40 auto canv =
"Lambda-trigger summary QA", 3, 2);
42 canv.AddPadConfig(PadConfig(
55 if (v0Finder.
GetT0s().size() == 1) {
56 for (uint32_t iTrk = 0; iTrk <
tracks.size(); ++iTrk) {
61 fvphDcaAll->
Fill(std::isnan(particleInfo.fDca) ? -999 : particleInfo.fDca);
64 if (particleInfo.fPdg == -211) {
68 else if (particleInfo.fPdg == 2212) {
76 for (uint32_t iTrk = 0; iTrk <
tracks.size(); ++iTrk) {
79 fvphDcaAll->
Fill(std::isnan(particleInfo.fDca) ? -999 : particleInfo.fDca);
82 if (particleInfo.fPdg == -211) {
86 else if (particleInfo.fPdg == 2212) {
95 for (
const auto& particle : particles) {
97 if (particle.GetPDG() == 3122) {
A V0 finding algorithm QA.
A structure for reconstructed results: digi-events, hits and tracks.
A QA-task for the V0-finding algorithm.
qa::H1D * fvphMassLambdaCand
Mass of Lambda-candidates.
static constexpr int kDcaB
DCA to origin: number of bins.
qa::H1D * fvphMomAll
Speed of all particles.
qa::H1D * fvphBetaAll
Speed of all particles.
static constexpr int kBetaB
Speed of particle: number of bins.
void Init()
Initialized the task.
void Exec(const RecoResults &recoEvent, const V0Finder &v0Finder)
Executes the task, fills the histograms.
static constexpr double kDcaU
DCA to origin: upper bound [cm].
static constexpr double kBetaU
Speed of particle: upper bound [c].
qa::H1D * fvphBetaPion
Speed of pion-candidates.
qa::H1D * fvphMomPion
Speed of pion-candidates.
qa::H1D * fvphDcaAll
DCA of particles to origin.
static constexpr double kDcaL
DCA to origin: lower bound [cm].
static constexpr double kMassL
Lambda-candidate mass: lower bound [GeV/c2].
qa::H1D * fvphBetaProton
Speed of proton-candidates.
qa::H1D * fvphMomProton
Speed of proton-candidates.
static constexpr double kBetaL
Speed of particle: lower bound [c].
static constexpr double kMassU
Lambda-candidate mass: upper bound [GeV/c2].
qa::H1D * fvphMassAll
Mass of all particles in the topology.
static constexpr int kMassB
Lambda-candidate mass: number of bins.
const std::unique_ptr< KFParticleTopoReconstructor > & GetTopoReconstructor() const
Accessor to topology reconstructor.
const std::vector< ParticleInfo > & GetParticleInfo() const
Gets a vector of particle info.
static constexpr int32_t kUndefPdg
PDG for tracks, which PID cannot be inferred.
const auto & GetTrackAssignedParams() const
Gets track parameters.
const std::vector< double > & GetT0s() const
Gets found t0s.
A canvas configuration for the histogram server.
int Fill(double x, double w=1.)
Fills histogram.
A pad configuration for the histogram server.
ca::Vector< ca::Track > tracks