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Draft: Added cbm::algo::Unpack to CbmDevUnpack (Fair MQ device)

Dominik Smith requested to merge d.smith/cbmroot:AlgoUnpackMQ into master

An update to the unpacker Fair MQ device reco/mq/CbmDevUnpack, to account for the recent introduction of cbm::algo::Unpack.

Depends on !1176 (merged)

@p.-a.loizeau @f.uhlig @v.friese Maybe one of you can explain this: I compared the output of the MQ device to the output of CbmTaskUnpack, which uses the same unpacker algo class, by looking at histograms for the digi data members for different subsystems in TBrowser. I observed that address and charge histograms are the same, but the time distributions are slightly off when displayed on the screen. The mean values and standard deviations are the same at the precision which is shown however.

Probably this is just something weird about TBrowser. The x-axis range seems to be chosen differently for the two output files, perhaps because the string that describes the data member has a different length, leading to a different set of histogram bins. I did write the timestamps into files for one detector and compared them, and this seems to be ok.

Edit: Since the unpacker in the MQ chain does not natively support writing digis to files, I processed them through the event builder before comparing the time stamps. This might somehow be the origin of the problem. There might also be some issue with rounding.

Edit2: Rounding does not appear to be the problem.

Also: The init functions for the TRD/TRD2D parameters were copied over from CbmTaskUnpack, so there is code duplication. These will be dropped when reading from YAML files is properly implemented.

Edited by Dominik Smith

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