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cbm::algo::evbuild Namespace Reference


class  Config
 Configuration of digi event building. More...
class  DigiEventQa
 QA for CbmDigiEvent objects. More...
struct  DigiEventQaConfig
 Configuration data for the QA of CbmDigiEvents. More...
struct  DigiEventQaData
 QA results for CbmDigiEvent objects. More...
struct  DigiEventQaDetConfig
 Configuration data for the QA of CbmDigiEvents for a given detector. More...
class  DigiEventSelector
 Algorithm to select CbmDigiEvents based on the number of digis and the number of activated layers in each detector system. More...
class  DigiEventSelectorConfig
 Configuration of the DigiEventSelector class. More...
struct  DigiEventSelectorParams
class  DigiTriggerConfig
 Configuration of the digi trigger class (TimeClusterTrigger) More...
class  EventbuildChain
 Steering class for event building from digi timeslices. More...
struct  EventbuildChainMonitorData
class  EventBuilder
 Constructs CbmDigiEvents out of CbmDigiTimeslices. More...
class  EventBuilderConfig
 Configuration of the EventBuilder class. More...
struct  EventBuilderDetectorMonitorData
 Monitoring data for event building for one detector. More...
struct  EventBuilderMonitorData
 Monitoring data for event building. More...
class  HitMultTrigger
 Trigger class for finding time clusters of hit data. More...
class  TimeClusterTrigger
 Finds clusters in time-series data. More...
struct  TimeClusterTriggerMonitorData
 Monitoring data for time cluster trigger algorithm. More...
class  V0Trigger
 Trigger class for secondary two-track vertices in mCBM. More...
class  V0TriggerConfig
 Configuration of the V0 trigger class (trigger on displaced vertices) More...
struct  V0TriggerMoniData
 Monitoring information for the algorithm V0Trigger. More...
class  V0TriggerQa
 A QA module for the V0-trigger. More...