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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Ccbm::services::histserv::AppConfigApplication configuarion
 CApplicationMain class of the "cbmreco_fairrun" application
 Ccbm::services::run_info::ApplicationMain class for the run_info service
 Ccbm::algo::AuxDigiDataCollection of auxiliary digi objects from different module unpackers
 Ccbm::qa::report::BuilderReport builder
 Ccbm::algo::tof::CalibrateAlgo class for calibration
 Ccbm::algo::tof::CalibrateMonitorDataMonitoring data for calibration
 Ccbm::algo::tof::CalibrateSetupTOF calibration setup
 Ccbm::algo::qa::CanvasConfigA canvas configuration for the histogram server
 Ccbm::ca::CaUvConverterA class to convert XY coordinates to UV coordinates
 CCbmAddressBase class for interfaces to the unique address
 CCbmAlgo< Input, Output >
 CCbmAlgo< CbmStsPoint, CbmStsHit >
 CCbmBmonDigiData class for a signal in the t-zero detector
 CCbmBmonDigiDataContainer class for CbmBmonDigi objects
 CCbmBuildEventsQASimple QA task for associating digis to events
 CCbmConfigBase< Config_t, Obj_t >
 CCbmConfigBase< CbmDigitizationConfig, CbmDigitization >
 CCbmConfigBase< CbmTransportConfig, CbmTransport >
 CCbmDefEventSinkMQ device class to write CbmDigiEvents to a ROOT file
 CCbmDigiBranchBaseAbstract base class for CBM digi branches
 CCbmDigiDataCollection of digis from all detector systems
 CCbmDigiEventCollection of digis from all detector systems within one event
 CCbmDigiTimesliceCollection of digis from all detector systems within one timeslice
 CCbmDrawingOptionsDefault options for drawing
 CCbmErrorMessageCbmRoot (+externals) headers
 CCbmEventTriggersClass to store different triggers for a given event
 CCbmFsdDigiData class for FSD digital information
 CCbmFsdDigiDataContainer class for CbmFsdDigi objects
 CCbmGeoSetupData transfer object to represent the CBM Detector setup
 CCbmGeoSetupProviderAbstract interface class for providing the CBM detector setup description, module list, magnetic field, material descriptions etc
 CCbmL1LinkKeyInternal structure to handle link keys
 CCbmLitDetectorSetupHelper class to access detector presence
 CCbmLitFieldInterface for accessing the magnetic field
 CCbmLitFieldFitterImplementation of the polynomial field approximation
 CCbmLitFitNodeData class for storage of fitted track parameters, transport matrix and chi-square on each detector station
 CCbmLitGeoNavigatorInterface for geometry navigation algorithm
 CCbmLitHitBase data class for hits
 CCbmLitHitToTrackMergerInterface for hit-to-track merging algorithm
 CCbmLitMaterialEffectsInterface for material effects calculation algorithm
 CCbmLitMCPointMonte-Carlo point
 CCbmLitMCTrackMonte-Carlo track
 CCbmLitMCTrackCreatorCreates CbmLitMCTrack objects
 CCbmLitPolynomAbstract class for polynomial function
 CCbmLitResultCheckerAutomatic checker of QA results
 CCbmLitTrackBase data class for track
 CCbmLitTrackExtrapolatorInterface for track extrapolation algorithm
 CCbmLitTrackFitterInterface for track fitter algorithm
 CCbmLitTrackletParamData class for track parameters
 CCbmLitTrackParamData class for track parameters
 CCbmLitTrackSelectionInterface for track selection algorithm
 CCbmLitTrackUpdateInterface for track update algorithm
 CCbmMCDataArrayAccess to a MC data branch for time-based analysis
 CCbmMCDataObjectAccess to a MC data branch for time-based analysis
 CCbmMCEventInfoAllows to access an MC event in the source file
 CCbmModuleListManages module Ids and names
 CCbmMuchDigiDataContainer class for CbmMuchDigi objects
 CCbmOnlineParWriteThis class is responsible for writing the online parameters to configuration files
 CCbmPsdAddressCBM PSD interface class to the unique address
 CCbmPsdDigiData class for PSD digital information
 CCbmPsdDigiDataContainer class for CbmPsdDigi objects
 CCbmPsdDspData class for PSD digital signal processing (DSP)
 CCbmQaCmpDrawer< Obj >Class to draw a comparison of objects on the provided canvas or pad
 CCbmQaCompare< Obj >Class to compare histograms of the QA task with default ones
 CCbmQaIOROOT object IO interface for QA
 CCbmRecoMain steering class of reconstruction in CBM
 CCbmRecoT0MoniDataMonitor data for Bmon reconstruction
 CCbmRichConverterConvert internal data classes to cbmroot common data classes
 CCbmRichDigiDataContainer class for CbmRichDigi objects
 CCbmRichElectronIdAnnImplementation of the electron identification algorithm in the RICH detector using Artificial Neural Network(ANN)
 CCbmRichHoughHitImplementation of RICH hit for ring finder algorithm
 CCbmRichMirrorMisalignmentCorrectionUtilsClass checks correction parameter file containing mirror misalignment information
 CCbmRichPmtPlaneMinMaxThis class is used to store pmt_pixel min and max positions
 CCbmRichProjectionProducerBaseBase class for STS track projections onto the photodetector plane
 CCbmRichRecGeoParPMT parameters for the RICH geometry
 CCbmRichRingFinderHoughImplRing finder implementation based on Hough Transform method
 CCbmRichRingFitterBaseAbstract base class for concrete Rich Ring fitting algorithms. Each derived class must implement the method DoFit
 CCbmRichRingSelectAnnImplementation for concrete RICH ring selection algorithm: reject rings using a trained neural net (input file with weights needed!) store resulting value (0-1) in "SelectionNN": 0 = good rings 1 = rings to be rejected --> choose a value in between depending on required purity/ efficiency
 CCbmRichRingTrackAssignBaseBase class for RICH rings - STS tracks matching algorithms
 CCbmStackFilterClass for filtering the stack before writing
 CCbmStar2019Algo< T >
 CCbmStar2019Algo< CbmMuchBeamTimeDigi >
 CCbmStar2019Algo< CbmPsdDigi >
 CCbmStar2019Algo< CbmRichDigi >
 CCbmStar2019Algo< CbmStsDigi >
 CCbmStar2019Algo< CbmTofDigi >
 CCbmStar2019Algo< CbmTrdDigi >
 CCbmStsAlgoFindClustersAlgorithm for cluster finding in a linear array of channels
 CCbmStsAlgoFindHitsAlgorithm for hit finding in the sensors of the CBM-STS
 CCbmStsAlgoFindHitsOrthoAlgorithm for hit finding in sensors with orthogonal strips
 CCbmStsBuildEventsIdealTask class for associating digis to events
 CCbmStsBuildEventsIdealNewTask class for associating digis to events
 CCbmStsBuildEventsSimpleTask class for associating digis to events using STS digis dynamics in time
 CCbmStsDigiData class for a single-channel message in the STS
 CCbmStsDigiDataContainer class for CbmStsDigi objects
 CCbmStsParAsicParameters of the STS readout ASIC
 CCbmStsParModuleParameters for one STS module
 CCbmStsParSensorConstructional parameters of a STS sensor
 CCbmStsParSensorCondParameters for operating conditions of a STS sensor
 CCbmStsPhysicsAuxiliary class for physics processes in Silicon
 CCbmStsSensorPointContainer class for a local point in a STS sensor
 CCbmStsTrackStatusStores status of track during transport. Auxiliary for CbmSts
 CCbmTbDaqBufferSingleton buffer class for CBM raw data
 CCbmTofDigiData class for expanded digital TOF information
 CCbmTofDigiDataContainer class for CbmTofDigi objects
 CCbmTofTrackletToolsFits and resolution functions
 CCbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceBaseAbstract class, which should be inherited by every detecting subsystem tracking interface class
 CCbmTrdDigiDataContainer class for CbmTrdDigi objects
 CCbmTrdUnpackFaspAlgo::CbmTrdFaspMessageData structure for unpacking the FASP word
 CCbmTrdRawMessageSpadicBase class for storing raw information which comes from the Spadic v2.2 trough flib or from a tsa file
 CCbmUnpack< T >
 CCbmQaTask::CheckFlagsContains a check result and its activeness status of the check-list entry
 Ccbm::algo::trd::ClusterData container for TRD clusters
 Ccbm::algo::trd::Cluster2DData Container for TRD clusters
 Ccbm::algo::trd::ClusterizerAlgo class for TRD cluster building
 Ccbm::algo::trd::Clusterizer2DAlgo class for TRD2D cluster building
 Cstd::common_type< boost::histogram::RootStyleProfileAccumulator< T >, boost::histogram::RootStyleProfileAccumulator< U > >Specialization for boost::histogram::accumulators::weighted_mean
 Ccbm::algo::CommonUnpacker< Digi, MSMonitor, MSAux >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::ModuleIndexMapFactory::ComponentStructure to keep information on layers
 Ccbm::algo::evbuild::ConfigConfiguration of digi event building
 CCbmCaInputQaBase< DetID >::ConfigSpecific configuration for the CA input QA task
 Ccbm::algo::ca::ConfigReaderA reader for the CA parameters from the YAML configuration files
 Ccbm::qa::checker::CoreCore class for CBM QA checker framework (declaration)
 Ccbm::algo::qa::DataClass to handle QA-objects in the online reconstruction
 Ccbm::algo::ca::DataManagerA manager for the input-output data of the CA tracking algorithm
 Ccbm::kfp::V0FinderTask::DcaVectorA vector representation of DCA to target
 Clit::parallel::DeleteObjectFunctor class for convenient memory release
 Ccbm::algo::ca::DetIdTypeArr_t< Types >Array of types, indexed by EDetectorID
 Ccbm::ca::DetIdTypeArr_t< Types >List of
 Ccbm::algo::DigiDataCollection of digis from all detector systems
 Ccbm::algo::evbuild::DigiEventQaQA for CbmDigiEvent objects
 Ccbm::algo::evbuild::DigiEventQaConfigConfiguration data for the QA of CbmDigiEvents
 Ccbm::algo::evbuild::DigiEventQaDataQA results for CbmDigiEvent objects
 Ccbm::algo::evbuild::DigiEventQaDetConfigConfiguration data for the QA of CbmDigiEvents for a given detector
 Ccbm::algo::evbuild::DigiEventSelectorAlgorithm to select CbmDigiEvents based on the number of digis and the number of activated layers in each detector system
 Ccbm::algo::evbuild::DigiEventSelectorConfigConfiguration of the DigiEventSelector class
 CDigiRecExtend the TRD(2D) digi class to incorporate FEE calibration
 Ccbm::algo::evbuild::DigiTriggerConfigConfiguration of the digi trigger class (TimeClusterTrigger)
 Ccbm::ca::OutputQa::DrawAttStructure to keep drawing attributes of histograms
 Ccbm::qa::report::ElementInterface for the report element
 Cstsxyter::enable_bitmask_operators< E >
 Ccbm::qa::report::EngineA base abstract class to provide an interface for element body (a visitor in the Visitor pattern)
 Ccbm::algo::kf::utils::EnumClassHashHash for unordered_map with enum class keys
 Ccbm::algo::evbuild::EventBuilderConstructs CbmDigiEvents out of CbmDigiTimeslices
 Ccbm::algo::evbuild::EventBuilderConfigConfiguration of the EventBuilder class
 Ccbm::algo::evbuild::EventBuilderDetectorMonitorDataMonitoring data for event building for one detector
 Ccbm::algo::evbuild::EventBuilderMonitorDataMonitoring data for event building
 Ccbm::algo::trd2d::FaspMessageData structure for unpacking the FASP word
 CSpadic::FexWord< sys_ver >
 CSpadic::FexWord< 0x10 >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::Field< T >Magnetic field manager class
 Ccbm::algo::kf::Field< cbm::algo::kf::fvec >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::Field< DataT >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::detail::FieldBase< T, FldMode >Data members of the Field class (primary template)
 Ccbm::algo::kf::detail::FieldBase< T, EFieldMode::Intrpl >Data members of the Field class with the interpolation of the magnetic field
 Ccbm::algo::kf::detail::FieldBase< T, EFieldMode::Orig >
 CFieldBase< T, Orig >FieldBase implementation for the original field
 Ccbm::algo::kf::FieldFactoryA helper class to instantiate a Field object
 Ccbm::algo::kf::FieldRegion< T >Magnetic field region, corresponding to a hit triplet
 Ccbm::algo::kf::FieldRegion< cbm::algo::kf::fvec >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::FieldRegion< DataT >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::FieldRegion< double >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::detail::FieldRegionBase< T, FldMode >Base class of the FieldRegion class (primary template)
 Ccbm::algo::kf::detail::FieldRegionBase< T, EFieldMode::Intrpl >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::detail::FieldRegionBase< T, EFieldMode::Orig >Data members and specific methods of the FieldRegion with the original magnetic field
 CFieldRegionBase< T, Intrpl >Data members and specific mehtods of the FieldRegion class with the interpolated magnetic field
 Ccbm::algo::kf::FieldSlice< T >A magnetic field approximation on the two-dimensional plane
 Ccbm::algo::kf::FieldSlice< cbm::algo::kf::fvec >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::FieldSlice< DataT >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::FieldValue< T >Magnetic flux density vector
 Ccbm::algo::kf::FieldValue< cbm::algo::kf::fvec >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::FieldValue< DataT >
 Ccbm::qa::checker::FileHandlerHandler for single files, created from different QA versions
 Ccbm::algo::kf::Framework< T >Main class of the KfCore library
 Ccbm::algo::kf::GeoLayer< EDetID >A helper structure to store geometrical information of the layers
 Ccbm::algo::yaml::GetFmtTag< T, typename >
 Ccbm::algo::yaml::GetFmtTag< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::FormatAs)> >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::GlobalFieldHandler for the global magnetic field related functions
 Ccbm::algo::ca::GridClass for storing 2d objects in a grid
 Ccbm::algo::ca::GridAreaClass for accessing objects in the 2D area that are stored in ca::Grid
 Ccbm::algo::ca::GridEntryA class to store hit information on the ca::Grid
 ChGenerates beam ions for transport simulation
 ChMVD tracking based on littrack package
 ChFairTask for tracking performance calculation
 ChData class with information on a STS local track
 ChData class with information on a TOF local track
 ChStorage for field approximation along Z
 ChClass for accessing hits in the track reconstruction
 ChParallel implementation of MUCH tracking
 Ccbm::algo::yaml::has_type< T, Tuple >
 Cstd::hash< cbm::algo::ca::EDetectorID >Hash function definition for EDetectorID
 Cstd::hash< cbm::ca::tools::LinkKey >A hash specialization for ca::tools::LinkKey objects
 Cstd::hash< CbmL1LinkKey >
 Ccbm::qa::report::HeaderHeader of the report
 Ccbm::algo::qa::HistogramContainerStructure to keep the histograms for sending them on the histogram server
 Ccbm::algo::qa::HistogramMetadataMetadata of the histogram
 Ccbm::algo::ca::HitCa::Hit class describes a generic hit for the CA tracker
 Ccbm::algo::trd::HitA light-weight TRD hit class for online reconstruction, based on CbmTrdHit.
 Ccbm::algo::tof::HitfindAlgo class for hitfinding
 Ccbm::algo::trd::HitfindAlgo class for hitfinding
 Ccbm::algo::trd::Hitfind2DSetupHitfind setup / Hardware cabling for TRD2D Used to create the hardware mapping for the TRD2D hitfinder
 Ccbm::algo::trd::HitFinderRectangular pad module; Cluster finding and hit reconstruction algorithms
 Ccbm::algo::trd::HitFinder2DCluster finding and hit reconstruction algorithms for the TRD(2D) module
 Ccbm::algo::tof::HitfindMonitorDataMonitoring data for hitfinding
 Ccbm::algo::trd::HitfindMonitorDataMonitoring data for hitfinding
 Ccbm::algo::tof::HitfindSetupHitfind setup / Hardware cabling for TOF Used to create the hardware mapping for the TOF hitfinder
 Ccbm::algo::trd::HitfindSetupHitfind setup / Hardware cabling for TRD Used to create the hardware mapping for the TRD hitfinder
 Ccbm::algo::trd::HitMergerRectangular pad module; Hit merging
 Ccbm::algo::trd::HitMerger2DCluster finding and hit reconstruction algorithms for the TRD(2D) module
 Ccbm::algo::evbuild::HitMultTriggerTrigger class for finding time clusters of hit data
 Ccbm::ca::IdealHitProducerDet< DetID >::HitParametersA structure to keep hit adjustment/creation settings for each station
 Ccbm::ca::HitQaDataContains necessary data to calculate hit residuals and pulls
 Ccbm::ca::tools::HitRecordA helper structure to store hits information from different detectors in a uniform manner
 Ccbm::ca::IdealHitProducerDet< DetID >Ideal hit producer class
 Ccbm::ca::IdealHitProducerDet< ca::EDetectorID::kMuch >
 Ccbm::ca::IdealHitProducerDet< ca::EDetectorID::kMvd >
 Ccbm::ca::IdealHitProducerDet< ca::EDetectorID::kSts >
 Ccbm::ca::IdealHitProducerDet< ca::EDetectorID::kTof >
 Ccbm::ca::IdealHitProducerDet< ca::EDetectorID::kTrd >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::IMaterialMapFactoryInterface to the material map creator
 Ccbm::trd::geo::info_tInformation to be storred in the geoManager path. Based on legacy class CbmTrdGeoHandler
 Ccbm::algo::ca::InitManagerA CA Parameters object initialization class
 Ccbm::algo::TrackingChain::Input_tInput to the TrackingChain
 Ccbm::algo::ca::IterationA set of parameters for the CA Track finder iteration
 CKfRootUtilsA structure to keep all the utilities together
 Clit::parallel::LitAbsorber< T >Absorber in muon detector layout
 Clit::parallel::LitDetectorLayout< T >Represents detector layout
 Clit::parallel::LitDetectorLayout< fscal >
 Clit::parallel::LitDetectorLayoutMuon< T >Muon detector layout
 Clit::parallel::LitDetectorLayoutMuon< fvec >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::Literal< T >Replaces the type T with the Literal::type to handle the constant expressions for different constants
 Ccbm::algo::kf::Literal< fvec >
 Clit::parallel::LitFieldGridClass stores a grid of magnetic field values in XY slice at Z position
 Clit::parallel::LitFieldRegion< T >Storage for field approximation along Z
 Clit::parallel::LitFieldSlice< T >Approximated magnetic field slice in XY plane perpendicular to Z
 Clit::parallel::LitFieldValue< T >Magnetic field value at a certain point in the space
 Clit::parallel::LitHitDataClass for accessing hits in track reconstruction
 Clit::parallel::LitHitDataMuon< T >
 Clit::parallel::LitHitDataMuon< fvec >
 Clit::parallel::LitMaterialGridClass stores a grid of material thickness in silicon equivalent
 Clit::parallel::LitPixelHit< T >Base class for pixel hits
 Clit::parallel::LitScalPixelHitBase class for scalar pixel hits
 CLitScalStripHitBase class for scalar strip hits
 Clit::parallel::LitScalTrackScalar track data class
 Clit::parallel::LitStation< T >Detector station
 CLitStationDetector station
 Clit::parallel::LitStationGroupMuon< T >
 Clit::parallel::LitStationMuon< T >Station in muon detector layout
 CLitStripHit< T >Base class for strip hits
 Clit::parallel::LitSubstationMuon< T >Substation in muon detector layout
 Clit::parallel::LitTrack< T >Base track data class
 Clit::parallel::LitTrackFinderNNVecElectronParallel SIMDized implementation of TRD tracking
 Clit::parallel::LitTrackParam< T >Track parameters data class
 Clit::parallel::LitTrackParam< fscal >
 Clit::parallel::LitVirtualStation< T >Virtual detector station which stores information needed for track propagation
 CLitVirtualStationVirtual detector station which stores information needed for track propagation
 Ccbm::algo::MainConfigConfiguration of online data processing
 Ccbm::algo::kf::MaterialMapA map of station thickness in units of radiation length (X0) to the specific point in XY plane
 Ccbm::algo::kf::MaterialMonitorA class to collect statistics for a material budget map of the KF-framework
 CCbmGenerateMaterialMaps::MaterialSliceInput parameters for the material map generation
 Ccbm::ca::tools::MCDataThis class represents a package for tracking-related data
 Ccbm::ca::MCModuleClass CbmCaPerformance is an interface to communicate between
 Ccbm::ca::tools::MCPointClass describes a unified MC-point, used in CA tracking QA analysis
 CMcTrackCutMC track selection criteria
 CCbmCaInputQaBase< DetID >::Config::McTrackCuts
 Ccbm::algo::kf::MeasurementTime< DataT >The class describes a time measurement
 Ccbm::algo::kf::MeasurementTime< double >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::MeasurementU< DataT >The class describes a 1D - measurement U in XY coordinate system
 Ccbm::algo::kf::MeasurementXy< DataT >The class describes a 2D - measurement (x, y) in XY coordinate system
 Ccbm::algo::kf::MeasurementXy< cbm::algo::kf::fvec >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::MeasurementXy< double >
 Ccbm::algo::MemoryLoggerTrack the memory usage of the process and write it to the log
 Ccbm::algo::sts::ModuleSTS Module parameters
 Ccbm::algo::kf::ModuleIndexMapMaps local detector and station indices to the material maps and field slices
 Ccbm::algo::kf::ModuleIndexMapFactoryCreates a valid module mapper
 Ccbm::algo::ca::Monitor< ECounterKey, ETimerKey >Monitor class for the CA tracking
 Ccbm::algo::ca::Monitor< ECounter, ETimer >
 Ccbm::algo::ca::Monitor< EMonitorKey >
 Ccbm::algo::ca::MonitorData< C, T >Monitor data block
 Ccbm::algo::ca::MonitorData< ECounter, ETimer >
 Ccbm::algo::ca::MonitorData< ECounterKey, EDummy >
 Ccbm::algo::ca::MonitorData< EMonitorKey, EDummy >
 Ccbm::algo::trd2d::UnpackMS< sys_ver >::MsContext
 Ccbm::algo::trd2d::UnpackMS< uint8_t(eMessageVersion::kMess24)>::MsContext
 Ccbm::algo::trd::UnpackMS< sys_ver >::MsContext
 Ccbm::algo::detail::MSDataCollection of MS data to unpack
 CSpadic::NByteContainer< bytes >
 CCbmQaTask::ObjectComparisonConfigContains configuration to compare two root objects (histograms)
 Ccbm::qa::checker::ObjectDBA data base class for processed objects
 Ccbm::qa::checker::ObjectHandlerBase abstract class for object handler
 Ccbm::algo::ca::ObjectInitController< NumberOfFlags, InitKeyEnum >
 Ccbm::algo::ca::ObjectInitController< static_cast< int >(EInitKey::kEnd), EInitKey >
 Ccbm::qa::OnlineInterfaceA collection of tools for online QA object conversions
 Ccbm::kf::OriginalFieldThread-safe representation of the magnetic field in CBM
 Ccbm::algo::TrackingChain::Output_tOutput from the TrackingChain
 Ccbm::algo::qa::PadConfigA pad configuration for the histogram server
 Ccbm::algo::PaddedValue< T, N >A class that represents a value with padding to a certain size
 Ccbm::algo::ca::Parameters< DataT >A container for all external parameters of the CA tracking algorithm
 Ccbm::algo::ca::Parameters< cbm::algo::kf::fvec >
 Ccbm::ca::ParametersHandlerHandles an shared pointer of CA parameters
 Ccbm::algo::ParFilesClass to hold the paths to the parameter files for the different detectors
 Ccbm::algo::kf::ParticlePDGProperties of a tracked particle
 Ccbm::algo::PartitionedSpan< T >
 Ccbm::algo::PartitionedSpan< cbm::algo::sts::Hit >
 Ccbm::algo::PartitionedSpan< cbm::algo::tof::Hit >
 Ccbm::algo::PartitionedSpan< cbm::algo::trd::Hit >
 Ccbm::algo::PartitionedVector< T, Allocator >A vector that is partitioned into multiple subvectors
 Ccbm::algo::PartitionedVector< cbm::algo::sts::Cluster >
 Ccbm::algo::PartitionedVector< cbm::algo::sts::Hit >
 Ccbm::algo::PartitionedVector< cbm::algo::tof::Hit >
 Ccbm::algo::PartitionedVector< cbm::algo::trd::Hit >
 Ccbm::qa::report::Figure::PlotA structure to handle the plot details
 Ccbm::algo::PODAllocator< T >Allocator for plain old data types
 Ccbm::algo::ProcessingExtraMonitorMonitor for additional processing steps
 CProgramOptionsProgram options class for the "cbmreco_fairrun" application
 CPronyFitterClass to fit waveform using Prony least squares method
 Ccbm::algo::yaml::Property< Class, T >
 CQaQa class for the CA tracking QA (header)
 Ccbm::algo::sts::QaBase< Digi, AuxData, ReadoutSetup >QA module for STS raw digis
 Ccbm::algo::sts::QaDigiExtended digi which contains auxiliary QA information
 Ccbm::kfp::V0FinderTask::QpAndBetaQp and beta container
 Ccbm::algo::ca::RandomA class, providing ROOT-free access to randomly generated variables
 Ccbm::algo::rich::ReadoutConfigProvides the hardware-to-software address mapping for the CBM-RICH
 Ccbm::algo::sts::ReadoutConfigProvides the hardware-to-software address mapping for the CBM-STS
 Ccbm::algo::trd2d::ReadoutConfigProvides the hardware-to-software address mapping for the CBM-TRD2D
 Ccbm::algo::trd::ReadoutConfigProvides the hardware-to-software address mapping for the CBM-TRD
 Ccbm::algo::bmon::ReadoutSetupReadout setup / Hardware cabling for BMon Used to create the hardware mapping for the BMon unpacker
 Ccbm::algo::sts::ReadoutSetupReadout setup / Hardware cabling for STS Used to create the hardware mapping for the STS unpacker
 Ccbm::algo::tof::ReadoutSetupReadout setup / Hardware cabling for TOF Used to create the hardware mapping for the TOF unpacker
 Ccbm::algo::RecoParamsRecoParams contains all parameters to configure reconstruction
 CRecoQaGeneral QA for a Reco cycle on a single TS
 CCbmCaInputQaBase< DetID >::ResidualFitResultStores fit residuals result
 CCbmQaCompare< Obj >::Result
 Ccbm::algo::algo_traits::detail::ResultOf<... >
 Ccbm::algo::algo_traits::detail::ResultOf< decltype(&Algo::operator())>
 Ccbm::algo::algo_traits::detail::ResultOf< R(Algo::*)(Args...) const >
 Ccbm::algo::algo_traits::detail::ResultOf< R(Algo::*)(Args...)>
 CRingElectronParamInput Parameters for ANN for electron identification in RICH
 CRingSelectParamInput Parameters for ANN
 Cboost::histogram::RootStyleProfileAccumulator< ValueType >A ROOT-style accumulator for the Boost-histogram profiles
 Ccbm::algo::ca::SearchWindowClass L1SearchWindow defines a parameterisation of hits search window for CA tracking algorithm TODO: SZh 8.11.2022: add description
 Ccbm::algo::kf::Setup< T >KF-framework representation of the detector setup
 Ccbm::algo::kf::Setup< cbm::algo::kf::fvec >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::Setup< DataT >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::SetupBuilderCreates a valid initialized Setup instance
 Ccbm::algo::yaml::ShouldMergeProperty< T, typename >
 Ccbm::algo::yaml::ShouldMergeProperty< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::MergeProperty)> >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::FieldFactory::SliceRefA helper structure for field slices initialization
 Ccbm::algo::ca::Station< DataT >
 Ccbm::algo::ca::Station< cbm::algo::kf::fvec >
 Ccbm::algo::ca::StationInitializerA base class which provides interface to L1Algo station geometry
 Ccbm::qa::report::TailTail of the report
 Ccbm::algo::kf::Target< T >A geometry layer in the target region
 Ccbm::kf::TargetCBM target accessor and property handler
 Ccbm::algo::kf::Target< cbm::algo::kf::fvec >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::Target< DataT >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::Target< double >
 Ccbm::atconverter::TaskFactoryFactory class for the instantiation of CBM analysis tree converter tasks
 Ccbm::reco::offline::TaskFactoryFactory class for the instantiation of CBM reconstruction tasks
 Ccbm::algo::evbuild::TimeClusterTriggerFinds clusters in time-series data
 Ccbm::algo::evbuild::TimeClusterTriggerMonitorDataMonitoring data for time cluster trigger algorithm
 Ccbm::algo::ca::TimerA timer class for the monitor
 Ccbm::algo::ca::TimesliceHeaderStructure for keeping the current information on the timeslice
 Ccbm::ca::TimeSliceReaderA reader of time slice for CA tracker
 Ccbm::algo::sts::UnpackMS::TimeSpecStructure to hold the current time information for the current microslice
 CTL1TracksCatCounters< T >Counters used for efficiency calculation
 CTL1TracksCatCounters< double >
 CTL1TracksCatCounters< int >
 Ccbm::mcbm::ToForceLibLoadClass needed to trigger loading of the library as no fct dict in ROOT6 and CLING
 Ccbm::algo::qa::TotalSums1DStorage for total sums of weights, squared weights, weights over x, weights over squared x
 Ccbm::algo::ca::TrackClass representing an output track in the CA tracking algorithm
 Ccbm::algo::TrackingChainConfigConfiguration reader for the TrackingChain class
 Ccbm::kf::TrackingSetupBuilderEncapsulation of the kf::Setup initialization routines for CBM
 Ccbm::algo::kf::TrackKalmanFilter< DataT >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::TrackKalmanFilter< double >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::TrackParamBase< T >It is a technical base class of kf::TrackParam
 Ccbm::algo::kf::TrackParamBase< DataT >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::TrackParamBase< double >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::TrackParamBase< fscal >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::TrackParamBase< fvec >
 CTrackParamBaseScalarScalar version of TrackParamBase
 CCbmKfTrackFitter::TrajectoryA trajectory to be fitted
 CTrdElossRepresents information about energy losses in one layer
 Ccbm::algo::ca::TripletTriplet class represents a short 3-hits track segment called a "triplet"
 Ccbm::algo::trd2d::UnpackAsicParTRD2D Unpacking parameters for one Asic
 Ccbm::algo::UnpackAux< MSAux >
 CUnpackAuxAuxiliary data for BMON unpacking
 Ccbm::algo::UnpackAux< cbm::algo::bmon::UnpackAuxData >
 Ccbm::algo::UnpackAux< cbm::algo::much::UnpackAuxData >
 Ccbm::algo::UnpackAux< cbm::algo::rich::UnpackAuxData >
 Ccbm::algo::UnpackAux< cbm::algo::sts::UnpackAuxData >
 Ccbm::algo::UnpackAux< cbm::algo::tof::UnpackAuxData >
 Ccbm::algo::UnpackAux< cbm::algo::trd2d::UnpackAuxData >
 Ccbm::algo::UnpackAux< cbm::algo::trd::UnpackAuxData >
 Ccbm::algo::trd2d::UnpackChannelParTRD2D Unpacking parameters for one Asic channel
 Ccbm::algo::trd::UnpackCrobParTRD Unpacking parameters for one CROB
 Ccbm::algo::bmon::UnpackElinkParBmon Unpacking parameters for one eLink / ASIC
 Ccbm::algo::much::UnpackElinkParSTS Unpacking parameters for one eLink / ASIC
 Ccbm::algo::rich::UnpackElinkParRICH Unpacking parameters for one eLink / ASIC
 Ccbm::algo::tof::UnpackElinkParTOF Unpacking parameters for one eLink / ASIC
 Ccbm::algo::trd::UnpackElinkParTRD Unpacking parameters for one eLink
 CUnpackMoniMonitoring data for BMON unpacking
 Ccbm::algo::rich::UnpackMonitorDataMonitoring data for RICH unpacking
 Ccbm::algo::trd::UnpackMonitorDataMonitoring data for TRD unpacking
 CUnpackMS< kMess24 >Unpack algorithm specialization for TRD2D based on one-layered FEB design introduced in 06.2024 (https://indico.gsi.de/event/20885/attachments/49263/72236/TRD2D-CDR-FEB.pdf)
 Ccbm::algo::UnpackMSBase< D, M, A >
 Ccbm::algo::UnpackMSBase< CbmBmonDigi, UnpackMonitorData, UnpackAuxData >
 Ccbm::algo::UnpackMSBase< CbmMuchDigi, UnpackMonitorData, UnpackAuxData >
 Ccbm::algo::UnpackMSBase< CbmRichDigi, UnpackMonitorData, UnpackAuxData >
 Ccbm::algo::UnpackMSBase< CbmStsDigi, UnpackMonitorData, UnpackAuxData >
 Ccbm::algo::UnpackMSBase< CbmTofDigi, UnpackMonitorData, UnpackAuxData >
 Ccbm::algo::UnpackMSBase< CbmTrdDigi, UnpackMonitorData, UnpackAuxData >
 Ccbm::algo::bmon::UnpackParParameters required for the BMON unpacking (specific to one component)
 Ccbm::algo::much::UnpackParParameters required for the STS unpacking (specific to one component)
 Ccbm::algo::rich::UnpackParParameters required for the RICH unpacking (specific to one component)
 Ccbm::algo::tof::UnpackParParameters required for the STS unpacking (specific to one component)
 Ccbm::algo::trd2d::UnpackParParameters required for the TRD2D unpacking (specific to one component)
 Ccbm::algo::trd::UnpackParParameters required for the TRD unpacking (specific to one component)
 CUnpackStsAuxAuxiliary data for STS unpacking
 CUnpackStsElinkParSTS Unpacking parameters for one eLink / ASIC
 CUnpackStsMoniMonitoring data for STS unpacking
 CUnpackStsParParameters required for the STS unpacking (specific to one component)
 Ccbm::algo::evbuild::V0TriggerTrigger class for secondary two-track vertices in mCBM
 Ccbm::algo::evbuild::V0TriggerConfigConfiguration of the V0 trigger class (trigger on displaced vertices)
 Ccbm::algo::evbuild::V0TriggerMoniDataMonitoring information for the algorithm V0Trigger
 Ccbm::algo::kf::utils::VecCopy< TdataA, TdataB, TDoAllA, TDoAllB >Copies all/one SIMD entries from one class to the other class
 Ccbm::algo::kf::utils::VecCopySpec< TdataA, TdataB, TDoAllA, TDoAllB >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::utils::VecCopySpec< TdataA, TdataB, false, false >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::utils::VecCopySpec< TdataA, TdataB, false, true >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::utils::VecCopySpec< TdataA, TdataB, true, false >
 Ccbm::algo::kf::utils::VecCopySpec< TdataA, TdataB, true, true >
 Ccbm::algo::ca::Vector< bool >
 Cvector< double >
 Cvector< int >
 CCbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceBase::VolumeInfoStructure to store geometry information of each station
 Ccbm::algo::ca::WindowDataContainer for internal data, processed on a single time window