Unified QA for a group of tracks. More...
#include <CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h>
Public Types | |
enum class | EStoringMode { kSAMEDIR , kSUBDIR } |
using | ObjList_t = std::vector<std::pair<TObject*, TString>> |
Public Member Functions | |
TrackTypeQa (const char *typeName, const char *prefixName, bool bUseMC, std::shared_ptr< ObjList_t > pObjList) | |
Constructor. | |
~TrackTypeQa ()=default | |
Destructor. | |
TrackTypeQa (const TrackTypeQa &)=delete | |
Copy constructor. | |
TrackTypeQa (TrackTypeQa &&)=delete | |
Move constructor. | |
TrackTypeQa & | operator= (const TrackTypeQa &)=delete |
Copy assignment operator. | |
TrackTypeQa & | operator= (TrackTypeQa &&)=delete |
Move assignment operator. | |
double | GetAverageRecoLength () const |
Gets average reconstructed track length. | |
double | GetAverageNofStationsWithHit () const |
Gets average reconstructed track length. | |
double | GetAverageNofStationsWithPoint () const |
Gets average MC track length. | |
double | GetAverageFakeLength () const |
Gets average fake length. | |
double | GetIntegratedEff () const |
Gets integrated efficiency. | |
double | GetClonesRate () const |
Gets clones rate. | |
double | GetKilledRate () const |
Gets killed rate. | |
double | GetNofMCTracks () const |
Gets number of MC tracks. | |
double | GetNofRecoTracksTotal () const |
Gets total number of reconstructed tracks (reco + ghost + clones) | |
double | GetNofRecoTracksMatched () const |
Gets number of total reco tracks. | |
double | GetNofClones () const |
Gets number of clones. | |
const char * | GetTitle () const |
Gets title of track group. | |
void | Init () |
Initializes histograms. | |
bool | IsMCUsed () const |
Flag on MC usage by the track type. | |
void | FillRecoTrack (int iTrkReco, double weight=1) |
Fills histograms with various track information. | |
void | FillMCTrack (int iTrkMC, double weight=1) |
Fills histograms with mc track information. | |
void | RegisterRecoTracks (ca::Vector< CbmL1Track > &vTracks) |
Registers the reconstructed tracks container. | |
void | RegisterRecoHits (ca::Vector< CbmL1HitDebugInfo > &vHits) |
Register the reconstructed hits container. | |
void | RegisterMCData (tools::MCData &mcData) |
Registers the MC data. | |
void | RegisterParameters (std::shared_ptr< ca::Parameters< float > > &pParameters) |
Registers CA parameters object. | |
void | SetDrawAtt (Color_t markerCol=1, Style_t markerSty=20, Color_t lineCol=-1, Style_t lineSty=1) |
Sets drawing attributes for histograms. | |
void | SetTitle (const char *title) |
Sets title, which is to be reflected on legends and titles. | |
void | SetMCTrackCut (std::function< bool(const tools::MCTrack &)> cut) |
Sets selection cuts on MC tracks. | |
void | SetRecoTrackCut (std::function< bool(const CbmL1Track &)> cut) |
Sets selection cuts on reconstructed tracks. | |
void | FillPerEvent () |
Fills counters per event. | |
const char * | GetConfigName () const |
Gets config name. | |
template<typename T , typename... Args> | |
T * | MakeQaObject (TString sName, TString sTitle, Args... args) |
void | MakeQaDirectory (TString sName) |
void | SetConfigName (const char *path) |
Creates a ROOT object. | |
void | SetRootFolderName (const TString &path) |
Sets a common root path to the objects in the output file. | |
void | SetStoringMode (EStoringMode mode) |
Set storing mode. | |
Public Attributes | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_p = nullptr |
Total momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_pt = nullptr |
Transverse momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_phi = nullptr |
Azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_theta = nullptr |
Polar angle of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH2F * | fph_reco_theta_phi = nullptr |
Polar angle vs. azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_tx = nullptr |
Slope along x-axis of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_ty = nullptr |
Slope along y-axis of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH2F * | fph_reco_ty_tx = nullptr |
Slope along x-axis vs y-axis of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_eta = nullptr |
Pseudo-rapidity of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_nhits = nullptr |
Hit number of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_fhitR = nullptr |
Distance of the first hit from z-axis for reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_fsta = nullptr |
First station index of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_lsta = nullptr |
Last station index of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_chi2_ndf = nullptr |
Fit chi2 over NDF of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_chi2_ndf_time = nullptr |
Fit chi2 over NDF of reconstructed tracks for time. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_pMC = nullptr |
MC total momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_ptMC = nullptr |
MC transverse momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_yMC = nullptr |
MC rapidity of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_etaMC = nullptr |
MC pseudo-rapidity of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH2F * | fph_reco_ptMC_yMC = nullptr |
MC transverse momentum vs MC rapidity of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_phiMC = nullptr |
MC Azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_thetaMC = nullptr |
MC Polar angle of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH2F * | fph_reco_thetaMC_phiMC = nullptr |
MC Polar angle vs. azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_txMC = nullptr |
MC Slope along x-axis of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_reco_tyMC = nullptr |
MC Slope along y-axis of reconstructed tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_mc_pMC = nullptr |
MC total momentum over charge of MC tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_mc_yMC = nullptr |
MC rapidity of MC tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_mc_etaMC = nullptr |
MC pseudo-rapidity of MC tracks. | |
TH2F * | fph_mc_ptMC_yMC = nullptr |
MC transverse momentum vs. MC rapidity of MC tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_mc_ptMC = nullptr |
Transverse momentum over charge of MC tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_mc_phiMC = nullptr |
Azimuthal angle of MC tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_mc_thetaMC = nullptr |
Polar angle of MC tracks. | |
TH2F * | fph_mc_thetaMC_phiMC = nullptr |
Polar angle vs. azimuthal angle of MC tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_mc_txMC = nullptr |
Slope along x-axis of MC tracks. | |
TH1F * | fph_mc_tyMC = nullptr |
Slope along y-axis of MC tracks. | |
TH2F * | fph_mc_tyMC_txMC = nullptr |
Slope along x-axis vs y-axis of MC tracks. | |
TProfile * | fph_eff_int = nullptr |
Integrated efficiency. | |
TProfile * | fph_eff_pMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC momentum. | |
TProfile * | fph_eff_yMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC rapidity. | |
TProfile * | fph_eff_ptMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum. | |
TProfile * | fph_eff_thetaMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC polar angle. | |
TProfile * | fph_eff_etaMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC pseudorapidity. | |
TProfile * | fph_eff_phiMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC azimuthal angle. | |
TProfile * | fph_eff_nhitsMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC number of hits (total number of stations with a) | |
TProfile * | fph_eff_txMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC slope along x-axis. | |
TProfile * | fph_eff_tyMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC slope along y-axis. | |
TProfile2D * | fph_eff_thetaMC_phiMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC theta and MC phi. | |
TProfile2D * | fph_eff_ptMC_yMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum and MC rapidity. | |
TProfile2D * | fph_eff_tyMC_txMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC slopes. | |
TProfile * | fph_clone_pMC = nullptr |
Clone rate vs. MC momentum. | |
TProfile * | fph_clone_yMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC rapidity. | |
TProfile * | fph_clone_ptMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum. | |
TProfile * | fph_clone_thetaMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC polar angle. | |
TProfile * | fph_clone_etaMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC pseudorapidity. | |
TProfile * | fph_clone_phiMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC azimuthal angle. | |
TProfile * | fph_clone_nhitsMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC number of hits (total number of stations with a) | |
TProfile * | fph_clone_txMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC slope along x-axis. | |
TProfile * | fph_clone_tyMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC slope along y-axis. | |
TProfile2D * | fph_clone_thetaMC_phiMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC theta and MC phi. | |
TProfile2D * | fph_clone_ptMC_yMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum and MC rapidity. | |
TProfile2D * | fph_clone_tyMC_txMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC slopes. | |
std::unique_ptr< TrackFitQa > | fpFitQaFirstMCpoint = nullptr |
std::unique_ptr< TrackFitQa > | fpFitQaFirstHit = nullptr |
std::unique_ptr< TrackFitQa > | fpFitQaLastHit = nullptr |
std::unique_ptr< TrackFitQa > | fpFitQaVertex = nullptr |
Protected Member Functions | |
template<typename T > | |
void | CheckProperty (T &&property, const char *name) const |
Function to check, if a property is defined. | |
template<class Config > | |
std::optional< Config > | ReadSpecificConfig () const |
Reads the specific configuration structure from the YAML node. | |
virtual void | SetTH2Properties (TH2 *pHist) const |
Applies properties on the histogram created with the MakeQaObject function. | |
virtual void | SetTProfile2DProperties (TProfile2D *pHist) const |
Applies properties on the profile 2D created with the MakeQaObject function. | |
virtual void | SetCanvasProperties (TCanvas *pCanv) const |
Applies properties on the canvas created with the MakeQaObject funciton. | |
void | WriteToFile (TFile *pOutFile) const |
Writes objects into file. | |
Protected Attributes | |
TString | fsRootFolderName = "" |
Name of root folder. | |
TString | fsConfigName = "" |
Name of configuration file. | |
TString | fsPrefix = "" |
Unique prefix for all writeable root. | |
EStoringMode | fStoringMode = EStoringMode::kSUBDIR |
Objects storing mode. | |
std::shared_ptr< ObjList_t > | fpvObjList = nullptr |
List of registered ROOT objects. | |
YAML::Node | fConfigNode {} |
Configuration node. | |
Private Member Functions | |
virtual void | SetTH1Properties (TH1 *pHist) const override |
Overrided virtual function of the CbmQaIO class, defines properties of the histograms. | |
ClassDefNV (TrackTypeQa, 0) | |
template<typename T , typename... Args> | |
T * | ConstructAndRegisterQaObject (TString name, Args... args) |
Creates and registers a ROOT object. | |
Private Attributes | |
TProfile * | fph_rate_reco = nullptr |
Rate of reconstructed tracks / mc. | |
TProfile * | fph_rate_killed = nullptr |
Rate of killed tracks / mc. | |
TProfile * | fph_rate_clones = nullptr |
Rate of clone tracks / mc. | |
TProfile * | fph_stations_point = nullptr |
Average number of stations with MC point. | |
TProfile * | fph_stations_hit = nullptr |
Average number of stations with hit. | |
cbm::algo::kf::TrackKalmanFilter< double > | fTrackFit |
Track fitter. | |
cbm::algo::kf::FieldRegion< double > | fFieldRegion |
Magnetic field. | |
int | fCounterMC = 0 |
Counter of MC tracks. | |
int | fCounterClones = 0 |
Counter of clone tracks. | |
int | fCounterRecoTotal = 0 |
Counter of reco tracks (total = reco + ghost + clones) | |
double | fRecoLength = 0. |
Total length of reconstructed tracks. | |
double | fMCLength = 0. |
Total length of MC tracks. | |
double | fFakeLength = 0. |
Total length of fake tracks. | |
bool | fbUseMC = false |
Flag: true - MC information is used. | |
TString | fsTitle = "" |
Title of the track category. | |
ca::Vector< CbmL1Track > * | fpvRecoTracks = nullptr |
Pointer to vector of reconstructed tracks. | |
ca::Vector< CbmL1HitDebugInfo > * | fpvHits = nullptr |
Pointer to vector of reconstructed hits. | |
tools::MCData * | fpMCData = nullptr |
Pointer to MC data object. | |
std::shared_ptr< ca::Parameters< float > > | fpParameters = nullptr |
Pointer to parameters object. | |
std::function< bool(const tools::MCTrack &)> | fMCTrackCut = [](const tools::MCTrack&) { return true; } |
Cut function on MC tracks. | |
std::function< bool(const CbmL1Track &)> | fRecoTrackCut = [](const CbmL1Track&) { return true; } |
Cut function on reconstructed tracks. | |
Color_t | fMarkerColor = 1 |
Marker color. | |
Style_t | fMarkerStyle = 20 |
Marker style. | |
Color_t | fLineColor = 1 |
Line color. | |
Style_t | fLineStyle = 1 |
Line style. | |
Static Private Attributes | |
static constexpr int | kBinsP = 120 |
Number of bins, total momentum. | |
static constexpr double | kLoP = 0. |
Lower boundary, total momentum [GeV/c]. | |
static constexpr double | kUpP = 12. |
Upper boundary, total momentum [GeV/c]. | |
static constexpr int | kBinsPT = 100 |
Number of bins, transverse momentum. | |
static constexpr double | kLoPT = 0. |
Lower boundary, transverse momentum [GeV/c]. | |
static constexpr double | kUpPT = 4. |
Upper boundary, transverse momentum [GeV/c]. | |
static constexpr int | kBinsETA = 40 |
Number of bins, pseudo-rapidity. | |
static constexpr double | kLoETA = 0. |
Lower boundary, pseudo-rapidity. | |
static constexpr double | kUpETA = 4. |
Upper boundary, pseudo-rapidity. | |
static constexpr int | kBinsY = 40 |
Number of bins, rapidity. | |
static constexpr double | kLoY = 0. |
Lower boundary, rapidity. | |
static constexpr double | kUpY = 4. |
Upper boundary, rapidity. | |
static constexpr int | kBinsPHI = 68 |
Number of bins, azimuthal angle. | |
static constexpr double | kLoPHI = -3.2 |
Lower boundary, azimuthal angle [rad]. | |
static constexpr double | kUpPHI = +3.2 |
Upper boundary, azimuthal angle [rad]. | |
static constexpr int | kBinsTHETA = 68 |
Number of bins, polar angle. | |
static constexpr double | kLoTHETA = 0. |
Lower boundary, polar angle [rad]. | |
static constexpr double | kUpTHETA = 3.2 |
Upper boundary, polar angle [rad]. | |
static constexpr int | kBinsTX = 80 |
Number of bins, slope along x. | |
static constexpr double | kLoTX = -2. |
Lower boundary, slope along x. | |
static constexpr double | kUpTX = +2. |
Upper boundary, slope along x. | |
static constexpr int | kBinsTY = 80 |
Number of bins, slope along y. | |
static constexpr double | kLoTY = -2. |
Lower boundary, slope along y. | |
static constexpr double | kUpTY = +2. |
Upper boundary, slope along y. | |
static constexpr int | kBinsNHITS = 15 |
Number of bins, number of hits. | |
static constexpr double | kLoNHITS = -0.5 |
Lower boundary, number of hits. | |
static constexpr double | kUpNHITS = 14.5 |
Upper boundary, number of hits. | |
static constexpr int | kBinsFHITR = 50 |
Number of bins, transverse dist. of the 1st hit from z-axis. | |
static constexpr double | kLoFHITR = 0. |
Lower boundary, transverse dist. of the 1st hit from z-axis [cm]. | |
static constexpr double | kUpFHITR = 150. |
Upper boundary, transverse dist. of the 1st hit from z-axis [cm]. | |
static constexpr int | kBinsNSTA = 12 |
Number of bins, number of stations. | |
static constexpr double | kLoNSTA = -0.5 |
Lower boundary, number of stations. | |
static constexpr double | kUpNSTA = 11.5 |
Upper boundary, number of stations. | |
static constexpr int | kBinsCHI2NDF = 200 |
Number of bins, chi2 over NDF. | |
static constexpr double | kLoCHI2NDF = 0. |
Lower boundary, chi2 over NDF. | |
static constexpr double | kUpCHI2NDF = 20. |
Upper boundary, chi2 over NDF. | |
Unified QA for a group of tracks.
The class provides set of histograms, counters, and efficiencies for monitoring tracks of a particular type (reco_fast_long, mc_pi, reco_ghost)
Definition at line 44 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
inherited |
stronginherited |
TrackTypeQa::TrackTypeQa | ( | const char * | typeName, |
const char * | prefixName, | ||
bool | bUseMC, | ||
std::shared_ptr< ObjList_t > | pObjList ) |
typeName | Name of tracks type (used as a prefix for histogram) |
prefixName | Name of unique prefix |
bUseMC | Flag: true - MC is used |
pObjList | List of registered objects |
Definition at line 25 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.cxx.
References CbmQaIO::fStoringMode, and CbmQaIO::kSAMEDIR.
default |
delete |
Copy constructor.
delete |
Move constructor.
protectedinherited |
Function to check, if a property is defined.
property | A property to be tested |
name | A name of property (used for logging) |
Definition at line 178 of file CbmQaIO.h.
Referenced by CbmQaIO::MakeQaObject().
private |
privateinherited |
Creates and registers a ROOT object.
name | A name of the ROOT object, which can contain a sub-directory |
args | Other arguments, passed to the ROOT object constructor |
Definition at line 198 of file CbmQaIO.h.
References CbmQaIO::fpvObjList, CbmQaIO::fsRootFolderName, CbmQaIO::fStoringMode, CbmQaIO::kSUBDIR, CbmQaIO::SetCanvasProperties(), CbmQaIO::SetTH1Properties(), CbmQaIO::SetTH2Properties(), and CbmQaIO::SetTProfile2DProperties().
Referenced by CbmQaIO::MakeQaObject().
void TrackTypeQa::FillMCTrack | ( | int | iTrkMC, |
double | weight = 1 ) |
Fills histograms with mc track information.
iTrkMC | Index of MC track |
weight | Weight |
Definition at line 360 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.cxx.
References fbUseMC, fCounterClones, fCounterMC, fFakeLength, fMCLength, fph_clone_etaMC, fph_clone_nhitsMC, fph_clone_phiMC, fph_clone_pMC, fph_clone_ptMC, fph_clone_ptMC_yMC, fph_clone_thetaMC, fph_clone_thetaMC_phiMC, fph_clone_txMC, fph_clone_tyMC, fph_clone_yMC, fph_eff_etaMC, fph_eff_nhitsMC, fph_eff_phiMC, fph_eff_pMC, fph_eff_ptMC, fph_eff_ptMC_yMC, fph_eff_thetaMC, fph_eff_thetaMC_phiMC, fph_eff_txMC, fph_eff_tyMC, fph_eff_yMC, fph_mc_etaMC, fph_mc_phiMC, fph_mc_pMC, fph_mc_ptMC, fph_mc_ptMC_yMC, fph_mc_thetaMC, fph_mc_thetaMC_phiMC, fph_mc_txMC, fph_mc_tyMC, fph_mc_tyMC_txMC, fph_mc_yMC, fph_rate_clones, fph_rate_killed, fph_rate_reco, fph_stations_hit, fph_stations_point, fpMCData, fRecoLength, cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetEta(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetNofClones(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetP(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetPhi(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetPt(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetRapidity(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetRecoTrackIndexes(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetTheta(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetTotNofStationsWithHit(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetTotNofStationsWithPoint(), cbm::ca::tools::MCData::GetTrack(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetTx(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::GetTy(), cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::IsDisturbed(), and cbm::ca::tools::MCTrack::IsReconstructed().
void cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::FillPerEvent | ( | ) |
Fills counters per event.
void TrackTypeQa::FillRecoTrack | ( | int | iTrkReco, |
double | weight = 1 ) |
Fills histograms with various track information.
iTrkReco | Index of reconstructed track |
weight | Weight |
TODO: fill mass hypothesis into CbmL1Track
Definition at line 248 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.cxx.
References cbm::algo::kf::TrackKalmanFilter< DataT >::EnergyLossCorrection(), cbm::algo::kf::TrackKalmanFilter< DataT >::Extrapolate(), fbUseMC, fCounterRecoTotal, fFieldRegion, fpFitQaFirstHit, fpFitQaLastHit, fpFitQaVertex, fph_reco_chi2_ndf, fph_reco_chi2_ndf_time, fph_reco_eta, fph_reco_etaMC, fph_reco_fhitR, fph_reco_fsta, fph_reco_lsta, fph_reco_nhits, fph_reco_p, fph_reco_phi, fph_reco_phiMC, fph_reco_pMC, fph_reco_pt, fph_reco_ptMC, fph_reco_ptMC_yMC, fph_reco_theta, fph_reco_theta_phi, fph_reco_thetaMC, fph_reco_thetaMC_phiMC, fph_reco_tx, fph_reco_txMC, fph_reco_ty, fph_reco_ty_tx, fph_reco_tyMC, fph_reco_yMC, fpMCData, fpParameters, fTrackFit, cbm::ca::tools::MCData::GetPoint(), cbm::ca::tools::MCData::GetTrack(), cbm::algo::kf::TrackParamBase< T >::GetX(), cbm::algo::kf::TrackParamBase< T >::GetY(), cbm::algo::kf::TrackParamBase< T >::GetZ(), cbm::ca::tools::MCPoint::GetZ(), cbm::algo::kf::TrackKalmanFilter< DataT >::MultipleScattering(), cbm::algo::kf::TrackKalmanFilter< DataT >::SetParticleMass(), cbm::algo::kf::TrackKalmanFilter< DataT >::SetTrack(), and cbm::algo::kf::TrackKalmanFilter< DataT >::Tr().
inline |
Gets average fake length.
Definition at line 87 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
References fCounterClones, fFakeLength, and GetNofRecoTracksMatched().
inline |
Gets average reconstructed track length.
Definition at line 73 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
References fph_stations_hit.
inline |
Gets average MC track length.
Definition at line 80 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
References fph_stations_point.
inline |
Gets average reconstructed track length.
Definition at line 70 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
References fCounterClones, fRecoLength, and GetNofRecoTracksMatched().
inline |
Gets clones rate.
Definition at line 97 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
References fph_rate_clones.
Referenced by GetNofClones().
inlineinherited |
inline |
Gets integrated efficiency.
Definition at line 90 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
References fph_rate_reco.
Referenced by GetNofRecoTracksMatched().
inline |
Gets killed rate.
Definition at line 104 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
References fbUseMC, and fph_rate_killed.
inline |
Gets number of clones.
Definition at line 124 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
References fCounterMC, and GetClonesRate().
inline |
inline |
Gets number of total reco tracks.
Definition at line 121 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
References fCounterMC, and GetIntegratedEff().
Referenced by GetAverageFakeLength(), and GetAverageRecoLength().
inline |
Gets total number of reconstructed tracks (reco + ghost + clones)
Definition at line 114 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
References fCounterRecoTotal.
inline |
void TrackTypeQa::Init | ( | ) |
Initializes histograms.
Definition at line 34 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.cxx.
References fbUseMC, fCounterClones, fCounterMC, fCounterRecoTotal, fFakeLength, fFieldRegion, cbm::algo::kf::GlobalField::fgOriginalField, cbm::algo::kf::GlobalField::fgOriginalFieldType, fpFitQaFirstHit, fpFitQaLastHit, fpFitQaVertex, fph_clone_etaMC, fph_clone_nhitsMC, fph_clone_phiMC, fph_clone_pMC, fph_clone_ptMC, fph_clone_ptMC_yMC, fph_clone_thetaMC, fph_clone_thetaMC_phiMC, fph_clone_txMC, fph_clone_tyMC, fph_clone_yMC, fph_eff_etaMC, fph_eff_int, fph_eff_nhitsMC, fph_eff_phiMC, fph_eff_pMC, fph_eff_ptMC, fph_eff_ptMC_yMC, fph_eff_thetaMC, fph_eff_thetaMC_phiMC, fph_eff_txMC, fph_eff_tyMC, fph_eff_yMC, fph_mc_etaMC, fph_mc_phiMC, fph_mc_pMC, fph_mc_ptMC, fph_mc_ptMC_yMC, fph_mc_thetaMC, fph_mc_thetaMC_phiMC, fph_mc_txMC, fph_mc_tyMC, fph_mc_tyMC_txMC, fph_mc_yMC, fph_rate_clones, fph_rate_killed, fph_rate_reco, fph_reco_chi2_ndf, fph_reco_chi2_ndf_time, fph_reco_eta, fph_reco_etaMC, fph_reco_fhitR, fph_reco_fsta, fph_reco_lsta, fph_reco_nhits, fph_reco_p, fph_reco_phi, fph_reco_phiMC, fph_reco_pMC, fph_reco_pt, fph_reco_ptMC, fph_reco_ptMC_yMC, fph_reco_theta, fph_reco_theta_phi, fph_reco_thetaMC, fph_reco_thetaMC_phiMC, fph_reco_tx, fph_reco_txMC, fph_reco_ty, fph_reco_ty_tx, fph_reco_tyMC, fph_reco_yMC, fph_stations_hit, fph_stations_point, fpMCData, fpParameters, fpvHits, CbmQaIO::fpvObjList, fpvRecoTracks, fRecoLength, CbmQaIO::fsPrefix, CbmQaIO::fsRootFolderName, fTrackFit, kBinsCHI2NDF, kBinsETA, kBinsFHITR, kBinsNHITS, kBinsNSTA, kBinsP, kBinsPHI, kBinsPT, kBinsTHETA, kBinsTX, kBinsTY, kBinsY, kLoCHI2NDF, kLoETA, kLoFHITR, kLoNHITS, kLoNSTA, kLoP, kLoPHI, kLoPT, kLoTHETA, kLoTX, kLoTY, kLoY, kUpCHI2NDF, kUpETA, kUpFHITR, kUpNHITS, kUpNSTA, kUpP, kUpPHI, kUpPT, kUpTHETA, kUpTX, kUpTY, kUpY, cbm::ca::kX, cbm::ca::kY, CbmQaIO::MakeQaObject(), cbm::algo::kf::TrackKalmanFilter< DataT >::SetDoFitVelocity(), and cbm::algo::kf::TrackKalmanFilter< DataT >::SetMask().
inline |
Flag on MC usage by the track type.
Definition at line 135 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
References fbUseMC.
inherited |
Definition at line 132 of file CbmQaIO.cxx.
References CbmQaIO::fpvObjList, and CbmQaIO::fsRootFolderName.
Referenced by cbm::ca::InputQaSetup::InitQa(), and CbmCaInputQaTof::InitQa().
inherited |
Definition at line 261 of file CbmQaIO.h.
References CbmQaIO::CheckProperty(), CbmQaIO::ConstructAndRegisterQaObject(), and CbmQaIO::fConfigNode.
Referenced by cbm::ca::OutputQa::Check(), cbm::ca::TrackFitQa::CreatePullPlot(), cbm::ca::TrackFitQa::CreateResidualPlot(), cbm::ca::InputQaSetup::CreateSummary(), cbm::ca::OutputQa::CreateSummary(), CbmCaInputQaSts::CreateSummary(), cbm::ca::OutputQa::DrawEvent(), cbm::ca::TrackFitQa::Init(), Init(), cbm::kfp::V0FinderQa::InitHistograms(), cbm::ca::InputQaSetup::InitQa(), CbmCaInputQaSts::InitQa(), and CbmCaInputQaTof::InitQa().
delete |
Copy assignment operator.
delete |
Move assignment operator.
inlineprotectedinherited |
Reads the specific configuration structure from the YAML node.
Config | Type of the configuration class |
The function is to be called in the user-defined class method InitDataBranches
Definition at line 127 of file CbmQaIO.h.
References CbmQaIO::fConfigNode, and cbm::algo::yaml::Read().
inline |
Registers the MC data.
mcData | Reference to MC data object |
Definition at line 159 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
References fpMCData.
inline |
Registers CA parameters object.
pParameters | A shared pointer to the parameters object |
Definition at line 163 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
References fpParameters.
inline |
Register the reconstructed hits container.
vHits | Reference to reconstructed hits container |
Definition at line 155 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
References fpvHits.
inline |
Registers the reconstructed tracks container.
vTracks | Reference to reconstructed tracks container |
Definition at line 151 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
References fpvRecoTracks.
protectedvirtualinherited |
Applies properties on the canvas created with the MakeQaObject funciton.
pCanv | Pointer to the canvas |
Definition at line 84 of file CbmQaIO.cxx.
Referenced by CbmQaIO::ConstructAndRegisterQaObject().
inherited |
Creates a ROOT object.
Sets config name
name | A path to the config |
Definition at line 95 of file CbmQaIO.cxx.
References CbmQaIO::fConfigNode, CbmQaIO::fsConfigName, and CbmQaIO::fsPrefix.
void TrackTypeQa::SetDrawAtt | ( | Color_t | markerCol = 1, |
Style_t | markerSty = 20, | ||
Color_t | lineCol = -1, | ||
Style_t | lineSty = 1 ) |
Sets drawing attributes for histograms.
markerCol | Marker color |
markerSty | Marker style |
lineCol | Line color (-1: the same color as marker) |
lineSty | Line style |
Definition at line 432 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.cxx.
References fLineColor, fLineStyle, fMarkerColor, and fMarkerStyle.
inline |
Sets selection cuts on MC tracks.
cut | Functor <bool(const MCTrack&)> defining cut on MC track |
When function returns false,
Definition at line 180 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
References fMCTrackCut.
inline |
Sets selection cuts on reconstructed tracks.
cut | Functor <bool(const CbmL1Track&)> defining cut on reconstructed track |
When function returns false,
Definition at line 186 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
References fRecoTrackCut.
inlineinherited |
Sets a common root path to the objects in the output file.
path | A path to the object |
Definition at line 109 of file CbmQaIO.h.
References CbmQaIO::fsRootFolderName.
Referenced by CbmQaTask::CbmQaTask().
inlineinherited |
Set storing mode.
Definition at line 112 of file CbmQaIO.h.
References CbmQaIO::fStoringMode.
Referenced by CbmCaInputQaBase< DetID >::CbmCaInputQaBase().
overrideprivatevirtual |
Overrided virtual function of the CbmQaIO class, defines properties of the histograms.
pHist | Pointer to a histogram, which properties are to be set |
Reimplemented from CbmQaIO.
Definition at line 442 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.cxx.
References fLineColor, fLineStyle, fMarkerColor, and fMarkerStyle.
protectedvirtualinherited |
Applies properties on the histogram created with the MakeQaObject function.
pHist | Pointer to the histogram |
Definition at line 50 of file CbmQaIO.cxx.
Referenced by CbmQaIO::ConstructAndRegisterQaObject().
inline |
Sets title, which is to be reflected on legends and titles.
title | Title of track type |
Definition at line 174 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
References fsTitle.
protectedvirtualinherited |
Applies properties on the profile 2D created with the MakeQaObject function.
pHist | Pointer to the profile |
Definition at line 67 of file CbmQaIO.cxx.
Referenced by CbmQaIO::ConstructAndRegisterQaObject().
protectedinherited |
Writes objects into file.
pOutFile | Pointer to output ROOT file |
Definition at line 116 of file CbmQaIO.cxx.
References CbmQaIO::fpvObjList.
Referenced by CbmQaTask::Finish(), and cbm::kfp::V0FinderQa::WriteHistograms().
private |
Flag: true - MC information is used.
Definition at line 307 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), FillRecoTrack(), GetKilledRate(), Init(), and IsMCUsed().
protectedinherited |
Configuration node.
Definition at line 164 of file CbmQaIO.h.
Referenced by CbmQaTask::CompareQaObjects(), CbmQaIO::MakeQaObject(), CbmQaTask::ReadCheckListFromConfig(), CbmQaIO::ReadSpecificConfig(), and CbmQaIO::SetConfigName().
private |
Counter of clone tracks.
Definition at line 300 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), GetAverageFakeLength(), GetAverageRecoLength(), and Init().
private |
Counter of MC tracks.
Definition at line 299 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), GetNofClones(), GetNofMCTracks(), GetNofRecoTracksMatched(), and Init().
private |
Counter of reco tracks (total = reco + ghost + clones)
Definition at line 301 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), GetNofRecoTracksTotal(), and Init().
private |
Total length of fake tracks.
Definition at line 304 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), GetAverageFakeLength(), and Init().
private |
Magnetic field.
Definition at line 297 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
private |
Line color.
Definition at line 372 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by SetDrawAtt(), and SetTH1Properties().
private |
Line style.
Definition at line 373 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by SetDrawAtt(), and SetTH1Properties().
private |
Marker color.
Definition at line 370 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by SetDrawAtt(), and SetTH1Properties().
private |
Marker style.
Definition at line 371 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by SetDrawAtt(), and SetTH1Properties().
private |
Total length of MC tracks.
Definition at line 303 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack().
private |
Cut function on MC tracks.
Definition at line 320 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by SetMCTrackCut().
std::unique_ptr<TrackFitQa> cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fpFitQaFirstHit = nullptr |
Definition at line 278 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
std::unique_ptr<TrackFitQa> cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fpFitQaFirstMCpoint = nullptr |
Definition at line 277 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
std::unique_ptr<TrackFitQa> cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fpFitQaLastHit = nullptr |
Definition at line 279 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
std::unique_ptr<TrackFitQa> cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fpFitQaVertex = nullptr |
Definition at line 280 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_etaMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC pseudorapidity.
Definition at line 266 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_nhitsMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC number of hits (total number of stations with a)
Definition at line 268 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_phiMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC azimuthal angle.
Definition at line 267 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_pMC = nullptr |
Clone rate vs. MC momentum.
Definition at line 262 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_ptMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum.
Definition at line 264 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile2D* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_ptMC_yMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum and MC rapidity.
Definition at line 273 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_thetaMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC polar angle.
Definition at line 265 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile2D* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_thetaMC_phiMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC theta and MC phi.
Definition at line 272 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_txMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC slope along x-axis.
Definition at line 269 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_tyMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC slope along y-axis.
Definition at line 270 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile2D* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_tyMC_txMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC slopes.
Definition at line 274 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_clone_yMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC rapidity.
Definition at line 263 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_etaMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC pseudorapidity.
Definition at line 250 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_int = nullptr |
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_nhitsMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC number of hits (total number of stations with a)
Definition at line 252 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_phiMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC azimuthal angle.
Definition at line 251 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_pMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC momentum.
Definition at line 246 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_ptMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum.
Definition at line 248 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile2D* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_ptMC_yMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC transverse momentum and MC rapidity.
Definition at line 257 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_thetaMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC polar angle.
Definition at line 249 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile2D* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_thetaMC_phiMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC theta and MC phi.
Definition at line 256 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_txMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC slope along x-axis.
Definition at line 253 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_tyMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC slope along y-axis.
Definition at line 254 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TProfile2D* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_tyMC_txMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC slopes.
Definition at line 258 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
TProfile* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_eff_yMC = nullptr |
Efficiency vs. MC rapidity.
Definition at line 247 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_etaMC = nullptr |
MC pseudo-rapidity of MC tracks.
Definition at line 234 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_phiMC = nullptr |
Azimuthal angle of MC tracks.
Definition at line 237 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_pMC = nullptr |
MC total momentum over charge of MC tracks.
Definition at line 232 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_ptMC = nullptr |
Transverse momentum over charge of MC tracks.
Definition at line 236 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TH2F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_ptMC_yMC = nullptr |
MC transverse momentum vs. MC rapidity of MC tracks.
Definition at line 235 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_thetaMC = nullptr |
Polar angle of MC tracks.
Definition at line 238 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TH2F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_thetaMC_phiMC = nullptr |
Polar angle vs. azimuthal angle of MC tracks.
Definition at line 239 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_txMC = nullptr |
Slope along x-axis of MC tracks.
Definition at line 240 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_tyMC = nullptr |
Slope along y-axis of MC tracks.
Definition at line 241 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TH2F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_tyMC_txMC = nullptr |
Slope along x-axis vs y-axis of MC tracks.
Definition at line 242 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_mc_yMC = nullptr |
MC rapidity of MC tracks.
Definition at line 233 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), and Init().
private |
Rate of clone tracks / mc.
Definition at line 292 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), GetClonesRate(), and Init().
private |
Rate of killed tracks / mc.
Definition at line 291 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), GetKilledRate(), and Init().
private |
Rate of reconstructed tracks / mc.
Definition at line 290 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), GetIntegratedEff(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_chi2_ndf = nullptr |
Fit chi2 over NDF of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 216 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_chi2_ndf_time = nullptr |
Fit chi2 over NDF of reconstructed tracks for time.
Definition at line 217 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_eta = nullptr |
Pseudo-rapidity of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 211 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_etaMC = nullptr |
MC pseudo-rapidity of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 223 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_fhitR = nullptr |
Distance of the first hit from z-axis for reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 213 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_fsta = nullptr |
First station index of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 214 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_lsta = nullptr |
Last station index of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 215 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_nhits = nullptr |
Hit number of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 212 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_p = nullptr |
Total momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 203 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_phi = nullptr |
Azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 205 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_phiMC = nullptr |
MC Azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 225 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_pMC = nullptr |
MC total momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 220 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_pt = nullptr |
Transverse momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 204 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_ptMC = nullptr |
MC transverse momentum over charge of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 221 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH2F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_ptMC_yMC = nullptr |
MC transverse momentum vs MC rapidity of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 224 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_theta = nullptr |
Polar angle of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 206 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH2F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_theta_phi = nullptr |
Polar angle vs. azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 207 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_thetaMC = nullptr |
MC Polar angle of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 226 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH2F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_thetaMC_phiMC = nullptr |
MC Polar angle vs. azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 227 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_tx = nullptr |
Slope along x-axis of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 208 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_txMC = nullptr |
MC Slope along x-axis of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 228 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_ty = nullptr |
Slope along y-axis of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 209 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH2F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_ty_tx = nullptr |
Slope along x-axis vs y-axis of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 210 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_tyMC = nullptr |
MC Slope along y-axis of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 229 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
TH1F* cbm::ca::TrackTypeQa::fph_reco_yMC = nullptr |
MC rapidity of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 222 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
private |
Average number of stations with hit.
Definition at line 294 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), GetAverageNofStationsWithHit(), and Init().
private |
Average number of stations with MC point.
Definition at line 293 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), GetAverageNofStationsWithPoint(), and Init().
private |
Pointer to MC data object.
Definition at line 313 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), FillRecoTrack(), Init(), and RegisterMCData().
private |
Pointer to parameters object.
Definition at line 314 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), Init(), and RegisterParameters().
private |
Pointer to vector of reconstructed hits.
Definition at line 312 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init(), and RegisterRecoHits().
protectedinherited |
List of registered ROOT objects.
Definition at line 162 of file CbmQaIO.h.
Referenced by CbmQaIO::CbmQaIO(), CbmQaTask::CompareQaObjects(), CbmQaIO::ConstructAndRegisterQaObject(), Init(), cbm::ca::OutputQa::InitQa(), CbmQaIO::MakeQaDirectory(), and CbmQaIO::WriteToFile().
private |
Pointer to vector of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 311 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init(), and RegisterRecoTracks().
private |
Total length of reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 302 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillMCTrack(), GetAverageRecoLength(), and Init().
private |
Cut function on reconstructed tracks.
Definition at line 323 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by SetRecoTrackCut().
protectedinherited |
Name of configuration file.
Definition at line 158 of file CbmQaIO.h.
Referenced by CbmQaIO::GetConfigName(), and CbmQaIO::SetConfigName().
protectedinherited |
Unique prefix for all writeable root.
Definition at line 159 of file CbmQaIO.h.
Referenced by CbmQaIO::CbmQaIO(), cbm::ca::TrackFitQa::CreatePullPlot(), Init(), cbm::ca::OutputQa::InitQa(), and CbmQaIO::SetConfigName().
protectedinherited |
Name of root folder.
Definition at line 157 of file CbmQaIO.h.
Referenced by CbmQaTask::CompareQaObjects(), CbmQaIO::ConstructAndRegisterQaObject(), Init(), cbm::ca::OutputQa::InitQa(), CbmQaIO::MakeQaDirectory(), and CbmQaIO::SetRootFolderName().
private |
Title of the track category.
Definition at line 308 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by GetTitle(), and SetTitle().
protectedinherited |
Objects storing mode.
Definition at line 161 of file CbmQaIO.h.
Referenced by CbmQaTask::CbmQaTask(), CbmQaIO::ConstructAndRegisterQaObject(), CbmQaIO::SetStoringMode(), cbm::ca::TrackFitQa::TrackFitQa(), and TrackTypeQa().
private |
Track fitter.
Definition at line 296 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by FillRecoTrack(), and Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Number of bins, chi2 over NDF.
Definition at line 365 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Number of bins, pseudo-rapidity.
Definition at line 338 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Number of bins, transverse dist. of the 1st hit from z-axis.
Definition at line 359 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Number of bins, number of hits.
Definition at line 356 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Number of bins, number of stations.
Definition at line 362 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Number of bins, total momentum.
Definition at line 332 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Number of bins, azimuthal angle.
Definition at line 344 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Number of bins, transverse momentum.
Definition at line 335 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Number of bins, polar angle.
Definition at line 347 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Number of bins, slope along x.
Definition at line 350 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Number of bins, slope along y.
Definition at line 353 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
staticconstexprprivate |
Lower boundary, chi2 over NDF.
Definition at line 366 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Lower boundary, pseudo-rapidity.
Definition at line 339 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Lower boundary, transverse dist. of the 1st hit from z-axis [cm].
Definition at line 360 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Lower boundary, number of hits.
Definition at line 357 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Lower boundary, number of stations.
Definition at line 363 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Lower boundary, total momentum [GeV/c].
Definition at line 333 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Lower boundary, azimuthal angle [rad].
Definition at line 345 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Lower boundary, transverse momentum [GeV/c].
Definition at line 336 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Lower boundary, polar angle [rad].
Definition at line 348 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Lower boundary, slope along x.
Definition at line 351 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Lower boundary, slope along y.
Definition at line 354 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
staticconstexprprivate |
Upper boundary, chi2 over NDF.
Definition at line 367 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Upper boundary, pseudo-rapidity.
Definition at line 340 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Upper boundary, transverse dist. of the 1st hit from z-axis [cm].
Definition at line 361 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Upper boundary, number of hits.
Definition at line 358 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Upper boundary, number of stations.
Definition at line 364 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Upper boundary, total momentum [GeV/c].
Definition at line 334 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Upper boundary, azimuthal angle [rad].
Definition at line 346 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Upper boundary, transverse momentum [GeV/c].
Definition at line 337 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Upper boundary, polar angle [rad].
Definition at line 349 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Upper boundary, slope along x.
Definition at line 352 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |
Upper boundary, slope along y.
Definition at line 355 of file CbmCaTrackTypeQa.h.
Referenced by Init().
staticconstexprprivate |