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L1: Updates

Sergei Zharko requested to merge s.zharko/cbmroot:L1Algo-tomaster-test into master

Note: this merge request is a replacement of the merge request 909 from 04.08.2022 with fixes and additions

Update from 04.08.2022

  • refactoring of UV to XY coordinates functions (+replace to the L1Station class);
  • global clean-up of member variables in CbmL1;
  • move constructor and assignment operator are introduced for the L1Vector class;
  • bugfix: removal of the MuCh digitisation parameters file setter from CbmL1 and some macros

Update from 16.08.2022

  • new input tracking data object and manager are introduced (L1InpudData, L1IODataManager)
  • station index is added as a member variable to the L1Hit class phi distributions of tracks are added into the L1 performance:

"h_reco_phi" - azimuthal angle of reconstructed tracks "h_reg_phi_prim" - azimuthal angle of registered primary tracks "h_reg_phi_sec" - azimuthal angle of registered secondary tracks "h_acc_phi_prim" - azimuthal angle of accepted primary tracks "h_acc_phi_sec" - azimuthal angle of accepted secondary tracks "h_reco_phi_prim" - azimuthal angle of reconstructed primary tracks "h_reco_phi_sec" - azimuthal angle of reconstructed secondary tracks "h_rest_phi_prim" - azimuthal angle of not found primary tracks "h_rest_phi_sec" - azimuthal angle of not found secondary tracks "h_ghost_phi" - azimuthal angle of ghost tracks

  • (*fpAlgo->vHits)[iHit] was replaced with fpAlgo->GetInputData()->GetHit(iHit)
  • fStripFlag vector was replaced with fvHitKeyFlags vector, which now contains only hit usage flags
  • updated instructions on the CbmTrackingDetectorInterfaceInit task placement

Update from 22.08.2022

  • Fixed potential memory leak in CbmL1Performance.cxx
Edited by Sergei Zharko

Merge request reports