103 template<
typename Archive>
106 ar& boost::serialization::base_object<ca::Monitor<ECounter, ETimer>>(*this);
CA Tracking monitor class.
A monitor for the V0Finder.
Monitor class for the CA tracking.
void SetCounterName(ECounter key, std::string_view name)
void SetTimerName(ETimer key, std::string_view name)
void SetRatioKeys(const std::vector< ECounter > &vKeys)
Default constructor.
void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int)
friend class boost::serialization::access
TODO: SZh 8.11.2022: add selection of parameterisation.
Counter keys for the V0FinderMonitor.
@ Protons
Number of proton-candidates.
@ PionsDca
Number of raw pion-candidates.
@ Pions
Number of pion-candidates.
@ KfpEventsLambdaCand
Events with lambda-candidates in KF-particle.
@ PrimaryDca
Number of raw proton-candidates.
@ TracksWUnphysicalBeta
Tracks with beta > 1.
@ TracksWoStsHits
Tracks, which have no STS hits.
@ TracksInfiniteParam
Tracks, which have infinite parameters.
@ EventsTotal
Total number of events.
@ TracksWoPid
Tracks, which has undefined PID.
@ ProtonsDca
Number of raw proton-candidates.
@ TracksWoMomentum
Tracks, which has no momentum.
@ TracksSelected
Tracks, which satisfy topology PID applicability.
@ TracksWoTofHits
Tracks, which have no TOF hits.
@ EventsLambdaCand
Events with at least one pion and one proton candidate.
@ TracksWNegativeTofHitTime
Tracks, the last TOF hit of which has a negative time (it's time is less then the t0)
@ EventsWoTzero
Number of events with undefined t-zero.
@ KfpLambdaCandidates
Number of lambda-candidates.
@ TracksTotal
Total number of tracks.
Timer keys for the V0FinderMonitor.
@ ExecKfp
Run KFParticleFinder inside the event.
@ FindV0Candidates
V0-finder procedure for a given t0.
@ PrepareContainers
Prepare data containers.
@ ProcessEvent
Processing of a single event.
@ PreselectTracks
Track preselection.
@ CollectT0
Collecting T0s.
@ CollectDca
Estimating DCAs.
@ InitKfp
Init KFParticleFinder inside the event.