24 std::stringstream msg;
25 msg <<
28 msg <<
"\n\tmax. chi2/NDF for primary particles (chi2_prim): " <<
29 msg <<
"\n\tmax. chi2/NDF for V0 candidates (chi2_geo): " <<
37 std::stringstream msg;
38 msg <<
"\tPDG: " <<
39 msg <<
"\n\t\tmin. DCA to PV: " <<
minDca <<
" [cm]";
40 msg <<
"\n\t\tmin. velocity: " <<
minVelocity <<
" [cm/ns]";
41 msg <<
"\n\t\tmax. velocity: " <<
maxVelocity <<
" [cm/ns]";
49 std::stringstream msg;
51 msg <<
53 msg <<
'\n' << particle.ToString();
66 std::stringstream msg;
67 msg <<
"\n-------------- KFP V0-finder Configuration: ------------------------------------------------";
70 msg <<
72 msg <<
"\n\tReference BMON: 0x" << hex << setw(8) << setfill(
'0') <<
bmonAddress << dec;
75 msg <<
Configuration structure for V0 selector in mCBM.
Cuts for the KFParticleFinder.
float maxChi2NdfPrim
Maximal chi2/NDF for primary particles (coming from the PV)
std::string ToString() const
String representation of the structure.
float minDecayLDL
Minimal value of decay length to decay length error ratio.
float maxChi2NdfGeo
Maximal chi2/NDF for V0 candidates.
float minDecayLength
Minimal decay length of particles [cm].
std::string ToString() const
String representation of the structure.
std::vector< ParticlePid > particles
Daughter PID cuts and other properties.
CutsKfp kfp
Specific cuts for the KFParticleFinder.
PID and pre-selection cuts for a given particle.
int pdg
PDG code for particle.
double maxVelocity
Maximal velocity [cm/ns].
std::string ToString() const
String representation of the structure.
double minDca
Minimal DCA to PV [cm].
double minVelocity
Minimal velocity [cm/ns].
Cuts cuts
Different selection cuts.
uint32_t bmonAddress
Address of BMON diamond (if multiple alternative are present, only one must be selected)
double tZeroOffset
Offset for T0 [ns].
int primaryAssignedPdg
Assigned PDG hypothesis for primary particles.
std::string ToString() const
String representation of the contents.
int reconstructPdg
PDG of the particle, the decay of which is to be reconstructed.
double qpAssignedUncertainty
Assigned relative uncertainty for q/p estimation.