A structure to store different triggers in parallel to the CbmEvent (implementation)
A monitor for the V0Finder.
A V0 finding algorithm QA.
A structure for reconstructed results: digi-events, hits and tracks.
Class to store different triggers for a given event.
A chain for the V0 finder.
V0FinderChain & operator=(const V0FinderChain &)=delete
Copy assignment operator.
Default constructor.
V0FinderChain & operator=(V0FinderChain &&)=delete
Move assignment operator.
CbmEventTriggers EventOutput
EventOutput ProcessEvent(const RecoResults &recoEvent)
Processes an event, returns a collection of fired triggers.
void Finalize()
Finalizes the instance (called in the end of the run)
PODVector< uint32_t > fBmonDefinedAddresses
Available addresses of BMON.
kfp::V0FinderMonitor fMonitorRun
Monitor per run.
kfp::V0FinderMonitorData_t fMonitorTimeslice
Monitor per timeslice.
kfp::V0Finder fFinder
Instance of the V0-finding algorithm.
V0FinderChain(const V0FinderChain &)=delete
Copy constructor.
V0FinderChain(V0FinderChain &&)=delete
Move constructor.
void SetBmonDefinedAddresses(const PODVector< uint32_t > &addresses)
Sets BMON diamond addresses array.
void Init()
Initializes the instance (called in the beginning of the run)
kfp::V0FinderMonitorData_t GetMonitor()
Gets a monitor.
std::unique_ptr< kfp::V0FinderQa > fpFinderQa
QA module.
std::vector< T, PODAllocator< T > > PODVector
PODVector is a std::vector that doesn't initialize its elements.