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cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa Class Reference

Unified QA for a group of tracks. More...

#include <CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h>

Inheritance diagram for cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa:
Collaboration diagram for cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa:

Public Types

enum class  EStoringMode { kSAMEDIR , kSUBDIR }
using ObjList_t = std::vector<std::pair<TObject*, TString>>

Public Member Functions

 TrackTypeQa (const char *typeName, const char *prefixName, bool bUseMC, std::shared_ptr< ObjList_t > pObjList)
 ~TrackTypeQa ()=default
 TrackTypeQa (const TrackTypeQa &)=delete
 Copy constructor.
 TrackTypeQa (TrackTypeQa &&)=delete
 Move constructor.
TrackTypeQaoperator= (const TrackTypeQa &)=delete
 Copy assignment operator.
TrackTypeQaoperator= (TrackTypeQa &&)=delete
 Move assignment operator.
double GetAverageRecoLength () const
 Gets average reconstructed track length.
double GetAverageNofStationsWithHit () const
 Gets average reconstructed track length.
double GetAverageNofStationsWithPoint () const
 Gets average MC track length.
double GetAverageFakeLength () const
 Gets average fake length.
double GetIntegratedEff () const
 Gets integrated efficiency.
double GetClonesRate () const
 Gets clones rate.
double GetKilledRate () const
 Gets killed rate.
double GetNofMCTracks () const
 Gets number of MC tracks.
double GetNofRecoTracksTotal () const
 Gets total number of reconstructed tracks (reco + ghost + clones)
double GetNofRecoTracksMatched () const
 Gets number of total reco tracks.
double GetNofClones () const
 Gets number of clones.
const char * GetTitle () const
 Gets title of track group.
void Init ()
 Initializes histograms.
bool IsMCUsed () const
 Flag on MC usage by the track type.
void FillRecoTrack (int iTrkReco, double weight=1)
 Fills histograms with various track information.
void FillMCTrack (int iTrkMC, double weight=1)
 Fills histograms with mc track information.
void RegisterRecoTracks (ca::Vector< CbmL1Track > &vTracks)
 Registers the reconstructed tracks container.
void RegisterRecoHits (ca::Vector< CbmL1HitDebugInfo > &vHits)
 Register the reconstructed hits container.
void RegisterMCData (tools::MCData &mcData)
 Registers the MC data.
void RegisterParameters (std::shared_ptr< ca::Parameters< float > > &pParameters)
 Registers CA parameters object.
void SetDrawAtt (Color_t markerCol=1, Style_t markerSty=20, Color_t lineCol=-1, Style_t lineSty=1)
 Sets drawing attributes for histograms.
void SetTitle (const char *title)
 Sets title, which is to be reflected on legends and titles.
void SetMCTrackCut (std::function< bool(const tools::MCTrack &)> cut)
 Sets selection cuts on MC tracks.
void SetRecoTrackCut (std::function< bool(const CbmL1Track &)> cut)
 Sets selection cuts on reconstructed tracks.
void FillPerEvent ()
 Fills counters per event.
const char * GetConfigName () const
 Gets config name.
template<typename T , typename... Args>
T * MakeQaObject (TString sName, TString sTitle, Args... args)
void MakeQaDirectory (TString sName)
void SetConfigName (const char *path)
 Creates a ROOT object.
void SetRootFolderName (const TString &path)
 Sets a common root path to the objects in the output file.
void SetStoringMode (EStoringMode mode)
 Set storing mode.

Public Attributes

TH1F * fph_reco_p = nullptr
 Total momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_pt = nullptr
 Transverse momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_phi = nullptr
 Azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_theta = nullptr
 Polar angle of reconstructed tracks.
TH2F * fph_reco_theta_phi = nullptr
 Polar angle vs. azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_tx = nullptr
 Slope along x-axis of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_ty = nullptr
 Slope along y-axis of reconstructed tracks.
TH2F * fph_reco_ty_tx = nullptr
 Slope along x-axis vs y-axis of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_eta = nullptr
 Pseudo-rapidity of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_nhits = nullptr
 Hit number of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_fhitR = nullptr
 Distance of the first hit from z-axis for reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_fsta = nullptr
 First station index of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_lsta = nullptr
 Last station index of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_chi2_ndf = nullptr
 Fit chi2 over NDF of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_chi2_ndf_time = nullptr
 Fit chi2 over NDF of reconstructed tracks for time.
TH1F * fph_reco_pMC = nullptr
 MC total momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_ptMC = nullptr
 MC transverse momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_yMC = nullptr
 MC rapidity of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_etaMC = nullptr
 MC pseudo-rapidity of reconstructed tracks.
TH2F * fph_reco_ptMC_yMC = nullptr
 MC transverse momentum vs MC rapidity of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_phiMC = nullptr
 MC Azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_thetaMC = nullptr
 MC Polar angle of reconstructed tracks.
TH2F * fph_reco_thetaMC_phiMC = nullptr
 MC Polar angle vs. azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_txMC = nullptr
 MC Slope along x-axis of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_reco_tyMC = nullptr
 MC Slope along y-axis of reconstructed tracks.
TH1F * fph_mc_pMC = nullptr
 MC total momentum over charge of MC tracks.
TH1F * fph_mc_yMC = nullptr
 MC rapidity of MC tracks.
TH1F * fph_mc_etaMC = nullptr
 MC pseudo-rapidity of MC tracks.
TH2F * fph_mc_ptMC_yMC = nullptr
 MC transverse momentum vs. MC rapidity of MC tracks.
TH1F * fph_mc_ptMC = nullptr
 Transverse momentum over charge of MC tracks.
TH1F * fph_mc_phiMC = nullptr
 Azimuthal angle of MC tracks.
TH1F * fph_mc_thetaMC = nullptr
 Polar angle of MC tracks.
TH2F * fph_mc_thetaMC_phiMC = nullptr
 Polar angle vs. azimuthal angle of MC tracks.
TH1F * fph_mc_txMC = nullptr
 Slope along x-axis of MC tracks.
TH1F * fph_mc_tyMC = nullptr
 Slope along y-axis of MC tracks.
TH2F * fph_mc_tyMC_txMC = nullptr
 Slope along x-axis vs y-axis of MC tracks.
TProfile * fph_eff_int = nullptr
 Integrated efficiency.
TProfile * fph_eff_pMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC momentum.
TProfile * fph_eff_yMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC rapidity.
TProfile * fph_eff_ptMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum.
TProfile * fph_eff_thetaMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC polar angle.
TProfile * fph_eff_etaMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC pseudorapidity.
TProfile * fph_eff_phiMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC azimuthal angle.
TProfile * fph_eff_nhitsMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC number of hits (total number of stations with a)
TProfile * fph_eff_txMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC slope along x-axis.
TProfile * fph_eff_tyMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC slope along y-axis.
TProfile2D * fph_eff_thetaMC_phiMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC theta and MC phi.
TProfile2D * fph_eff_ptMC_yMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum and MC rapidity.
TProfile2D * fph_eff_tyMC_txMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC slopes.
TProfile * fph_clone_pMC = nullptr
 Clone rate vs. MC momentum.
TProfile * fph_clone_yMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC rapidity.
TProfile * fph_clone_ptMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum.
TProfile * fph_clone_thetaMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC polar angle.
TProfile * fph_clone_etaMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC pseudorapidity.
TProfile * fph_clone_phiMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC azimuthal angle.
TProfile * fph_clone_nhitsMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC number of hits (total number of stations with a)
TProfile * fph_clone_txMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC slope along x-axis.
TProfile * fph_clone_tyMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC slope along y-axis.
TProfile2D * fph_clone_thetaMC_phiMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC theta and MC phi.
TProfile2D * fph_clone_ptMC_yMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum and MC rapidity.
TProfile2D * fph_clone_tyMC_txMC = nullptr
 Efficiency vs. MC slopes.
std::unique_ptr< TrackFitQafpFitQaFirstMCpoint = nullptr
std::unique_ptr< TrackFitQafpFitQaFirstHit = nullptr
std::unique_ptr< TrackFitQafpFitQaLastHit = nullptr
std::unique_ptr< TrackFitQafpFitQaVertex = nullptr

Protected Member Functions

template<typename T >
void CheckProperty (T &&property, const char *name) const
 Function to check, if a property is defined.
template<class Config >
std::optional< Config > ReadSpecificConfig () const
 Reads the specific configuration structure from the YAML node.
virtual void SetTH2Properties (TH2 *pHist) const
 Applies properties on the histogram created with the MakeQaObject function.
virtual void SetTProfile2DProperties (TProfile2D *pHist) const
 Applies properties on the profile 2D created with the MakeQaObject function.
virtual void SetCanvasProperties (TCanvas *pCanv) const
 Applies properties on the canvas created with the MakeQaObject funciton.
void WriteToFile (TFile *pOutFile) const
 Writes objects into file.

Protected Attributes

TString fsRootFolderName = ""
 Name of root folder.
TString fsConfigName = ""
 Name of configuration file.
TString fsPrefix = ""
 Unique prefix for all writeable root.
EStoringMode fStoringMode = EStoringMode::kSUBDIR
 Objects storing mode.
std::shared_ptr< ObjList_tfpvObjList = nullptr
 List of registered ROOT objects.
YAML::Node fConfigNode {}
 Configuration node.

Private Member Functions

virtual void SetTH1Properties (TH1 *pHist) const override
 Overrided virtual function of the CbmQaIO class, defines properties of the histograms.
 ClassDefNV (TrackTypeQa, 0)
template<typename T , typename... Args>
T * ConstructAndRegisterQaObject (TString name, Args... args)
 Creates and registers a ROOT object.

Private Attributes

TProfile * fph_rate_reco = nullptr
 Rate of reconstructed tracks / mc.
TProfile * fph_rate_killed = nullptr
 Rate of killed tracks / mc.
TProfile * fph_rate_clones = nullptr
 Rate of clone tracks / mc.
TProfile * fph_stations_point = nullptr
 Average number of stations with MC point.
TProfile * fph_stations_hit = nullptr
 Average number of stations with hit.
cbm::algo::kf::TrackKalmanFilter< double > fTrackFit
 Track fitter.
cbm::algo::kf::FieldRegion< double > fFieldRegion
 Magnetic field.
int fCounterMC = 0
 Counter of MC tracks.
int fCounterClones = 0
 Counter of clone tracks.
int fCounterRecoTotal = 0
 Counter of reco tracks (total = reco + ghost + clones)
double fRecoLength = 0.
 Total length of reconstructed tracks.
double fMCLength = 0.
 Total length of MC tracks.
double fFakeLength = 0.
 Total length of fake tracks.
bool fbUseMC = false
 Flag: true - MC information is used.
TString fsTitle = ""
 Title of the track category.
ca::Vector< CbmL1Track > * fpvRecoTracks = nullptr
 Pointer to vector of reconstructed tracks.
ca::Vector< CbmL1HitDebugInfo > * fpvHits = nullptr
 Pointer to vector of reconstructed hits.
tools::MCDatafpMCData = nullptr
 Pointer to MC data object.
std::shared_ptr< ca::Parameters< float > > fpParameters = nullptr
 Pointer to parameters object.
std::function< bool(const tools::MCTrack &)> fMCTrackCut = [](const tools::MCTrack&) { return true; }
 Cut function on MC tracks.
std::function< bool(const CbmL1Track &)> fRecoTrackCut = [](const CbmL1Track&) { return true; }
 Cut function on reconstructed tracks.
Color_t fMarkerColor = 1
 Marker color.
Style_t fMarkerStyle = 20
 Marker style.
Color_t fLineColor = 1
 Line color.
Style_t fLineStyle = 1
 Line style.

Static Private Attributes

static constexpr int kBinsP = 120
 Number of bins, total momentum.
static constexpr double kLoP = 0.
 Lower boundary, total momentum [GeV/c].
static constexpr double kUpP = 12.
 Upper boundary, total momentum [GeV/c].
static constexpr int kBinsPT = 100
 Number of bins, transverse momentum.
static constexpr double kLoPT = 0.
 Lower boundary, transverse momentum [GeV/c].
static constexpr double kUpPT = 4.
 Upper boundary, transverse momentum [GeV/c].
static constexpr int kBinsETA = 40
 Number of bins, pseudo-rapidity.
static constexpr double kLoETA = 0.
 Lower boundary, pseudo-rapidity.
static constexpr double kUpETA = 4.
 Upper boundary, pseudo-rapidity.
static constexpr int kBinsY = 40
 Number of bins, rapidity.
static constexpr double kLoY = 0.
 Lower boundary, rapidity.
static constexpr double kUpY = 4.
 Upper boundary, rapidity.
static constexpr int kBinsPHI = 68
 Number of bins, azimuthal angle.
static constexpr double kLoPHI = -3.2
 Lower boundary, azimuthal angle [rad].
static constexpr double kUpPHI = +3.2
 Upper boundary, azimuthal angle [rad].
static constexpr int kBinsTHETA = 68
 Number of bins, polar angle.
static constexpr double kLoTHETA = 0.
 Lower boundary, polar angle [rad].
static constexpr double kUpTHETA = 3.2
 Upper boundary, polar angle [rad].
static constexpr int kBinsTX = 80
 Number of bins, slope along x.
static constexpr double kLoTX = -2.
 Lower boundary, slope along x.
static constexpr double kUpTX = +2.
 Upper boundary, slope along x.
static constexpr int kBinsTY = 80
 Number of bins, slope along y.
static constexpr double kLoTY = -2.
 Lower boundary, slope along y.
static constexpr double kUpTY = +2.
 Upper boundary, slope along y.
static constexpr int kBinsNHITS = 15
 Number of bins, number of hits.
static constexpr double kLoNHITS = -0.5
 Lower boundary, number of hits.
static constexpr double kUpNHITS = 14.5
 Upper boundary, number of hits.
static constexpr int kBinsFHITR = 50
 Number of bins, transverse dist. of the 1st hit from z-axis.
static constexpr double kLoFHITR = 0.
 Lower boundary, transverse dist. of the 1st hit from z-axis [cm].
static constexpr double kUpFHITR = 150.
 Upper boundary, transverse dist. of the 1st hit from z-axis [cm].
static constexpr int kBinsNSTA = 12
 Number of bins, number of stations.
static constexpr double kLoNSTA = -0.5
 Lower boundary, number of stations.
static constexpr double kUpNSTA = 11.5
 Upper boundary, number of stations.
static constexpr int kBinsCHI2NDF = 200
 Number of bins, chi2 over NDF.
static constexpr double kLoCHI2NDF = 0.
 Lower boundary, chi2 over NDF.
static constexpr double kUpCHI2NDF = 20.
 Upper boundary, chi2 over NDF.

Detailed Description

Unified QA for a group of tracks.

The class provides set of histograms, counters, and efficiencies for monitoring tracks of a particular type (reco_fast_long, mc_pi, reco_ghost)

Definition at line 44 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ObjList_t

using CbmQaIO::ObjList_t = std::vector<std::pair<TObject*, TString>>

Definition at line 46 of file CbmQaIO.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EStoringMode

enum class CbmQaIO::EStoringMode

Objects of different type will be stored to root directory.


Objects of different type will be stored in different subdirectories like histograms/ canvases/.


Definition at line 48 of file CbmQaIO.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ TrackTypeQa() [1/3]

TrackTypeQa::TrackTypeQa ( const char * typeName,
const char * prefixName,
bool bUseMC,
std::shared_ptr< ObjList_t > pObjList )


typeNameName of tracks type (used as a prefix for histogram)
Track type is stored as a root directory name in the CbmQaIO base class
prefixNameName of unique prefix
bUseMCFlag: true - MC is used
pObjListList of registered objects

Definition at line 25 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.cxx.

References CbmQaIO::fStoringMode, and CbmQaIO::kSAMEDIR.

◆ ~TrackTypeQa()

cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::~TrackTypeQa ( )


◆ TrackTypeQa() [2/3]

cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::TrackTypeQa ( const TrackTypeQa & )

Copy constructor.

◆ TrackTypeQa() [3/3]

cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::TrackTypeQa ( TrackTypeQa && )

Move constructor.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CheckProperty()

template<typename T >
void CbmQaIO::CheckProperty ( T && property,
const char * name ) const

Function to check, if a property is defined.

propertyA property to be tested
nameA name of property (used for logging)
Throws an exception, if property is undefined

Definition at line 178 of file CbmQaIO.h.

Referenced by CbmQaIO::MakeQaObject().

◆ ClassDefNV()

cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::ClassDefNV ( TrackTypeQa ,
0  )

◆ ConstructAndRegisterQaObject()

template<typename T , typename... Args>
T * CbmQaIO::ConstructAndRegisterQaObject ( TString name,
Args... args )

Creates and registers a ROOT object.

nameA name of the ROOT object, which can contain a sub-directory
argsOther arguments, passed to the ROOT object constructor

Definition at line 198 of file CbmQaIO.h.

References CbmQaIO::fpvObjList, CbmQaIO::fsRootFolderName, CbmQaIO::fStoringMode, CbmQaIO::kSUBDIR, CbmQaIO::SetCanvasProperties(), CbmQaIO::SetTH1Properties(), CbmQaIO::SetTH2Properties(), and CbmQaIO::SetTProfile2DProperties().

Referenced by CbmQaIO::MakeQaObject().

◆ FillMCTrack()

void TrackTypeQa::FillMCTrack ( int iTrkMC,
double weight = 1 )

Fills histograms with mc track information.

To be called in the loop over MC tracks full sample
iTrkMCIndex of MC track

Definition at line 360 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.cxx.

References fbUseMC, fCounterClones, fCounterMC, fFakeLength, fMCLength, fph_clone_etaMC, fph_clone_nhitsMC, fph_clone_phiMC, fph_clone_pMC, fph_clone_ptMC, fph_clone_ptMC_yMC, fph_clone_thetaMC, fph_clone_thetaMC_phiMC, fph_clone_txMC, fph_clone_tyMC, fph_clone_yMC, fph_eff_etaMC, fph_eff_nhitsMC, fph_eff_phiMC, fph_eff_pMC, fph_eff_ptMC, fph_eff_ptMC_yMC, fph_eff_thetaMC, fph_eff_thetaMC_phiMC, fph_eff_txMC, fph_eff_tyMC, fph_eff_yMC, fph_mc_etaMC, fph_mc_phiMC, fph_mc_pMC, fph_mc_ptMC, fph_mc_ptMC_yMC, fph_mc_thetaMC, fph_mc_thetaMC_phiMC, fph_mc_txMC, fph_mc_tyMC, fph_mc_tyMC_txMC, fph_mc_yMC, fph_rate_clones, fph_rate_killed, fph_rate_reco, fph_stations_hit, fph_stations_point, fpMCData, fRecoLength, cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetEta(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetNofClones(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetP(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetPhi(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetPt(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetRapidity(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetRecoTrackIndexes(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetTheta(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetTotNofStationsWithHit(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetTotNofStationsWithPoint(), cbm::ca::tools::MCData::GetTrack(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetTx(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetTy(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::IsDisturbed(), and cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::IsReconstructed().

◆ FillPerEvent()

void cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::FillPerEvent ( )

Fills counters per event.

◆ FillRecoTrack()

◆ GetAverageFakeLength()

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::GetAverageFakeLength ( ) const

Gets average fake length.

Definition at line 87 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fCounterClones, fFakeLength, and GetNofRecoTracksMatched().

◆ GetAverageNofStationsWithHit()

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::GetAverageNofStationsWithHit ( ) const

Gets average reconstructed track length.

Definition at line 73 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fph_stations_hit.

◆ GetAverageNofStationsWithPoint()

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::GetAverageNofStationsWithPoint ( ) const

Gets average MC track length.

Definition at line 80 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fph_stations_point.

◆ GetAverageRecoLength()

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::GetAverageRecoLength ( ) const

Gets average reconstructed track length.

Definition at line 70 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fCounterClones, fRecoLength, and GetNofRecoTracksMatched().

◆ GetClonesRate()

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::GetClonesRate ( ) const

Gets clones rate.

Definition at line 97 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fph_rate_clones.

Referenced by GetNofClones().

◆ GetConfigName()

const char * CbmQaIO::GetConfigName ( ) const

Gets config name.


Definition at line 76 of file CbmQaIO.h.

References CbmQaIO::fsConfigName.

◆ GetIntegratedEff()

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::GetIntegratedEff ( ) const

Gets integrated efficiency.

Definition at line 90 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fph_rate_reco.

Referenced by GetNofRecoTracksMatched().

◆ GetKilledRate()

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::GetKilledRate ( ) const

Gets killed rate.

Definition at line 104 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fbUseMC, and fph_rate_killed.

◆ GetNofClones()

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::GetNofClones ( ) const

Gets number of clones.

Definition at line 124 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fCounterMC, and GetClonesRate().

◆ GetNofMCTracks()

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::GetNofMCTracks ( ) const

Gets number of MC tracks.

Definition at line 111 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fCounterMC.

◆ GetNofRecoTracksMatched()

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::GetNofRecoTracksMatched ( ) const

Gets number of total reco tracks.

Definition at line 121 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fCounterMC, and GetIntegratedEff().

Referenced by GetAverageFakeLength(), and GetAverageRecoLength().

◆ GetNofRecoTracksTotal()

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::GetNofRecoTracksTotal ( ) const

Gets total number of reconstructed tracks (reco + ghost + clones)

Definition at line 114 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fCounterRecoTotal.

◆ GetTitle()

const char * cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::GetTitle ( ) const

Gets title of track group.

Definition at line 127 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fsTitle.

◆ Init()

void TrackTypeQa::Init ( )

Initializes histograms.

Definition at line 34 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.cxx.

References fbUseMC, fCounterClones, fCounterMC, fCounterRecoTotal, fFakeLength, fFieldRegion, cbm::algo::kf::GlobalField::fgOriginalField, cbm::algo::kf::GlobalField::fgOriginalFieldType, fpFitQaFirstHit, fpFitQaLastHit, fpFitQaVertex, fph_clone_etaMC, fph_clone_nhitsMC, fph_clone_phiMC, fph_clone_pMC, fph_clone_ptMC, fph_clone_ptMC_yMC, fph_clone_thetaMC, fph_clone_thetaMC_phiMC, fph_clone_txMC, fph_clone_tyMC, fph_clone_yMC, fph_eff_etaMC, fph_eff_int, fph_eff_nhitsMC, fph_eff_phiMC, fph_eff_pMC, fph_eff_ptMC, fph_eff_ptMC_yMC, fph_eff_thetaMC, fph_eff_thetaMC_phiMC, fph_eff_txMC, fph_eff_tyMC, fph_eff_yMC, fph_mc_etaMC, fph_mc_phiMC, fph_mc_pMC, fph_mc_ptMC, fph_mc_ptMC_yMC, fph_mc_thetaMC, fph_mc_thetaMC_phiMC, fph_mc_txMC, fph_mc_tyMC, fph_mc_tyMC_txMC, fph_mc_yMC, fph_rate_clones, fph_rate_killed, fph_rate_reco, fph_reco_chi2_ndf, fph_reco_chi2_ndf_time, fph_reco_eta, fph_reco_etaMC, fph_reco_fhitR, fph_reco_fsta, fph_reco_lsta, fph_reco_nhits, fph_reco_p, fph_reco_phi, fph_reco_phiMC, fph_reco_pMC, fph_reco_pt, fph_reco_ptMC, fph_reco_ptMC_yMC, fph_reco_theta, fph_reco_theta_phi, fph_reco_thetaMC, fph_reco_thetaMC_phiMC, fph_reco_tx, fph_reco_txMC, fph_reco_ty, fph_reco_ty_tx, fph_reco_tyMC, fph_reco_yMC, fph_stations_hit, fph_stations_point, fpMCData, fpParameters, fpvHits, CbmQaIO::fpvObjList, fpvRecoTracks, fRecoLength, CbmQaIO::fsPrefix, CbmQaIO::fsRootFolderName, fTrackFit, kBinsCHI2NDF, kBinsETA, kBinsFHITR, kBinsNHITS, kBinsNSTA, kBinsP, kBinsPHI, kBinsPT, kBinsTHETA, kBinsTX, kBinsTY, kBinsY, kLoCHI2NDF, kLoETA, kLoFHITR, kLoNHITS, kLoNSTA, kLoP, kLoPHI, kLoPT, kLoTHETA, kLoTX, kLoTY, kLoY, kUpCHI2NDF, kUpETA, kUpFHITR, kUpNHITS, kUpNSTA, kUpP, kUpPHI, kUpPT, kUpTHETA, kUpTX, kUpTY, kUpY, cbm::ca::kX, cbm::ca::kY, CbmQaIO::MakeQaObject(), cbm::algo::kf::TrackKalmanFilter< DataT >::SetDoFitVelocity(), and cbm::algo::kf::TrackKalmanFilter< DataT >::SetMask().

◆ IsMCUsed()

bool cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::IsMCUsed ( ) const

Flag on MC usage by the track type.

true Histograms relied on MC info are filled
false Histograms relied on MC info are not filled

Definition at line 135 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fbUseMC.

◆ MakeQaDirectory()

void CbmQaIO::MakeQaDirectory ( TString sName)

◆ MakeQaObject()

◆ operator=() [1/2]

TrackTypeQa & cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::operator= ( const TrackTypeQa & )

Copy assignment operator.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

TrackTypeQa & cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::operator= ( TrackTypeQa && )

Move assignment operator.

◆ ReadSpecificConfig()

template<class Config >
std::optional< Config > CbmQaIO::ReadSpecificConfig ( ) const

Reads the specific configuration structure from the YAML node.

Template Parameters
ConfigType of the configuration class

The function is to be called in the user-defined class method InitDataBranches


Definition at line 127 of file CbmQaIO.h.

References CbmQaIO::fConfigNode, and cbm::algo::yaml::Read().

◆ RegisterMCData()

void cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::RegisterMCData ( tools::MCData & mcData)

Registers the MC data.

mcDataReference to MC data object

Definition at line 159 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fpMCData.

◆ RegisterParameters()

void cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::RegisterParameters ( std::shared_ptr< ca::Parameters< float > > & pParameters)

Registers CA parameters object.

pParametersA shared pointer to the parameters object

Definition at line 163 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fpParameters.

◆ RegisterRecoHits()

void cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::RegisterRecoHits ( ca::Vector< CbmL1HitDebugInfo > & vHits)

Register the reconstructed hits container.

vHitsReference to reconstructed hits container

Definition at line 155 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fpvHits.

◆ RegisterRecoTracks()

void cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::RegisterRecoTracks ( ca::Vector< CbmL1Track > & vTracks)

Registers the reconstructed tracks container.

vTracksReference to reconstructed tracks container

Definition at line 151 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fpvRecoTracks.

◆ SetCanvasProperties()

void CbmQaIO::SetCanvasProperties ( TCanvas * pCanv) const

Applies properties on the canvas created with the MakeQaObject funciton.

pCanvPointer to the canvas

Definition at line 84 of file CbmQaIO.cxx.

Referenced by CbmQaIO::ConstructAndRegisterQaObject().

◆ SetConfigName()

void CbmQaIO::SetConfigName ( const char * path)

Creates a ROOT object.

Sets config name

nameA path to the config

Definition at line 95 of file CbmQaIO.cxx.

References CbmQaIO::fConfigNode, CbmQaIO::fsConfigName, and CbmQaIO::fsPrefix.

◆ SetDrawAtt()

void TrackTypeQa::SetDrawAtt ( Color_t markerCol = 1,
Style_t markerSty = 20,
Color_t lineCol = -1,
Style_t lineSty = 1 )

Sets drawing attributes for histograms.

markerColMarker color
markerStyMarker style
lineColLine color (-1: the same color as marker)
lineStyLine style

Definition at line 432 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.cxx.

References fLineColor, fLineStyle, fMarkerColor, and fMarkerStyle.

◆ SetMCTrackCut()

void cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::SetMCTrackCut ( std::function< bool(const tools::MCTrack &)> cut)

Sets selection cuts on MC tracks.

cutFunctor <bool(const MCTrack&)> defining cut on MC track

When function returns false,

Definition at line 180 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fMCTrackCut.

◆ SetRecoTrackCut()

void cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::SetRecoTrackCut ( std::function< bool(const CbmL1Track &)> cut)

Sets selection cuts on reconstructed tracks.

cutFunctor <bool(const CbmL1Track&)> defining cut on reconstructed track

When function returns false,

Definition at line 186 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fRecoTrackCut.

◆ SetRootFolderName()

void CbmQaIO::SetRootFolderName ( const TString & path)

Sets a common root path to the objects in the output file.

pathA path to the object

Definition at line 109 of file CbmQaIO.h.

References CbmQaIO::fsRootFolderName.

Referenced by CbmQaTask::CbmQaTask().

◆ SetStoringMode()

void CbmQaIO::SetStoringMode ( EStoringMode mode)

Set storing mode.


Definition at line 112 of file CbmQaIO.h.

References CbmQaIO::fStoringMode.

Referenced by CbmCaInputQaBase< DetID >::CbmCaInputQaBase().

◆ SetTH1Properties()

void TrackTypeQa::SetTH1Properties ( TH1 * pHist) const

Overrided virtual function of the CbmQaIO class, defines properties of the histograms.

pHistPointer to a histogram, which properties are to be set

Reimplemented from CbmQaIO.

Definition at line 442 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.cxx.

References fLineColor, fLineStyle, fMarkerColor, and fMarkerStyle.

◆ SetTH2Properties()

void CbmQaIO::SetTH2Properties ( TH2 * pHist) const

Applies properties on the histogram created with the MakeQaObject function.

pHistPointer to the histogram

Definition at line 50 of file CbmQaIO.cxx.

Referenced by CbmQaIO::ConstructAndRegisterQaObject().

◆ SetTitle()

void cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::SetTitle ( const char * title)

Sets title, which is to be reflected on legends and titles.

titleTitle of track type

Definition at line 174 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

References fsTitle.

◆ SetTProfile2DProperties()

void CbmQaIO::SetTProfile2DProperties ( TProfile2D * pHist) const

Applies properties on the profile 2D created with the MakeQaObject function.

pHistPointer to the profile

Definition at line 67 of file CbmQaIO.cxx.

Referenced by CbmQaIO::ConstructAndRegisterQaObject().

◆ WriteToFile()

void CbmQaIO::WriteToFile ( TFile * pOutFile) const

Writes objects into file.

pOutFilePointer to output ROOT file

Definition at line 116 of file CbmQaIO.cxx.

References CbmQaIO::fpvObjList.

Referenced by CbmQaTask::Finish(), and cbm::kfp::V0FinderQa::WriteHistograms().

Member Data Documentation

◆ fbUseMC

bool cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fbUseMC = false

Flag: true - MC information is used.

Definition at line 307 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), FillRecoTrack(), GetKilledRate(), Init(), and IsMCUsed().

◆ fConfigNode

YAML::Node CbmQaIO::fConfigNode {}

◆ fCounterClones

int cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fCounterClones = 0

Counter of clone tracks.

Definition at line 300 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), GetAverageFakeLength(), GetAverageRecoLength(), and Init().

◆ fCounterMC

int cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fCounterMC = 0

Counter of MC tracks.

Definition at line 299 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), GetNofClones(), GetNofMCTracks(), GetNofRecoTracksMatched(), and Init().

◆ fCounterRecoTotal

int cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fCounterRecoTotal = 0

Counter of reco tracks (total = reco + ghost + clones)

Definition at line 301 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), GetNofRecoTracksTotal(), and Init().

◆ fFakeLength

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fFakeLength = 0.

Total length of fake tracks.

Definition at line 304 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), GetAverageFakeLength(), and Init().

◆ fFieldRegion

cbm::algo::kf::FieldRegion<double> cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fFieldRegion

Magnetic field.

Definition at line 297 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fLineColor

Color_t cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fLineColor = 1

Line color.

Definition at line 372 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by SetDrawAtt(), and SetTH1Properties().

◆ fLineStyle

Style_t cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fLineStyle = 1

Line style.

Definition at line 373 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by SetDrawAtt(), and SetTH1Properties().

◆ fMarkerColor

Color_t cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fMarkerColor = 1

Marker color.

Definition at line 370 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by SetDrawAtt(), and SetTH1Properties().

◆ fMarkerStyle

Style_t cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fMarkerStyle = 20

Marker style.

Definition at line 371 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by SetDrawAtt(), and SetTH1Properties().

◆ fMCLength

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fMCLength = 0.

Total length of MC tracks.

Definition at line 303 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack().

◆ fMCTrackCut

std::function<bool(const tools::MCTrack&)> cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fMCTrackCut = [](const tools::MCTrack&) { return true; }

Cut function on MC tracks.

Definition at line 320 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by SetMCTrackCut().

◆ fpFitQaFirstHit

std::unique_ptr<TrackFitQa> cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fpFitQaFirstHit = nullptr

Definition at line 278 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fpFitQaFirstMCpoint

std::unique_ptr<TrackFitQa> cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fpFitQaFirstMCpoint = nullptr

Definition at line 277 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

◆ fpFitQaLastHit

std::unique_ptr<TrackFitQa> cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fpFitQaLastHit = nullptr

Definition at line 279 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fpFitQaVertex

std::unique_ptr<TrackFitQa> cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fpFitQaVertex = nullptr

Definition at line 280 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_clone_etaMC

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_etaMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC pseudorapidity.

Definition at line 266 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_clone_nhitsMC

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_nhitsMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC number of hits (total number of stations with a)

Definition at line 268 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_clone_phiMC

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_phiMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC azimuthal angle.

Definition at line 267 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_clone_pMC

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_pMC = nullptr

Clone rate vs. MC momentum.

Definition at line 262 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_clone_ptMC

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_ptMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum.

Definition at line 264 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_clone_ptMC_yMC

TProfile2D* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_ptMC_yMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum and MC rapidity.

Definition at line 273 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_clone_thetaMC

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_thetaMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC polar angle.

Definition at line 265 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_clone_thetaMC_phiMC

TProfile2D* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_thetaMC_phiMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC theta and MC phi.

Definition at line 272 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_clone_txMC

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_txMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC slope along x-axis.

Definition at line 269 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_clone_tyMC

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_tyMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC slope along y-axis.

Definition at line 270 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_clone_tyMC_txMC

TProfile2D* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_tyMC_txMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC slopes.

Definition at line 274 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

◆ fph_clone_yMC

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_yMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC rapidity.

Definition at line 263 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_eff_etaMC

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_etaMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC pseudorapidity.

Definition at line 250 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_eff_int

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_int = nullptr

Integrated efficiency.

Definition at line 245 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ fph_eff_nhitsMC

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_nhitsMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC number of hits (total number of stations with a)

Definition at line 252 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_eff_phiMC

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_phiMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC azimuthal angle.

Definition at line 251 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_eff_pMC

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_pMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC momentum.

Definition at line 246 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_eff_ptMC

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_ptMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum.

Definition at line 248 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_eff_ptMC_yMC

TProfile2D* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_ptMC_yMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum and MC rapidity.

Definition at line 257 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_eff_thetaMC

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_thetaMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC polar angle.

Definition at line 249 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_eff_thetaMC_phiMC

TProfile2D* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_thetaMC_phiMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC theta and MC phi.

Definition at line 256 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_eff_txMC

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_txMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC slope along x-axis.

Definition at line 253 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_eff_tyMC

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_tyMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC slope along y-axis.

Definition at line 254 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_eff_tyMC_txMC

TProfile2D* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_tyMC_txMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC slopes.

Definition at line 258 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

◆ fph_eff_yMC

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_yMC = nullptr

Efficiency vs. MC rapidity.

Definition at line 247 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_mc_etaMC

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_etaMC = nullptr

MC pseudo-rapidity of MC tracks.

Definition at line 234 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_mc_phiMC

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_phiMC = nullptr

Azimuthal angle of MC tracks.

Definition at line 237 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_mc_pMC

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_pMC = nullptr

MC total momentum over charge of MC tracks.

Definition at line 232 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_mc_ptMC

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_ptMC = nullptr

Transverse momentum over charge of MC tracks.

Definition at line 236 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_mc_ptMC_yMC

TH2F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_ptMC_yMC = nullptr

MC transverse momentum vs. MC rapidity of MC tracks.

Definition at line 235 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_mc_thetaMC

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_thetaMC = nullptr

Polar angle of MC tracks.

Definition at line 238 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_mc_thetaMC_phiMC

TH2F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_thetaMC_phiMC = nullptr

Polar angle vs. azimuthal angle of MC tracks.

Definition at line 239 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_mc_txMC

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_txMC = nullptr

Slope along x-axis of MC tracks.

Definition at line 240 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_mc_tyMC

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_tyMC = nullptr

Slope along y-axis of MC tracks.

Definition at line 241 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_mc_tyMC_txMC

TH2F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_tyMC_txMC = nullptr

Slope along x-axis vs y-axis of MC tracks.

Definition at line 242 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_mc_yMC

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_yMC = nullptr

MC rapidity of MC tracks.

Definition at line 233 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_rate_clones

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_rate_clones = nullptr

Rate of clone tracks / mc.

Definition at line 292 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), GetClonesRate(), and Init().

◆ fph_rate_killed

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_rate_killed = nullptr

Rate of killed tracks / mc.

Definition at line 291 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), GetKilledRate(), and Init().

◆ fph_rate_reco

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_rate_reco = nullptr

Rate of reconstructed tracks / mc.

Definition at line 290 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), GetIntegratedEff(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_chi2_ndf

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_chi2_ndf = nullptr

Fit chi2 over NDF of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 216 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_chi2_ndf_time

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_chi2_ndf_time = nullptr

Fit chi2 over NDF of reconstructed tracks for time.

Definition at line 217 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_eta

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_eta = nullptr

Pseudo-rapidity of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 211 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_etaMC

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_etaMC = nullptr

MC pseudo-rapidity of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 223 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_fhitR

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_fhitR = nullptr

Distance of the first hit from z-axis for reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 213 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_fsta

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_fsta = nullptr

First station index of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 214 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_lsta

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_lsta = nullptr

Last station index of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 215 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_nhits

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_nhits = nullptr

Hit number of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 212 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_p

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_p = nullptr

Total momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 203 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_phi

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_phi = nullptr

Azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 205 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_phiMC

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_phiMC = nullptr

MC Azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 225 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_pMC

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_pMC = nullptr

MC total momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 220 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_pt

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_pt = nullptr

Transverse momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 204 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_ptMC

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_ptMC = nullptr

MC transverse momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 221 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_ptMC_yMC

TH2F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_ptMC_yMC = nullptr

MC transverse momentum vs MC rapidity of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 224 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_theta

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_theta = nullptr

Polar angle of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 206 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_theta_phi

TH2F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_theta_phi = nullptr

Polar angle vs. azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 207 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_thetaMC

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_thetaMC = nullptr

MC Polar angle of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 226 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_thetaMC_phiMC

TH2F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_thetaMC_phiMC = nullptr

MC Polar angle vs. azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 227 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_tx

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_tx = nullptr

Slope along x-axis of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 208 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_txMC

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_txMC = nullptr

MC Slope along x-axis of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 228 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_ty

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_ty = nullptr

Slope along y-axis of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 209 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_ty_tx

TH2F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_ty_tx = nullptr

Slope along x-axis vs y-axis of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 210 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_tyMC

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_tyMC = nullptr

MC Slope along y-axis of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 229 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_reco_yMC

TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_yMC = nullptr

MC rapidity of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 222 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ fph_stations_hit

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_stations_hit = nullptr

Average number of stations with hit.

Definition at line 294 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), GetAverageNofStationsWithHit(), and Init().

◆ fph_stations_point

TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_stations_point = nullptr

Average number of stations with MC point.

Definition at line 293 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), GetAverageNofStationsWithPoint(), and Init().

◆ fpMCData

tools::MCData* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fpMCData = nullptr

Pointer to MC data object.

Definition at line 313 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), FillRecoTrack(), Init(), and RegisterMCData().

◆ fpParameters

std::shared_ptr<ca::Parameters<float> > cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fpParameters = nullptr

Pointer to parameters object.

Definition at line 314 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), Init(), and RegisterParameters().

◆ fpvHits

ca::Vector<CbmL1HitDebugInfo>* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fpvHits = nullptr

Pointer to vector of reconstructed hits.

Definition at line 312 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init(), and RegisterRecoHits().

◆ fpvObjList

std::shared_ptr<ObjList_t> CbmQaIO::fpvObjList = nullptr

◆ fpvRecoTracks

ca::Vector<CbmL1Track>* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fpvRecoTracks = nullptr

Pointer to vector of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 311 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init(), and RegisterRecoTracks().

◆ fRecoLength

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fRecoLength = 0.

Total length of reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 302 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillMCTrack(), GetAverageRecoLength(), and Init().

◆ fRecoTrackCut

std::function<bool(const CbmL1Track&)> cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fRecoTrackCut = [](const CbmL1Track&) { return true; }

Cut function on reconstructed tracks.

Definition at line 323 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by SetRecoTrackCut().

◆ fsConfigName

TString CbmQaIO::fsConfigName = ""

Name of configuration file.


Definition at line 158 of file CbmQaIO.h.

Referenced by CbmQaIO::GetConfigName(), and CbmQaIO::SetConfigName().

◆ fsPrefix

TString CbmQaIO::fsPrefix = ""

◆ fsRootFolderName

TString CbmQaIO::fsRootFolderName = ""

◆ fsTitle

TString cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fsTitle = ""

Title of the track category.

Definition at line 308 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by GetTitle(), and SetTitle().

◆ fStoringMode

◆ fTrackFit

cbm::algo::kf::TrackKalmanFilter<double> cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fTrackFit

Track fitter.

Definition at line 296 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().

◆ kBinsCHI2NDF

int cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kBinsCHI2NDF = 200

Number of bins, chi2 over NDF.

Definition at line 365 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kBinsETA

int cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kBinsETA = 40

Number of bins, pseudo-rapidity.

Definition at line 338 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kBinsFHITR

int cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kBinsFHITR = 50

Number of bins, transverse dist. of the 1st hit from z-axis.

Definition at line 359 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kBinsNHITS

int cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kBinsNHITS = 15

Number of bins, number of hits.

Definition at line 356 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kBinsNSTA

int cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kBinsNSTA = 12

Number of bins, number of stations.

Definition at line 362 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kBinsP

int cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kBinsP = 120

Number of bins, total momentum.

Definition at line 332 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kBinsPHI

int cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kBinsPHI = 68

Number of bins, azimuthal angle.

Definition at line 344 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kBinsPT

int cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kBinsPT = 100

Number of bins, transverse momentum.

Definition at line 335 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kBinsTHETA

int cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kBinsTHETA = 68

Number of bins, polar angle.

Definition at line 347 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kBinsTX

int cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kBinsTX = 80

Number of bins, slope along x.

Definition at line 350 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kBinsTY

int cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kBinsTY = 80

Number of bins, slope along y.

Definition at line 353 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kBinsY

int cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kBinsY = 40

Number of bins, rapidity.

Definition at line 341 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().


double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kLoCHI2NDF = 0.

Lower boundary, chi2 over NDF.

Definition at line 366 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kLoETA

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kLoETA = 0.

Lower boundary, pseudo-rapidity.

Definition at line 339 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().


double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kLoFHITR = 0.

Lower boundary, transverse dist. of the 1st hit from z-axis [cm].

Definition at line 360 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().


double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kLoNHITS = -0.5

Lower boundary, number of hits.

Definition at line 357 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().


double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kLoNSTA = -0.5

Lower boundary, number of stations.

Definition at line 363 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kLoP

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kLoP = 0.

Lower boundary, total momentum [GeV/c].

Definition at line 333 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kLoPHI

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kLoPHI = -3.2

Lower boundary, azimuthal angle [rad].

Definition at line 345 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kLoPT

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kLoPT = 0.

Lower boundary, transverse momentum [GeV/c].

Definition at line 336 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().


double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kLoTHETA = 0.

Lower boundary, polar angle [rad].

Definition at line 348 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kLoTX

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kLoTX = -2.

Lower boundary, slope along x.

Definition at line 351 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kLoTY

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kLoTY = -2.

Lower boundary, slope along y.

Definition at line 354 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kLoY

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kLoY = 0.

Lower boundary, rapidity.

Definition at line 342 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().


double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kUpCHI2NDF = 20.

Upper boundary, chi2 over NDF.

Definition at line 367 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kUpETA

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kUpETA = 4.

Upper boundary, pseudo-rapidity.

Definition at line 340 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().


double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kUpFHITR = 150.

Upper boundary, transverse dist. of the 1st hit from z-axis [cm].

Definition at line 361 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().


double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kUpNHITS = 14.5

Upper boundary, number of hits.

Definition at line 358 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().


double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kUpNSTA = 11.5

Upper boundary, number of stations.

Definition at line 364 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kUpP

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kUpP = 12.

Upper boundary, total momentum [GeV/c].

Definition at line 334 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kUpPHI

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kUpPHI = +3.2

Upper boundary, azimuthal angle [rad].

Definition at line 346 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kUpPT

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kUpPT = 4.

Upper boundary, transverse momentum [GeV/c].

Definition at line 337 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().


double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kUpTHETA = 3.2

Upper boundary, polar angle [rad].

Definition at line 349 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kUpTX

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kUpTX = +2.

Upper boundary, slope along x.

Definition at line 352 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kUpTY

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kUpTY = +2.

Upper boundary, slope along y.

Definition at line 355 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ kUpY

double cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::kUpY = 4.

Upper boundary, rapidity.

Definition at line 343 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.

Referenced by Init().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: