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Scripts to use mCBM 2024 separate forks

Redmine Refs #3265

Scripts to use mCBM 2024 forks/branches in a safe way.
The corresponding branches and are already setup with restricted rights (only fast-forward, no force push allowed even for maintainers) and synced to today state of the official versions

I tested all the scripts in a local copy of the official master except the functionality to commit and push

README file included in the macro/beamtime/mcbm2024 folder


  • The mCBM will have to take care of the end game of bringing these changes back to the official version by themselves!
  • Once the branch start being used, no rebase from the official version can be done. Cherry-picking can be done but means there will potential be a mix of local and official commits in the branch history which will need to be cleaned up at the end
  • This address only geometries and parameters for the "offline" version, for the online software the changes still need to got to the official repositories!

Of interest to: @d.emschermann @c.sturm @n.herrmann

I will set it to auto-merge as the changes to not impact the main Cbmroot operation and are lightweight, but please test start testing it quickly after the merge so that we can advertise it in next Tuesday meeting!

Edited by Pierre-Alain Loizeau

Merge request reports
