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Lean version of the new PSD unpacker in the scheme of CbmRecoUnpack

Volker Friese requested to merge v.friese/cbmroot:mcbm into master

Based on CbmMcbm2018UnpackerAlgoPsd written by N. Karpushkin, already accommodating the new PSD raw data format (version 100).

It was stripped from parameter handling and monitoring and provides the interface required by CbmRecoUnpack (processing of a single component). The needed parameters (energy calibration channel-wise) are hard-coded in this first go. Also, the config scheme introduced by P. Raisig with the TRD unpacker is not yet adhered to; the class is directly hardwired to CbmRecoUnpack.

The digi times are relative to the current time slice start.

No backward compatibility to older PSD data formats,

Merge request reports
