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Include all unpackers in the new /reco/steer/ based scheme

Pascal Raisig requested to merge praisig/cbmroot:unpacker2021 into master

Current status:

  • PSD is included and time correlation with TRD can be observed in run 1489. However, no monitoring is included

  • RICH is included but the time calculation might be wrong, since, up to now no correlation could be observed. May be some exchange with RICH experts is required. @s.lebedev

    • Add on, the time calculation in the unpacker should be correct. Due to a minor issue in the firmware, a large shift of ~1 µSlice-length has to be accounted for in the Rich to see time correlations.
  • STS first version time reconstruction to be checked by experts @d.smith

    • An additional fix of the time calculation is included, now all binning effects should be gone.
  • TOF v1 included thanks to @p.-a.loizeau

  • TRD included and seems to work

  • TRD2D (FASP) included to be checked and confirmed by @a.bercuci

    • Add on: Some fixes added by @a.bercuci to get the correct time should work now.

I added all experts or at least those person, of whom I guess to know are kind of responsible for the unpacking to the unpackers. Please let me know if I should add someone else. I think we should have short meeting in the next week to discuss how to proceed.

Edited by Pascal Raisig

Merge request reports
