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[mCBM] in check timing algo, protect against warning flood in TRD case


This change is to protect against a flood of warning messages in the CI (~ millions messages) when running the check timing test on the 2021 data (run 1588): [WARN] Trd condition not implemented. Skip.

With the change, I get the following restricted output in the test mcbm_chktime_2021_1588

[WARN] Trd condition not implemented for Trd module 37. Skip.
[WARN] Trd condition not implemented for Trd module 53. Skip.
[WARN] Trd condition not implemented for Trd module 5. Skip.
[WARN] Trd condition not implemented for Trd module 21. Skip.

If there is something that should be added to the mCBM 2021 macro macro/beamtime/mcbm2021/check_timing_any.C to get rid of these just let me know and I would add it to the commit (from loose memories the last changes to this class you introduced to support 2022 data and probably tuned only the corresponding macro)


Edited by Pierre-Alain Loizeau

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