60 std::vector<std::vector<Clusterizer>>
A clusterizer algorithm for BMON.
Parameters of the BMON hitfinder.
Hit-finder steering class for BMON.
Hitfind(HitfindSetup setup, uint32_t nThreads=1)
uint32_t fSelectionBitmask
Selection bitmask.
Output_t operator()(gsl::span< CbmBmonDigi > digisIn, uint32_t iThread=0)
Algorithm execution operator.
std::vector< std::vector< Clusterizer > > fAlgo
Clusterizer algorithms [thread][diamond].
std::tuple< PartitionedVector< Hit >, HitfindMonitorData, PODVector< int32_t > > Output_t
Output format.
uint32_t fSelectionBitsOffset
Number of bits to ther right from the first bit in the selection mask.
PODVector< uint32_t > fDiamondAddress
Diamond address.
size_t GetDiamondIndex(uint32_t address) const
Returns an index of the diamond by the address.
uint32_t fNofThreads
Number of threads.
const PODVector< uint32_t > & GetDiamondAddresses() const
Gets diamond addresses vector.
tof::HitfindMonitorData HitfindMonitorData
TOF hit-finder monitor, re-used for BMON.
std::vector< T, PODAllocator< T > > PODVector
PODVector is a std::vector that doesn't initialize its elements.
Parameters for the BMON hitfinder.
Monitoring data for hitfinding.