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YAML configurable binary for digitization

Frederic Julian Linz requested to merge f.kornas/cbmroot:digi into master

This is a draft for a digitization binary as a follow up of the already converter offline reconstruction and at converter binaries. In contrast to the other two steps, I did not create the TaskFactory class, due to the very few lines to setup the digitization object, which is completely done within the Exec() function in Run.cxx.

After verification/cross-checking and finalizing run scripts (to be done after also transport step has been adapted to the new binary approach), this MR can replace the json configurable class, sim/response/base/CbmDigitizationConfig.h/.cxx as well as the corresponding macro macro/PWG/common/production/run_digi_json_config.C.

In comparison to the existing json config approach, two new options have been added: (1) storeAllTimeslices is actually used now (2) the time distribution of events can be set by user (old default was Poisson, now Poisson/Uniform can be chosen)

Final fixes have been applied and the outcome is identical to the currently used JSON approach.

Edited by Frederic Julian Linz

Merge request reports
