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Cleanup of CbmTofSimpClusterizer (with histograms).

Dominik Smith requested to merge d.smith/cbmroot:TofSimpCleanupWithHistos into master

@v.friese @f.uhlig @p.-a.loizeau

This is a cleaned up version of the class CbmTofSimpClusterizer. It is drastically shorter than the original version. I initially thought of this as purely precursor work for the porting to the algo namespace, but now think it may be a good idea to release a replacement for the offline class as well, as the existing version is in a particularly bad state.

Unfortunately I removed all of the histograms from this class. I will now attempt to put them back in. Looking through the output of the class, I see that lots of them are empty. I can probably reconstruct which histograms are actually filled and which aren't, but some feedback from TOF experts would be nice. We might not need to support all of the histograms.

P.S.: Sorry for being so blunt. No offense meant to anyone.

Update: Histograms are back in. Ready for merge.

Edited by Dominik Smith

Merge request reports
