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Unpackers for TOF and T0 (BMON) using XPU

Dominik Smith requested to merge d.smith/cbmroot:UnpackTofT0Gpu into master

New XPU unpackers for TOF and BMON, based on the CPU implementations from !923 (merged).

Correctness was verified against the original version on the first timeslice of 2391_node8_0_0008.tsa.

Contains all commmits from the STS XPU unpacker (!1107 (merged)), as it shares the same FairTask. Also contains all commits from from !923 (merged).

The code from this MR has only been tested on the CPU. Running it on the GPU will require XPU ports of CbmTofDigi, CbmBmonDigi and critof001::Message. Based on previous experience, this code should then run on the GPU in its present form.

@v.friese @f.uhlig @fweig @p.-a.loizeau @n.herrmann

Merge request reports
