42 HitfindQa(
const std::unique_ptr<qa::Manager>& pManager, std::string_view name) : qa::
TaskHeader(pManager, name) {}
90 static constexpr double kChrgU = 150.;
99 const std::vector<CbmBmonDigi>*
A BMON hitfinder QA parameter configuration.
Data class for a signal in the t-zero detector.
A vector that is partitioned into multiple subvectors.
A QA module for the BMON hit-finder.
std::vector< qa::H1D * > fvphHitNofChan
Hit number of channels [diamond].
const std::vector< CbmBmonDigi > * fpDigis
Pointer to BMON digi sample.
static constexpr double kDtimeU
digi time difference: upper bound [ns]
HitfindQa & operator=(HitfindQa &&)=delete
Move assignment operator.
std::vector< qa::H1D * > fvphHitTimeDiff
Time difference of two digis in a hit [diamond].
HitfindQa(HitfindQa &&)=delete
Move constructor.
std::vector< qa::H1D * > fvphDigiOccupVsChan
Digi occupancy vs. channel [diamond].
void RegisterDigiIndices(const PODVector< int32_t > *pDigiIndices)
Registers a sample of digi indices, used by hits.
Constructor from the configuration object.
HitfindQa & operator=(const HitfindQa &)=delete
Copy assignment operator.
void Exec()
Executes the task, fills the histograms.
const PODVector< int32_t > * fpDigiIndices
Pointer to BMON digi indices, used by hits.
void RegisterHits(const PartitionedVector< bmon::Hit > *pHits)
Registers a sample of hits.
void InitParameters(const CalibrateSetup &calSetup, const HitfindSetup &hitSetup)
Initialisation of the parameters.
static constexpr double kChrgU
charge scale: upper bound
static constexpr int kChrgB
charge scale: number of bins
const PartitionedVector< bmon::Hit > * fpHits
Pointer to BMON hit sample.
std::vector< qa::H2D * > fvphDigiChargeVsChan
Digi charge vs channel [diamond].
static constexpr double kChrgL
charge scale: lower bound
void RegisterDigis(const std::vector< CbmBmonDigi > *pDigis)
Registers a sample of digis.
static constexpr double kDtimeL
digi time difference: lower bound [ns]
HitfindQa(const std::unique_ptr< qa::Manager > &pManager, std::string_view name)
static constexpr int kDtimeB
digi time difference: number of bins
HitfindQaParameters fParameters
Parameters of the hit finder QA.
void Init()
Initialized the task.
HitfindQa(const HitfindQa &)=delete
Copy constructor.
std::vector< T, PODAllocator< T > > PODVector
PODVector is a std::vector that doesn't initialize its elements.
BMON calibration per channel.
A structure to handle BMON QA parameters.
Parameters for the BMON hitfinder.