco_fairrun" application |
CProgramOptionsException | Program options exception class |
CPronyFitter | Class to fit waveform using Prony least squares method |
CPStaticData | |
CPStdData | |
CPValues | |
CQa | Qa class for the CA tracking QA (header) |
CQAHit | |
CQAMCPoint | |
CQAMCTrack | |
CRawEventBuilderDetector | |
CRecoQa | General QA for a Reco cycle on a single TS |
CRichGeoCreator | |
CRichGeoMaterials | |
CRingElectronParam | Input Parameters for ANN for electron identification in RICH |
CRingSelectParam | Input Parameters for ANN |
CRpc_HV | |
CTH1FParameters | |
CTimesliceMetaData | |
CTL1Efficiencies | |
CTL1PerfEfficiencies | |
CTL1TracksCatCounters | Counters used for efficiency calculation |
CTMyObserver | |
CTrackParamBaseScalar | Scalar version of TrackParamBase |
CTrdEloss | Represents information about energy losses in one layer |
CTTrbHeader | |
CUEvent | |
CUnpackAux | Auxiliary data for BMON unpacking |
CUnpackMoni | Monitoring data for BMON unpacking |
CUnpackMS< kMess24 > | Unpack algorithm specialization for TRD2D based on one-layered FEB design introduced in 06.2024 (https://indico.gsi.de/event/20885/attachments/49263/72236/TRD2D-CDR-FEB.pdf) |
CUnpackStsAux | Auxiliary data for STS unpacking |
CUnpackStsElinkPar | STS Unpacking parameters for one eLink / ASIC |
CUnpackStsMoni | Monitoring data for STS unpacking |
CUnpackStsPar | Parameters required for the STS unpacking (specific to one component) |
CUParticle | |
CURun | |