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L1Algo interface and tools: updates

Sergei Zharko requested to merge s.zharko/cbmroot:L1AlgoDev3 into master

Updates on L1Algo interface and tools:

  • L1Assert namespace: assertion macros dependent on assertion level is introduced
  • L1Array class: inherited from std::array, keeps actual number of elements and iterates over them only + keeps the name of an array (in similar manner to L1Vector)

New class in core/qa - CbmQaTable, table class for ROOT, provides visualisation for table in ROOT-files and keeps functionality of its base class TH2D

Updates in CbmL1Performance:

  • efficiency tables were replaced with CbmQaTable objects, resulted table is saved near performance histograms
  • L1_histo.root file now depends on the input name and is saved near main output *.reco.root file

Updates in L1CATrackFinder.cxx:

  • Refactoring of the loop over track finder iterations was started, hard-coded cuts in the beginning of the loop were replaced with ones, defined as the fields of L1CaIteration objects, created in CbmL1::Init()
Edited by Sergei Zharko

Merge request reports