A class to find V0 candidates in mCBM. More...
#include <CbmKFV0FinderTask.h>
Classes | |
struct | DcaVector |
A vector representation of DCA to target. More... | |
struct | QpAndBeta |
Qp and beta container. More... | |
Public Types | |
enum class | ECounter : uint8_t { TracksTotal , TracksSelected , TracksInfiniteParam , TracksWoTofHits , TracksWNegativeTofHitTime , TracksWoStsHits , TracksWoPid , TracksWoMomentum , TracksWAtLeastOneTofHit , TracksWAtLeastTwoTofHits , TracksWithUnphysicalBeta , TracksW2Sts2Tof , Pions , Protons , EventsTotal , EventsWoTzero , EventsLambdaCand , KfpEventsLambdaCand , KfpLambdaCandidates , END } |
enum class | EPidApproach : uint8_t { Topo , Mc } |
PID approach used. More... | |
enum class | EProcessingMode : uint8_t { TimeBased , EventBased } |
Data processing mode. More... | |
enum class | EPvUsageMode : uint8_t { Target , Reconstructed , ReconstructSingle , ReconstructMultiple , Mc } |
Primary vertex finding/handling mode. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
V0FinderTask (int verbose=1) | |
Constructor. | |
~V0FinderTask ()=default | |
Destructor. | |
V0FinderTask (const V0FinderTask &)=delete | |
V0FinderTask (V0FinderTask &&)=delete | |
V0FinderTask & | operator= (const V0FinderTask &)=delete |
V0FinderTask & | operator= (V0FinderTask &&)=delete |
void | Exec (Option_t *) override |
Executes the task. | |
void | Finish () override |
Action on the end of the run. | |
InitStatus | Init () override |
Initializes the task. | |
KFParticleFinder * | GetKFParticleFinder () |
Mutable access to the KfParticleFinder of the run topology reconstructor. | |
const KFParticleFinder * | GetKFParticleFinder () const |
Constant access to the KfParticleFinder of the run topology reconstructor. | |
const auto & | GetTrackDcaToOrigin () const |
Gets DCA to origin. | |
const std::shared_ptr< const KFParticleTopoReconstructor > | GetTopoReconstructor () const |
Accessor to the topology reconstructor. | |
void | SetProcessingMode (EProcessingMode mode) |
Accessor to the track DCA. | |
void | SetPidApproach (EPidApproach pid) |
Sets PID approach. | |
void | SetPvFindingMode (EPvUsageMode mode) |
Sets PV finding mode. | |
void | SetUseMc (bool bUseMc) |
Sets the MC flag (if MC information required) | |
void | SetRunQa (bool bRunQa) |
Sets the flag: if the QA should be executed. | |
void | SetMinPionDca (double dca) |
Sets minimal pion DCA to primary vertex. | |
void | SetMinProtonDca (double dca) |
Sets minimal proton DCA to primary vertex. | |
void | SetQaOutputFileName (const TString &fileName) |
Sets a file name for the QA. | |
void | SetQpAssignedUncertainty (double uncertainty) |
Assignes an uncertainty to the momentum measurement. | |
void | SetTzeroOffset (double offset) |
Sets an offset to t0. | |
void | SetMixedEventMode (bool bMixedEvent) |
Special settings in the mixed-event analysis mode. | |
void | AddDecayToReconstructionList (int pdg) |
Adds particle to reconstruction list. | |
void | SetPrimaryProbCut (double pVal) |
Sets P-value cut to the topology reconstructor. | |
void | SetMaxDistanceBetweenParticlesCut (float cut) |
Sets cut on the distance between secondary tracks at the DCA point. | |
void | SetLCut (float cut) |
Sets cut on the distance to the primary vertex from the decay vertex. | |
void | SetChiPrimaryCut2D (float cut) |
Sets cut on of each track for 2-daughter decays. | |
void | SetChi2Cut2D (float cut) |
Sets cut on for 2-daughter decays. | |
void | SetLdLCut2D (float cut) |
Sets cut on for 2-daughter decays. | |
void | SetSecondaryCuts (float sigmaMass, float chi2Topo, float ldl) |
Sets cuts on selection of secondary and primary candidates. | |
void | SetLdLCutXiOmega (float cut) |
Sets cut for and . | |
void | SetChi2TopoCutXiOmega (float cut) |
Sets cut for and . | |
void | SetChi2CutXiOmega (float cut) |
Sets cut for and . | |
void | SetChi2TopoCutResonances (float cut) |
Sets cut for resonances. | |
void | SetChi2CutResonances (float cut) |
Sets cut for resonances. | |
void | SetPtCutLMVM (float cut) |
Sets the cut on transverse momentum of each daughter track of low mass vector mesons. | |
void | SetPCutLMVM (float cut) |
Sets the cut on momentum of each daughter track of low mass vector mesons in dimuon channel. | |
void | SetPtCutJPsi (float cut) |
Sets the cut on transverse momentum of each daughter track of . | |
void | SetPtCutCharm (float cut) |
Sets the cut on transverse momentum of each daughter track of open charm particles. | |
void | SetChiPrimaryCutCharm (float cut) |
Sets cut on of each track for open charm particles. | |
void | SetLdLCutCharmManybodyDecays (float cut) |
Sets cut for open charm with >=3 daughters. | |
void | SetChi2TopoCutCharmManybodyDecays (float cut) |
Sets cut for open charm with >=3 daughters. | |
void | SetChi2CutCharmManybodyDecays (float cut) |
Sets cut for open charm with >=3 daughters. | |
void | SetLdLCutCharm2D (float cut) |
Sets cut for open charm with 2 daughters. | |
void | SetChi2TopoCutCharm2D (float cut) |
Sets cut for open charm with 2 daughters. | |
void | SetChi2CutCharm2D (float cut) |
Sets cut for open charm with 2 daughters. | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static std::string | ToString (EProcessingMode mode) |
String representation of processing mode. | |
static std::string | ToString (EPidApproach pid) |
String representation of PID approach. | |
static std::string | ToString (EPvUsageMode pvMode) |
String representation of the PV finding mode. | |
static std::string | ToString (const FairTrackParam *pParam) |
String representation of. | |
static bool | CheckTrackParam (const FairTrackParam *pParam) |
Checks track parameter validity. | |
Private Member Functions | |
bool | AssignMomentum (CbmGlobalTrack *pTrack, int pdg) |
Assigns momentum to a global track. | |
DcaVector | EstimateDcaToOrigin (const CbmStsTrack *pTrack) const |
Estimates distance to the origin. | |
QpAndBeta | EstimateQp (const CbmTofHit *pTofHit, int pdg) const |
Estimates q/p of the track, using one TOF hit (Norbert's method) | |
KFPTrackVector | MakeKfpTrackVector (const std::vector< const CbmGlobalTrack * > &vpTracks, const std::vector< int > &vTrackIds, const std::vector< float > &vChi2ToPv, bool bAtFirstPoint) const |
Makes a KF-particle track vector. | |
KFVertex | MakeKfpPrimaryVertex (float x, float y, float z) const |
Makes a KF vertex. | |
int | InferTrackPidTopo (double dca) const |
Infers PID hypothesis for a track using track topology. | |
template<bool UseEvent> | |
bool | ProcessEvent (const CbmEvent *pEvent) |
Processes one event. | |
bool | SelectTrack (CbmGlobalTrack *pTrack, int iTrk) |
Selects/rejects a track. | |
double | ShiftTofHitsToTzero (const CbmEvent *pEvent) |
Shifts TOF hits to the t0 estimation. | |
void | StoreParticles () |
Stores particles, reconstructed in event to the run topology reconstructor. | |
ClassDefOverride (V0FinderTask, 0) | |
Private Attributes | |
double | fTzeroOffset {0.} |
Offset for T0. | |
double | fMinPionDca {1.5} |
Minimum DCA to PV for pions. | |
double | fMinProtonDca {0.5} |
Minimum DCA to PV for protons. | |
double | fQpAssignedUncertainty {0.1} |
Assigned relative uncertainty for q/p estimation. | |
int | fPrimaryAssignedPdg {321} |
Assigned PDG hypothesis for primary particles. | |
TClonesArray * | fpBrRecoEvents {nullptr} |
TClonesArray * | fpBrGlobalTracks {nullptr} |
TClonesArray * | fpBrStsTracks {nullptr} |
TClonesArray * | fpBrTrdTracks {nullptr} |
TClonesArray * | fpBrTofTracks {nullptr} |
TClonesArray * | fpBrStsHits {nullptr} |
TClonesArray * | fpBrTrdHits {nullptr} |
TClonesArray * | fpBrTofHits {nullptr} |
CbmVertex * | fpBrPrimaryVertex {nullptr} |
std::vector< CbmEventTriggers > * | fpBrEventTriggers {nullptr} |
std::vector< DcaVector > | fvTrackDca |
Track DCA vector [n selected tracks]. | |
std::unique_ptr< CbmVertex > | fpOrigin |
Origin (e.g., can be either reconstructed PV or target) | |
std::shared_ptr< KFParticleTopoReconstructor > | fpTopoReconstructorRun |
Main topology reconstructor. | |
std::unique_ptr< KFParticleTopoReconstructor > | fpTopoReconstructorEvent |
EProcessingMode | fProcessingMode {EProcessingMode::TimeBased} |
Processing mode. | |
EPidApproach | fPidApproach {EPidApproach::Topo} |
PID approach used. | |
EPvUsageMode | fPvUsageMode {EPvUsageMode::Target} |
Primary vertex mode. | |
bool | fbMixedEventMode {false} |
Run in a mix-event mode. | |
bool | fbUseMc {false} |
Run using MC-information. | |
bool | fbRunQa {false} |
Run QA. | |
bool | fbUsePvChi2Selection {false} |
Select. | |
cbm::core::EnumArray< ECounter, size_t > | fCounters {{0}} |
Counters per run. | |
std::unique_ptr< V0FinderQa > | fpQa {nullptr} |
If QA is processed. | |
TString | fsQaOutputName {"./V0FinderQa.root"} |
Output QA name. | |
Static Private Attributes | |
static constexpr int | kPrimaryPdg {321} |
PID hypothesis of primary tracks (kaons?) | |
static constexpr int | kUndefPdg {-2} |
Undefined value, such tracks will be skipped. | |
static constexpr float | kChi2PvPrimThrsh {3.} |
Chi2 threshold of assigning tracks as primaries in PV reco. | |
static constexpr double | kPionMass {0.13957039} |
Pion mass [GeV/c2]. | |
static constexpr double | kProtonMass {0.938272088} |
Proton mass [GeV/c2]. | |
static constexpr double | kSpeedOfLight {29.9792458} |
Speed of light [cm/ns]. | |
A class to find V0 candidates in mCBM.
Definition at line 39 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
strong |
Definition at line 60 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
strong |
strong |
Data processing mode.
Enumerator | |
TimeBased | |
EventBased |
Definition at line 94 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
strong |
Primary vertex finding/handling mode.
Enumerator | |
Target | |
Reconstructed | |
ReconstructSingle | |
ReconstructMultiple | |
Mc |
Definition at line 102 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
inlineexplicit |
verbose | Verbosity of the task |
Definition at line 113 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
default |
delete |
delete |
inline |
Adds particle to reconstruction list.
pdg | A PDG code of the particle to be reconstructed |
Definition at line 206 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
private |
Assigns momentum to a global track.
pTrack | Pointer to a global track |
pdg | PID hypothesis |
Definition at line 45 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx.
References EstimateQp(), fbRunQa, fCounters, fpBrTofHits, fpBrTofTracks, fpQa, CbmGlobalTrack::GetParamFirst(), CbmGlobalTrack::GetParamLast(), CbmGlobalTrack::GetTofTrackIndex(), nTofHits, CbmGlobalTrack::SetParamFirst(), CbmGlobalTrack::SetParamLast(), TracksWAtLeastOneTofHit, TracksWithUnphysicalBeta, TracksWNegativeTofHitTime, and TracksWoTofHits.
Referenced by SelectTrack().
static |
Checks track parameter validity.
pParam | Pointer to a track parameter |
Definition at line 209 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx.
Referenced by SelectTrack().
private |
private |
Estimates distance to the origin.
pStsTrack | STS track |
Definition at line 234 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx.
References cbm::kfp::V0FinderTask::DcaVector::fAbs, fpBrStsHits, fpOrigin, cbm::kfp::V0FinderTask::DcaVector::fX, cbm::kfp::V0FinderTask::DcaVector::fY, CbmStsTrack::GetNofStsHits(), and CbmStsTrack::GetStsHitIndex().
Referenced by SelectTrack().
private |
Estimates q/p of the track, using one TOF hit (Norbert's method)
pTofHit | Pointer to a TOF hit |
pdg | PID hypothesis |
Definition at line 256 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx.
References cbm::kfp::V0FinderTask::QpAndBeta::fBeta, cbm::kfp::V0FinderTask::QpAndBeta::fBetaVar, fpOrigin, cbm::kfp::V0FinderTask::QpAndBeta::fQp, fQpAssignedUncertainty, cbm::kfp::V0FinderTask::QpAndBeta::fQpVar, CbmPixelHit::GetDx(), CbmPixelHit::GetDy(), CbmHit::GetDz(), CbmHit::GetTime(), CbmHit::GetTimeError(), CbmPixelHit::GetX(), CbmPixelHit::GetY(), CbmHit::GetZ(), kPionMass, kProtonMass, kSpeedOfLight, x, and y.
Referenced by AssignMomentum().
override |
Executes the task.
Definition at line 315 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx.
References EventBased, EventsTotal, fCounters, fpBrEventTriggers, fpBrGlobalTracks, fpBrRecoEvents, fProcessingMode, fpTopoReconstructorRun, fvTrackDca, and ProcessEvent().
override |
Action on the end of the run.
Definition at line 345 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx.
References EventsLambdaCand, EventsTotal, EventsWoTzero, fbRunQa, fCounters, fpQa, fsQaOutputName, KfpEventsLambdaCand, KfpLambdaCandidates, LOG_, Pions, Protons, TracksInfiniteParam, TracksSelected, TracksTotal, TracksWAtLeastOneTofHit, TracksWAtLeastTwoTofHits, TracksWithUnphysicalBeta, TracksWNegativeTofHitTime, TracksWoMomentum, TracksWoPid, TracksWoStsHits, and TracksWoTofHits.
inline |
Mutable access to the KfParticleFinder of the run topology reconstructor.
Definition at line 140 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References fpTopoReconstructorRun.
Referenced by AddDecayToReconstructionList(), SetChi2Cut2D(), SetChi2CutCharm2D(), SetChi2CutCharmManybodyDecays(), SetChi2CutResonances(), SetChi2CutXiOmega(), SetChi2TopoCutCharm2D(), SetChi2TopoCutCharmManybodyDecays(), SetChi2TopoCutResonances(), SetChi2TopoCutXiOmega(), SetChiPrimaryCut2D(), SetChiPrimaryCutCharm(), SetLCut(), SetLdLCut2D(), SetLdLCutCharm2D(), SetLdLCutCharmManybodyDecays(), SetLdLCutXiOmega(), SetMaxDistanceBetweenParticlesCut(), SetPCutLMVM(), SetPtCutCharm(), SetPtCutJPsi(), SetPtCutLMVM(), and SetSecondaryCuts().
inline |
Constant access to the KfParticleFinder of the run topology reconstructor.
Definition at line 143 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References fpTopoReconstructorRun.
inline |
Accessor to the topology reconstructor.
Definition at line 149 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References fpTopoReconstructorRun.
inline |
private |
Infers PID hypothesis for a track using track topology.
dca | An absolute value of DCA to the PV estimation |
Definition at line 378 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx.
References fMinPionDca, fMinProtonDca, and kPrimaryPdg.
Referenced by SelectTrack().
override |
Initializes the task.
Definition at line 394 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx.
References ERR_, fbRunQa, fbUseMc, fCounters, fpBrEventTriggers, fpBrGlobalTracks, fpBrPrimaryVertex, fpBrRecoEvents, fpBrStsHits, fpBrStsTracks, fpBrTofHits, fpBrTofTracks, fpBrTrdHits, fpBrTrdTracks, fPidApproach, fpOrigin, fpQa, fProcessingMode, fpTopoReconstructorEvent, fpTopoReconstructorRun, fPvUsageMode, cbm::kf::Target::Instance(), LOG_, Mc, Reconstructed, ReconstructMultiple, ReconstructSingle, Target, TimeBased, ToString(), x, and y.
private |
Makes a KF vertex.
x | x-coordinate of PV [cm] |
y | y-coordinate of PV [cm] |
z | z-coordinate of PV [cm] |
Definition at line 635 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx.
Referenced by ProcessEvent().
private |
Makes a KF-particle track vector.
vpTracks | Vector of pointers to global tracks |
vTrackIds | Vector of track indices |
vChi2ToPv | Vector of chi2 of assigning a track as primary |
bAtFirstPoint | true: the first track point is used, false: the last track point is used |
Definition at line 500 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx.
Referenced by ProcessEvent().
delete |
delete |
private |
Processes one event.
UseEvent | Explicit flag of using the CbmEvent pointer to access data |
pEvent | Pointer to event |
Definition at line 104 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx.
References EventsLambdaCand, EventsWoTzero, fbRunQa, fCounters, fpBrGlobalTracks, fpOrigin, fpQa, fpTopoReconstructorEvent, fPvUsageMode, CbmEvent::GetIndex(), CbmEvent::GetNofData(), CbmEvent::GetNumber(), KfpEventsLambdaCand, KfpLambdaCandidates, kGlobalTrack, CbmEventTriggers::Lambda, MakeKfpPrimaryVertex(), MakeKfpTrackVector(), Pions, Protons, SelectTrack(), ShiftTofHitsToTzero(), StoreParticles(), Target, TracksSelected, TracksTotal, x, and y.
Referenced by Exec().
private |
Selects/rejects a track.
pTrack | A pointer to global track |
iTrk | Global index of the track |
In this function the preliminary selection of tracks is performed. The selection criteria: 1) the track has at least two STS hits for estimation of the PDG codes (pi-, proton, or primary (kaon PDG)) 2) the track has at least one TOF hit for estimation of its momentum 2.1) tracks with the TOF hit times (t - t0) < 0 are rejected 2.2) tracks with the beta > 1 are rejected 3) the track has defined parameters in the first hit NOTE: this cut was used, because the tracks with negative TOF times were not rejected. Now it seems, that the track parameters are always defined.
Definition at line 650 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx.
References AssignMomentum(), CheckTrackParam(), EstimateDcaToOrigin(), fbRunQa, fCounters, fpBrStsTracks, fPidApproach, fpQa, fvTrackDca, CbmGlobalTrack::GetParamFirst(), CbmGlobalTrack::GetStsTrackIndex(), InferTrackPidTopo(), kUndefPdg, CbmGlobalTrack::SetPidHypo(), Topo, TracksInfiniteParam, TracksWoMomentum, TracksWoPid, and TracksWoStsHits.
Referenced by ProcessEvent().
inline |
Sets cut on for 2-daughter decays.
cut | Cut value |
Definition at line 230 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets cut for open charm with 2 daughters.
cut | Cut value |
Definition at line 307 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets cut for open charm with >=3 daughters.
cut | Cut value |
Definition at line 295 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets cut for resonances.
cut | Cut value |
Definition at line 263 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets cut for and .
cut | Cut value |
Definition at line 255 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets cut for open charm with 2 daughters.
cut | Cut value |
Definition at line 303 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets cut for open charm with >=3 daughters.
cut | Cut value |
Definition at line 291 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets cut for resonances.
cut | Cut value |
Definition at line 259 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets cut for and .
cut | Cut value |
Definition at line 251 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets cut on of each track for 2-daughter decays.
cut | Cut value |
Definition at line 226 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets cut on of each track for open charm particles.
cut | Cut value [GeV/c] |
Definition at line 283 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets cut on the distance to the primary vertex from the decay vertex.
cut | Cut value [cm] |
Definition at line 222 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets cut on for 2-daughter decays.
cut | Cut value |
Definition at line 234 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets cut for open charm with 2 daughters.
cut | Cut value |
Definition at line 299 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets cut for open charm with >=3 daughters.
cut | Cut value |
Definition at line 287 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets cut for and .
cut | Cut value |
Definition at line 247 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets cut on the distance between secondary tracks at the DCA point.
cut | Cut value [cm] |
Definition at line 218 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets minimal pion DCA to primary vertex.
dca | DCA [cm] |
Definition at line 176 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References fMinPionDca.
inline |
Sets minimal proton DCA to primary vertex.
dca | DCA [cm] |
Definition at line 180 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References fMinProtonDca.
inline |
Special settings in the mixed-event analysis mode.
bMixedEvent | Flag: true - run in the mixed-event mode |
Definition at line 199 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References fbMixedEventMode.
inline |
Sets the cut on momentum of each daughter track of low mass vector mesons in dimuon channel.
cut | Cut value [GeV/c] |
Definition at line 271 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
inline |
Sets P-value cut to the topology reconstructor.
pVal | P-value cut |
Definition at line 210 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References fpTopoReconstructorRun, and CbmKFParticleFinder::InversedChi2Prob().
inline |
Accessor to the track DCA.
Sets processing mode (time-based/event-based)
Definition at line 160 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References fProcessingMode.
inline |
Sets the cut on transverse momentum of each daughter track of open charm particles.
cut | Cut value [GeV/c] |
Definition at line 279 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets the cut on transverse momentum of each daughter track of .
cut | Cut value [GeV/c] |
Definition at line 275 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets the cut on transverse momentum of each daughter track of low mass vector mesons.
cut | Cut value [GeV/c] |
Definition at line 267 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
inline |
Sets a file name for the QA.
fileName | Name of file |
Definition at line 184 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References fsQaOutputName.
inline |
Assignes an uncertainty to the momentum measurement.
uncertainty | Relative uncertainty ( = sqrt(var(q/p)) / (q/p)) |
Definition at line 188 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References fQpAssignedUncertainty.
inline |
Sets the flag: if the QA should be executed.
Definition at line 172 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References fbRunQa.
inline |
Sets cuts on selection of secondary and primary candidates.
sigmaMass | [GeV/c2] |
chi2Topo | |
ldl |
Definition at line 240 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References GetKFParticleFinder().
inline |
Sets an offset to t0.
offset | An offset [ns] |
Definition at line 192 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References fTzeroOffset.
inline |
Sets the MC flag (if MC information required)
Definition at line 169 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
References fbUseMc.
private |
Shifts TOF hits to the t0 estimation.
pEvent | Pointer to the event |
Definition at line 697 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx.
References fpBrTofHits, fTzeroOffset, CbmEvent::GetIndex(), CbmEvent::GetNofData(), kTofHit, and nTofHits.
Referenced by ProcessEvent().
private |
Stores particles, reconstructed in event to the run topology reconstructor.
Definition at line 728 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx.
References fpTopoReconstructorEvent, fpTopoReconstructorRun, and size().
Referenced by ProcessEvent().
static |
String representation of.
pParam | Parameters of the track |
Definition at line 793 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx.
static |
String representation of PID approach.
pid | PID approach |
Definition at line 768 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx.
static |
String representation of processing mode.
mode | Data processing mode |
Definition at line 757 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx.
References EventBased, and TimeBased.
Referenced by Init().
static |
String representation of the PV finding mode.
pvMode | PV finding mode |
Definition at line 779 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.cxx.
References Mc, Reconstructed, ReconstructMultiple, ReconstructSingle, and Target.
private |
Run in a mix-event mode.
Definition at line 462 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by SetMixedEventMode().
private |
Run QA.
Definition at line 464 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by AssignMomentum(), Finish(), Init(), ProcessEvent(), SelectTrack(), and SetRunQa().
private |
Run using MC-information.
Definition at line 463 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by Init(), and SetUseMc().
private |
Definition at line 465 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
private |
Counters per run.
Definition at line 468 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by AssignMomentum(), Exec(), Finish(), Init(), ProcessEvent(), and SelectTrack().
private |
Minimum DCA to PV for pions.
Definition at line 425 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by InferTrackPidTopo(), and SetMinPionDca().
private |
Minimum DCA to PV for protons.
Definition at line 426 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by InferTrackPidTopo(), and SetMinProtonDca().
private |
Definition at line 442 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
private |
Definition at line 432 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and ProcessEvent().
private |
Definition at line 439 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by Init().
private |
Definition at line 431 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
private |
Definition at line 436 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by EstimateDcaToOrigin(), and Init().
private |
Definition at line 433 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by Init(), and SelectTrack().
private |
Definition at line 438 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by AssignMomentum(), Init(), and ShiftTofHitsToTzero().
private |
Definition at line 435 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by AssignMomentum(), and Init().
private |
Definition at line 437 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by Init().
private |
Definition at line 434 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by Init().
private |
PID approach used.
Definition at line 460 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by Init(), SelectTrack(), and SetPidApproach().
private |
Origin (e.g., can be either reconstructed PV or target)
Definition at line 447 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by EstimateDcaToOrigin(), EstimateQp(), Init(), and ProcessEvent().
private |
If QA is processed.
Definition at line 469 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by AssignMomentum(), Finish(), Init(), ProcessEvent(), and SelectTrack().
private |
Assigned PDG hypothesis for primary particles.
Definition at line 428 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
private |
Processing mode.
Definition at line 459 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by Exec(), Init(), and SetProcessingMode().
private |
Definition at line 455 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by Init(), ProcessEvent(), and StoreParticles().
private |
Main topology reconstructor.
Definition at line 453 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by Exec(), GetKFParticleFinder(), GetKFParticleFinder(), GetTopoReconstructor(), Init(), SetPrimaryProbCut(), and StoreParticles().
private |
Primary vertex mode.
Definition at line 461 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by Init(), ProcessEvent(), and SetPvFindingMode().
private |
Assigned relative uncertainty for q/p estimation.
Definition at line 427 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by EstimateQp(), and SetQpAssignedUncertainty().
private |
Output QA name.
Definition at line 470 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by Finish(), and SetQaOutputFileName().
private |
Offset for T0.
Definition at line 424 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by SetTzeroOffset(), and ShiftTofHitsToTzero().
private |
Track DCA vector [n selected tracks].
Definition at line 446 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by Exec(), GetTrackDcaToOrigin(), and SelectTrack().
staticconstexprprivate |
Chi2 threshold of assigning tracks as primaries in PV reco.
Definition at line 416 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
staticconstexprprivate |
staticconstexprprivate |
PID hypothesis of primary tracks (kaons?)
Definition at line 414 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by InferTrackPidTopo().
staticconstexprprivate |
Proton mass [GeV/c2].
Definition at line 420 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by EstimateQp().
staticconstexprprivate |
Speed of light [cm/ns].
Definition at line 421 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by EstimateQp().
staticconstexprprivate |
Undefined value, such tracks will be skipped.
Definition at line 415 of file CbmKFV0FinderTask.h.
Referenced by SelectTrack().