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CbmStsUnpackMonitor Class Reference

#include <CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h>

Collaboration diagram for CbmStsUnpackMonitor:

Public Member Functions

 CbmStsUnpackMonitor ()
virtual ~CbmStsUnpackMonitor ()
void ResetDebugInfo ()
void PrintDebugInfo (const uint64_t MsStartTime, const size_t NrProcessedTs, const uint16_t msDescriptorFlags, const uint32_t uSize)
Bool_t Init (CbmMcbm2018StsPar *digiParSet)
 Init all required parameter informations and histograms.
Bool_t CreateHistograms (CbmMcbm2018StsPar *pUnpackPar)
Bool_t ResetHistograms ()
Bool_t CreateDebugHistograms (CbmMcbm2018StsPar *pUnpackPar)
Bool_t ResetDebugHistograms ()
Bool_t CreateMsComponentSizeHistos (UInt_t component)
Bool_t ResetMsComponentSizeHistos (UInt_t component)
void Finish ()
 Write all histograms and canvases to file.
void SetHistoFileName (TString nameIn)
void DrawCanvases ()
void AddHistoToVector (TNamed *pointer, std::string sFolder="")
std::vector< std::pair< TNamed *, std::string > > GetHistoVector ()
void AddCanvasToVector (TCanvas *pointer, std::string sFolder="")
std::vector< std::pair< TCanvas *, std::string > > GetCanvasVector ()
void SetLongDurationLimits (UInt_t uDurationSeconds, UInt_t uBinSize)
UInt_t GetMaxNbFlibLinks ()
void FillVectorSize (ULong64_t TsIdx, UInt_t Size)
 Fill general histograms.
void FillVectorCapacity (ULong64_t TsIdx, UInt_t Capacity)
void FillMsCntEvo (ULong64_t MsIdx)
void FillMsErrorsEvo (ULong64_t MsIdx, uint16_t MsErrorType)
void FillDigisTimeInRun (Double_t Time)
void FillStsAllFebsHitRateEvo (Double_t dTimeSinceStartSec, UInt_t uFebIdx)
void FillStsAllAsicsHitRateEvo (Double_t dTimeSinceStartSec, UInt_t uAsicIdx)
void FillStsFebAsicHitCounts (UInt_t uFebIdx, UInt_t uAsicInFeb)
void FillStsStatusMessType (UInt_t uAsicIdx, UShort_t usStatusField)
void FillStsFebChanCntRaw (UInt_t uFebIdx, UInt_t uChanInFeb)
 Fill general "per Feb" histogram vectors.
void FillStsFebChanAdcRaw (UInt_t uFebIdx, UInt_t uChanInFeb, UShort_t usRawAdc)
void FillStsFebChanAdcRawProf (UInt_t uFebIdx, UInt_t uChanInFeb, UShort_t usRawAdc)
void FillStsFebChanAdcCal (UInt_t uFebIdx, UInt_t uChanInFeb, Double_t dCalAdc)
void FillStsFebChanAdcCalProf (UInt_t uFebIdx, UInt_t uChanInFeb, Double_t dCalAdc)
void FillStsFebChanRawTs (UInt_t uFebIdx, UInt_t uChan, UShort_t usRawTs)
void FillStsFebChanMissEvt (UInt_t uFebIdx, UInt_t uChan, bool missEvtFlag)
void FillStsFebChanMissEvtEvo (UInt_t uFebIdx, Double_t dTimeSinceStartSec, UInt_t uChanInFeb)
void FillStsFebAsicMissEvtEvo (UInt_t uFebIdx, Double_t dTimeSinceStartSec, UInt_t uAsicInFeb)
void FillStsFebMissEvtEvo (UInt_t uFebIdx, Double_t dTimeSinceStartSec)
void FillStsFebChanHitRateEvo (UInt_t uFebIdx, Double_t dTimeSinceStartSec, UInt_t uChanInFeb)
void FillStsFebAsicHitRateEvo (UInt_t uFebIdx, Double_t dTimeSinceStartSec, UInt_t uAsicInFeb)
void FillStsFebHitRateEvo (UInt_t uFebIdx, Double_t dTimeSinceStartSec)
void FillStsFebChanHitRateEvoLong (UInt_t uFebIdx, Double_t dTimeSinceStartMin, UInt_t uChanInFeb)
void FillStsFebAsicHitRateEvoLong (UInt_t uFebIdx, Double_t dTimeSinceStartMin, UInt_t uAsicInFeb)
void FillStsFebHitRateEvoLong (UInt_t uFebIdx, Double_t dTimeSinceStartMin)
void FillStsMessType (uint16_t typeMess)
 Fill debugging histograms.
void FillStsMessTypePerDpb (UInt_t DpbIdx, uint16_t typeMess)
void FillStsMessTypePerElink (UInt_t ElinkIdx, uint16_t typeMess)
void FillStsHitsElinkPerDpb (UInt_t DpbIdx, UInt_t ElinkIdx)
void FillStsDpbRawTsMsb (UInt_t uCurrDpbIdx, ULong_t ulCurrentTsMsb)
void FillStsDpbRawTsMsbSx (UInt_t uCurrDpbIdx, ULong_t ulCurrentTsMsb)
void FillStsDpbRawTsMsbDpb (UInt_t uCurrDpbIdx, ULong_t ulCurrentTsMsb)
void FillStsChanCntRaw (UInt_t uAsicIdx, UShort_t usChan)
 Fill debugging "per Asic" histogram vectors.
void FillStsChanAdcRaw (UInt_t uAsicIdx, UShort_t usChan, UShort_t usRawAdc)
void FillStsChanAdcRawProf (UInt_t uAsicIdx, UShort_t usChan, UShort_t usRawAdc)
void FillStsChanRawTs (UInt_t uAsicIdx, UShort_t usChan, UShort_t usRawTs)
void FillStsChanMissEvt (UInt_t uAsicIdx, UShort_t usChan, bool missedEvtFlag)
void FillMsSize (UInt_t uMsComp, UInt_t uSize)
void FillMsSizeTime (UInt_t uMsComp, Double_t dTime, UInt_t uSize)
void FillHitMonitoringHistos (const UInt_t &uFebIdx, const UShort_t &usChan, const UInt_t &uChanInFeb, const UShort_t &usRawAdc, const Double_t &dCalAdc, const UShort_t &usRawTs, const bool &isHitMissedEvts)
void FillHitDebugMonitoringHistos (const UInt_t &uAsicIdx, const UShort_t &usChan, const UShort_t &usRawAdc, const UShort_t &usRawTs, const bool &isHitMissedEvts)
void FillHitEvoMonitoringHistos (const UInt_t &uFebIdx, const UInt_t &uAsicIdx, const UInt_t &uAsicInFeb, const UInt_t &uChanInFeb, const Double_t &dAbsTimeSec, const bool &isHitMissedEvts)
void CountRawHit (uint32_t uFebIdx, uint32_t uChanInFeb)
void CountDigi (uint32_t uFebIdx, uint32_t uChanInFeb)
void FillPerTimesliceCountersHistos (double_t dTsStartTime)
void FillDuplicateHitsAdc (const uint32_t &uFebIdx, const uint32_t &uChanInFeb, const uint16_t &usAdc)
bool GetDebugMode ()
 Activate the debug mode.
void ProcessDebugInfo (const stsxyter::Message &Mess, const UInt_t &uCurrDpbIdx)
void SetDebugMode (bool value)
 Activate the debug mode.

Public Attributes

std::vector< uint32_t > vNbMessType
std::string sMessPatt = ""
bool bError = false

Private Member Functions

 CbmStsUnpackMonitor (const CbmStsUnpackMonitor &)
 Vector of pointers to canvases + optional folder name.
CbmStsUnpackMonitor operator= (const CbmStsUnpackMonitor &)

Private Attributes

TString fHistoFileName = "HistosUnpackerSts.root"
double_t dFirstTsStartTime = 0
 Rate evolution histos.
double fdStartTime = -1
double fdStartTimeMsSz = -1
UInt_t fuLongHistoNbSeconds = 3600
UInt_t fuLongHistoBinSizeSec = 10
UInt_t fuLongHistoBinNb = 1
std::vector< uint32_t > fvuNbRawTsFeb = {}
 Per timeslice counters to evaluate the eventual raw messages rejection per FEB.
std::vector< uint32_t > fvuNbDigisTsFeb = {}
std::vector< std::vector< uint32_t > > fvvuNbRawTsChan = {}
 Per timeslice counters to evaluate the eventual raw messages rejection per [FEB, chan] pairs.
std::vector< std::vector< uint32_t > > fvvuNbDigisTsChan = {}
std::vector< TCanvas * > fvcStsSumm
std::vector< TCanvas * > fvcStsSmxErr
TH1 * fhDigisTimeInRun = nullptr
 General histograms.
TH1 * fhVectorSize = nullptr
TH1 * fhVectorCapacity = nullptr
TH1 * fhMsCntEvo = nullptr
TH2 * fhMsErrorsEvo = nullptr
TH2 * fhStsAllFebsHitRateEvo = nullptr
TH2 * fhStsAllAsicsHitRateEvo = nullptr
TH2 * fhStsFebAsicHitCounts = nullptr
TH2 * fhStsStatusMessType = nullptr
TProfile * fhRawHitRatioPerFeb = nullptr
std::vector< TProfile * > fvhRawChRatio = {}
 General "per Feb" histogram vectors.
std::vector< TProfile * > fvhHitChRatio = {}
std::vector< TProfile * > fvhDupliChRatio = {}
std::vector< TProfile * > fvhRawHitRatioPerCh = {}
std::vector< TProfile * > fvhRawDupliRatioPerCh = {}
std::vector< TH1 * > fvhStsFebChanCntRaw
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhStsFebChanAdcRaw
std::vector< TProfile * > fvhStsFebChanAdcRawProf
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhStsFebChanAdcCal
std::vector< TProfile * > fvhStsFebChanAdcCalProf
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhStsFebChanRawTs
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhStsFebChanMissEvt
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhStsFebChanMissEvtEvo
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhStsFebAsicMissEvtEvo
std::vector< TH1 * > fvhStsFebMissEvtEvo
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhStsFebChanHitRateEvo
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhStsFebAsicHitRateEvo
std::vector< TH1 * > fvhStsFebHitRateEvo
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhStsFebChanHitRateEvoLong
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhStsFebAsicHitRateEvoLong
std::vector< TH1 * > fvhStsFebHitRateEvoLong
bool fDebugMode = false
 Flag if debug mode is active or not.
TH1 * fhStsMessType = nullptr
 Debugging histograms.
TH2 * fhStsMessTypePerDpb = nullptr
TH2 * fhStsMessTypePerElink = nullptr
TH2 * fhStsHitsElinkPerDpb = nullptr
TH2 * fhStsDpbRawTsMsb = nullptr
TH2 * fhStsDpbRawTsMsbSx = nullptr
TH2 * fhStsDpbRawTsMsbDpb = nullptr
TProfile2D * fhRawHitRatioEvoPerFeb = nullptr
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhChDupliAdc = {}
std::vector< TProfile2D * > fvhRawChRatioEvo = {}
std::vector< TProfile2D * > fvhHitChRatioEvo = {}
std::vector< TProfile2D * > fvhDupliChRatioEvo = {}
std::vector< TProfile2D * > fvhRawHitRatioEvoPerCh = {}
std::vector< TProfile2D * > fvhRawDupliRatioEvoPerCh = {}
TH1 * fvhMsSize [kiMaxNbFlibLinks]
TProfile * fvhMsSizeTime [kiMaxNbFlibLinks]
std::vector< TH1 * > fvhStsChanCntRaw
 Debugging "per Asic" histogram vectors.
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhStsChanAdcRaw
std::vector< TProfile * > fvhStsChanAdcRawProf
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhStsChanRawTs
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhStsChanMissEvt
uint32_t fNrElinksPerDpb = 0
 Number of elinks per dpb, extracted from the parset.
std::vector< std::pair< TNamed *, std::string > > fvpAllHistoPointers
std::vector< std::pair< TCanvas *, std::string > > fvpAllCanvasPointers
 Vector of pointers to histograms + optional folder name.

Static Private Attributes

static const UInt_t kiMaxNbFlibLinks = 32

Detailed Description

Definition at line 20 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CbmStsUnpackMonitor() [1/2]

CbmStsUnpackMonitor::CbmStsUnpackMonitor ( )

Definition at line 30 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References fvhMsSize, fvhMsSizeTime, and kiMaxNbFlibLinks.

◆ ~CbmStsUnpackMonitor()

CbmStsUnpackMonitor::~CbmStsUnpackMonitor ( )

Definition at line 39 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References fvpAllCanvasPointers, and fvpAllHistoPointers.

◆ CbmStsUnpackMonitor() [2/2]

CbmStsUnpackMonitor::CbmStsUnpackMonitor ( const CbmStsUnpackMonitor & )

Vector of pointers to canvases + optional folder name.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddCanvasToVector()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::AddCanvasToVector ( TCanvas * pointer,
std::string sFolder = "" )

Definition at line 60 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvpAllCanvasPointers.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ AddHistoToVector()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::AddHistoToVector ( TNamed * pointer,
std::string sFolder = "" )

◆ CountDigi()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::CountDigi ( uint32_t uFebIdx,
uint32_t uChanInFeb )

Definition at line 218 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvuNbDigisTsFeb, and fvvuNbDigisTsChan.

◆ CountRawHit()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::CountRawHit ( uint32_t uFebIdx,
uint32_t uChanInFeb )

Definition at line 213 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvuNbRawTsFeb, and fvvuNbRawTsChan.

◆ CreateDebugHistograms()

◆ CreateHistograms()

Bool_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::CreateHistograms ( CbmMcbm2018StsPar * pUnpackPar)

Initialize the per timeslice counters

Create general unpacking histograms

Hit rates evo per FEB in system

Hit rates evo per ASIC in system

Hit counts map in system

Timeslice counter ratio Plots


++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++/// FEB-8 plots All histos per FEB: with channels or ASIC as axis!!

Timeslice counter ratio Plots

Channel counts

Raw Adc Distribution

Raw Adc Distribution profile

Cal Adc Distribution

Cal Adc Distribution profile

Raw Ts Distribution

Missed event flag

Missed event flag counts evolution

Missed event flag counts evolution

Missed event flag counts evolution

Hit rates evo per channel

Hit rates evo per StsXyter

Hit rates evo per FEB

Hit rates evo per channel, 1 minute bins, 24h

Hit rates evo per channel, 1 minute bins, 24h

Hit rates evo per FEB, 1 minute bins, 24h

Summary canvases

Definition at line 55 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References AddCanvasToVector(), AddHistoToVector(), fhDigisTimeInRun, fhMsCntEvo, fhMsErrorsEvo, fhRawHitRatioPerFeb, fhStsAllAsicsHitRateEvo, fhStsAllFebsHitRateEvo, fhStsFebAsicHitCounts, fhStsStatusMessType, fhVectorCapacity, fhVectorSize, fuLongHistoBinNb, fuLongHistoBinSizeSec, fuLongHistoNbSeconds, fvcStsSmxErr, fvcStsSumm, fvhDupliChRatio, fvhHitChRatio, fvhRawChRatio, fvhRawDupliRatioPerCh, fvhRawHitRatioPerCh, fvhStsFebAsicHitRateEvo, fvhStsFebAsicHitRateEvoLong, fvhStsFebAsicMissEvtEvo, fvhStsFebChanAdcCal, fvhStsFebChanAdcCalProf, fvhStsFebChanAdcRaw, fvhStsFebChanAdcRawProf, fvhStsFebChanCntRaw, fvhStsFebChanHitRateEvo, fvhStsFebChanHitRateEvoLong, fvhStsFebChanMissEvt, fvhStsFebChanMissEvtEvo, fvhStsFebChanRawTs, fvhStsFebHitRateEvo, fvhStsFebHitRateEvoLong, fvhStsFebMissEvtEvo, fvuNbDigisTsFeb, fvuNbRawTsFeb, fvvuNbDigisTsChan, fvvuNbRawTsChan, CbmMcbm2018StsPar::GetNbAsicsPerFeb(), CbmMcbm2018StsPar::GetNbChanPerFeb(), CbmMcbm2018StsPar::GetNrOfAsics(), CbmMcbm2018StsPar::GetNrOfFebs(), stsxyter::kuHitNbAdcBins, and stsxyter::kuHitNbTsBins.

Referenced by Init().

◆ CreateMsComponentSizeHistos()

Bool_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::CreateMsComponentSizeHistos ( UInt_t component)

Definition at line 356 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References AddHistoToVector(), fvhMsSize, and fvhMsSizeTime.

◆ DrawCanvases()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::DrawCanvases ( )

◆ FillDigisTimeInRun()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillDigisTimeInRun ( Double_t Time)

Definition at line 80 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fhDigisTimeInRun.

◆ FillDuplicateHitsAdc()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillDuplicateHitsAdc ( const uint32_t & uFebIdx,
const uint32_t & uChanInFeb,
const uint16_t & usAdc )

Definition at line 794 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References fDebugMode, and fvhChDupliAdc.

◆ FillHitDebugMonitoringHistos()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillHitDebugMonitoringHistos ( const UInt_t & uAsicIdx,
const UShort_t & usChan,
const UShort_t & usRawAdc,
const UShort_t & usRawTs,
const bool & isHitMissedEvts )

◆ FillHitEvoMonitoringHistos()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillHitEvoMonitoringHistos ( const UInt_t & uFebIdx,
const UInt_t & uAsicIdx,
const UInt_t & uAsicInFeb,
const UInt_t & uChanInFeb,
const Double_t & dAbsTimeSec,
const bool & isHitMissedEvts )

◆ FillHitMonitoringHistos()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillHitMonitoringHistos ( const UInt_t & uFebIdx,
const UShort_t & usChan,
const UInt_t & uChanInFeb,
const UShort_t & usRawAdc,
const Double_t & dCalAdc,
const UShort_t & usRawTs,
const bool & isHitMissedEvts )

◆ FillMsCntEvo()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillMsCntEvo ( ULong64_t MsIdx)

Definition at line 78 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fhMsCntEvo.

◆ FillMsErrorsEvo()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillMsErrorsEvo ( ULong64_t MsIdx,
uint16_t MsErrorType )

Definition at line 79 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fhMsErrorsEvo.

◆ FillMsSize()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillMsSize ( UInt_t uMsComp,
UInt_t uSize )

Definition at line 196 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhMsSize.

◆ FillMsSizeTime()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillMsSizeTime ( UInt_t uMsComp,
Double_t dTime,
UInt_t uSize )

Definition at line 197 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fdStartTimeMsSz, and fvhMsSizeTime.

◆ FillPerTimesliceCountersHistos()

◆ FillStsAllAsicsHitRateEvo()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsAllAsicsHitRateEvo ( Double_t dTimeSinceStartSec,
UInt_t uAsicIdx )

Definition at line 85 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fhStsAllAsicsHitRateEvo.

Referenced by FillHitEvoMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsAllFebsHitRateEvo()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsAllFebsHitRateEvo ( Double_t dTimeSinceStartSec,
UInt_t uFebIdx )

Definition at line 81 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fhStsAllFebsHitRateEvo.

Referenced by FillHitEvoMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsChanAdcRaw()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsChanAdcRaw ( UInt_t uAsicIdx,
UShort_t usChan,
UShort_t usRawAdc )

Definition at line 178 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsChanAdcRaw.

Referenced by FillHitDebugMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsChanAdcRawProf()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsChanAdcRawProf ( UInt_t uAsicIdx,
UShort_t usChan,
UShort_t usRawAdc )

Definition at line 182 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsChanAdcRawProf.

Referenced by FillHitDebugMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsChanCntRaw()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsChanCntRaw ( UInt_t uAsicIdx,
UShort_t usChan )

Fill debugging "per Asic" histogram vectors.

Definition at line 177 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsChanCntRaw.

Referenced by FillHitDebugMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsChanMissEvt()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsChanMissEvt ( UInt_t uAsicIdx,
UShort_t usChan,
bool missedEvtFlag )

Definition at line 190 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsChanMissEvt.

Referenced by FillHitDebugMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsChanRawTs()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsChanRawTs ( UInt_t uAsicIdx,
UShort_t usChan,
UShort_t usRawTs )

Definition at line 186 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsChanRawTs.

Referenced by FillHitDebugMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsDpbRawTsMsb()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsDpbRawTsMsb ( UInt_t uCurrDpbIdx,
ULong_t ulCurrentTsMsb )

Definition at line 163 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fhStsDpbRawTsMsb.

◆ FillStsDpbRawTsMsbDpb()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsDpbRawTsMsbDpb ( UInt_t uCurrDpbIdx,
ULong_t ulCurrentTsMsb )

Definition at line 171 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fhStsDpbRawTsMsbDpb.

◆ FillStsDpbRawTsMsbSx()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsDpbRawTsMsbSx ( UInt_t uCurrDpbIdx,
ULong_t ulCurrentTsMsb )

Definition at line 167 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fhStsDpbRawTsMsbSx.

◆ FillStsFebAsicHitCounts()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsFebAsicHitCounts ( UInt_t uFebIdx,
UInt_t uAsicInFeb )

Definition at line 89 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fhStsFebAsicHitCounts.

Referenced by FillHitEvoMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsFebAsicHitRateEvo()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsFebAsicHitRateEvo ( UInt_t uFebIdx,
Double_t dTimeSinceStartSec,
UInt_t uAsicInFeb )

Definition at line 137 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsFebAsicHitRateEvo.

Referenced by FillHitEvoMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsFebAsicHitRateEvoLong()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsFebAsicHitRateEvoLong ( UInt_t uFebIdx,
Double_t dTimeSinceStartMin,
UInt_t uAsicInFeb )

Definition at line 149 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsFebAsicHitRateEvoLong.

Referenced by FillHitEvoMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsFebAsicMissEvtEvo()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsFebAsicMissEvtEvo ( UInt_t uFebIdx,
Double_t dTimeSinceStartSec,
UInt_t uAsicInFeb )

Definition at line 125 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsFebAsicMissEvtEvo.

Referenced by FillHitEvoMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsFebChanAdcCal()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsFebChanAdcCal ( UInt_t uFebIdx,
UInt_t uChanInFeb,
Double_t dCalAdc )

Definition at line 105 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsFebChanAdcCal.

Referenced by FillHitMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsFebChanAdcCalProf()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsFebChanAdcCalProf ( UInt_t uFebIdx,
UInt_t uChanInFeb,
Double_t dCalAdc )

Definition at line 109 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsFebChanAdcCalProf.

Referenced by FillHitMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsFebChanAdcRaw()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsFebChanAdcRaw ( UInt_t uFebIdx,
UInt_t uChanInFeb,
UShort_t usRawAdc )

Definition at line 97 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsFebChanAdcRaw.

Referenced by FillHitMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsFebChanAdcRawProf()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsFebChanAdcRawProf ( UInt_t uFebIdx,
UInt_t uChanInFeb,
UShort_t usRawAdc )

Definition at line 101 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsFebChanAdcRawProf.

Referenced by FillHitMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsFebChanCntRaw()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsFebChanCntRaw ( UInt_t uFebIdx,
UInt_t uChanInFeb )

Fill general "per Feb" histogram vectors.

Definition at line 96 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsFebChanCntRaw.

Referenced by FillHitMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsFebChanHitRateEvo()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsFebChanHitRateEvo ( UInt_t uFebIdx,
Double_t dTimeSinceStartSec,
UInt_t uChanInFeb )

Definition at line 133 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsFebChanHitRateEvo.

Referenced by FillHitEvoMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsFebChanHitRateEvoLong()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsFebChanHitRateEvoLong ( UInt_t uFebIdx,
Double_t dTimeSinceStartMin,
UInt_t uChanInFeb )

Definition at line 145 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsFebChanHitRateEvoLong.

Referenced by FillHitEvoMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsFebChanMissEvt()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsFebChanMissEvt ( UInt_t uFebIdx,
UInt_t uChan,
bool missEvtFlag )

Definition at line 117 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsFebChanMissEvt.

Referenced by FillHitMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsFebChanMissEvtEvo()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsFebChanMissEvtEvo ( UInt_t uFebIdx,
Double_t dTimeSinceStartSec,
UInt_t uChanInFeb )

Definition at line 121 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsFebChanMissEvtEvo.

Referenced by FillHitEvoMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsFebChanRawTs()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsFebChanRawTs ( UInt_t uFebIdx,
UInt_t uChan,
UShort_t usRawTs )

Definition at line 113 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsFebChanRawTs.

Referenced by FillHitMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsFebHitRateEvo()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsFebHitRateEvo ( UInt_t uFebIdx,
Double_t dTimeSinceStartSec )

Definition at line 141 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsFebHitRateEvo.

Referenced by FillHitEvoMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsFebHitRateEvoLong()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsFebHitRateEvoLong ( UInt_t uFebIdx,
Double_t dTimeSinceStartMin )

Definition at line 153 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsFebHitRateEvoLong.

Referenced by FillHitEvoMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsFebMissEvtEvo()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsFebMissEvtEvo ( UInt_t uFebIdx,
Double_t dTimeSinceStartSec )

Definition at line 129 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhStsFebMissEvtEvo.

Referenced by FillHitEvoMonitoringHistos().

◆ FillStsHitsElinkPerDpb()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsHitsElinkPerDpb ( UInt_t DpbIdx,
UInt_t ElinkIdx )

Definition at line 162 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fhStsHitsElinkPerDpb.

Referenced by ProcessDebugInfo().

◆ FillStsMessType()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsMessType ( uint16_t typeMess)

Fill debugging histograms.

Definition at line 159 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fhStsMessType.

Referenced by ProcessDebugInfo().

◆ FillStsMessTypePerDpb()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsMessTypePerDpb ( UInt_t DpbIdx,
uint16_t typeMess )

Definition at line 160 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fhStsMessTypePerDpb.

Referenced by ProcessDebugInfo().

◆ FillStsMessTypePerElink()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsMessTypePerElink ( UInt_t ElinkIdx,
uint16_t typeMess )

Definition at line 161 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fhStsMessTypePerElink.

Referenced by ProcessDebugInfo().

◆ FillStsStatusMessType()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillStsStatusMessType ( UInt_t uAsicIdx,
UShort_t usStatusField )

Definition at line 90 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fhStsStatusMessType.

◆ FillVectorCapacity()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillVectorCapacity ( ULong64_t TsIdx,
UInt_t Capacity )

Definition at line 77 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fhVectorCapacity.

◆ FillVectorSize()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::FillVectorSize ( ULong64_t TsIdx,
UInt_t Size )

Fill general histograms.

Definition at line 76 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fhVectorSize.

◆ Finish()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::Finish ( )

Write all histograms and canvases to file.

Obtain vector of pointers on each histo (+ optionally desired folder)

Obtain vector of pointers on each canvas (+ optionally desired folder)

Save old global file and folder pointer to avoid messing with FairRoot

Write histos to output file

Make sure we end up in chosen folder

Write plot

Write canvases to output file

Make sure we end up in chosen folder

Write canvas

Restore old global file and folder pointer to avoid messing with FairRoot

Definition at line 935 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References fHistoFileName, GetCanvasVector(), and GetHistoVector().

◆ GetCanvasVector()

std::vector< std::pair< TCanvas *, std::string > > CbmStsUnpackMonitor::GetCanvasVector ( )

Definition at line 64 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvpAllCanvasPointers.

Referenced by Finish(), and Init().

◆ GetDebugMode()

bool CbmStsUnpackMonitor::GetDebugMode ( )

Activate the debug mode.

Definition at line 228 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fDebugMode.

◆ GetHistoVector()

std::vector< std::pair< TNamed *, std::string > > CbmStsUnpackMonitor::GetHistoVector ( )

Definition at line 58 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvpAllHistoPointers.

Referenced by Finish(), and Init().

◆ GetMaxNbFlibLinks()

UInt_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::GetMaxNbFlibLinks ( )

Definition at line 73 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References kiMaxNbFlibLinks.

◆ Init()

Bool_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::Init ( CbmMcbm2018StsPar * digiParSet)

Init all required parameter informations and histograms.

Save old global file and folder pointer to avoid messing with FairRoot

Trigger histo creation on all associated monitors

Trigger Canvas creation on all associated monitors

Restore old global file and folder pointer to avoid messing with FairRoot

Obtain vector of pointers on each histo from the algo (+ optionally desired folder)

Obtain vector of pointers on each canvas from the algo (+ optionally desired folder)

Register the histos and canvases in the HTTP server

Definition at line 889 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References CreateDebugHistograms(), CreateHistograms(), DrawCanvases(), fDebugMode, fNrElinksPerDpb, GetCanvasVector(), GetHistoVector(), and CbmMcbm2018StsPar::GetNbElinkPerDpb().

◆ operator=()

CbmStsUnpackMonitor CbmStsUnpackMonitor::operator= ( const CbmStsUnpackMonitor & )

◆ PrintDebugInfo()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::PrintDebugInfo ( const uint64_t MsStartTime,
const size_t NrProcessedTs,
const uint16_t msDescriptorFlags,
const uint32_t uSize )

Definition at line 870 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References bError, sMessPatt, and vNbMessType.

◆ ProcessDebugInfo()

◆ ResetDebugHistograms()

◆ ResetDebugInfo()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::ResetDebugInfo ( )

Definition at line 802 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References bError, sMessPatt, and vNbMessType.

◆ ResetHistograms()

◆ ResetMsComponentSizeHistos()

Bool_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::ResetMsComponentSizeHistos ( UInt_t component)

Definition at line 375 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References fvhMsSize, and fvhMsSizeTime.

◆ SetDebugMode()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::SetDebugMode ( bool value)

Activate the debug mode.

Definition at line 233 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fDebugMode.

◆ SetHistoFileName()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::SetHistoFileName ( TString nameIn)

Definition at line 50 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fHistoFileName.

◆ SetLongDurationLimits()

void CbmStsUnpackMonitor::SetLongDurationLimits ( UInt_t uDurationSeconds,
UInt_t uBinSize )

Definition at line 66 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

References fuLongHistoBinSizeSec, and fuLongHistoNbSeconds.

Member Data Documentation

◆ bError

bool CbmStsUnpackMonitor::bError = false

Definition at line 29 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by PrintDebugInfo(), ProcessDebugInfo(), and ResetDebugInfo().

◆ dFirstTsStartTime

double_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::dFirstTsStartTime = 0

Rate evolution histos.

Definition at line 239 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillPerTimesliceCountersHistos().

◆ fDebugMode

bool CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fDebugMode = false

Flag if debug mode is active or not.

Definition at line 294 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillDuplicateHitsAdc(), FillPerTimesliceCountersHistos(), GetDebugMode(), Init(), and SetDebugMode().

◆ fdStartTime

double CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fdStartTime = -1

Definition at line 240 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHitEvoMonitoringHistos().

◆ fdStartTimeMsSz

double CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fdStartTimeMsSz = -1

Definition at line 241 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillMsSizeTime().

◆ fhDigisTimeInRun

TH1* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fhDigisTimeInRun = nullptr

General histograms.

Definition at line 259 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), FillDigisTimeInRun(), and ResetHistograms().

◆ fHistoFileName

TString CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fHistoFileName = "HistosUnpackerSts.root"

Definition at line 236 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by Finish(), and SetHistoFileName().

◆ fhMsCntEvo

TH1* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fhMsCntEvo = nullptr

Definition at line 262 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), FillMsCntEvo(), and ResetHistograms().

◆ fhMsErrorsEvo

TH2* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fhMsErrorsEvo = nullptr

Definition at line 263 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), FillMsErrorsEvo(), and ResetHistograms().

◆ fhRawHitRatioEvoPerFeb

TProfile2D* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fhRawHitRatioEvoPerFeb = nullptr

◆ fhRawHitRatioPerFeb

TProfile* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fhRawHitRatioPerFeb = nullptr

◆ fhStsAllAsicsHitRateEvo

TH2* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fhStsAllAsicsHitRateEvo = nullptr

◆ fhStsAllFebsHitRateEvo

TH2* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fhStsAllFebsHitRateEvo = nullptr

◆ fhStsDpbRawTsMsb

TH2* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fhStsDpbRawTsMsb = nullptr

◆ fhStsDpbRawTsMsbDpb

TH2* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fhStsDpbRawTsMsbDpb = nullptr

◆ fhStsDpbRawTsMsbSx

TH2* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fhStsDpbRawTsMsbSx = nullptr

◆ fhStsFebAsicHitCounts

TH2* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fhStsFebAsicHitCounts = nullptr

◆ fhStsHitsElinkPerDpb

TH2* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fhStsHitsElinkPerDpb = nullptr

◆ fhStsMessType

TH1* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fhStsMessType = nullptr

Debugging histograms.

Definition at line 297 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateDebugHistograms(), FillStsMessType(), and ResetDebugHistograms().

◆ fhStsMessTypePerDpb

TH2* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fhStsMessTypePerDpb = nullptr

◆ fhStsMessTypePerElink

TH2* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fhStsMessTypePerElink = nullptr

◆ fhStsStatusMessType

TH2* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fhStsStatusMessType = nullptr

Definition at line 267 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), FillStsStatusMessType(), and ResetHistograms().

◆ fhVectorCapacity

TH1* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fhVectorCapacity = nullptr

Definition at line 261 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), FillVectorCapacity(), and ResetHistograms().

◆ fhVectorSize

TH1* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fhVectorSize = nullptr

Definition at line 260 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), FillVectorSize(), and ResetHistograms().

◆ fNrElinksPerDpb

uint32_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fNrElinksPerDpb = 0

Number of elinks per dpb, extracted from the parset.

Definition at line 325 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateDebugHistograms(), Init(), and ProcessDebugInfo().

◆ fuLongHistoBinNb

UInt_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fuLongHistoBinNb = 1

Definition at line 245 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fuLongHistoBinSizeSec

UInt_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fuLongHistoBinSizeSec = 10

Definition at line 244 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), and SetLongDurationLimits().

◆ fuLongHistoNbSeconds

UInt_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fuLongHistoNbSeconds = 3600

Definition at line 243 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), and SetLongDurationLimits().

◆ fvcStsSmxErr

std::vector<TCanvas*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvcStsSmxErr

Definition at line 256 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fvcStsSumm

std::vector<TCanvas*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvcStsSumm


Definition at line 255 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), and DrawCanvases().

◆ fvhChDupliAdc

std::vector<TH2*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhChDupliAdc = {}

◆ fvhDupliChRatio

std::vector<TProfile*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhDupliChRatio = {}

◆ fvhDupliChRatioEvo

std::vector<TProfile2D*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhDupliChRatioEvo = {}

◆ fvhHitChRatio

std::vector<TProfile*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhHitChRatio = {}

◆ fvhHitChRatioEvo

std::vector<TProfile2D*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhHitChRatioEvo = {}

◆ fvhMsSize

TH1* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhMsSize[kiMaxNbFlibLinks]

◆ fvhMsSizeTime

TProfile* CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhMsSizeTime[kiMaxNbFlibLinks]

◆ fvhRawChRatio

std::vector<TProfile*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhRawChRatio = {}

General "per Feb" histogram vectors.

Definition at line 271 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), FillPerTimesliceCountersHistos(), and ResetHistograms().

◆ fvhRawChRatioEvo

std::vector<TProfile2D*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhRawChRatioEvo = {}

◆ fvhRawDupliRatioEvoPerCh

std::vector<TProfile2D*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhRawDupliRatioEvoPerCh = {}

◆ fvhRawDupliRatioPerCh

std::vector<TProfile*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhRawDupliRatioPerCh = {}

◆ fvhRawHitRatioEvoPerCh

std::vector<TProfile2D*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhRawHitRatioEvoPerCh = {}

◆ fvhRawHitRatioPerCh

std::vector<TProfile*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhRawHitRatioPerCh = {}

◆ fvhStsChanAdcRaw

std::vector<TH2*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsChanAdcRaw

◆ fvhStsChanAdcRawProf

std::vector<TProfile*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsChanAdcRawProf

◆ fvhStsChanCntRaw

std::vector<TH1*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsChanCntRaw

Debugging "per Asic" histogram vectors.

Definition at line 318 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateDebugHistograms(), FillStsChanCntRaw(), and ResetDebugHistograms().

◆ fvhStsChanMissEvt

std::vector<TH2*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsChanMissEvt

◆ fvhStsChanRawTs

std::vector<TH2*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsChanRawTs

◆ fvhStsFebAsicHitRateEvo

std::vector<TH2*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsFebAsicHitRateEvo

◆ fvhStsFebAsicHitRateEvoLong

std::vector<TH2*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsFebAsicHitRateEvoLong

◆ fvhStsFebAsicMissEvtEvo

std::vector<TH2*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsFebAsicMissEvtEvo

◆ fvhStsFebChanAdcCal

std::vector<TH2*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsFebChanAdcCal

Definition at line 279 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), FillStsFebChanAdcCal(), and ResetHistograms().

◆ fvhStsFebChanAdcCalProf

std::vector<TProfile*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsFebChanAdcCalProf

◆ fvhStsFebChanAdcRaw

std::vector<TH2*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsFebChanAdcRaw

◆ fvhStsFebChanAdcRawProf

std::vector<TProfile*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsFebChanAdcRawProf

◆ fvhStsFebChanCntRaw

std::vector<TH1*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsFebChanCntRaw

◆ fvhStsFebChanHitRateEvo

std::vector<TH2*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsFebChanHitRateEvo

◆ fvhStsFebChanHitRateEvoLong

std::vector<TH2*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsFebChanHitRateEvoLong

◆ fvhStsFebChanMissEvt

std::vector<TH2*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsFebChanMissEvt

◆ fvhStsFebChanMissEvtEvo

std::vector<TH2*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsFebChanMissEvtEvo

◆ fvhStsFebChanRawTs

std::vector<TH2*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsFebChanRawTs

Definition at line 281 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), FillStsFebChanRawTs(), and ResetHistograms().

◆ fvhStsFebHitRateEvo

std::vector<TH1*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsFebHitRateEvo

Definition at line 288 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), FillStsFebHitRateEvo(), and ResetHistograms().

◆ fvhStsFebHitRateEvoLong

std::vector<TH1*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsFebHitRateEvoLong

◆ fvhStsFebMissEvtEvo

std::vector<TH1*> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvhStsFebMissEvtEvo

Definition at line 285 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), FillStsFebMissEvtEvo(), and ResetHistograms().

◆ fvpAllCanvasPointers

std::vector<std::pair<TCanvas*, std::string> > CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvpAllCanvasPointers

Vector of pointers to histograms + optional folder name.

Definition at line 342 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by AddCanvasToVector(), GetCanvasVector(), and ~CbmStsUnpackMonitor().

◆ fvpAllHistoPointers

std::vector<std::pair<TNamed*, std::string> > CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvpAllHistoPointers

For monitoring of internal processes. => Pointers should be filled with TH1*, TH2*, TProfile*, ... ==> To check if object N is of type T, use "T ObjectPointer = dynamic_cast<T>( fvpAllHistoPointers[N].first );" and check for nullptr ==> To get back the original class name use "fvpAllHistoPointers[N].first->ClassName()" which returns a const char * (e.g. "TH1I") ===> Usage example with feeding a THttpServer: ===> #include "TH2.h" ===> std::string sClassName = vHistos[ uHisto ].first.ClassName(); ===> if( !strncmp( sClassName, "TH1", 3 ) ) ===> server->Register( vHistos[ uHisto ].second.data(), dynamic_cast< TH1 * >(vHistos[ uHisto ].first) ); ===> else if( !strncmp( sClassName, "TH2", 3 ) ) ===> server->Register( vHistos[ uHisto ].second.data(), dynamic_cast< TH2 * >(vHistos[ uHisto ].first) );

Definition at line 340 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by AddHistoToVector(), GetHistoVector(), and ~CbmStsUnpackMonitor().

◆ fvuNbDigisTsFeb

std::vector<uint32_t> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvuNbDigisTsFeb = {}

◆ fvuNbRawTsFeb

std::vector<uint32_t> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvuNbRawTsFeb = {}

Per timeslice counters to evaluate the eventual raw messages rejection per FEB.

Definition at line 248 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CountRawHit(), CreateHistograms(), and FillPerTimesliceCountersHistos().

◆ fvvuNbDigisTsChan

std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t> > CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvvuNbDigisTsChan = {}

◆ fvvuNbRawTsChan

std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t> > CbmStsUnpackMonitor::fvvuNbRawTsChan = {}

Per timeslice counters to evaluate the eventual raw messages rejection per [FEB, chan] pairs.

Definition at line 251 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CountRawHit(), CreateHistograms(), and FillPerTimesliceCountersHistos().

◆ kiMaxNbFlibLinks

const UInt_t CbmStsUnpackMonitor::kiMaxNbFlibLinks = 32

Definition at line 313 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CbmStsUnpackMonitor(), and GetMaxNbFlibLinks().

◆ sMessPatt

std::string CbmStsUnpackMonitor::sMessPatt = ""

Definition at line 28 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by PrintDebugInfo(), ProcessDebugInfo(), and ResetDebugInfo().

◆ vNbMessType

std::vector<uint32_t> CbmStsUnpackMonitor::vNbMessType

Definition at line 27 of file CbmStsUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by PrintDebugInfo(), ProcessDebugInfo(), and ResetDebugInfo().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: