39 V0FinderQa(
const std::unique_ptr<qa::Manager>& pManager, std::string_view name) : qa::
TaskHeader(pManager, name) {}
64 static constexpr double kMassL = 1.08;
65 static constexpr double kMassU = 1.18;
66 static constexpr int kDcaB = 240;
67 static constexpr double kDcaL = 0.;
68 static constexpr double kDcaU = 12.;
71 static constexpr double kBetaU = 1.2;
A QA-task for the V0-finding algorithm.
qa::H1D * fvphMassLambdaCand
Mass of Lambda-candidates.
V0FinderQa(const V0FinderQa &)=delete
Copy constructor.
static constexpr int kDcaB
DCA to origin: number of bins.
qa::H1D * fvphMomAll
Speed of all particles.
V0FinderQa & operator=(V0FinderQa &&)=delete
Move assignment operator.
V0FinderQa(V0FinderQa &&)=delete
Move constructor.
qa::H1D * fvphBetaAll
Speed of all particles.
V0FinderQa & operator=(const V0FinderQa &)=delete
Copy assignment operator.
static constexpr int kBetaB
Speed of particle: number of bins.
void Init()
Initialized the task.
void Exec(const RecoResults &recoEvent, const V0Finder &v0Finder)
Executes the task, fills the histograms.
static constexpr double kDcaU
DCA to origin: upper bound [cm].
static constexpr double kBetaU
Speed of particle: upper bound [c].
qa::H1D * fvphBetaPion
Speed of pion-candidates.
V0FinderQa(const std::unique_ptr< qa::Manager > &pManager, std::string_view name)
qa::H1D * fvphMomPion
Speed of pion-candidates.
qa::H1D * fvphDcaAll
DCA of particles to origin.
static constexpr double kDcaL
DCA to origin: lower bound [cm].
static constexpr double kMassL
Lambda-candidate mass: lower bound [GeV/c2].
qa::H1D * fvphBetaProton
Speed of proton-candidates.
qa::H1D * fvphMomProton
Speed of proton-candidates.
static constexpr double kBetaL
Speed of particle: lower bound [c].
static constexpr double kMassU
Lambda-candidate mass: upper bound [GeV/c2].
qa::H1D * fvphMassAll
Mass of all particles in the topology.
static constexpr int kMassB
Lambda-candidate mass: number of bins.