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KF: material budget maps caching

Sergei Zharko requested to merge s.zharko/cbmroot:kf-material-2 into master

The merge request introduces material budget maps caching in order to reduce testing time. A cache-file is stored in the same directory, as the sink-file, and has a name <setup_tag>.mat.kf.bin, where the setup tag is retrieved from the CbmSetup instance. If the cache-file exists for a given geometry, it will supply the material budget maps to the tracking setup builder class. Otherwise, material budget maps are generated on the flight.

The cache file contain a vector of material maps and a setup hash. The latter is unique for a given geometry and is calculated from the tags of active modules. If the hash values of a setup and a cache file diverge, the material budget maps will be generated again, and the cache file will be rewritten.

PAL edit Redmine: refs #3462

Edited by Pierre-Alain Loizeau

Merge request reports
