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Installation Script Revamped

Eoin Clerkin requested to merge e.clerkin/cbmroot:autoinstaller into master

Legacy behaviour is honoured, so users may continue to use the script as before without interuption in their scripts.

However, additional layer of flag options with help statements follows standard command line conventions which may allow first time users to more readily use the code.

Changes to the compiler, dev, and old features which were previous embedded in the code, is now brought forward for the user.

Robustness changes to allow script to run without fault on increased number hardware systems.

A logfile record of all stdout and stderr will be written to hidden file .autoinstall_framework.log in the working directory for user to check at later date.

A git ignore file is included, to clear up the staging before commits.

Adds flag or asks user, post installation, whether to use the new build environment. Assume a "No" prespecified answer to prevent pausing if script embedded in other scripts.

Merge request reports
