No Matches
CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite Class Reference

#include <CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h>

Inheritance diagram for CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite:
Collaboration diagram for CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite:

Public Member Functions

 CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite ()
 CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite (const CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite &)
CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite operator= (const CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite &)
 ~CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite ()
virtual Bool_t Init ()
virtual void Reset ()
virtual void Finish ()
Bool_t InitContainers ()
Bool_t ReInitContainers ()
TList * GetParList ()
Bool_t InitParameters ()
Bool_t InitMuchParameters ()
Bool_t ProcessTs (const fles::Timeslice &ts)
Bool_t ProcessTs (const fles::Timeslice &ts, size_t)
void AddMsComponentToList (size_t component, UShort_t usDetectorId)
Bool_t CreateHistograms ()
void SaveMuchHistos (TString sFileName="")
void ResetMuchHistos ()
void SetMonitorMode (Bool_t bFlagIn=kTRUE)
void SetHistoryHistoSize (UInt_t inHistorySizeSec=1800)
void SetSpillThreshold (UInt_t uCntLimit)
Bool_t ProcessMs (const fles::Timeslice &ts, size_t uMsCompIdx, size_t uMsIdx)
void SetRunStart (Int_t dateIn, Int_t timeIn, Int_t iBinSize=5)
void FillHitInfo (stsxyter::Message mess, const UShort_t &usElinkIdx, const UInt_t &uAsicIdx, const UInt_t &uMsIdx)
void ResetAllHistos ()
void SaveAllHistos (TString sFileName="")
void SaveHistos (TString sFileName="")
void SetHistoFileName (TString sFileName="data/SetupHistos.root")
void SetPrintMessage (Bool_t bPrintMessOn=kTRUE, stsxyter::MessagePrintMask ctrl=stsxyter::MessagePrintMask::msg_print_Hex|stsxyter::MessagePrintMask::msg_print_Human)
void SetMuchMode (Bool_t bMuchMode=kTRUE)
void UseDaqBuffer (Bool_t)
void SetBinningFwFlag (Bool_t bEnable=kTRUE)
 => Quick and dirty hack for binning FW!!!
Bool_t ScanForNoisyChannels (Double_t dNoiseThreshold=1e3)
virtual void SetParameter (std::string)
virtual std::string GetParameter (std::string)
void AddHistoToVector (TNamed *pointer, std::string sFolder="")
 For monitor algos.
std::vector< std::pair< TNamed *, std::string > > GetHistoVector ()
void AddCanvasToVector (TCanvas *pointer, std::string sFolder="")
std::vector< std::pair< TCanvas *, std::string > > GetCanvasVector ()
void ClearVector ()
 For unpacker algos.
std::vector< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi > & GetVector ()
void ClearErrorVector ()
std::vector< CbmErrorMessage > & GetErrorVector ()
void SetIgnoreOverlapMs (Bool_t bFlagIn=kTRUE)
 Control flags.

Protected Member Functions

Bool_t CheckParameterValidity (std::string, std::string)
 Map of parameter name and type.

Protected Attributes

TList * fParCList
 Parameter management.
size_t fuNbMsLoop
Double_t fdMsSizeInNs
 /‍** Ignore Overlap Ms: all fuOverlapMsNb MS at the end of timeslice **‍/
Double_t fdTsCoreSizeInNs
 Size of a single MS, [nanoseconds].
Double_t fdTsFullSizeInNs
 Total size of the core MS in a TS, [nanoseconds].
std::vector< std::pair< TNamed *, std::string > > fvpAllHistoPointers
 Total size of the core MS in a TS, [nanoseconds].
std::vector< std::pair< TCanvas *, std::string > > fvpAllCanvasPointers
 Vector of pointers to histograms + optional folder name.
std::vector< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigifDigiVect
 Vector of pointers to canvases + optional folder name.
std::vector< CbmErrorMessagefErrVect
std::map< std::string, std::string > fParameterMap
 For any algo.

Private Member Functions

void FillTsMsbInfo (stsxyter::Message mess, UInt_t uMessIdx=0, UInt_t uMsIdx=0)
void FillEpochInfo (stsxyter::Message mess)

Private Attributes

Bool_t fbMonitorMode = kFALSE
Bool_t fbMuchMode
 Switch ON the filling of a minimal set of histograms.
std::vector< Bool_tfvbMaskedComponents
std::vector< stsxyter::FinalHitfvmHitsInMs
 Hits time-sorting.
TString fsHistoFilename
 All hits (time in bins, ADC in bins, asic, channel) in last TS, sorted with "<" operator.
Bool_t fbPrintMessages
 Task configuration values.
stsxyter::MessagePrintMask fPrintMessCtrl
ULong64_t fulCurrentTsIdx
size_t fuNbCoreMsPerTs
UInt_t fuNrOfDpbs
std::map< UInt_t, UInt_t > fDpbIdIndexMap
 Total number of STS DPBs in system.
std::vector< std::vector< Bool_t > > fvbCrobActiveFlag
 Map of DPB Identifier to DPB index.
UInt_t fuNbFebs
 Array to hold the active flag for all CROBs, [ NbDpb ][ NbCrobPerDpb ].
UInt_t fuNbStsXyters
 Number of StsXyter ASICs.
std::map< stsxyter::MessType, UInt_t > fmMsgCounter
 Number of StsXyter ASICs.
Bool_t fbBinningFw = kTRUE
 => Quick and dirty hack for binning FW!!!
Double_t fdTsStartTime = -1.0
Double_t fdTsStopTimeCore
 Time in ns of current TS from the index of the first MS first component.
UInt_t fuMsIndex = 0
 End Time in ns of current TS Core from the index of the first MS first component.
UInt_t fuHistoryHistoSize = 3600
 Index of current MS within the TS.
UInt_t fuOffSpillCountLimit = 200
Bool_t fbIgnoreOverlapMs
TString fsHistoFileFullname
ULong64_t fulCurrentMsIdx
 TS/MS info.
UInt_t fuCurrentEquipmentId
 Current data properties.
UInt_t fuCurrDpbId
 Current equipment ID, tells from which DPB the current MS is originating.
UInt_t fuCurrDpbIdx
 Temp holder until Current equipment ID is properly filled in MS.
Int_t fiRunStartDateTimeSec
 Index of the DPB from which the MS currently unpacked is coming.
Int_t fiBinSizeDatePlots
 Start of run time since "epoch" in s, for the plots with date as X axis.
std::vector< ULong64_t > fvulCurrentTsMsb
 Bin size in s for the plots with date as X axis.
std::vector< UInt_t > fvuCurrentTsMsbCycle
 Current TS MSB for each DPB.
std::vector< UInt_t > fvuInitialHeaderDone
 Current TS MSB cycle for DPB.
std::vector< UInt_t > fvuInitialTsMsbCycleHeader
 Flag set after seeing MS header in 1st MS for DPB.
std::vector< UInt_t > fvuElinkLastTsHit
 TS MSB cycle from MS header in 1st MS for DPB.
std::vector< std::vector< ULong64_t > > fvulChanLastHitTime
std::vector< std::vector< Double_t > > fvdChanLastHitTime
 Last hit time in bins for each Channel.
std::vector< Double_t > fvdPrevMsTime
 Last hit time in ns for each Channel.
std::vector< Double_t > fvdMsTime
 Header time of previous MS per link.
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< Double_t > > > fvdChanLastHitTimeInMs
 Header time of each MS.
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< UShort_t > > > fvusChanLastHitAdcInMs
 Last hit time in bins in each MS for each Channel.
std::vector< std::vector< stsxyter::FinalHit > > fvmAsicHitsInMs
 Last hit ADC in bins in each MS for each Channel.
std::vector< std::vector< stsxyter::FinalHit > > fvmFebHitsInMs
 All hits (time in bins, ADC in bins, asic, channel) in last TS, per ASIC, sorted with "<" operator.
Int_t fiTimeIntervalRateUpdate
 Mean Rate per channel plots.
std::vector< Int_tfviFebTimeSecLastRateUpdate
std::vector< Int_tfviFebCountsSinceLastRateUpdate
std::vector< std::vector< Double_t > > fvdFebChanCountsSinceLastRateUpdate
UInt_t Counter
 Rate evolution histos.
UInt_t Counter1
 Coincidences in sorted hits.
TH1 * fhMuchMessType
 Histogram manager.
TH1 * fhMuchSysMessType
TH1 * fhMuchFebChanAdcRaw_combined
TH2 * fhMuchMessTypePerDpb
TH2 * fhMuchSysMessTypePerDpb
TH2 * fhStatusMessType
TH2 * fhMsStatusFieldType
TH2 * fhMuchHitsElinkPerDpb
TH2 * fhMuchMessTypePerElink
TH1 * fhRate
TH1 * fhRateAdcCut
TH1 * fhFEBcount = nullptr
std::vector< TH2 * > fHistPadDistr
 Plots per FEB-8.
std::vector< TH2 * > fRealHistPadDistr
std::vector< TH1 * > fhMuchFebChanCntRaw
std::vector< TH1 * > fhMuchFebSpill = {}
std::vector< TH2 * > fhMuchFebADC = {}
std::vector< TH2 * > fhMuchFebChanAdcRaw
std::vector< TProfile * > fhMuchFebChanAdcRawProf
std::vector< TH2 * > fhMuchFebChanRawTs
std::vector< TH2 * > fhMuchChannelTime = {}
std::vector< TH2 * > fhMuchFebChanHitRateEvo
std::vector< TProfile * > fhMuchFebChanHitRateProf
std::vector< TH1 * > fhMuchFebHitRateEvo
std::vector< TH1 * > fhMuchFebHitRateEvo_mskch
std::vector< TH1 * > fhMuchFebHitRateEvo_mskch_adccut
std::vector< TH1 * > fhMuchFebHitRateEvo_WithoutDupli
std::vector< std::vector< Double_t > > fdMuchFebChanLastTimeForDist
std::vector< TH2 * > fhMuchFebChanDistT
std::vector< TProfile * > fhMuchFebDuplicateHitProf
TH2 * fhDpbMsErrors = nullptr
 Binning FW error flag.
TCanvas * fcMsSizeAll
std::vector< size_t > fvMsComponentsList
UInt_t fuMaxNbMicroslices
 Coincidence histos.
TH1 * fhMsSz [kiMaxNbFlibLinks]
TProfile * fhMsSzTime [kiMaxNbFlibLinks]
Long64_t prevtime_new
 Starting state book-keeping.
Long64_t prevTime
UInt_t prevAsic
UInt_t prevChan
Double_t fdStartTime
Double_t fdStartTimeMsSz
std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point ftStartTimeUnix
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< UInt_t > > > fvuChanNbHitsInMs
TH1 * fhElinkIdxHit
 Number of hits in each MS for each Channel.
size_t fuNbOverMsPerTs

Static Private Attributes

static const Int_t kiMaxNbFlibLinks = 32
 /‍** Ignore Overlap Ms: all fuOverlapMsNb MS at the end of timeslice **‍/
static const UInt_t kuBytesPerMessage = 4

Detailed Description

Definition at line 42 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite() [1/2]

CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite ( )

Definition at line 46 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.cxx.

◆ CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite() [2/2]

CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite ( const CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite & )

◆ ~CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite()

CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::~CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite ( )

Definition at line 125 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddCanvasToVector()

void CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::AddCanvasToVector ( TCanvas * pointer,
std::string sFolder = "" )

Definition at line 88 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ AddHistoToVector()

void CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::AddHistoToVector ( TNamed * pointer,
std::string sFolder = "" )

For monitor algos.

Definition at line 83 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

Referenced by AddMsComponentToList(), CreateHistograms(), and CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch::CreateHistograms().

◆ AddMsComponentToList()

void CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::AddMsComponentToList ( size_t component,
UShort_t usDetectorId )

Check for duplicates and ignore if it is the case

Check if this does not go above hardcoded limits

Add to list

Create MS size monitoring histos

Definition at line 361 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.cxx.

References CbmHistManager::Add(), CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::AddHistoToVector(), fcMsSizeAll, fHM, fhMsSz, fhMsSzTime, fvMsComponentsList, and kiMaxNbFlibLinks.

Referenced by CbmMcbm2018MonitorTaskMuchLite::AddMsComponentToList().

◆ CheckParameterValidity()

Bool_t CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::CheckParameterValidity ( std::string ,
std::string  )

Map of parameter name and type.

Definition at line 140 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

◆ ClearErrorVector()

void CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::ClearErrorVector ( )

Definition at line 97 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

◆ ClearVector()

void CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::ClearVector ( )

For unpacker algos.

Definition at line 95 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

◆ CreateHistograms()

Bool_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::CreateHistograms ( )

Raw Ts Distribution

FEB wise Duplicate Hit profile for each Module (If same hit at same time, same channel and same FEB)


All histos per FEB: with channels or ASIC as axis!!

Channel counts

Raw Adc Distribution

Raw Adc Distribution profile

Cal Adc Distribution

Cal Adc Distribution profile

Raw Ts Distribution

Hit rates evo per channel

Hit rates profile per channel

Hit rates evo per StsXyter

Hit rates evo per FEB

Hit rates evo per FEB for Mask Channel

Hit rates evo per FEB for Mask Channel with ADC Cut

Hit rates evo per FEB

Hit rates evo per channel, 1 minute bins, 24h

Hit rates evo per channel, 1 minute bins, 24h

Hit rates evo per FEB, 1 minute bins, 24h

Distance between hits on same channel



Create summary Canvases for mCBM 2019

Recovers/Create Ms Size Canvase for CERN 2016

Definition at line 413 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.cxx.

References CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::AddCanvasToVector(), CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::AddHistoToVector(), fcMsSizeAll, fhDpbMsErrors, fhElinkIdxHit, fhFEBcount, fHistPadDistr, fhMsStatusFieldType, fhMsSz, fhMsSzTime, fhMuchChannelTime, fhMuchFebADC, fhMuchFebChanAdcRaw, fhMuchFebChanAdcRaw_combined, fhMuchFebChanAdcRawProf, fhMuchFebChanCntRaw, fhMuchFebChanDistT, fhMuchFebChanHitRateEvo, fhMuchFebChanHitRateProf, fhMuchFebChanRawTs, fhMuchFebDuplicateHitProf, fhMuchFebHitRateEvo, fhMuchFebHitRateEvo_mskch, fhMuchFebHitRateEvo_mskch_adccut, fhMuchFebHitRateEvo_WithoutDupli, fhMuchFebSpill, fhMuchHitsElinkPerDpb, fhMuchMessType, fhMuchMessTypePerDpb, fhMuchMessTypePerElink, fhMuchSysMessType, fhMuchSysMessTypePerDpb, fhRate, fhRateAdcCut, fhStatusMessType, fRealHistPadDistr, fuNbFebs, fuNbStsXyters, fUnpackParMuch, fuNrOfDpbs, CbmMcbm2018MuchPar::GetNbChanPerFeb(), CbmMcbm2018MuchPar::GetNbElinkPerCrob(), CbmMcbm2018MuchPar::IsFebActive(), kiMaxNbFlibLinks, stsxyter::kuHitNbAdcBins, and stsxyter::kuHitNbTsBins.

Referenced by CbmMcbm2018MonitorTaskMuchLite::InitContainers().

◆ FillEpochInfo()

void CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::FillEpochInfo ( stsxyter::Message mess)

Definition at line 1344 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.cxx.

Referenced by ProcessMs().

◆ FillHitInfo()

◆ FillTsMsbInfo()

void CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::FillTsMsbInfo ( stsxyter::Message mess,
UInt_t uMessIdx = 0,
UInt_t uMsIdx = 0 )

◆ Finish()

void CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::Finish ( )

◆ GetCanvasVector()

std::vector< std::pair< TCanvas *, std::string > > CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::GetCanvasVector ( )

Definition at line 92 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

◆ GetErrorVector()

std::vector< CbmErrorMessage > & CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::GetErrorVector ( )

Definition at line 98 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

◆ GetHistoVector()

std::vector< std::pair< TNamed *, std::string > > CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::GetHistoVector ( )

Definition at line 87 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

◆ GetParameter()

virtual std::string CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::GetParameter ( std::string )

Definition at line 80 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

◆ GetParList()

TList * CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::GetParList ( )

◆ GetVector()

std::vector< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi > & CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::GetVector ( )

Definition at line 96 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

◆ Init()

Bool_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::Init ( )

◆ InitContainers()

Bool_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::InitContainers ( )

◆ InitMuchParameters()

◆ InitParameters()

Bool_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::InitParameters ( )

◆ operator=()

CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::operator= ( const CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite & )

◆ ProcessMs()

Bool_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::ProcessMs ( const fles::Timeslice & ts,
size_t uMsCompIdx,
size_t uMsIdx )

Plots in [X/s] update

"new second"

Ignore first interval is not clue how late the data taking was started

Jump empty FEBs without looping over channels

Check Flags field of MS header

Check the current TS_MSb cycle and correct it if wrong

=> Quick and dirty hack for binning FW!!!

=> Quick and dirty hack for binning FW!!!

Always print status messages... or not?

=> Quick and dirty hack for binning FW!!!

Implements CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >.

Definition at line 979 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.cxx.

References stsxyter::Dummy, CbmMcbm2018MuchPar::ElinkIdxToAsicIdx(), CbmMcbm2018MuchPar::ElinkIdxToFebIdx(), stsxyter::Empty, stsxyter::EndOfMs, stsxyter::Epoch, fbBinningFw, fbMuchMode, fbPrintMessages, fDpbIdIndexMap, fdStartTimeMsSz, fhDpbMsErrors, fhElinkIdxHit, fhMsStatusFieldType, fhMsSz, fhMsSzTime, fhMuchFebChanHitRateProf, fhMuchHitsElinkPerDpb, fhMuchMessTypePerElink, FillEpochInfo(), FillHitInfo(), FillTsMsbInfo(), fiTimeIntervalRateUpdate, fmMsgCounter, FormatMsHeaderPrintout(), fPrintMessCtrl, fuCurrDpbId, fuCurrDpbIdx, fuCurrentEquipmentId, fulCurrentMsIdx, fulCurrentTsIdx, fUnpackParMuch, fvbMaskedComponents, fvdFebChanCountsSinceLastRateUpdate, fvdPrevMsTime, fviFebCountsSinceLastRateUpdate, fviFebTimeSecLastRateUpdate, fvuCurrentTsMsbCycle, fvuInitialHeaderDone, fvuInitialTsMsbCycleHeader, fvulCurrentTsMsb, stsxyter::Message::GetLinkIndex(), stsxyter::Message::GetLinkIndexHitBinning(), stsxyter::Message::GetMessType(), stsxyter::Message::GetMsErrorType(), CbmMcbm2018MuchPar::GetNbAsicsPerCrob(), CbmMcbm2018MuchPar::GetNbChanPerFeb(), CbmMcbm2018MuchPar::GetNbCrobsPerDpb(), CbmMcbm2018MuchPar::GetNbElinkPerCrob(), CbmMcbm2018MuchPar::GetNbFebsPerDpb(), stsxyter::Hit, stsxyter::Message::IsMsErrorFlagOn(), stsxyter::kdClockCycleNs, kiMaxNbFlibLinks, kuBytesPerMessage, stsxyter::kulTsCycleNbBins, stsxyter::kulTsCycleNbBinsBinning, stsxyter::Message::PrintMess(), stsxyter::Status, and stsxyter::TsMsb.

Referenced by ProcessTs().

◆ ProcessTs() [1/2]

Bool_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::ProcessTs ( const fles::Timeslice & ts)

Ignore First TS as first MS is typically corrupt

On first TS, extract the TS parameters from header (by definition stable over time)

Ignore overlap ms if flag set by user

Compute time of TS core end

Loop over core microslices (and overlap ones if chosen)

Loop over registered components

Clear the buffer of hits

Clear buffers to prepare for the next TS

Fill plots if in monitor mode

Implements CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >.

Definition at line 897 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.cxx.

References fbIgnoreOverlapMs, fbMonitorMode, CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::fdMsSizeInNs, CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::fdTsCoreSizeInNs, CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::fdTsFullSizeInNs, fdTsStartTime, fdTsStopTimeCore, fulCurrentTsIdx, fuMsIndex, fuNbCoreMsPerTs, CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::fuNbMsLoop, fuNbOverMsPerTs, fvmHitsInMs, fvMsComponentsList, and ProcessMs().

Referenced by CbmMcbm2018MonitorTaskMuchLite::DoUnpack().

◆ ProcessTs() [2/2]

Bool_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::ProcessTs ( const fles::Timeslice & ts,
size_t  )

Implements CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >.

Definition at line 64 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

References ProcessTs().

Referenced by ProcessTs().

◆ ReInitContainers()

Bool_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::ReInitContainers ( )

◆ Reset()

void CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::Reset ( )

◆ ResetAllHistos()

◆ ResetMuchHistos()

void CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::ResetMuchHistos ( )

◆ SaveAllHistos()

void CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::SaveAllHistos ( TString sFileName = "")

◆ SaveHistos()

void CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::SaveHistos ( TString sFileName = "")

◆ SaveMuchHistos()

void CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::SaveMuchHistos ( TString sFileName = "")

◆ ScanForNoisyChannels()

Bool_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::ScanForNoisyChannels ( Double_t dNoiseThreshold = 1e3)

◆ SetBinningFwFlag()

void CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::SetBinningFwFlag ( Bool_t bEnable = kTRUE)

=> Quick and dirty hack for binning FW!!!

Definition at line 118 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

References fbBinningFw.

◆ SetHistoFileName()

void CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::SetHistoFileName ( TString sFileName = "data/SetupHistos.root")

Definition at line 97 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

References fsHistoFileFullname.

◆ SetHistoryHistoSize()

void CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::SetHistoryHistoSize ( UInt_t inHistorySizeSec = 1800)

◆ SetIgnoreOverlapMs()

void CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::SetIgnoreOverlapMs ( Bool_t bFlagIn = kTRUE)

Control flags.

Definition at line 101 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

◆ SetMonitorMode()

void CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::SetMonitorMode ( Bool_t bFlagIn = kTRUE)

◆ SetMuchMode()

void CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::SetMuchMode ( Bool_t bMuchMode = kTRUE)

Definition at line 112 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

References fbMuchMode.

◆ SetParameter()

virtual void CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::SetParameter ( std::string )

Definition at line 79 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

◆ SetPrintMessage()

void CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::SetPrintMessage ( Bool_t bPrintMessOn = kTRUE,
stsxyter::MessagePrintMask ctrl = stsxyter::MessagePrintMask::msg_print_Hex | stsxyter::MessagePrintMask::msg_print_Human )

Definition at line 99 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

References fbPrintMessages, and fPrintMessCtrl.

◆ SetRunStart()

void CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::SetRunStart ( Int_t dateIn,
Int_t timeIn,
Int_t iBinSize = 5 )

◆ SetSpillThreshold()

void CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::SetSpillThreshold ( UInt_t uCntLimit)

◆ UseDaqBuffer()

void CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::UseDaqBuffer ( Bool_t )

Definition at line 115 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ Counter

UInt_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::Counter

Rate evolution histos.

Definition at line 213 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by FillHitInfo().

◆ Counter1

UInt_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::Counter1

Definition at line 214 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by FillHitInfo().

◆ fbBinningFw

Bool_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fbBinningFw = kTRUE

=> Quick and dirty hack for binning FW!!!

Definition at line 146 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by FillHitInfo(), FillTsMsbInfo(), InitMuchParameters(), ProcessMs(), and SetBinningFwFlag().

◆ fbIgnoreOverlapMs

Bool_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fbIgnoreOverlapMs

Definition at line 160 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessTs().

◆ fbMonitorMode

Bool_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fbMonitorMode = kFALSE

Definition at line 124 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessTs(), and SetMonitorMode().

◆ fbMuchMode

Bool_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fbMuchMode

Switch ON the filling of a minimal set of histograms.

Definition at line 125 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessMs(), and SetMuchMode().

◆ fbPrintMessages

Bool_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fbPrintMessages

Task configuration values.

Definition at line 132 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessMs(), and SetPrintMessage().

◆ fcMsSizeAll

TCanvas* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fcMsSizeAll

Definition at line 281 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by AddMsComponentToList(), and CreateHistograms().

◆ fDigiVect

std::vector<CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi> CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::fDigiVect

Vector of pointers to canvases + optional folder name.

For unpacker algos

Definition at line 134 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

Referenced by CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch::FillHistograms(), and CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch::ProcessTs().

◆ fdMsSizeInNs

Double_t CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::fdMsSizeInNs

/‍** Ignore Overlap Ms: all fuOverlapMsNb MS at the end of timeslice **‍/

Definition at line 113 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

Referenced by ProcessTs(), and CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch::ProcessTs().

◆ fdMuchFebChanLastTimeForDist

std::vector<std::vector<Double_t> > CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fdMuchFebChanLastTimeForDist

Definition at line 272 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by InitMuchParameters().

◆ fDpbIdIndexMap

std::map<UInt_t, UInt_t> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fDpbIdIndexMap

Total number of STS DPBs in system.

Definition at line 137 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by InitMuchParameters(), and ProcessMs().

◆ fdStartTime

Double_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fdStartTime

previous channel

Definition at line 299 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by FillHitInfo(), and ResetAllHistos().

◆ fdStartTimeMsSz

Double_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fdStartTimeMsSz

Time of first valid hit (TS_MSB available), used as reference for evolution plots

Definition at line 300 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessMs(), and ResetAllHistos().

◆ fdTsCoreSizeInNs

Double_t CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::fdTsCoreSizeInNs

Size of a single MS, [nanoseconds].

Definition at line 114 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

Referenced by ProcessTs(), and CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch::ProcessTs().

◆ fdTsFullSizeInNs

Double_t CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::fdTsFullSizeInNs

Total size of the core MS in a TS, [nanoseconds].

Definition at line 115 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

Referenced by ProcessTs(), and CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch::ProcessTs().

◆ fdTsStartTime

Double_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fdTsStartTime = -1.0

Definition at line 150 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessTs().

◆ fdTsStopTimeCore

Double_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fdTsStopTimeCore
Initial value:

Time in ns of current TS from the index of the first MS first component.

Definition at line 151 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessTs().

◆ fErrVect

◆ fhDpbMsErrors

TH2* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhDpbMsErrors = nullptr

Binning FW error flag.

Definition at line 279 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), ProcessMs(), ResetAllHistos(), and SaveAllHistos().

◆ fhElinkIdxHit

TH1* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhElinkIdxHit

Number of hits in each MS for each Channel.

Definition at line 306 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), and ProcessMs().

◆ fhFEBcount

TH1* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhFEBcount = nullptr

◆ fHistPadDistr

std::vector<TH2*> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fHistPadDistr

Plots per FEB-8.

Definition at line 244 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), and SaveAllHistos().

◆ fHM

CbmHistManager* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fHM

Coincidences in sorted hits.


Definition at line 222 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by AddMsComponentToList(), ResetAllHistos(), and SaveAllHistos().

◆ fhMsStatusFieldType

TH2* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMsStatusFieldType

◆ fhMsSz

TH1* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMsSz[kiMaxNbFlibLinks]

◆ fhMsSzTime

TProfile* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMsSzTime[kiMaxNbFlibLinks]

◆ fhMuchChannelTime

std::vector<TH2*> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchChannelTime = {}

◆ fhMuchFebADC

std::vector<TH2*> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchFebADC = {}

◆ fhMuchFebChanAdcRaw

std::vector<TH2*> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchFebChanAdcRaw

Definition at line 252 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fhMuchFebChanAdcRaw_combined

TH1* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchFebChanAdcRaw_combined

Definition at line 225 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fhMuchFebChanAdcRawProf

std::vector<TProfile*> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchFebChanAdcRawProf

Definition at line 253 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fhMuchFebChanCntRaw

std::vector<TH1*> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchFebChanCntRaw

◆ fhMuchFebChanDistT

std::vector<TH2*> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchFebChanDistT

Definition at line 273 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fhMuchFebChanHitRateEvo

std::vector<TH2*> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchFebChanHitRateEvo

Definition at line 262 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fhMuchFebChanHitRateProf

std::vector<TProfile*> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchFebChanHitRateProf

◆ fhMuchFebChanRawTs

std::vector<TH2*> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchFebChanRawTs

Definition at line 256 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fhMuchFebDuplicateHitProf

std::vector<TProfile*> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchFebDuplicateHitProf

Definition at line 276 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), and ResetAllHistos().

◆ fhMuchFebHitRateEvo

std::vector<TH1*> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchFebHitRateEvo

Definition at line 265 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fhMuchFebHitRateEvo_mskch

std::vector<TH1*> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchFebHitRateEvo_mskch

Definition at line 266 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fhMuchFebHitRateEvo_mskch_adccut

std::vector<TH1*> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchFebHitRateEvo_mskch_adccut

Definition at line 267 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fhMuchFebHitRateEvo_WithoutDupli

std::vector<TH1*> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchFebHitRateEvo_WithoutDupli

Definition at line 268 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fhMuchFebSpill

std::vector<TH1*> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchFebSpill = {}

◆ fhMuchHitsElinkPerDpb

TH2* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchHitsElinkPerDpb

◆ fhMuchMessType

TH1* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchMessType

Histogram manager.

Definition at line 223 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fhMuchMessTypePerDpb

TH2* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchMessTypePerDpb

Definition at line 226 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fhMuchMessTypePerElink

TH2* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchMessTypePerElink

Definition at line 235 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), and ProcessMs().

◆ fhMuchSysMessType

TH1* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchSysMessType

Definition at line 224 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fhMuchSysMessTypePerDpb

TH2* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhMuchSysMessTypePerDpb

Definition at line 227 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fhRate

TH1* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhRate

Definition at line 236 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fhRateAdcCut

TH1* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhRateAdcCut

Definition at line 237 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fhStatusMessType

TH2* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fhStatusMessType

Definition at line 228 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms().

◆ fiBinSizeDatePlots

Int_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fiBinSizeDatePlots

Start of run time since "epoch" in s, for the plots with date as X axis.

Definition at line 180 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by SetRunStart().

◆ fiRunStartDateTimeSec

Int_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fiRunStartDateTimeSec

Index of the DPB from which the MS currently unpacked is coming.

Definition at line 179 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by SetRunStart().

◆ fiTimeIntervalRateUpdate

Int_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fiTimeIntervalRateUpdate

Mean Rate per channel plots.

All hits (time in bins, ADC in bins, asic, channel) in last TS, per FEB, sorted with "<" operator

Definition at line 204 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessMs().

◆ fmMsgCounter

std::map<stsxyter::MessType, UInt_t> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fmMsgCounter

Number of StsXyter ASICs.

Definition at line 142 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by Finish(), and ProcessMs().

◆ fParameterMap

std::map<std::string, std::string> CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::fParameterMap

For any algo.

Definition at line 138 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

◆ fParCList

◆ fPrintMessCtrl

stsxyter::MessagePrintMask CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fPrintMessCtrl

Definition at line 133 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessMs(), and SetPrintMessage().

◆ fRealHistPadDistr

std::vector<TH2*> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fRealHistPadDistr

Definition at line 245 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), and SaveAllHistos().

◆ fsHistoFileFullname

TString CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fsHistoFileFullname

Internal Control/status of monitor Histo File name and path

Definition at line 171 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by SetHistoFileName().

◆ fsHistoFilename

TString CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fsHistoFilename

All hits (time in bins, ADC in bins, asic, channel) in last TS, sorted with "<" operator.

Definition at line 130 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

◆ ftStartTimeUnix

std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::ftStartTimeUnix

Time of first microslice, used as reference for evolution plots

Definition at line 302 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

◆ fuCurrDpbId

UInt_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fuCurrDpbId

Current equipment ID, tells from which DPB the current MS is originating.

Definition at line 177 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessMs().

◆ fuCurrDpbIdx

UInt_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fuCurrDpbIdx

Temp holder until Current equipment ID is properly filled in MS.

Definition at line 178 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by FillHitInfo(), FillTsMsbInfo(), and ProcessMs().

◆ fuCurrentEquipmentId

UInt_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fuCurrentEquipmentId

Current data properties.

Definition at line 176 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessMs().

◆ fuHistoryHistoSize

UInt_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fuHistoryHistoSize = 3600

Index of current MS within the TS.

Histograms related variables

Definition at line 157 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by SetHistoryHistoSize().

◆ fulCurrentMsIdx

ULong64_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fulCurrentMsIdx

TS/MS info.

Definition at line 174 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessMs().

◆ fulCurrentTsIdx

ULong64_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fulCurrentTsIdx

Definition at line 134 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessMs(), and ProcessTs().

◆ fuMaxNbMicroslices

UInt_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fuMaxNbMicroslices

Coincidence histos.

Definition at line 287 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by InitMuchParameters().

◆ fuMsIndex

UInt_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fuMsIndex = 0

End Time in ns of current TS Core from the index of the first MS first component.

Definition at line 154 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessTs().

◆ fuNbCoreMsPerTs

size_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fuNbCoreMsPerTs

Definition at line 135 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessTs().

◆ fuNbFebs

UInt_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fuNbFebs

Array to hold the active flag for all CROBs, [ NbDpb ][ NbCrobPerDpb ].

Definition at line 140 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), InitMuchParameters(), ResetAllHistos(), SaveAllHistos(), and ScanForNoisyChannels().

◆ fuNbMsLoop

size_t CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::fuNbMsLoop

Definition at line 111 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

Referenced by ProcessTs(), and CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoMuch::ProcessTs().

◆ fuNbOverMsPerTs

size_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fuNbOverMsPerTs

Definition at line 307 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessTs().

◆ fuNbStsXyters

UInt_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fuNbStsXyters

Number of StsXyter ASICs.

Definition at line 141 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), and InitMuchParameters().

◆ fUnpackParMuch

CbmMcbm2018MuchPar* CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fUnpackParMuch

◆ fuNrOfDpbs

UInt_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fuNrOfDpbs

Definition at line 136 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by CreateHistograms(), and InitMuchParameters().

◆ fuOffSpillCountLimit

UInt_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fuOffSpillCountLimit = 200

Size in seconds of the evolution histograms

Definition at line 158 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by SetSpillThreshold().

◆ fvbCrobActiveFlag

std::vector<std::vector<Bool_t> > CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvbCrobActiveFlag

Map of DPB Identifier to DPB index.

Definition at line 139 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by InitMuchParameters().

◆ fvbMaskedComponents

std::vector<Bool_t> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvbMaskedComponents

Definition at line 126 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessMs().

◆ fvdChanLastHitTime

std::vector<std::vector<Double_t> > CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvdChanLastHitTime

Last hit time in bins for each Channel.

Definition at line 191 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by FillHitInfo(), and InitMuchParameters().

◆ fvdChanLastHitTimeInMs

std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<Double_t> > > CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvdChanLastHitTimeInMs

Header time of each MS.

Definition at line 195 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by InitMuchParameters().

◆ fvdFebChanCountsSinceLastRateUpdate

std::vector<std::vector<Double_t> > CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvdFebChanCountsSinceLastRateUpdate

Definition at line 207 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by InitMuchParameters(), and ProcessMs().

◆ fvdMsTime

std::vector<Double_t> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvdMsTime

Header time of previous MS per link.

Definition at line 193 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by InitMuchParameters().

◆ fvdPrevMsTime

std::vector<Double_t> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvdPrevMsTime

Last hit time in ns for each Channel.

Definition at line 192 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by InitMuchParameters(), and ProcessMs().

◆ fviFebCountsSinceLastRateUpdate

std::vector<Int_t> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fviFebCountsSinceLastRateUpdate

Definition at line 206 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by InitMuchParameters(), and ProcessMs().

◆ fviFebTimeSecLastRateUpdate

std::vector<Int_t> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fviFebTimeSecLastRateUpdate

Definition at line 205 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by InitMuchParameters(), and ProcessMs().

◆ fvmAsicHitsInMs

std::vector<std::vector<stsxyter::FinalHit> > CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvmAsicHitsInMs

Last hit ADC in bins in each MS for each Channel.

Definition at line 200 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by InitMuchParameters().

◆ fvmFebHitsInMs

std::vector<std::vector<stsxyter::FinalHit> > CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvmFebHitsInMs

All hits (time in bins, ADC in bins, asic, channel) in last TS, per ASIC, sorted with "<" operator.

Definition at line 202 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by InitMuchParameters().

◆ fvmHitsInMs

std::vector<stsxyter::FinalHit> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvmHitsInMs

Hits time-sorting.

Definition at line 129 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessTs().

◆ fvMsComponentsList

std::vector<size_t> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvMsComponentsList

Definition at line 284 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by AddMsComponentToList(), and ProcessTs().

◆ fvpAllCanvasPointers

std::vector<std::pair<TCanvas*, std::string> > CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::fvpAllCanvasPointers

Vector of pointers to histograms + optional folder name.

Definition at line 131 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

◆ fvpAllHistoPointers

std::vector<std::pair<TNamed*, std::string> > CbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >::fvpAllHistoPointers

Total size of the core MS in a TS, [nanoseconds].

For monitor algos => Pointers should be filled with TH1*, TH2*, TProfile*, ... ==> To check if object N is of type T, use "T ObjectPointer = dynamic_cast<T>( fvpAllHistoPointers[N].first );" and check for nullptr ==> To get back the original class name use "fvpAllHistoPointers[N].first->ClassName()" which returns a const char * (e.g. "TH1I") ===> Usage example with feeding a THttpServer: ===> #include "TH2.h" ===> std::string sClassName = vHistos[ uHisto ].first.ClassName(); ===> if( !strncmp( sClassName, "TH1", 3 ) ) ===> server->Register( vHistos[ uHisto ].second.data(), dynamic_cast< TH1 * >(vHistos[ uHisto ].first) ); ===> else if( !strncmp( sClassName, "TH2", 3 ) ) ===> server->Register( vHistos[ uHisto ].second.data(), dynamic_cast< TH2 * >(vHistos[ uHisto ].first) );

Definition at line 129 of file CbmStar2019Algo.h.

◆ fvuChanNbHitsInMs

std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<UInt_t> > > CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvuChanNbHitsInMs

Time of run Start from UNIX system, used as reference for long evolution plots against reception time

Definition at line 304 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by InitMuchParameters().

◆ fvuCurrentTsMsbCycle

std::vector<UInt_t> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvuCurrentTsMsbCycle

Current TS MSB for each DPB.

Definition at line 184 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by FillHitInfo(), FillTsMsbInfo(), InitMuchParameters(), and ProcessMs().

◆ fvuElinkLastTsHit

std::vector<UInt_t> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvuElinkLastTsHit

TS MSB cycle from MS header in 1st MS for DPB.

Definition at line 187 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by InitMuchParameters().

◆ fvuInitialHeaderDone

std::vector<UInt_t> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvuInitialHeaderDone

Current TS MSB cycle for DPB.

Definition at line 185 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by InitMuchParameters(), and ProcessMs().

◆ fvuInitialTsMsbCycleHeader

std::vector<UInt_t> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvuInitialTsMsbCycleHeader

Flag set after seeing MS header in 1st MS for DPB.

Definition at line 186 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by InitMuchParameters(), and ProcessMs().

◆ fvulChanLastHitTime

std::vector<std::vector<ULong64_t> > CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvulChanLastHitTime

TS from last hit for DPB Hits comparison

Definition at line 189 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by FillHitInfo(), and InitMuchParameters().

◆ fvulCurrentTsMsb

std::vector<ULong64_t> CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvulCurrentTsMsb

Bin size in s for the plots with date as X axis.

Data format control

Definition at line 183 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by FillHitInfo(), FillTsMsbInfo(), InitMuchParameters(), and ProcessMs().

◆ fvusChanLastHitAdcInMs

std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<UShort_t> > > CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::fvusChanLastHitAdcInMs

Last hit time in bins in each MS for each Channel.

Definition at line 197 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by InitMuchParameters().

◆ kiMaxNbFlibLinks

const Int_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::kiMaxNbFlibLinks = 32

/‍** Ignore Overlap Ms: all fuOverlapMsNb MS at the end of timeslice **‍/

Definition at line 166 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by AddMsComponentToList(), CreateHistograms(), InitMuchParameters(), ProcessMs(), ResetAllHistos(), and SaveAllHistos().

◆ kuBytesPerMessage

const UInt_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::kuBytesPerMessage = 4

Definition at line 167 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by ProcessMs().

◆ prevAsic

UInt_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::prevAsic

previous time for consecutive hit time

Definition at line 297 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

◆ prevChan

UInt_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::prevChan

previous asic

Definition at line 298 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

◆ prevTime

Long64_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::prevTime

previous time for consecutive hit time

Definition at line 296 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

◆ prevtime_new

Long64_t CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite::prevtime_new

Starting state book-keeping.

Definition at line 295 of file CbmMcbm2018MonitorAlgoMuchLite.h.

Referenced by FillHitInfo().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: