No Matches
CbmCaInputQaBase< DetID >::Config::McTrackCuts Struct Reference

#include <CbmCaInputQaBase.h>

Public Member Functions

 CBM_YAML_PROPERTIES (Property(&McTrackCuts::fMinMom, "MinMom", "Minimal momentum at the exit of the station [GeV/c]"), Property(&McTrackCuts::fMaxTheta, "MaxTheta", "Maximal theta at the exit of the station [grad]"), Property(&McTrackCuts::fbPrimary, "IsPrimary", "Is track primary"))

Public Attributes

double fMinMom = 0.1
 Track momentum on the exit of the station [GeV/c].
double fMaxTheta = 60.
 Track theta on the exit of the station [grad].
bool fbPrimary = true
 Must the track come from the primary vertex.

Detailed Description

template<EDetectorID DetID>
struct CbmCaInputQaBase< DetID >::Config::McTrackCuts

Definition at line 63 of file CbmCaInputQaBase.h.

Member Function Documentation


template<EDetectorID DetID>
CbmCaInputQaBase< DetID >::Config::McTrackCuts::CBM_YAML_PROPERTIES ( Property &::, "", " [/]" c,
Property &::, "", " []" grad,
Property &::, "", " " primary )

Member Data Documentation

◆ fbPrimary

template<EDetectorID DetID>
bool CbmCaInputQaBase< DetID >::Config::McTrackCuts::fbPrimary = true

Must the track come from the primary vertex.

Definition at line 66 of file CbmCaInputQaBase.h.

◆ fMaxTheta

template<EDetectorID DetID>
double CbmCaInputQaBase< DetID >::Config::McTrackCuts::fMaxTheta = 60.

Track theta on the exit of the station [grad].

Definition at line 65 of file CbmCaInputQaBase.h.

◆ fMinMom

template<EDetectorID DetID>
double CbmCaInputQaBase< DetID >::Config::McTrackCuts::fMinMom = 0.1

Track momentum on the exit of the station [GeV/c].

Definition at line 64 of file CbmCaInputQaBase.h.

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