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Minimum adc cuts for algo::UnpackSts

Dominik Smith requested to merge d.smith/cbmroot:UnpackStsAdcCut into master

Introduced minimum adc cuts for algo::UnpackSts, currently with hard-coded values for the 2022 setup.

Yet another map was added to StsReadoutConfigLegacy to store / access this value. It could in principle be added to the existing readout map, but that probably doesn't simplify things. I chose to separate the standard readout parameters (addresses etc.), which are required to be defined for all elinks, from stuff that is optional and / or only partially defined (adc cuts, walk correction, channel masking).

Includes commits of !1229 (merged) as the "febId" is needed in the same way for both additions.

Output was verified on run 2391.

@v.friese @p.-a.loizeau @fweig

Merge request reports
