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Online-QA module for STS raw digis

Sergei Zharko requested to merge s.zharko/cbmroot:online-raw-sts-digi-qa into master

The module is represented with the class cbm::algo::sts::DigiQa (file StsDigiQa.h). On this iteration the following distributions are added: digi vs. channel vs. address, digi vs. charge vs. address, and digi vs. channel vs. charge vs. address.

Modification to histogram server:

  • bugfix: the histogram server does not crash any more, if the canvas has more pads, then the corresponding canvas config
  • possibility to save canvases into subdirectories was added

NOTE: this merge request should be merged after the !1689 (merged)

Edited by Sergei Zharko

Merge request reports
