No Matches
CbmTofUnpackMonitor Class Reference

#include <CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h>

Collaboration diagram for CbmTofUnpackMonitor:

Public Member Functions

 CbmTofUnpackMonitor ()
virtual ~CbmTofUnpackMonitor ()
Bool_t Init (CbmMcbm2018TofPar *digiParSet)
 Init all required parameter informations and histograms.
Bool_t CreateHistograms ()
Bool_t ResetHistograms ()
void DrawCanvases ()
Bool_t CreateBmonHistograms ()
Bool_t ResetBmonHistograms (Bool_t bResetTime)
void DrawBmonCanvases ()
Bool_t CreateHistogramsMicroSpills ()
Bool_t ResetHistogramsMicroSpills (Bool_t bResetTime)
void DrawCanvasesMicroSpills ()
Bool_t CreateMsComponentSizeHistos (UInt_t component)
Bool_t ResetMsComponentSizeHistos (UInt_t component)
void Finish ()
 Write all histograms and canvases to file.
void SetHistoFileName (TString nameIn)
void SetPulserTotLimits (UInt_t uMin, UInt_t uMax)
void SetSpillThreshold (UInt_t uCntLimit)
void SetSpillThresholdNonPulser (UInt_t uCntLimit)
void SetSpillCheckInterval (Double_t dIntervalSec)
void SetBmonChannelMap (std::vector< uint32_t > vChanMapIn)
void SetLongDurationLimits (UInt_t uDurationSeconds, UInt_t uBinSize)
void AddHistoToVector (TNamed *pointer, std::string sFolder="")
std::vector< std::pair< TNamed *, std::string > > GetHistoVector ()
void AddCanvasToVector (TCanvas *pointer, std::string sFolder="")
std::vector< std::pair< TCanvas *, std::string > > GetCanvasVector ()
UInt_t GetMaxNbFlibLinks ()
void FillMsSize (UInt_t uMsComp, UInt_t uSize)
 Fill Ms Component Size Histos.
void FillMsSizeTime (UInt_t uMsComp, Double_t dTime, UInt_t uSize)
void FillHitMonitoringHistos (const double_t &dMsTime, const uint32_t &uCurrCompIdx, const uint32_t &uGet4Id, const uint32_t &uRawCh, const uint32_t &uRemapCh, const uint32_t &uTot)
 Fill general histograms.
void FillEpochMonitoringHistos (const uint32_t &uCurrCompIdx, const uint32_t &uGet4Id, const bool &bSyncFlag, const bool &bDataLoss, const bool &bEpochLoss, const bool &bMissmMatch)
void FillScmMonitoringHistos (const uint32_t &uCurrCompIdx, const uint32_t &uGet4Id, const uint32_t &uCh, const uint32_t &uEdge, const uint32_t &uType)
void FillSysMonitoringHistos (const uint32_t &uCurrCompIdx, const uint32_t &uGet4Id, const uint32_t &uType)
void FillErrMonitoringHistos (const uint32_t &uCurrCompIdx, const uint32_t &uGet4Id, const uint32_t &uCh, const uint32_t &uType)
void CheckBmonSpillLimits (const double_t &dMsTime)
 Fill BMon histograms.
void FillHitBmonMonitoringHistos (const double_t &dMsTime, const uint32_t &uCurrCompIdx, const uint32_t &uGet4Id, const uint32_t &uTot)
void FillErrBmonMonitoringHistos (const double_t &dMsTime, const uint32_t &uCurrCompIdx, const uint32_t &uGet4Id, const bool &bErrEvtLost)
void SetBmonMode (bool value)
 Activate the BMon mode.
bool GetBmonMode ()
 Read the BMon mode.
void FillHitBmonMicroSpillHistos (const double_t &dTime)
 Fill BMon Microspill histograms.
void FinalizeTsBmonMicroSpillHistos ()
 Finalize BMon Microspill histograms.
void SetBmonMicroSpillMode (bool value)
 Activate the BMon mode.
bool GetBmonMicroSpillMode ()
 Read the Bmon mode.
void SetBmonScvdMode (bool value)
 Activate the BMon sCVD mode.
bool GetBmonScvdMode ()
 Read the BMon mode.
void SetInternalHttpMode (bool value)
 Activate/de-activate the internal histo serve mode.
bool GetInternalHttpMode ()
 Read the Bmon mode.
void SetHistosStartTime (double_t value)
 Set start time for evolution histos.
double_t GetHistosStartTime ()
 Set start time for evolution histos.

Private Member Functions

 CbmTofUnpackMonitor (const CbmTofUnpackMonitor &)
 Vector of pointers to canvases + optional folder name.
CbmTofUnpackMonitor operator= (const CbmTofUnpackMonitor &)

Private Attributes

TString fHistoFileName = "data/mon.tof.root"
CbmMcbm2018TofParfUnpackPar = nullptr
 Settings from parameter file.
UInt_t fuNbOfComps = 0
 Readout chain dimensions and mapping.
UInt_t fuNbOfGet4PerComp = 0
 Total number of Components in the system.
UInt_t fuNbOfChannelsPerGet4 = 0
 Max number of Get4 per component.
UInt_t fuNbOfChannelsPerComp = 0
 Number of channels per Get4, constant.
UInt_t fuNbOfGet4InSyst = 0
 Number of channels per Component, recalculated.
Double_t fdStartTime = -1.0
 Total/maximum number of Get4 in system.
UInt_t fuHistoryHistoSize = 3600
double_t dFirstTsStartTime = 0
UInt_t fuLongHistoNbSeconds = 3600
UInt_t fuLongHistoBinSizeSec = 10
UInt_t fuLongHistoBinNb = 1
bool fBmonMode = false
 Flag if debug mode is active or not.
bool fBmonScvdMode = false
bool fBmonMicroSpillMode = false
bool fbInternalHttp = true
UInt_t fuMinTotPulser = 185
 ---> User settings: Data correction parameters
UInt_t fuMaxTotPulser = 189
UInt_t fuOffSpillCountLimit = 200
UInt_t fuOffSpillCountLimitNonPulser = 80
Double_t fdSpillCheckInterval = 1.0
UInt_t fuNbChanBmon = 0
 Runtime values.
std::vector< UInt_t > fuBmonChanMap = {}
TH1 * fvhMsSize [kuMaxNbFlibLinks]
 MS size histograms.
TProfile * fvhMsSizeTime [kuMaxNbFlibLinks]
TH2 * fhGet4MessType = nullptr
TH2 * fhGet4EpochFlags = nullptr
TH2 * fhGet4ScmType = nullptr
TH2 * fhGet4SysMessType = nullptr
TH2 * fhGet4ErrorsType = nullptr
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhCompGet4MessType = {}
 ---> Per GET4 in Component
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhCompGet4ChScm = {}
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhCompGet4ChErrors = {}
std::vector< TH1 * > fvhCompRawChCount = {}
 ---> Per raw channel in Component
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhCompRawChRate = {}
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhCompRawChTot = {}
std::vector< TH1 * > fvhCompRemapChCount = {}
 ---> Per remapped (PADI) channel in Component
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhCompRemapChRate = {}
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhCompRemapChTot = {}
TH1 * fhPulserChCounts = nullptr
 ---> Pulser
TH2 * fhPulserChEvo = nullptr
std::vector< UInt_t > fvuBmonHitCntChanMs = {}
std::vector< UInt_t > fvuBmonErrorCntChanMs = {}
std::vector< UInt_t > fvuBmonEvtLostCntChanMs = {}
std::vector< TH1 * > fvhBmonMsgCntEvoChan = {}
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhBmonMsgCntPerMsEvoChan = {}
std::vector< TH1 * > fvhBmonHitCntEvoChan = {}
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhBmonHitCntPerMsEvoChan = {}
std::vector< TH1 * > fvhBmonErrorCntEvoChan = {}
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhBmonErrorCntPerMsEvoChan = {}
std::vector< TH1 * > fvhBmonEvtLostCntEvoChan = {}
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhBmonEvtLostCntPerMsEvoChan = {}
std::vector< TProfile * > fvhBmonErrorFractEvoChan = {}
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhBmonErrorFractPerMsEvoChan = {}
std::vector< TProfile * > fvhBmonEvtLostFractEvoChan = {}
std::vector< TH2 * > fvhBmonEvtLostFractPerMsEvoChan = {}
TH1 * fhBmonCompMapAll = nullptr
 ---> Channels maps without cuts
TH2 * fhBmonCompGet4 = nullptr
TH1 * fhBmonGet4Map = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonGet4MapEvo = nullptr
TH1 * fhBmonChannelMapAll = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonChannelTotAll = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonHitMapEvoAll = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonHitTotEvoAll = nullptr
TH1 * fhBmonChanHitMapAll = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonChanHitMapEvoAll = nullptr
TH1 * fhBmonCompMap = nullptr
 ---> No Pulser cut
TH1 * fhBmonChannelMap = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonHitMapEvo = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonHitTotEvo = nullptr
TH1 * fhBmonChanHitMap = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonChanHitMapEvo = nullptr
std::vector< TH1 * > fvhBmonCompMapSpill = {}
 ---> No Pulser cut + Spill detection
std::vector< TH1 * > fvhBmonChannelMapSpill = {}
TH1 * fhBmonHitsPerSpill = nullptr
TH1 * fhBmonMsgCntEvo = nullptr
 ---> Global Rate
TH1 * fhBmonHitCntEvo = nullptr
TH1 * fhBmonErrorCntEvo = nullptr
TH1 * fhBmonLostEvtCntEvo = nullptr
TProfile * fhBmonErrorFractEvo = nullptr
TProfile * fhBmonLostEvtFractEvo = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonMsgCntPerMsEvo = nullptr
 ---> Global Rate per MS
TH2 * fhBmonHitCntPerMsEvo = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonErrorCntPerMsEvo = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonLostEvtCntPerMsEvo = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonErrorFractPerMsEvo = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonLostEvtFractPerMsEvo = nullptr
TH1 * fhBmonChannelMapPulser = nullptr
 ---> Pulser
TH2 * fhBmonHitMapEvoPulser = nullptr
double_t fdBmonMicrospillsTsLengthSec = 0.128
 BMon micro-spills monitoring histograms.
uint32_t fuBmonMicrospillsNbBinsTs = 0
uint32_t fuNbTsMicrospills = 0
std::unique_ptr< double[]> fArrHitCounts
std::unique_ptr< double[]> fArrErrCounts
TH1 * fhBmonMicrospillsDistHits = nullptr
TH1 * fhBmonMicrospillsDistErrs = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinCntHits = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinCntErrs = nullptr
TH1 * fhBmonMicrospillsTsMeanHits = nullptr
TH1 * fhBmonMicrospillsTsMeanErrs = nullptr
TH1 * fhBmonMicrospillsTsMedianHits = nullptr
TH1 * fhBmonMicrospillsTsMedianErrs = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinRatioHits = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinRatioErrs = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinFractHits = nullptr
TH2 * fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinFractErrs = nullptr
TCanvas * fcSummaryGet4s = nullptr
std::vector< TCanvas * > fvcSumComp = {}
TCanvas * fcBmonSummary = nullptr
 ---> BMon
TCanvas * fcBmonSummaryMap = nullptr
TCanvas * fcBmonHitMaps = nullptr
TCanvas * fcBmonGenCntsPerMs = nullptr
TCanvas * fcBmonSpillCounts = nullptr
TCanvas * fcBmonSpillCountsHori = nullptr
TCanvas * fcBmonSpillCompCountsHori = nullptr
TCanvas * fcBmonMicrospillsBinCnts = nullptr
 ---> BMon Microspills monitoring
TCanvas * fcBmonMicrospillsRatios = nullptr
TCanvas * fcBmonMicrospillsFraction = nullptr
Bool_t fbSpillOn = kTRUE
 Spill detection.
UInt_t fuCurrentSpillIdx = 0
UInt_t fuCurrentSpillPlot = 0
Double_t fdStartTimeSpill = -1.0
Double_t fdBmonLastInterTime = -1.0
UInt_t fuBmonCountsLastInter = 0
UInt_t fuBmonNonPulserCountsLastInter = 0
std::vector< std::pair< TNamed *, std::string > > fvpAllHistoPointers
std::vector< std::pair< TCanvas *, std::string > > fvpAllCanvasPointers
 Vector of pointers to histograms + optional folder name.

Static Private Attributes

static const UInt_t kuMaxNbFlibLinks = 32
 ---> Constants
static const UInt_t kuBytesPerMessage = 8
static const UInt_t kuNbChanBmon = 16
static const UInt_t kuNbChanBmonScvd = 20
static const UInt_t kuNbSpillPlots = 5
static constexpr UInt_t kuBmonChanMap [kuNbChanBmon] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}
static constexpr UInt_t kuBmonChanMapScvd [kuNbChanBmonScvd]
 2024 mapping: +4 channels scvd added

Detailed Description

Definition at line 21 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CbmTofUnpackMonitor() [1/2]

CbmTofUnpackMonitor::CbmTofUnpackMonitor ( )

Definition at line 34 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References fvhMsSize, fvhMsSizeTime, and kuMaxNbFlibLinks.

◆ ~CbmTofUnpackMonitor()

CbmTofUnpackMonitor::~CbmTofUnpackMonitor ( )

Definition at line 43 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References fvpAllCanvasPointers, and fvpAllHistoPointers.

◆ CbmTofUnpackMonitor() [2/2]

CbmTofUnpackMonitor::CbmTofUnpackMonitor ( const CbmTofUnpackMonitor & )

Vector of pointers to canvases + optional folder name.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddCanvasToVector()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::AddCanvasToVector ( TCanvas * pointer,
std::string sFolder = "" )

Definition at line 73 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvpAllCanvasPointers.

Referenced by DrawBmonCanvases(), DrawCanvases(), and DrawCanvasesMicroSpills().

◆ AddHistoToVector()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::AddHistoToVector ( TNamed * pointer,
std::string sFolder = "" )

◆ CheckBmonSpillLimits()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::CheckBmonSpillLimits ( const double_t & dMsTime)

◆ CreateBmonHistograms()

Bool_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::CreateBmonHistograms ( )

Logarithmic bining

Parameters are NbDecadesLog, NbStepsDecade, NbSubStepsInStep

Add pointers to the vector with all histo for access by steering class

Add pointers to the vector with all histo for access by steering class

Definition at line 435 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References AddHistoToVector(), fBmonScvdMode, fhBmonChanHitMap, fhBmonChanHitMapAll, fhBmonChanHitMapEvo, fhBmonChanHitMapEvoAll, fhBmonChannelMap, fhBmonChannelMapAll, fhBmonChannelMapPulser, fhBmonChannelTotAll, fhBmonCompGet4, fhBmonCompMap, fhBmonCompMapAll, fhBmonErrorCntEvo, fhBmonErrorCntPerMsEvo, fhBmonErrorFractEvo, fhBmonErrorFractPerMsEvo, fhBmonGet4Map, fhBmonGet4MapEvo, fhBmonHitCntEvo, fhBmonHitCntPerMsEvo, fhBmonHitMapEvo, fhBmonHitMapEvoAll, fhBmonHitMapEvoPulser, fhBmonHitsPerSpill, fhBmonHitTotEvo, fhBmonHitTotEvoAll, fhBmonLostEvtCntEvo, fhBmonLostEvtCntPerMsEvo, fhBmonLostEvtFractEvo, fhBmonLostEvtFractPerMsEvo, fhBmonMsgCntEvo, fhBmonMsgCntPerMsEvo, fuBmonChanMap, fuHistoryHistoSize, fuNbChanBmon, fuNbOfComps, fvhBmonChannelMapSpill, fvhBmonCompMapSpill, fvhBmonErrorCntEvoChan, fvhBmonErrorCntPerMsEvoChan, fvhBmonErrorFractEvoChan, fvhBmonErrorFractPerMsEvoChan, fvhBmonEvtLostCntEvoChan, fvhBmonEvtLostCntPerMsEvoChan, fvhBmonEvtLostFractEvoChan, fvhBmonEvtLostFractPerMsEvoChan, fvhBmonHitCntEvoChan, fvhBmonHitCntPerMsEvoChan, fvhBmonMsgCntEvoChan, fvhBmonMsgCntPerMsEvoChan, fvuBmonErrorCntChanMs, fvuBmonEvtLostCntChanMs, fvuBmonHitCntChanMs, GenerateLogBinArray(), kuBmonChanMap, kuBmonChanMapScvd, kuNbChanBmon, kuNbChanBmonScvd, and kuNbSpillPlots.

Referenced by Init().

◆ CreateHistograms()

Bool_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::CreateHistograms ( )

Avoid name collision for the histos and canvases in Root memory

Add pointers to the vector with all histo for access by steering class

---> Per GET4 in Component

---> Per raw channel in Component

---> Per remapped (PADI) channel in Component

Add pointers to the vector with all histo for access by steering class Per GET4 in gDPB

---> Per raw channel in Component

---> Per remapped (PADI) channel in Component

Definition at line 71 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References AddHistoToVector(), fBmonMode, fhGet4EpochFlags, fhGet4ErrorsType, fhGet4MessType, fhGet4ScmType, fhGet4SysMessType, fuHistoryHistoSize, fuNbOfChannelsPerComp, fuNbOfComps, fuNbOfGet4InSyst, fuNbOfGet4PerComp, fvhCompGet4ChErrors, fvhCompGet4ChScm, fvhCompGet4MessType, fvhCompRawChCount, fvhCompRawChRate, fvhCompRawChTot, fvhCompRemapChCount, fvhCompRemapChRate, fvhCompRemapChTot, critof001::SYS_GDPB_UNKWN, critof001::SYS_GET4_ERROR, critof001::SYS_GET4_SYNC_MISS, and critof001::SYS_PATTERN.

Referenced by Init().

◆ CreateHistogramsMicroSpills()

Bool_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::CreateHistogramsMicroSpills ( )

◆ CreateMsComponentSizeHistos()

Bool_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::CreateMsComponentSizeHistos ( UInt_t component)

Definition at line 381 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References AddHistoToVector(), fvhMsSize, and fvhMsSizeTime.

◆ DrawBmonCanvases()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::DrawBmonCanvases ( )

General summary: Hit maps, Hit rate vs time in run, error fraction vs time un run

General summary after mapping: Hit maps, Hit rate vs time in run, error fraction vs time un run

Map of hits over Bmon detector and same vs time in run

General summary: Hit maps, Hit rate vs time in run, error fraction vs time un run

General summary: Hit maps, Hit rate vs time in run, error fraction vs time un run

General summary: Hit maps, Hit rate vs time in run, error fraction vs time un run

General summary: Hit maps, Hit rate vs time in run, error fraction vs time un run

Definition at line 804 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References AddCanvasToVector(), fcBmonGenCntsPerMs, fcBmonHitMaps, fcBmonSpillCompCountsHori, fcBmonSpillCounts, fcBmonSpillCountsHori, fcBmonSummary, fcBmonSummaryMap, fhBmonChanHitMap, fhBmonChanHitMapEvo, fhBmonChannelMap, fhBmonErrorFractEvo, fhBmonErrorFractPerMsEvo, fhBmonHitCntEvo, fhBmonHitCntPerMsEvo, fhBmonHitMapEvo, fhBmonLostEvtFractPerMsEvo, fhBmonMsgCntPerMsEvo, fvhBmonChannelMapSpill, fvhBmonCompMapSpill, and kuNbSpillPlots.

Referenced by Init().

◆ DrawCanvases()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::DrawCanvases ( )

Avoid name collision for the histos and canvases in Root memory

General summary: Messages types per GET4 (index in system)


---> Per GET4 in Component

---> Per raw channel in Component

---> Per remapped (PADI) channel in Component

Definition at line 266 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References AddCanvasToVector(), fBmonMode, fcSummaryGet4s, fhGet4EpochFlags, fhGet4ErrorsType, fhGet4MessType, fhGet4ScmType, fhGet4SysMessType, fuNbOfComps, fvcSumComp, fvhCompGet4ChErrors, fvhCompGet4ChScm, fvhCompGet4MessType, fvhCompRawChCount, fvhCompRawChRate, fvhCompRawChTot, fvhCompRemapChCount, fvhCompRemapChRate, and fvhCompRemapChTot.

Referenced by Init().

◆ DrawCanvasesMicroSpills()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::DrawCanvasesMicroSpills ( )

Count for each TS how many 10 us bins in a TS have a given number of hits/errors

Count for each TS how many 10 us bins in a TS have a given fraction of number of hits/errors divided by TS total

Count for each TS how many 10 us bins in a TS have a given ratio of number of hits/errors divided by TS mean

Definition at line 1110 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References AddCanvasToVector(), fcBmonMicrospillsBinCnts, fcBmonMicrospillsFraction, fcBmonMicrospillsRatios, fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinCntErrs, fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinCntHits, fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinFractErrs, fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinFractHits, fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinRatioErrs, fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinRatioHits, fhBmonMicrospillsTsMeanErrs, fhBmonMicrospillsTsMeanHits, fhBmonMicrospillsTsMedianErrs, and fhBmonMicrospillsTsMedianHits.

Referenced by Init().

◆ FillEpochMonitoringHistos()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::FillEpochMonitoringHistos ( const uint32_t & uCurrCompIdx,
const uint32_t & uGet4Id,
const bool & bSyncFlag,
const bool & bDataLoss,
const bool & bEpochLoss,
const bool & bMissmMatch )

---> Per GET4 in system

---> Per GET4 in Component

Definition at line 1216 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References fBmonMicroSpillMode, fhGet4EpochFlags, fhGet4MessType, fuNbOfGet4PerComp, and fvhCompGet4MessType.

◆ FillErrBmonMonitoringHistos()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::FillErrBmonMonitoringHistos ( const double_t & dMsTime,
const uint32_t & uCurrCompIdx,
const uint32_t & uGet4Id,
const bool & bErrEvtLost )

Initialize Start time for evolution plots

2022 mapping: Y[0-3] on c0, Y[4-7] on c1, X[0-3] on c2, X[4-7] on c3 Y not cabled for diamond but pulser there

Definition at line 1498 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References fBmonMicroSpillMode, fdStartTime, fhBmonErrorCntEvo, fhBmonErrorFractEvo, fhBmonLostEvtCntEvo, fhBmonLostEvtFractEvo, fhBmonMicrospillsDistErrs, fhBmonMsgCntEvo, fvhBmonErrorCntEvoChan, fvhBmonErrorFractEvoChan, fvhBmonEvtLostCntEvoChan, fvhBmonEvtLostFractEvoChan, fvuBmonErrorCntChanMs, and fvuBmonEvtLostCntChanMs.

◆ FillErrMonitoringHistos()

◆ FillHitBmonMicroSpillHistos()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::FillHitBmonMicroSpillHistos ( const double_t & dTime)

Fill BMon Microspill histograms.

Initialize Start time for evolution plots

Definition at line 1541 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References fBmonMicroSpillMode, fdStartTime, and fhBmonMicrospillsDistHits.

◆ FillHitBmonMonitoringHistos()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::FillHitBmonMonitoringHistos ( const double_t & dMsTime,
const uint32_t & uCurrCompIdx,
const uint32_t & uGet4Id,
const uint32_t & uTot )

◆ FillHitMonitoringHistos()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::FillHitMonitoringHistos ( const double_t & dMsTime,
const uint32_t & uCurrCompIdx,
const uint32_t & uGet4Id,
const uint32_t & uRawCh,
const uint32_t & uRemapCh,
const uint32_t & uTot )

Fill general histograms.

Initialize Start time for evolution plots

---> Per GET4 in system

---> Per GET4 in Component

---> Per raw channel in Component

---> Per remapped (PADI) channel in Component

Definition at line 1191 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References fBmonMicroSpillMode, fdStartTime, fhGet4MessType, fuNbOfGet4PerComp, fvhCompGet4MessType, fvhCompRawChCount, fvhCompRawChRate, fvhCompRawChTot, fvhCompRemapChCount, fvhCompRemapChRate, and fvhCompRemapChTot.

◆ FillMsSize()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::FillMsSize ( UInt_t uMsComp,
UInt_t uSize )

Fill Ms Component Size Histos.

Definition at line 82 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhMsSize.

◆ FillMsSizeTime()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::FillMsSizeTime ( UInt_t uMsComp,
Double_t dTime,
UInt_t uSize )

Definition at line 83 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvhMsSizeTime.

◆ FillScmMonitoringHistos()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::FillScmMonitoringHistos ( const uint32_t & uCurrCompIdx,
const uint32_t & uGet4Id,
const uint32_t & uCh,
const uint32_t & uEdge,
const uint32_t & uType )

---> Per GET4 in system

---> Per GET4 in Component

Start/SEU + Start flag is set

Definition at line 1235 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References fBmonMicroSpillMode, fhGet4MessType, fhGet4ScmType, fuNbOfChannelsPerGet4, fuNbOfGet4PerComp, fvhCompGet4ChScm, fvhCompGet4MessType, and critof001::GET4_32B_SLC_START_SEU.

◆ FillSysMonitoringHistos()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::FillSysMonitoringHistos ( const uint32_t & uCurrCompIdx,
const uint32_t & uGet4Id,
const uint32_t & uType )

---> Per GET4 in system

Definition at line 1260 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References fBmonMicroSpillMode, fhGet4SysMessType, and fuNbOfGet4PerComp.

◆ FinalizeTsBmonMicroSpillHistos()

◆ Finish()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::Finish ( )

Write all histograms and canvases to file.

Obtain vector of pointers on each histo (+ optionally desired folder)

Obtain vector of pointers on each canvas (+ optionally desired folder)

Save old global file and folder pointer to avoid messing with FairRoot

Write histos to output file

Make sure we end up in chosen folder

Write plot

Write canvases to output file

Make sure we end up in chosen folder

Write canvas

Restore old global file and folder pointer to avoid messing with FairRoot

Cleanup memory

Definition at line 1663 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References fHistoFileName, fvpAllCanvasPointers, fvpAllHistoPointers, GetCanvasVector(), and GetHistoVector().

◆ GetBmonMicroSpillMode()

bool CbmTofUnpackMonitor::GetBmonMicroSpillMode ( )

Read the Bmon mode.

Definition at line 121 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fBmonMicroSpillMode.

◆ GetBmonMode()

bool CbmTofUnpackMonitor::GetBmonMode ( )

Read the BMon mode.

Definition at line 110 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fBmonMode.

◆ GetBmonScvdMode()

bool CbmTofUnpackMonitor::GetBmonScvdMode ( )

Read the BMon mode.

Definition at line 127 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fBmonScvdMode.

◆ GetCanvasVector()

std::vector< std::pair< TCanvas *, std::string > > CbmTofUnpackMonitor::GetCanvasVector ( )

Definition at line 77 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvpAllCanvasPointers.

Referenced by Finish(), and Init().

◆ GetHistosStartTime()

double_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::GetHistosStartTime ( )

Set start time for evolution histos.

Definition at line 139 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fdStartTime.

◆ GetHistoVector()

std::vector< std::pair< TNamed *, std::string > > CbmTofUnpackMonitor::GetHistoVector ( )

Definition at line 71 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fvpAllHistoPointers.

Referenced by Finish(), and Init().

◆ GetInternalHttpMode()

bool CbmTofUnpackMonitor::GetInternalHttpMode ( )

Read the Bmon mode.

Definition at line 133 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fbInternalHttp.

◆ GetMaxNbFlibLinks()

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::GetMaxNbFlibLinks ( )

Definition at line 79 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References kuMaxNbFlibLinks.

◆ Init()

Bool_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::Init ( CbmMcbm2018TofPar * digiParSet)

Init all required parameter informations and histograms.

Other constants are defined for the AFCK/DPB in the current parameter class!!!

Save old global file and folder pointer to avoid messing with FairRoot

Trigger histo creation on all associated monitors

Restore old global file and folder pointer to avoid messing with FairRoot

Obtain vector of pointers on each histo from the algo (+ optionally desired folder)

Obtain vector of pointers on each canvas from the algo (+ optionally desired folder)

Register the histos and canvases in the HTTP server

Definition at line 1594 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References CreateBmonHistograms(), CreateHistograms(), CreateHistogramsMicroSpills(), DrawBmonCanvases(), DrawCanvases(), DrawCanvasesMicroSpills(), fbInternalHttp, fBmonMicroSpillMode, fBmonMode, fuNbOfChannelsPerComp, fuNbOfChannelsPerGet4, fuNbOfComps, fuNbOfGet4InSyst, fuNbOfGet4PerComp, fUnpackPar, GetCanvasVector(), GetHistoVector(), and CbmMcbm2018TofPar::GetNrOfGdpbs().

◆ operator=()

CbmTofUnpackMonitor CbmTofUnpackMonitor::operator= ( const CbmTofUnpackMonitor & )

◆ ResetBmonHistograms()

◆ ResetHistograms()

Bool_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::ResetHistograms ( )

---> Per GET4 in Component

---> Per raw channel in Component

---> Per remapped (PADI) channel in Component

Definition at line 411 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References fhGet4EpochFlags, fhGet4ErrorsType, fhGet4MessType, fhGet4ScmType, fuNbOfComps, fvhCompGet4ChErrors, fvhCompGet4ChScm, fvhCompGet4MessType, fvhCompRawChCount, fvhCompRawChRate, fvhCompRawChTot, fvhCompRemapChCount, fvhCompRemapChRate, and fvhCompRemapChTot.

◆ ResetHistogramsMicroSpills()

◆ ResetMsComponentSizeHistos()

Bool_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::ResetMsComponentSizeHistos ( UInt_t component)

Definition at line 400 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References fvhMsSize, and fvhMsSizeTime.

◆ SetBmonChannelMap()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::SetBmonChannelMap ( std::vector< uint32_t > vChanMapIn)

Definition at line 59 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.cxx.

References fuBmonChanMap.

◆ SetBmonMicroSpillMode()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::SetBmonMicroSpillMode ( bool value)

Activate the BMon mode.

Definition at line 118 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fBmonMicroSpillMode.

◆ SetBmonMode()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::SetBmonMode ( bool value)

Activate the BMon mode.

Definition at line 107 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fBmonMode.

◆ SetBmonScvdMode()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::SetBmonScvdMode ( bool value)

Activate the BMon sCVD mode.

Definition at line 124 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fBmonScvdMode.

◆ SetHistoFileName()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::SetHistoFileName ( TString nameIn)

Definition at line 48 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fHistoFileName.

◆ SetHistosStartTime()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::SetHistosStartTime ( double_t value)

Set start time for evolution histos.

Definition at line 136 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fdStartTime.

◆ SetInternalHttpMode()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::SetInternalHttpMode ( bool value)

Activate/de-activate the internal histo serve mode.

Definition at line 130 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fbInternalHttp.

◆ SetLongDurationLimits()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::SetLongDurationLimits ( UInt_t uDurationSeconds,
UInt_t uBinSize )

Definition at line 60 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fuLongHistoBinSizeSec, and fuLongHistoNbSeconds.

◆ SetPulserTotLimits()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::SetPulserTotLimits ( UInt_t uMin,
UInt_t uMax )

Definition at line 50 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fuMaxTotPulser, and fuMinTotPulser.

◆ SetSpillCheckInterval()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::SetSpillCheckInterval ( Double_t dIntervalSec)

Definition at line 57 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fdSpillCheckInterval.

◆ SetSpillThreshold()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::SetSpillThreshold ( UInt_t uCntLimit)

Definition at line 55 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fuOffSpillCountLimit.

◆ SetSpillThresholdNonPulser()

void CbmTofUnpackMonitor::SetSpillThresholdNonPulser ( UInt_t uCntLimit)

Definition at line 56 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

References fuOffSpillCountLimitNonPulser.

Member Data Documentation

◆ dFirstTsStartTime

double_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::dFirstTsStartTime = 0

Size in seconds of the evolution histograms

Definition at line 156 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

◆ fArrErrCounts

std::unique_ptr<double[]> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fArrErrCounts

◆ fArrHitCounts

std::unique_ptr<double[]> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fArrHitCounts

◆ fbInternalHttp

bool CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fbInternalHttp = true

Definition at line 166 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by GetInternalHttpMode(), Init(), and SetInternalHttpMode().

◆ fBmonMicroSpillMode

◆ fBmonMode

bool CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fBmonMode = false

Flag if debug mode is active or not.

Definition at line 163 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), DrawCanvases(), GetBmonMode(), Init(), and SetBmonMode().

◆ fBmonScvdMode

bool CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fBmonScvdMode = false

Definition at line 164 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), GetBmonScvdMode(), and SetBmonScvdMode().

◆ fbSpillOn

Bool_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fbSpillOn = kTRUE

Spill detection.

Definition at line 313 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CheckBmonSpillLimits().

◆ fcBmonGenCntsPerMs

TCanvas* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fcBmonGenCntsPerMs = nullptr

Definition at line 303 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by DrawBmonCanvases().

◆ fcBmonHitMaps

TCanvas* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fcBmonHitMaps = nullptr

Definition at line 302 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by DrawBmonCanvases().

◆ fcBmonMicrospillsBinCnts

TCanvas* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fcBmonMicrospillsBinCnts = nullptr

---> BMon Microspills monitoring

Definition at line 308 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by DrawCanvasesMicroSpills().

◆ fcBmonMicrospillsFraction

TCanvas* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fcBmonMicrospillsFraction = nullptr

Definition at line 310 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by DrawCanvasesMicroSpills().

◆ fcBmonMicrospillsRatios

TCanvas* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fcBmonMicrospillsRatios = nullptr

Definition at line 309 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by DrawCanvasesMicroSpills().

◆ fcBmonSpillCompCountsHori

TCanvas* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fcBmonSpillCompCountsHori = nullptr

Definition at line 306 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by DrawBmonCanvases().

◆ fcBmonSpillCounts

TCanvas* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fcBmonSpillCounts = nullptr

Definition at line 304 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by DrawBmonCanvases().

◆ fcBmonSpillCountsHori

TCanvas* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fcBmonSpillCountsHori = nullptr

Definition at line 305 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by DrawBmonCanvases().

◆ fcBmonSummary

TCanvas* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fcBmonSummary = nullptr

---> BMon

Definition at line 300 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by DrawBmonCanvases().

◆ fcBmonSummaryMap

TCanvas* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fcBmonSummaryMap = nullptr

Definition at line 301 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by DrawBmonCanvases().

◆ fcSummaryGet4s

TCanvas* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fcSummaryGet4s = nullptr

Canvases ---> Generic

Definition at line 297 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by DrawCanvases().

◆ fdBmonLastInterTime

Double_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fdBmonLastInterTime = -1.0

Definition at line 317 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CheckBmonSpillLimits().

◆ fdBmonMicrospillsTsLengthSec

double_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fdBmonMicrospillsTsLengthSec = 0.128

BMon micro-spills monitoring histograms.

Definition at line 277 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistogramsMicroSpills().

◆ fdSpillCheckInterval

Double_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fdSpillCheckInterval = 1.0

Definition at line 180 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CheckBmonSpillLimits(), and SetSpillCheckInterval().

◆ fdStartTime

Double_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fdStartTime = -1.0

◆ fdStartTimeSpill

Double_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fdStartTimeSpill = -1.0

Definition at line 316 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CheckBmonSpillLimits().

◆ fhBmonChanHitMap

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonChanHitMap = nullptr

◆ fhBmonChanHitMapAll

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonChanHitMapAll = nullptr

◆ fhBmonChanHitMapEvo

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonChanHitMapEvo = nullptr

◆ fhBmonChanHitMapEvoAll

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonChanHitMapEvoAll = nullptr

◆ fhBmonChannelMap

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonChannelMap = nullptr

◆ fhBmonChannelMapAll

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonChannelMapAll = nullptr

◆ fhBmonChannelMapPulser

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonChannelMapPulser = nullptr

---> Pulser

Definition at line 273 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), FillHitBmonMonitoringHistos(), and ResetBmonHistograms().

◆ fhBmonChannelTotAll

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonChannelTotAll = nullptr

◆ fhBmonCompGet4

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonCompGet4 = nullptr

◆ fhBmonCompMap

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonCompMap = nullptr

---> No Pulser cut

Definition at line 248 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), FillHitBmonMonitoringHistos(), and ResetBmonHistograms().

◆ fhBmonCompMapAll

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonCompMapAll = nullptr

---> Channels maps without cuts

Definition at line 237 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), and FillHitBmonMonitoringHistos().

◆ fhBmonErrorCntEvo

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonErrorCntEvo = nullptr

◆ fhBmonErrorCntPerMsEvo

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonErrorCntPerMsEvo = nullptr

Definition at line 268 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), and ResetBmonHistograms().

◆ fhBmonErrorFractEvo

TProfile* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonErrorFractEvo = nullptr

◆ fhBmonErrorFractPerMsEvo

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonErrorFractPerMsEvo = nullptr

◆ fhBmonGet4Map

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonGet4Map = nullptr

◆ fhBmonGet4MapEvo

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonGet4MapEvo = nullptr

◆ fhBmonHitCntEvo

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonHitCntEvo = nullptr

◆ fhBmonHitCntPerMsEvo

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonHitCntPerMsEvo = nullptr

◆ fhBmonHitMapEvo

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonHitMapEvo = nullptr

◆ fhBmonHitMapEvoAll

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonHitMapEvoAll = nullptr

◆ fhBmonHitMapEvoPulser

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonHitMapEvoPulser = nullptr

◆ fhBmonHitsPerSpill

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonHitsPerSpill = nullptr

◆ fhBmonHitTotEvo

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonHitTotEvo = nullptr

◆ fhBmonHitTotEvoAll

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonHitTotEvoAll = nullptr

◆ fhBmonLostEvtCntEvo

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonLostEvtCntEvo = nullptr

Definition at line 262 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), and FillErrBmonMonitoringHistos().

◆ fhBmonLostEvtCntPerMsEvo

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonLostEvtCntPerMsEvo = nullptr

Definition at line 269 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), and ResetBmonHistograms().

◆ fhBmonLostEvtFractEvo

TProfile* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonLostEvtFractEvo = nullptr

◆ fhBmonLostEvtFractPerMsEvo

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonLostEvtFractPerMsEvo = nullptr

◆ fhBmonMicrospillsDistErrs

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonMicrospillsDistErrs = nullptr

◆ fhBmonMicrospillsDistHits

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonMicrospillsDistHits = nullptr

◆ fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinCntErrs

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinCntErrs = nullptr

◆ fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinCntHits

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinCntHits = nullptr

◆ fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinFractErrs

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinFractErrs = nullptr

◆ fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinFractHits

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinFractHits = nullptr

◆ fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinRatioErrs

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinRatioErrs = nullptr

◆ fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinRatioHits

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonMicrospillsTsBinRatioHits = nullptr

◆ fhBmonMicrospillsTsMeanErrs

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonMicrospillsTsMeanErrs = nullptr

◆ fhBmonMicrospillsTsMeanHits

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonMicrospillsTsMeanHits = nullptr

◆ fhBmonMicrospillsTsMedianErrs

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonMicrospillsTsMedianErrs = nullptr

◆ fhBmonMicrospillsTsMedianHits

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonMicrospillsTsMedianHits = nullptr

◆ fhBmonMsgCntEvo

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonMsgCntEvo = nullptr

◆ fhBmonMsgCntPerMsEvo

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhBmonMsgCntPerMsEvo = nullptr

---> Global Rate per MS

Definition at line 266 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), DrawBmonCanvases(), and ResetBmonHistograms().

◆ fhGet4EpochFlags

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhGet4EpochFlags = nullptr

◆ fhGet4ErrorsType

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhGet4ErrorsType = nullptr

◆ fhGet4MessType

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhGet4MessType = nullptr

TOF system general histograms ---> Per GET4 in system

Definition at line 198 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), DrawCanvases(), FillEpochMonitoringHistos(), FillErrMonitoringHistos(), FillHitMonitoringHistos(), FillScmMonitoringHistos(), and ResetHistograms().

◆ fhGet4ScmType

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhGet4ScmType = nullptr

◆ fhGet4SysMessType

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhGet4SysMessType = nullptr

Definition at line 201 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), DrawCanvases(), and FillSysMonitoringHistos().

◆ fHistoFileName

TString CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fHistoFileName = "data/mon.tof.root"

Definition at line 142 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by Finish(), and SetHistoFileName().

◆ fhPulserChCounts

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhPulserChCounts = nullptr

---> Pulser

Definition at line 216 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

◆ fhPulserChEvo

TH2* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fhPulserChEvo = nullptr

Definition at line 217 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

◆ fuBmonChanMap

std::vector<UInt_t> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuBmonChanMap = {}

◆ fuBmonCountsLastInter

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuBmonCountsLastInter = 0

Definition at line 318 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CheckBmonSpillLimits(), and FillHitBmonMonitoringHistos().

◆ fuBmonMicrospillsNbBinsTs

uint32_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuBmonMicrospillsNbBinsTs = 0

◆ fuBmonNonPulserCountsLastInter

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuBmonNonPulserCountsLastInter = 0

Definition at line 319 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CheckBmonSpillLimits(), and FillHitBmonMonitoringHistos().

◆ fuCurrentSpillIdx

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuCurrentSpillIdx = 0

◆ fuCurrentSpillPlot

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuCurrentSpillPlot = 0

◆ fuHistoryHistoSize

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuHistoryHistoSize = 3600

Time of first valid hit (epoch available), used as reference for evolution plots

Definition at line 155 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), and CreateHistograms().

◆ fuLongHistoBinNb

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuLongHistoBinNb = 1

Definition at line 160 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

◆ fuLongHistoBinSizeSec

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuLongHistoBinSizeSec = 10

Definition at line 159 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by SetLongDurationLimits().

◆ fuLongHistoNbSeconds

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuLongHistoNbSeconds = 3600

Definition at line 158 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by SetLongDurationLimits().

◆ fuMaxTotPulser

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuMaxTotPulser = 189

Definition at line 177 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHitBmonMonitoringHistos(), and SetPulserTotLimits().

◆ fuMinTotPulser

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuMinTotPulser = 185

---> User settings: Data correction parameters

Definition at line 176 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillHitBmonMonitoringHistos(), and SetPulserTotLimits().

◆ fuNbChanBmon

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuNbChanBmon = 0

Runtime values.

Definition at line 189 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), FillHitBmonMonitoringHistos(), and ResetBmonHistograms().

◆ fuNbOfChannelsPerComp

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuNbOfChannelsPerComp = 0

Number of channels per Get4, constant.

Definition at line 150 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), and Init().

◆ fuNbOfChannelsPerGet4

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuNbOfChannelsPerGet4 = 0

Max number of Get4 per component.

Definition at line 149 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by FillErrMonitoringHistos(), FillScmMonitoringHistos(), and Init().

◆ fuNbOfComps

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuNbOfComps = 0

Readout chain dimensions and mapping.

Definition at line 147 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), CreateHistograms(), DrawCanvases(), Init(), and ResetHistograms().

◆ fuNbOfGet4InSyst

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuNbOfGet4InSyst = 0

Number of channels per Component, recalculated.

Definition at line 151 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), and Init().

◆ fuNbOfGet4PerComp

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuNbOfGet4PerComp = 0

◆ fuNbTsMicrospills

uint32_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuNbTsMicrospills = 0

Definition at line 279 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by FinalizeTsBmonMicroSpillHistos().

◆ fUnpackPar

CbmMcbm2018TofPar* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fUnpackPar = nullptr

Settings from parameter file.

Definition at line 145 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by Init().

◆ fuOffSpillCountLimit

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuOffSpillCountLimit = 200

Definition at line 178 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CheckBmonSpillLimits(), and SetSpillThreshold().

◆ fuOffSpillCountLimitNonPulser

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fuOffSpillCountLimitNonPulser = 80

Definition at line 179 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CheckBmonSpillLimits(), and SetSpillThresholdNonPulser().

◆ fvcSumComp

std::vector<TCanvas*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvcSumComp = {}

Definition at line 298 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by DrawCanvases().

◆ fvhBmonChannelMapSpill

std::vector<TH1*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhBmonChannelMapSpill = {}

◆ fvhBmonCompMapSpill

std::vector<TH1*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhBmonCompMapSpill = {}

---> No Pulser cut + Spill detection

Definition at line 255 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CheckBmonSpillLimits(), CreateBmonHistograms(), DrawBmonCanvases(), FillHitBmonMonitoringHistos(), and ResetBmonHistograms().

◆ fvhBmonErrorCntEvoChan

std::vector<TH1*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhBmonErrorCntEvoChan = {}

◆ fvhBmonErrorCntPerMsEvoChan

std::vector<TH2*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhBmonErrorCntPerMsEvoChan = {}

Definition at line 229 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), and ResetBmonHistograms().

◆ fvhBmonErrorFractEvoChan

std::vector<TProfile*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhBmonErrorFractEvoChan = {}

◆ fvhBmonErrorFractPerMsEvoChan

std::vector<TH2*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhBmonErrorFractPerMsEvoChan = {}

Definition at line 233 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), and ResetBmonHistograms().

◆ fvhBmonEvtLostCntEvoChan

std::vector<TH1*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhBmonEvtLostCntEvoChan = {}

◆ fvhBmonEvtLostCntPerMsEvoChan

std::vector<TH2*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhBmonEvtLostCntPerMsEvoChan = {}

Definition at line 231 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), and ResetBmonHistograms().

◆ fvhBmonEvtLostFractEvoChan

std::vector<TProfile*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhBmonEvtLostFractEvoChan = {}

◆ fvhBmonEvtLostFractPerMsEvoChan

std::vector<TH2*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhBmonEvtLostFractPerMsEvoChan = {}

Definition at line 235 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), and ResetBmonHistograms().

◆ fvhBmonHitCntEvoChan

std::vector<TH1*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhBmonHitCntEvoChan = {}

◆ fvhBmonHitCntPerMsEvoChan

std::vector<TH2*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhBmonHitCntPerMsEvoChan = {}

Definition at line 227 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), and ResetBmonHistograms().

◆ fvhBmonMsgCntEvoChan

std::vector<TH1*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhBmonMsgCntEvoChan = {}

Definition at line 224 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), and ResetBmonHistograms().

◆ fvhBmonMsgCntPerMsEvoChan

std::vector<TH2*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhBmonMsgCntPerMsEvoChan = {}

Definition at line 225 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), and ResetBmonHistograms().

◆ fvhCompGet4ChErrors

std::vector<TH2*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhCompGet4ChErrors = {}

◆ fvhCompGet4ChScm

std::vector<TH2*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhCompGet4ChScm = {}

◆ fvhCompGet4MessType

std::vector<TH2*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhCompGet4MessType = {}

◆ fvhCompRawChCount

std::vector<TH1*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhCompRawChCount = {}

---> Per raw channel in Component

Definition at line 208 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), DrawCanvases(), FillHitMonitoringHistos(), and ResetHistograms().

◆ fvhCompRawChRate

std::vector<TH2*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhCompRawChRate = {}

◆ fvhCompRawChTot

std::vector<TH2*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhCompRawChTot = {}

◆ fvhCompRemapChCount

std::vector<TH1*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhCompRemapChCount = {}

---> Per remapped (PADI) channel in Component

Definition at line 212 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), DrawCanvases(), FillHitMonitoringHistos(), and ResetHistograms().

◆ fvhCompRemapChRate

std::vector<TH2*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhCompRemapChRate = {}

◆ fvhCompRemapChTot

std::vector<TH2*> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhCompRemapChTot = {}

◆ fvhMsSize

TH1* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhMsSize[kuMaxNbFlibLinks]

MS size histograms.

Definition at line 193 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CbmTofUnpackMonitor(), CreateMsComponentSizeHistos(), FillMsSize(), and ResetMsComponentSizeHistos().

◆ fvhMsSizeTime

TProfile* CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvhMsSizeTime[kuMaxNbFlibLinks]

◆ fvpAllCanvasPointers

std::vector<std::pair<TCanvas*, std::string> > CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvpAllCanvasPointers

Vector of pointers to histograms + optional folder name.

Definition at line 335 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by AddCanvasToVector(), Finish(), GetCanvasVector(), and ~CbmTofUnpackMonitor().

◆ fvpAllHistoPointers

std::vector<std::pair<TNamed*, std::string> > CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvpAllHistoPointers

For monitoring of internal processes. => Pointers should be filled with TH1*, TH2*, TProfile*, ... ==> To check if object N is of type T, use "T ObjectPointer = dynamic_cast<T>( fvpAllHistoPointers[N].first );" and check for nullptr ==> To get back the original class name use "fvpAllHistoPointers[N].first->ClassName()" which returns a const char * (e.g. "TH1I") ===> Usage example with feeding a THttpServer: ===> #include "TH2.h" ===> std::string sClassName = vHistos[ uHisto ].first.ClassName(); ===> if( !strncmp( sClassName, "TH1", 3 ) ) ===> server->Register( vHistos[ uHisto ].second.data(), dynamic_cast< TH1 * >(vHistos[ uHisto ].first) ); ===> else if( !strncmp( sClassName, "TH2", 3 ) ) ===> server->Register( vHistos[ uHisto ].second.data(), dynamic_cast< TH2 * >(vHistos[ uHisto ].first) );

Definition at line 333 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by AddHistoToVector(), Finish(), GetHistoVector(), and ~CbmTofUnpackMonitor().

◆ fvuBmonErrorCntChanMs

std::vector<UInt_t> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvuBmonErrorCntChanMs = {}

Definition at line 222 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), and FillErrBmonMonitoringHistos().

◆ fvuBmonEvtLostCntChanMs

std::vector<UInt_t> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvuBmonEvtLostCntChanMs = {}

Definition at line 223 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), and FillErrBmonMonitoringHistos().

◆ fvuBmonHitCntChanMs

std::vector<UInt_t> CbmTofUnpackMonitor::fvuBmonHitCntChanMs = {}

BMon specific histograms ---> Channel rate plots

Definition at line 221 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms(), and FillHitBmonMonitoringHistos().

◆ kuBmonChanMap

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::kuBmonChanMap[kuNbChanBmon] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15}

Map from electronics channel to BMon strip 2022 mapping: Y[0-3] on c0, Y[4-7] on c1, X[4-7] on c2, X[0-3] on c3, re-ordered in par file and par class Y not cabled for diamond but pulser there

Definition at line 184 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms().

◆ kuBmonChanMapScvd

UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::kuBmonChanMapScvd[kuNbChanBmonScvd]
Initial value:
= {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19}

2024 mapping: +4 channels scvd added

Definition at line 186 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms().

◆ kuBytesPerMessage

const UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::kuBytesPerMessage = 8

Definition at line 170 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

◆ kuMaxNbFlibLinks

const UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::kuMaxNbFlibLinks = 32

---> Constants

Definition at line 169 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CbmTofUnpackMonitor(), and GetMaxNbFlibLinks().

◆ kuNbChanBmon

const UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::kuNbChanBmon = 16

Definition at line 171 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms().

◆ kuNbChanBmonScvd

const UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::kuNbChanBmonScvd = 20

Definition at line 172 of file CbmTofUnpackMonitor.h.

Referenced by CreateBmonHistograms().

◆ kuNbSpillPlots

const UInt_t CbmTofUnpackMonitor::kuNbSpillPlots = 5

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: