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Fix Geant4 configuration

Florian Uhlig requested to merge f.uhlig/cbmroot:fix_geant4_config into master

With the additional parameter specialCuts the energy based Geant3 cuts are automatically converted to the range based Geant4 cuts by VMC. Without the parameter the default Geant4 cuts are used. The change reduced the number of secondaries by a factor of 5 or more for a normal CbmRoot UrQMD simulation and speed up the runtime by factors. The runtime compared to Geant3 went from being slower by a factor of 4 to being slower by 30 %. The change of the maximum number of steps from 1e7 to the correct number of 10000 has no effect. There are no tracks exceeding 10000 steps such that there is no additional speedup.

Merge request reports
